Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1702986-Blood-Bond
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1702986
A vampire hunter finds herself in love with a vampire. Please Review!
The stars glistened like diamonds against the black canvas of night sky. Melanie stared up at the heavens with tears in her hazel eyes, her pixie like features distorted with sorrow and regret. She brought the half empty bottle of Jack Daniels to her quivering lips and forced the foul liquid down her throat, holding her breath and grimacing all the while. She never did like the hard stuff. A coyote howled in the distance, but other than that the desert was still and silent.

Left with only her thoughts and memories Melanie knew what had to be done. She carefully angled herself down from the hood of her car and staggered to the rear passenger side window. Squinting against the darkness she peered into the back seat, her gaze settling on her captive. He lay unmoving, his hands and wrists bound by silver, and the end of a garlic clove protruding from his mouth. Blood tinged sweat covered his ivory skin and matted his long dark hair to his forehead. He was handsome and deadly, a vampire, but not just any vampire, The Vampire. Like a cancerous organism he was the root of all other vampires, his blood the catalyst that allowed the dead to walk the earth. As any doctor would tell you, in order to treat a cancer you first must remove the tumor, and that was exactly what she planned to do.

Melanie shuddered and pulled her sweater tighter around her thin frame, her heart beating so fast she feared it would break her chest. Then he looked up at her, his head at an awkward angle due to his positioning, a wicked smile curling the ends of his pale pink lips. Mischief and certainty radiated off of him in waves and sent chills up and down her spine. Melanie rifled through her pockets for a cigarette and lighter, inhaling deep when the Marlboro touched her lips. Hesitantly, she turned away. Enough was enough, and it was to end tonight.

She kneeled down on the ground in prayer, something she hadn’t done since she was a small child. Just as she clasped her hands and was about to begin someone came up from behind and covered her mouth while lifting her off the ground. Instinctually she flailed, and her feet kicked at the air in a desperate attempt to free herself. It couldn’t be The Vampire, there was no way he could escape his confines. It had to be someone or something else. Her breathes came in short bursts and spots swam before her eyes. She was hyperventilating and would pass out, and most likely never awaken, if she didn’t calm down. That was easier said than done, and within seconds her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she was engulfed by the sweet release of nothingness.

“Well, isn’t this an unexpected turn of events.”

A soft moan escaped Melanie’s lips, and she shifted in her spot on the stone floor, the soft clank of her shackles accompanying her every movement. Water dripped and pooled somewhere in the shadows that surrounded both her and The Vampire, the redundant sound torturous in and of itself.

“Wake up, now!”

Dank coldness of the likes never before experienced by the young vampire hunter settled deep into her bones, causing even the slightest of movements to be painful. Despairingly, she opened her eyes, reluctant to sever her connection with the sweet abyss delivered by sleep. She blinked several times against the dark, willing her tired eyes to adjust to the all encompassing black that surrounded her. The pungent odor of human waste and mold permeated the air, making it heavy to breathe. She staggered to stand up but was immediately forced down by her shackles, thick steel chains that were bound to the floor by heavy bolts. Pure fear coursed through her veins, flushing her cheeks with a deep red, and sending a horrible and disorienting throbbing sensation into her temples.

“Don’t tempt me with such a song…”

The Vampire murmured. Melanie jerked her head in the direction of his voice, but still could not see. Tears wet her eyes and her shackles clinked as she trembled with both fear and hate. He had murdered her mother, father, and sister before her very eyes, but only after she had naively invited him into their home.

“Ahh, fear is such a delectable scent. It almost overwhelms the awful stench that pollutes this air. But there isn’t time for that, not now, not when certain death circles us both.”

It took great effort for her to see passed her rage and actually listen to his words. What had happened? If vampires had attacked then surely he wouldn’t be imprisoned as well, right?

“What’s going on?” Unbelievably she was able to force the words passed the lump in her throat.

“Werewolves.” He answered, the word dripping with hate. “They tracked me down through you, and are going to kill us.”

“What?! Why me?! I’m on their side. Nobody wants you dead more than I do!”

“Werewolves are pack animals, they value their secrecy above all else. Obviously you knew about what I was, and so they assume you know about them, and for that you are marked for death.”

Hectic half formed thoughts raced through her mind making it hard for her to contemplate the situation she now found herself in. The Vampire, sensing this, chuckled to himself and mumbled something in his native tongue.

“There is a way for us both to escape…”

The pleasure in his voice was undeniable and instantly revealed whatever plan he had in mind was one she wouldn’t like. Her silence beckoned him on and he continued.

“The shackles I am bound with allow me to reach you, no doubt intentionally. Our captives are a clever lot, and probably hope I will finish you off myself.”

Ice filled her veins and she sucked in a mouthful of air in surprise. He was ancient and she was no match for him. To die by his hand was an insufferable fate.

“My blood, it can make you strong, strong enough to break your shackles and free us both. Then, we can flee this place.”

“And you will kill me the moment you no longer need me, free to murder some other girl's family, no way!”

In less time than it took to blink he was on top of her, his oily hair grazing her cheek, and cold dead flesh pressing down upon her like a two ton boulder. It was nearly impossible to breathe. His scent, a mixture of fresh turned soil and rain, overcame her and replaced the mind numbing fear that pervaded her thoughts. He was the ultimate predator, everything about him designed to override her instincts of survival. A small pitiful squeak was all she could manage in protest.

Wet hot liquid was forced in her mouth. She tried not to swallow, to close her lips against it, but to no avail. It tasted amazing, like all her favorite foods combined. Desperately she sucked it down, as if it were the very elixir of life. When he pulled away she cried out and blindly grasped at the air. Soon after the affects of his blood washed over her. Every cell in her body vibrated with power and life. She stretched against her chains and they snapped effortlessly. The Vampire laughed, a sound that would normally have enraged her, yet it didn’t. Instead, she found herself compelled to him, drawn to the resonance he seemed to emanate. A small voice in the back of her mind told her something was wrong, that she shouldn’t help him, but it was easily dismissed by the urge to feel his flesh upon her once again, to breathe his scent, and free him.

“I am here child…”

He grabbed her hand, the contact sending shivers of pleasure all over her skin, and led her to his shackles. She tore them free from the wall and stepped closer to him, breathing deep his scent. He stroked the side of her cheek lovingly and sighed.

“How ironic we’d find ourselves in this predicament.”


“My blood, it bonds us, makes us as one. It is like liquid love. It is like the powerful bond between mother and child, and lovers.”

She knew she should be angry and afraid but could not muster such emotions. Everything about him filled her with love and possessiveness, and she sensed he felt the same. It was as if their emotions were one. He was much taller than her measly five foot frame yet effortlessly bent down to kiss her, as if he had done so for all eternity. She answered with a hungry growl, kneading her fingers in his thick hair and pressing against his solid chest, the curves of his muscles undeniable. He reluctantly pulled away, a feral hiss escaping his throat. He stepped in front of her, placing an arm protectively between her and the air. She knew he was placing himself between her and the door and that someone was approaching. Their bond was strong, and invaluable. Seconds later light flooded the dark dungeon, momentarily blinding her.

The Vampire lunged for the doorway, his movements so quick she saw nothing other than him standing over the mangled body of a big man. He lifted her, cradling her in his arms against his heaving chest, and ran. He ran so fast the world passed by in a shapeless blur and her ears rang. Bile rose in her throat and her stomach seized yet she kept her dinner down. She tried to communicate her need for him to stop, certain if they continued she’d die, her mortal body unable to withstand such speeds. Sensing her discomfort he slowed and then stopped, gently placing her on the ground. They were in the desert, surrounded by sand on all sides. The distant howl of wolves circled them and sent her heart into palpitations.

“How long-.”

“Not very. They will be here soon; they are nearly as fast as I am. They can be killed the same as any human, but are strong and fast. Your car is behind us, I am going to get you a weapon.”

Before she could respond he was kneeling next to her, a buoy knife in hand. She took it and staggered upward, her stance wobbly. It was the knife her father had bought for her before their first hunting trip. A stab of sorrow panged at her soul, but the usual hatred for The Vampire was absent, and she suspected always would be.

“They’re close.”

She could see the silhouettes of five wolves lumbering towards them at frightening speeds. She took a deep breath and steeled herself against the attack. The Vampire placed himself to her right, ten feet in front of her.

“I will kill as many as I can, hopefully no more than one or two will make it passed me. Remember, aim for the throat and be wary of their claws, they tend to swipe.”

Melanie looked at him. He was gorgeous. His long black hair reached passed the nape of his neck. His eyes were beautifully shaped and an unnatural shade of bronze. Like a statue his skin was flawless, and as pale as alabaster. Solidly built, she wondered if he was a physical laborer of some sort as a human. Genuine concern for her safety played at his delicate features, and she knew without a doubt he loved her just as much as she loved him. It amazed her how profoundly the blood had affected the both of them.

He met her stare and smiled reassuringly, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Any questions?”

“What’s your real name?”

Sorrow overwhelmed him, and he answered, “David.”

A vicious roar broke the moment and sent both of them into defense mode. Melanie planted her feet, and David’s fangs slid out passed his lips, his pupils dilating until his eyes were nearly all black. He made a frightening sight, yet at the same time he aroused her.

The first wolf to reach them was a sleek black one with immense paws. It lunged for David, becoming air borne, but anticipating the move David had propelled himself forward to meet it halfway, his arms outstretched. The wolf swiped at David’s throat, but before it could meet his flesh David grabbed the animal by the ears with one hand, and snapped its neck with his other. Two more wolves reached them at the same time, both of them jumping over their fallen comrade’s body without a backward glance. David easily dispatched of the first one. The second one proved a little more apt, and managed to bite David’s ankle. The two of them roared at the same time, a horrible cacophony that shattered the peace of the desert’s night, and nearly brought Melanie to tears. David lifted the animal by the back of the neck and tore into its jugular, spurts of blood spraying Melanie in the face. The last two wolves were the biggest of the lot, and as they approached and saw the bodies of their brethren Melanie swore she saw anger blaze in their eyes. David tried to grab one by the throat and side kick the other, but the one he grabbed managed to twist its head and bite into the tender flesh of his wrist, causing his kick to miss the second one.

Melanie watched in horror as the large beast bounded towards her, its snarling lips revealing a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Her knuckles turned white as she clutched the knife in her hand, ready to fight the massive animal. It leapt for her and she ducked down low to the ground, rolling to the side. The wolf hit the ground hard beside her head. Realizing it had missed its mark it let out a guttural growl and snapped at her face. Melanie pushed off the ground fast and sliced at the animal. It was quicker than her though and all she managed was a slight graze above its left eye. Before she could assess the damage done the animal charged forward, knocking her to the ground and momentarily stunning her. The wolf let out a yelp of joy as it bit deep into the side of her stomach, its eyes never leaving her own as it hungrily drank mouthfuls of her blood.

The pain was horrendous. Melanie choked as vomit rose in her throat and searing white light overcame her vision. She couldn’t breathe or scream. Every ounce of her being was filled with excruciating pain. Suddenly the agony shifted from unbearable to an awful throb. She opened her eyes and blinked away the white until she could make out David’s face. Her head was in his lap, and he was stroking her hair, bloody tears inching down his face. He was holding his bleeding wrist over her wound in an attempt to heal it.

“I’m going to die aren’t I?”

“You don’t have to. You can stay with me.”

“What happened to the wolf?”

A small, devilish smile answered her question.

“You can join me, be like me. You don’t need to die.”

Images of her family, throats torn open and skin pale white, bodies twisted in unnatural positions on the living room floor, popped into her head. Did she want to be like the man who had killed them? She knew the feelings she had for him weren’t really her own, but that didn’t change how she felt now. She loved him in all the ways a person was capable of loving, and as she stared up into his face, a face filled with love and concern for her, she realized he couldn’t be pure evil, because evil wasn’t capable of love.

“Okay…” she said in a small and strained voice as she fought through the pain, “do it.”

David smiled warmly at her, his eyes lighting up. He gently grazed her lips with his own, a sigh of contentment filling the air around them.

“I promise to do things right. You are the first person in three thousand years that I have turned. I know we never meant for this, but what we have is real.” He stroked her hair reassuringly, and then bit into her throat.

Melanie said a silent prayer as he drank from her, asking for her family’s forgiveness. She had never meant for any of this. David pulled back and she stared up at him confused. Then he smiled and kissed her deeply, blood flowing freely into her mouth. She sucked at his tongue, swallowing his blood, the pain and confusion melting away with every sip. She just knew everything would be okay, and with that she fell into the deepest of sleeps, the sleep of the dead, but she was certain David’s beautiful face would greet her at sunset tomorrow.
© Copyright 2010 Vickie_K (vickiekaufmann at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1702986-Blood-Bond