Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1702589-Movie-Night
by Kraven
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1702589
A kinky date...
Movie Night

For most couples getting to know each other, movie night is probably standard fare and so it had been for us on the first two dates. This night she'd hinted at something more interesting, something I might not even like. To say I was curious would be an understatement. To say I was confused by her choice in movies would be dead-on accurate. While the first two movies had been new releases, this third movie had been out for ages and was probably well past due to be pulled from the theaters. It was the very definition of a cheesy chick-flick romance.

While not something I'd pick to see on my own, it's what she wanted to see and so that was that. Part of me wondered if she was testing part of what I'd said as we'd gotten to know each other in emails at the dating site. I was right about the test, but wrong about what it was.

We had talked for a few weeks before first meeting and, as all so often happens, sex had come up in the conversation. I had no real idea if she was going to be interested in what I liked, but felt there was really only one way to find out. The conversation went about as well I thought it could – one might be surprised how many woman find the idea of man who likes the women to be in-charge in the bedroom a turn-off. She had even pushed a little bit for details on just what I meant by "dominant" and "in-charge".

I nervously confessed that while my likings did mean she didn't need to worry about a just a "hook up", but that there was such a thing called orgasm control. The short version being, she'd get to decide when/where/how I'd be allowed to orgasm without any strings on her enjoying pleasure as she saw fit. Her only reply was "interesting" and she changed the topic. Our first meeting was a couple days after that, so I figured she was at least open to the idea.

As with the first two movie nights, I'd pre-bought the tickets online and handed hers to her as we met for dinner. Everything was normal, except for the teasing email from a couple days ago hinting that something was going to be different about tonight bouncing around inside my head. All sorts of ideas had been coming and going. It's just the way my mind works – give me a little tidbit or make an off color comment and part of brain will run with it and think up little scenarios.

After dinner we had some time to kill and decided to take advantage of the still warmish weather and go for a walk around the shopping area. Idle talk and uneasy talk filled the odd silence. I was quite sure she was debating bringing something up, but wasn't sure just when to do it. As we took seats at a small outdoor table just in front of the movie theater, she asked, "I've been thinking about what you told me a while back."

She didn't need to be any more specific, I knew that she was referring to the sex conversation. Not too sure how to reply, I simply said, "Ok."

"I like how you haven't tried to push anything on our dates, it really is sort of sweet." I offered something of a smile as she continued, "But I am curious about something, well, a few things."

All too aware that we were sitting in an open area, not too many people were wandering past, but some were. The table was small, really just made for folks to sit coffee cups on or, perhaps, laptop, so we could talk in soft voices. "What would you like to know?" I asked with a small twitch in my pants.

"When you say control, you mean that I could tell you not to jerk off tonight and you wouldn't?"

Through rapidly blinking eyes I digested her question, her smiling gaze returning mine, "Well, if we were, you know, going to explore that… yes." A much larger twitch in my pants, this conversation was very much out for norm for us.

"But you probably would when you work up, right?"

With eyes darting about, quite sure someone was listening in, "Well, it would depend on what you said." Seeing the questioning look on her face, I continued to ramble out my reply, "You could say just not to tonight or it could, you know, be that you'd, uhm, want me to ask the next day…" My voice trailed off.

"I see…" A small silence lingered with me quite unsure what to say next and her, no doubt, enjoying my unease. "Do you normally jerk-off after a date?"

"Uhm, well… sometimes." My voice much shakier than I'd like to be. My mind knowing the question she was going to ask next – had I after our dates? But she didn't ask that. Twitches long gone with that question, fully hard was the state in my pants.

"And you had said, no strings on my pleasure, right?"

Caught off-guard by the change in questions, "Yes, that's right."

"Seems like a kind of torture for you."

With a blushing shrug, "I wouldn't call it that. It's just… well, 'tease' isn't a bad word to me."

She looked at her watch and nodded, grinning, toward the theater, "It's time."

Fighting the urge to say, 'Let's forget the stupid movie, let's finish this talk.' I licked my lips and said, "Saved by the bell…"

The theater was basically empty except for us. The movie was, to me, terrible. The critics had panned it as overly formulaic and they were spot on. Happily, I had our short conversation to mull over in my head as I stared dumbly at the screen. My mind trying to tease out hints of why she would bring this up tonight like: Was that the surprise? Was she really telling me not to tonight? What about her enjoying her pleasure, was that a hint at really fooling around?

About halfway through the movie, my musing was interrupted by her taking a small bag out of her purse and an index card. Without looking at me, she tilted her head towards me and asked, "Yes or no, did you get hard outside?"

Keeping my eyes on the screen to mirror her, after a small pause, I softly said, "Yes." My heart started to pound, was she going to ask more questions in the theater? Is that why she picked a movie she knew would be empty? What was in the bag? An index card? I was so confused and she was very right about tonight being a surprise.

I'm pretty sure she said 'good boy' as she set first the bag on my lap and the card on top. The bag was a crinkly white plastic, perhaps a grocery bag wrapped around something small. The card was normal 3x5 index card with huge letters at the top: READ ME FIRST

The rest of the card was filled with smaller hand printed letters, there was just enough light in the theater to read it:

'As you have no doubt guessed, I like your little confession. Here's a test to see if you are willing to follow directions. Take the bag to the bathroom; I'm sure you can figure out what to do. If you don't like it, don’t come back. There's about 40 minutes left in the movie, the faster you are back, the happier I will be. GO!'

I read the card twice, before curiosity officially kicked and I stood up, quite happy for the darkness to hide my erection, and left for the bathroom. I was quite sure I didn't want to open the bag until I was in the privacy of a stall. The bag seemed to hold three items: an oddly shaped and sort of squishy thing, a small tube about the size of a travel toothpaste tube, and another index card. Looking back on things, it should have pretty obvious what was in the bag.

A minute or so later I was sitting in a stall with the door securely latched. With my heart racing I opened up the bag, grimacing at the crinkling noise it made. Sure that if anyone else had been in the bathroom (and I checked just to be sure) they'd be mutter, 'What the hell is that freak doing?'

I'm not sure how long I stared at the three items, heart racing as I tried to sort out what I was going to do. The odd shaped, squishy item was a small butt plug. The tube was full of lube. The card had more writing, but like the first one said… I could figure out what she wanted me to do. I looked over the plug and lube, trying to decide if I was really going to insert this here or not. Of course, not doing would pretty much end things and I didn't want that. However, her presenting this choice for me was a pretty strong indication that not only did she like the control idea, she was versed in her own sort of kinks. Which meant, just what was I getting myself into?

Turning to the second index card, it simply said: 'tick, tock', a nice little reminder about the time. With a deep breath, I closed my eyes and made my choice. Feeling all sorts of silly, I took of my pants, and then liberally coating the plug with lube. As I did, a growing sense of urgency crept into my actions. Since this was timed and I was doing it, getting back quickly was the goal. What if I took too long and she left or something? I'd hate to do this for nothing!

It took little maneuvering in the cramped space of the stall to work the plug into myself. No doubt someone experience with such things could have done it faster and easier, but this was really new for me. I was quite happy she choose a small one.

It wasn't until I opened the stall door and walked to the sink to clean my hands that it really hit me. Some guy walked in and I was dead sure he knew what I'd just done. Of course he couldn't. The bag, lube, and card were stuffed in my pants pockets. As far as he knew, I was just some stranger showing good hygiene by washing up. I tried to walk normally out of the bathroom and down the hall, but the plug felt huge. More than once I wanted to stop, reach back and try to 'adjust' it. Part of me wanted to run back to her, but that just didn't seem like a good idea either.

As I sat next to her, she again tilted her head towards me and said, "Good boy. Now watch the movie." My cock gave a throb at the words. Her hand slide to my lap and I was ever so happy I had had the presence of mind to dress my hard cock to the right, so it would be along the leg next to her. Her finger tips lightly rested on my hardness, as my own hands just sort of fidgeted before locking together and resting just below my belly.

The next half hour of the movie passed incredibly slowly, her fingers never doing more than lightly rubbing me through the jeans and the sensation of the plug filling me keeping my full attention. She'd ask me questions at odd intervals, like: "When did you cum last?" and "Am I new to plugs?" No doubt both for her own education/amusement and to keep me horny. More than once I had to squirm in my seat and, each time, she'd lift her fingers and, out of the corner of my eye, I could see her grin.

As the final scene played out she asked, "Where you planning on jerking off when you got home tonight?"

Hardly able to suppress a moan, "Yes, I was…"

For the first time, she turned to face me and had the biggest grin on her face, "Aww, you said 'was', so that means you aren't anymore? That's so sweet. I was going to let you if you wanted to, but since you don't…. well, you can wait then." Her hand gave a long, firm squeeze and then let go.

I could only babble a few incoherent syllables. I couldn't quite find the words to explain I didn't mean 'was' as in not anymore, but 'was' as in that was my intention and that I very much still wanted to. Her grin turned to soft laughing as the credits started to roll, "Ok, boy… time for you to take me home." As we stood, me leading the way out, she gave my rump a healthy swat. Her aim was good, right on the end of toy and nearly made me yelp aloud in surprise.

© Copyright 2010 Kraven (kraven at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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