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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Writing · #1703839
A path thru a hallway makes a man decided who he was and who he will be .
He walks down the long stretched out hallway he is getting use to the idea of finally making it out. Hes looking at his belongings and tries to remember how he got to this point. why he did it in the first place and why he kept doing it 8 years of his life. Why he devoted all his times and thoughts to revenge against the women species. the pleasure of breaking every single one of them , causing as much pain as they caused him but now it’s all over, as he walks down the hallway he’s reminded of that scene from the green mile when the main character is about to get executed in a way half of him sees it that way at least the half of him that he’s giving up.. Half of him is geeky to the core, the all around nice guy it’s the part that he tries to hide and get rid of after all it never got him anywhere and only brought him pain and heartache nice guys finish last is true in his mind. either that or they just pave the way for the assholes to take what they worked so hard to achieve that part of him is called Jorge. The other part is confident and an asshole to some, blessed with a silver tongue that can give the devil himself a run for his money… Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde incarnate but better looking of course That part of is known as Jake. Walking down this hallway reminds him of the incident that got him here.

<Veronica> Are you sure about this Jake? I mean im not going to lie to you Jake I don’t trust her call it my woman’s intuition.

Jake stares at her and just smiles as he fixes his tie.

<Veronica> Look Jake your good at what you do really good but you and I know that as much as Jake is an asshole deep down inside your still Jorge plain old nice guy Jorge.

Jake looks at her thru the mirror as he frowns at her.

<Veronica> Look Jake after 8 years in this business you still feel bad about taking money that you rightfully earned, all im saying I don’t trust her and I don’t want you to get hurt. I know Jake is incapable of emotions but Jorge is and you haven’t been right since the whole diamond incident. By you quitting the life well that means your quitting on Jake if Jake dies your capable of pain.

Jake is looking at his tux and in one of the pockets he finds his license he looks at the name Jake Paredes age 27 he laughs for a minute looks at Veronica and says.

<Jake> Can I keep this

Jake remembers the first time he received the license he remembers going to the courthouse filling out the paperwork and providing all current medical exams Jake remember the first time he took a job, he remembers the first time he slept with a woman for money, he remember the first day he became a hooker.

<Veronica> Really Jake Really??? That’s all you can say is can I keep this??? Have you not heard anything I have said.. Damnitt Jake I picked up the Jorge pieces once Im not going to do it again Jake.

She was right Jake remembers how she picked him up the first time, he remembers how he was broken shattered drinking endlessly at bars not to forget but to remember to feel pain to remember what she felt like what she looked like. He remembers Jennifer Williams the one that started it all.

<Jake> I remember V. I remember everything you’re the only woman that has admitted that good guys finish last and that good guys will only be happy after the assholes are done with the women that they love and the women realize that hey I should have stayed with the nice guy to begin with.

<Veronica> Sorry Jake I really didn’t mean to sound like a bitch or make you remember that stuff

<Jake> V I thank you for it but remember you used me too. In order for you to get rid of Jorge Salazar you had to shatter his mind completely your equally responsible for the creation of I don’t give a fuck Jake Paredes.

<Veronica> Look Jake I know the burden doesn’t fall all on you but think what your giving up. .FREEDOM Jake your leaving US behind as well.

<Jake> Look Veronica I have done this for 8 years … 8 Years of my life and what do I have to show for it? A Large bank account of money I don’t give a shit about. A memory of a diamond a Blood Diamond? My conscious that doesn’t let me sleep due to guilt endless Nights!!! A dual personality that according to my psychiatrist its bad enough that if my mind ever shatters I wont know who I am.. That’s what im giving up?

<Veronica> See Jake you haven’t been you since Diamond let her go !!! Diamond wasn’t your fault it was an accident

<Jake> Bullshit V if I hadn’t done what I did she would have been ok. You see V I need this I need something good in my life I need to be stable I need stableness.. Stableness is that even a word??

<Veronica.> Jake would you focus you haven’t known her for that long how can a girl change your view in a month. No woman has ever done that to you that’s what you do to them. Cmon Jake this isn’t you somewhere in your mind you have doubts don’t you .. Jake for goodness sake she was married when you met her you think your that good.

<Jake> Thanks for the vote of confidence V, yes I think im that damn good to change a married womans mind haven’t I done it before aren’t most of our customers married?

<Veronica> Jake I didn’t mean anything by that you don’t believe in this act you never have. You fear this who is going to take your place after your gone you want me to make Eric my right hand man I wont have this not at all Jake.

<Jake> Look V. Eric will be happy his competition is gone besides he has wanted to get rid of me since I out did him the last time he wanted to prove he was better with me my record speaks for itself. Now that im getting out he will be number one.

<Veronica> Jake I just don’t feel right is all

<Jake> V Don’t you think this would have a been a conversation that we could have had a month before I decided to do this. . How do I Look.

<Veronica> Stunning as always Jake. My intuition is telling me something isn’t right everything was rushed Jake I don’t trust it .

Jake and Veronica take their positions on the end of the isle the organ starts to play and Jake and Veronica start their march. Jake starts to laugh as he looks at Veronica.

<Veronica> Why are you laughing Jake?

<Jake> Havent you noticed that the wedding March and the death March sound very similar, I guess its only fitting one your life has ended and your alone and the other you life has ended being alone and you start a new with a partner.

<Veronica> Jake you’re a disturbing little man.

<Jake> You know you loved it V . Well I guess this is it Jake is done from here on out im plain old Jorge . V relax …I LOVE HER!. really do and I don’t mean that puppy love type of way Im sure shes the one. I knew its since the first time I set eyes one her red hair and blue eyes. I knew she would be the one.. I went out of my way to get her even as far as to fighting my true nature I mean. Im not Jake with her V.. Im Jorge. Think about it V shes everything I ever wanted shes the girl next door , shes innocence personanfied just be happy for me V.

Veronica rolls her eyes hugs Jake and kisses him.

<Veronica> Jake..I mean Jorge I will be happy when all of this is over.

Jakes memory gets interrupted by the his escort

<Escort> Mr. Salazar !! Mr. Salazar!!…

<Jorge> Yes.

< Escort> Wait here we have to get your belongings.
<Jorge> No worries

Jake starts to remember again he remembers her walking down the same isle gliding like an angel. he thinks back at all of his conquest and none match the beauty standing before him he looks at her and she winks at him ..That wink .. He knows that wink all to well.. That wink is a Jakeism, that wink is also an Ericism. The priest begins

<Priest> Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church: which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence and first miracle that he wrought in Cana of Galilee, and is commended of Saint Paul to be honourable among all men: and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace.

Jorge feels it… that gut sinking feeling.. He is no stranger to it he knows something is wrong , this isn’t the same woman he fell in love with .. she is a fraud a fake that wink she was good but that wink gave it away. That Jakeism, Ericism, Jorge knows them all to well. Out of the crowd Eric stands and winks at Jorge and says.

<Eric> I do I object to this union.

<Veronica> Eric!

Veronica looks at Jorge surprised. Jorge looks over at Mary before she even says anything Jorge already knows.

<Mary> Sorry Jake , this is all a lie my test (she smiles) you were easier than he said you would be. I really thought that Jake would have been more of a challenge, but you were easy way to easy im kinda disappointed. I cant marry you because will im already married to him happen 4 days ago.

<Jorge> The funny thing is you didn’t beat Jake sweetheart you beat Jorge.. Keep the ring as a momento.

The priest is furious and kicks everyone out he will not have such actions in the house of god Jorge cant believe it his heart is in pain he feels like he just got kicked in the nuts. He kneels so that he doesn’t pass out something inside snaps he tries to cry but his pride wont let him instead he laughs histeraclly. Eric goes up to him and whispers

<Eric> Now im better than you. I won! , your second you wont recover from this one. Your done my wife will never be yours the great Jake beaten by a woman.

<Jorge> Correction Eric, Jorge was beaten by a woman not Jake trust me.. Just remember that every time you kiss your wife.. Your baby sitting my kids. Oh and Eric I promise to you here in this church that I will destroy everything you know.. bit by bit by the time my revenge is over I will have guaranteed my seat in hell and you and your wife will be right next to me.

<Eric> Hahaha We will see Jake we will see you in hell then your not better than me you never were oh and Veronica I quit Dirty Stylezz is to small business for me See you around Pros.

Veronica picks Jake back up.

<Veronica> Jorge you ok?

<Jorge/Jake> No V we are not. But we will be

Jake thinks to himself 2 years I have been planning my revenge for 2 years I have faked all the sessions and now finally walking down this hallway I can honestly say that Jorge is dead. he looks at the guard and asks.

<Jorge/Jake> Can I keep this?

It was his patient badge.

<Escort> Yes Mr. Salazar of course you can..
He is looking at his personal belongings he grabs his license out of his wedding tux.. the Doc signs his final clearing Papers.

<Doc> You were the toughest patient I have ever dealt with Mr. Salazar I have never known a man who was so consumed by duality that he himself didn’t know who he was. Mr. Salazar I never thought that you would be able to come back from your mental breakdown for two years you fought between you and your other personality the Jake Personality. I am really Happy though Mr. Salazar that your Jake Persona finally disappeared.

Jorge looked and smiles at him

<Jake> Thanks doc.. I appreciate the help I cant belive I was obsessed with a Jake persona with someone that is nothing like me. Thank you for curing me of my obsession.

He begins to walk out thanks the doc one more time and winks at him. He makes his way down the exit hall where he meets Veronica..

<Veronica> You ok Jorge? What do you want to do?
. Jorge smiles rips up everything with the name Jorge Salazar and says

<Jake> Lets go home sweetheart!! Jake has a promise to keep.

© Copyright 2010 Jake Paredes (jake2769 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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