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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1704248
When the lift stops panic begins.

“The penthouse please.” Heath Rodgers slurred to the lift operator.
The young boys eyes bulged from their sockets and his mouth dropped. I was getting used to this but still couldn’t help pretending that the boy’s reaction was new to me. I searched for a cigarette in my silver sequined clutch and placed it between my rose red lipstick covered lips.
“Darling, can I borrow your lighter?” I asked the handsome man on my arm.
“Sure sweetie, but on one condition...” He said with a devilish smile showing his ivory teeth.
“Anything.” I replied flirtatiously.
“You allow me to rip that stunning red dress off you once we reach the room.” He answered while lighting my cigarette.
  We giggled before he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I felt safe in his strong arms almost as if he was invincible and not even a bullet could knock him down. He cupped my face in his palms and pressed his lips against mine. I couldn’t help but glance at the lift operator. I couldn’t blame his reaction because three days before I wouldn’t have believed it if Heath Rodgers was sharing a lift with me let alone making out with me.
  The early ping of the lift tore through our embrace. Once again we were separate and standing next to each other like strangers. The lift doors slipped open and in walked two men dressed in black suits. One was short and round while the other was tall and skinny. They reminded me of two characters out of a comedy sketch I’d seen while I was staying in Chicago. My lover had sent me there with some extra cash to entertain myself until he joined me. Feeling lonely one night I went to see a show after drowning my emptiness in vodka. I haven’t much memory of the show or my trip only that it ended with my lover’s wife barging into my hotel room while I was trying the new lingerie he’d bought me.
  The lift began to crawl up again and then I noticed the short man was carrying a briefcase that was locked by a code. I played a game with myself of trying to guess what was inside. I started with the obvious money, jewels or even secret documents. But then I got myself in a panic as I began to guess guns, knives or maybe a few bricks that would knock me out in one swing of the suitcase. My imagination pounced upon me and my hand shot out in search for Heath’s hand. Surprisingly he moved his hand out of my way and glared down at me. His eyes were darker than I remembered and he looked intimidating with a serious expression on his face. He was combing his midnight hair back into its neat, professional style after my fingers had run through it.
  I noticed the two men glancing back at me and Heath. This usually happened when I was with Heath, I mean I could understand it’s hard to believe that Heath Rodgers the owner of the adult magazine “Cherry Girl”, celebrity playboy and actor was in the lift with me. He may not be the best actor but he was the most talked about celebrity and his social life was much more entertaining than his films. But these looks were different, they were sinister.
  The lift pinged again and in walked a glamorous tall slim blonde in a floor length sky blue gown that was covered in crystals. She wore a diamond chocker that sparkled in the light that matched her long heavy earrings and bracelet. Her blonde hair was tied up in a bun and it curled around her face. Her eyes matched her dress and sparkled like the diamonds stitched to it. She walked gracefully into the lift and flashed a smile at the two men that came in before us and then a polite smile at me. I returned it with a weak beam and then noticed her glance at Heath. A familiar pang of jealousy hit me when I saw Heath’s reaction. He smiled sweetly at her and looked as if he wanted to say something. It hurt more than usual and it wasn’t because she was beautiful but because he wasn’t glaring at her and giving her his devilish smile but he was being sweet and his eyes were glued to her glowing face.
“How’s your father Hayley?” The man with the briefcase asked the girl in blue.
“Oh, he’s fine thank you for asking Mr Maxwell.” Hayley answered with a sugary voice and a bright smile.
“Good, good. And Hayley how many times must I ask you to call me Bruce?” He replied with a grin.
“Mr Maxwell you are my father’s friend and so out of respect I shall call you Mr Maxwell.” Hayley snapped back surprisingly but still with sweetness in her voice.
  I noticed Heath smile secretly as he lit a cigar. Hayley glanced at him and her eyebrows sank I could tell she wasn’t happy with Heath’s reaction but he still grinned and shook his head. I wasn’t happy with his reaction either, I was his girl now and I was determined to change his ways. I stared at Hayley as we rose higher and higher up “The Grand Hotel”. Her eyes were fixed on the door of the lift and her manicured hands stroked the ends of her sky blue scarf that had slipped off her shoulders and was now gently resting on the inside of her elbows. She was so elegant and beautiful and held herself with poise. Every eye in the lift was on her including the lift operators.
  “Alright Donald you know what we discussed.” Bruce barked at the young boy who came back down to earth as he shook his head.
“C’mon boy, we haven’t got all day!” The tall skinny man croaked for the first time.
“What’s going on?” Hayley asked stepping away from the men.
  Suddenly the young boy reached out towards the leaver and with a violent jerk the lift grinded to a halt. Bruce pulled out a gun and aimed it towards Hayley. Her face drained to white and her eyes shined with a layer of tears.
“What do you want?” She choked “I haven’t got anything, my father has the money!”
“I’m not after your money.” Bruce said tenderly “I’m after my money.”
“Sir, May I ask you to put your weapon away or at least lower it from the Lady.” A voice squeaked from behind me.
  I turned around to see the young boy had plucked enough courage to try and protect Hayley. His face was hard but his eyes told a story of fear. His olive skin had drained and I thought he was going to faint. I couldn’t tell if he was playing the hero for Hayley’s sake or for his own. Whatever his purpose his courage killed him. The tall man lifted his gun and the young boy fell.
  “Oh my God!” Whispered Hayley who was now shaking. “You killed an innocent boy!”
  “Maybe now we can get serious.” Bruce said raising his gun so it aimed to Hayley’s forehead.
  Blood began to stain the breast of Donald’s white shirt. His forest green eyes glared into nothingness. I could read the surprise and fear on his pale face. My tears got the best of me and ran down my cheeks. He was no older than seventeen and his life was over because he chose the wrong time to be brave. I wondered what his mother was doing this very second. Was she waiting up for him knowing his shift will be ending in about an hour? Would she be cooking a meal for him for when he gets home unaware that her son was lying dead in a lift with five strangers?
  “Fine, you wanna play games? We’ll play games.” Bruce began with a grin lowering the gun. “If I don’t get to know where my money is in thirty seconds the brunette in the red dress gets a taste of my bullet.”
  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My life was being put on the line for a strangers money. I turned to Heath for security. He looked worried and he was chewing his bottom lip. There were almost tears in his eyes and I began to believe I had cured him from his playboy ways. This nightmare was bringing us closer together if anything. I stood there waiting for him to jump in front of me and yell “Take me instead!” I stood there waiting lost in his painfully worried face. I waited. I waited.
  “I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Screamed Hayley
  “Twenty seconds...” Was Bruce’s only response.
  I had twenty seconds left to live and Heath was frozen in his place chewing his bottom lip until it bled. I guessed he was thinking his last thoughts before he risked his life for mine.
  “Fifteen seconds...”
  He was taking to long. I would be dead by the time he reacted and then our love would be doomed.
  “Ten seconds...”
  Maybe he didn’t believe I felt the same way about him. Maybe he was afraid to risk his love for a woman who did not feel the same about him.
  “Heath, you don’t need to worry. I love you too, no matter what happens.” The words slipped out.
  Heath turned to look at me confused. I waited to hear the three little words that had never been said to me. I never heard them.
  “Do you expect me to save you?” His dark eyes were sparkling “If you die I don’t have to pay.”
  The last sentence made me feel like a fool. Of course I forgot in all the glitz and glamour that I didn’t belong there. Heath was an actor who had given me a chance to feel special but that was all. There’s a difference between feeling special and being special.
  “You’re nothing but a prostitute!” His yell felt like a knife plunging into the pit of my stomach, or a bullet.
  Before I understood what had happened the pain screamed through my body. I could feel every nerve being cut off and my blood escaping. The air felt heavier and I struggled to breathe. The last of my energy was wasted on tears.
  “I have your money in my room. Do you mind stopping at the penthouse?” Heath’s voiced echoed.
  That was the last words I heard. And the last scene my eyes saw before the final curtain was Heath wrapping his arm around Hayley and kissing her passionately. Hayley was special.         
© Copyright 2010 Rainbow Shortcake (megzii20 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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