Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1703971-A-Journey-Without-Tragedy
by kaledo
Rated: E · Serial · Other · #1703971
Journey of a girl recorded in the form of a journal .
Journal Entry # 338 December 4th ,2009
Such beautiful blue skies and green fields . An ocean that strechs across the world a sky that loves at twilight. A clock that winks at you just to tease you . A life that isn't worth living . A world that should be shared . One gust of wind one icy breeze and the world is different .

Dear Journel ,
Today I think the cloak actually winked at me just to be funny of how boring the world is today but I decided to make a difference . Today instead of raising my hand with the answer for every question I didn't raise my hand . Well not unless everyone else didn't know the answer , which they never did . So I did fail at making a small difference but I have lots of time and work till I can make a big difference .
Grace said today that she thought I was very impatient [typical ] she always says that . I think I just wrote that down to remind myself to go buy some patience as John would say " Lacy Jane please go bye some patience it's free . Wouldn't even cost you a penny . "
When Nickel joined in on this saying today I told them both " I'm sure Patience cost as much as it does to make a difference . Lots of hard work and yes more than a penny of time does it take ? "
Nickel asked "How much does it cost to make a differnece? " I always called my adopted grandpa Nickel instead of Nickolus and my adopted grandmother Grace instead of Grandma .
I replied jokingly " It costs as much as your name a Nickel . " grandmother , Grace , joined me on calling him Nickel so his name became Nickel . I started calling him Nickel when I was six so he told me about his childhood and when I heard about it I started thinking about what names I would name my kids when I grew up . Today I came up with names a girl I would name Penelope and Penny for short and a boy I would name Nickel . So at least I started planning for the future and when I was six I also planned how old I was going to be when I got married and had children . I would be about thirty-six when I got married and then after about a year or two have children . So all in all today was a fifty-fifty day .
Sincerely ,
Lacy Jane Patient

Journal Entry # 339 December 5th , 2009
The ocean of salt water that glows and sparkels when kissed by the sun . What lays beneath only the earth of dry playful dirt knows that . In a world where doors say hello and goodbye why could life be so bad . A life worth living you would have to be a genius . A world thats not shared isn't really a world at all but almost a quiet cemetary waiting to awake again .

Dear Journal .
Today that awful door at school actually said hello when I walked in and goodbye when I left . When I told my teacher about the door and the clock she said that I had made a Personifacation . So if I can make a Personification from the teasing clock winking and the awful door saying hello then here's an Oximoron 'Hear the silent loud voice of Lacy Jane '.
At school the only people who acknowledge that I excist are the teachers because I always know the answer even though I am to young to . Ever since I skipped to tenth grade I thought it would be so cool I wouldn't be so bored all the time sitting in class but the down side of that is I'm still the egghead in class and because I'm so small I'm not noticed by the big kids and usually they pump into me and don't even realize it untill it's to late and I"ve already dropped my books or fell . I almost wish I were back in that boring elementry school . What an awful day but I did learn I have a big imagination . So today was a forty-nine : fifty-one day in favor of bad .
Sincerely ,
Lacy Jane Patient

Journal Entry # 340 December 6th , 2009
There are fields and fields of green everywhere so amazing to wonder through . Those beautiful fields of green are all being destroyed by use chopping them down they are life too . A Life cannot end unless it has not started . The world is to tragic but yet one could love life out of selfishness and greed .In a world that cannot be shared with a window that whistles . Why would one nautural disaster effect all other countrys if we weren't a team but you can't have a team without a world of people .

Dear Journal ,
When the window whistled at me I knew that it was close to the end of the school day but today I knew why the window would whistle because when I walked home I got my shoes soaked right through to the socks . It had snowed that day while I was in school . So tomorrow being Saturday I will get to play in the beautiful snow . To bad I had a ton of homework that night so I wasn't allowed to plaay outside even with the fact that I had my homework done in about fifteen minutes and that all my chores for that week were done . At dinner I think Grace wouldn't let me go out for fear of me getting a cold in this weather this time of day . Nickel was awful mean and said no the moment I finished asking . So he must have something against me playing in the snow or something because he said he was going to rent a movie and make me some coffee in the morning . First of all I'm not allowed to watch T.V. and I only get coffee for holidays or special occassions like my birthday . I decided to love life as it is although I have to many thoughts about it . So today was fifty-fifty again but I bet tomorrow I'm going to have a wonderful day .
Sincerely ,
Lacy Jane Patient

To Be Continued ....
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