Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1703071-Wooly
by Dude
Rated: · Fiction · Animal · #1703071
A cat who finds his place
Waking from a long morning slumber in the sun, Wooly found himself lazily making his way from the living room to the utility room where his mound of food was piled high. He was a very fluffy and plump black cat who had managed to eek out a very luxurious lifestyle as an indoor cat. He could spend his days in comfort and easily justify his lazy lifestyle. Life before this household had not been as casual and the fierce competition to exist was intense and constantly challenging. He had thought at one point that he would live this way forever but his life had taken a lucky turn despite the unapparent blessing in disguise.
He was living in a house with two other cats both of whom had lived life as outdoor cats and had come to live inside as much more experienced beings with knowledge far beyond the realm of Wooly. His name then was much less spiritual going by the name given in that household as Sam. Wooly was constantly the low man on the totem pole and was ritualistically hazed and opressed by the much older and wiser cats. However meek his existence seemed to be, it was he who would end up up on top in the end.
One day, while enduring the usual grind of existence in the two story house where the cats and the Aniston family lived, Wooly was being harassed by the other two cats, Becker and Fagen. It was common for this duo to team up on Wooly and give him a good chase. Wooly was younger and more agile but being outnumbered would sometimes elicit a capture. On this particular day he was outwitting the duo and giving them a good chase. The race had begun downstairs in the kitchen and had paraded through the living room and dining room and wound around the hallway to the stair case. Wooly made it up the flight of stairs and even gained some ground but he knew that his demise would be up these stairs as there was more of a chance to be cornered at the end of the hallway. But today he was lucky and the door to one of the bedrooms was open. It was a bedroom that the twins shared and there were bunk-beds in which to take refuge or to use as a turning point as he could hit the top bunk and double back over the duo in the air and back downstairs. As he rounded the corner, he saw his clear path to the top bunk. The younger of the duo, Fagen was gaining on him and Becker was just a few steps back. If he timed it right, he could make the leap to the top just in time to make the leap back over the two older cats. He had never attempted this move but was sure that it was a valid escape route. As he went to make his first segment of the ascent to the top he was headed for a nightstand that had a pair of blue jeans draped over it. As he pushed off the nightstand, he lost his traction on the blue jeans and slipped slamming him into the mattress of the top bunk and dropping him out of the air onto the floor where Fagen slammed into him with all his momentum. As they both went tumbling, Becker came around the corner but Wooly had regained his footing and was headed for the door but had to veer to the side to avoid Becker. He was too late. Becker had his sights on Wooly before he could have reacted and as Becker made contact with Wooly, he had the right angle to take him down and the two cats went flying into a dresser. Miraculously, Wooly broke free from the clutch of Becker and he jumped up to the top of the dresser but as he went to make his move to get back out the door he bumped the fish bowl that had a single goldfish in it and the bowl sloshed around and went tumbling off the dresser onto the top of Becker who was jsut regaining his pursuit of Wooly. Fagen was eagerly awaiting the next move when the fish bowl fell and scattered as it came crashing down on his cohort. Wooly made it to the bottom of the stair just as the family was walking in the back door through the kitchen. As the commotion upstairs was subsiding and the chaos that had ensued, the twins were making there way up the stairs past Wooly and into the dismay that had occurred in their room and the poor goldfish gasping for air on the carpet.
After reviving the gold fish in a cup of water and cleaning up the broken fish bowl, the family decided that they would assess the dynamics of the cats and their respective relationships in the household. The duo had always gotten along and lived peacefully until Wooly had come to live at the house and the family decided that besides the fact that they really liked Wooly, he was the root of the problem and although he was a simple cat that maybe things would be peaceful again without his presence in the house. So they called the neighbors who had just lost their only cat of 18 years to see if they were interested.
That’s when Sam came to be known as Wooly and that is when life as he would come to know it began.
© Copyright 2010 Dude (elliot.lowe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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