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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1702508
The story of a hero in the making.
Grom knew they were going against the wishes of his, and their overlords the giants; his dislike of this union of the night, he was frighted more by the Giants. Their towering presence cowing him, never bothering to look at him only ever concerned with their riches. The huge gems that hung from their noses and ears mined from the earth and the magic they wielded over all of his kind; the orcs. The Elves tall and slender, but tiny compared to their lords, didn't need to be controlled by the giants magic like the orcs, they were content with their lot; but not his kind he would rage against their controls until his death. But all thoughts of rebelling were quelled as soon as he saw a giant. How could he or anyone oppose them? He shook his head clearing his mind of such thoughts and gazed at the sight before him; he had followed them to this place week after week not wanting to watch but always entrapt by what they do in this place. he had smelt their lust for each other the first night from his kennels his sense of smell was far better then any of his fellows, come to think of it he was better in most ways then all his fellows he was bigger, stronger, smarter and faster which is why he was his masters favourite it also gave him some privileges, not having his kennels locked was one of the best perks of being top dog.

         Grom looked back to the clearing and perked up his ears to hear the climax of the male human but what entrapt him was the moan of the elven female, arousing him to no end. The moon light caressing  her round plump breasts making her pale skin shine an eerily silver, her raven black hair sticking to the sweat on her neck, then falling to her hips in waves. Her head thrown back in pure ecstasy he couldn't help but groan at the sight, wanting nothing more to run in and have his way with her. Right then her head snapped his way as if she could see him but she couldn't.. could she? Had she heard him?

         "What was that!" she whispered to the man obviously not listening he groaned and mumbled something. Grom got to his feet as silent as he could confident in his skills at stealth he backed away from the moonlit clearing. Back tracking the way he had come earlier that night he noticed somthing not right, but couldn't pin it. putting it down to his nerves still being rattled by the scene he just witnessed, playing it over in his head.

         The Orc stumbled over a tree root when he heard a high pitched scream from the direction of the clearing, stunned his head whipped around. Head held up taking a deep breath through his nose it filled with the stench of rot immediately his mind went to the giant zombies his lords use to wage war against the dragons, but dismissed it; They were under constant control because they were too powerful and precious. He bunched his legs jumping the roots and logs he had picked past to make his journey silent now throwing his caution to the winds he sped to the clearinghopg he could get there in time as he cleared the last row of trees he saw in an instant what he missed. the footprints of the beast whose back was to him the human discarded to the side the beast ready to maul the elven beauty its putrid skin growing green moss on its hind legs it was taller then an adult elf and as thick as a tree its stench paralizing.

         The sight of it advancing on the elf broke his paralises. Grom let out a low growl originating from the back of his throat gradually turning into a ear hammering roar. the tendens on his neck trying to burst from his skin spit flying from his mouth his eyes and arms bulging out of their place. The Green maw turned to face this challange but grom wouldnt let him get settled he lept at it fists flying up landing a full force punch right in its face the green maw stumbled back stunned by the force of the attack. bringing its clawed paws up and swatting grom to the ground. schooled in battled grom landed on his shoulder turning it into a roll coming back to his feet but keeping himself low on all fours giving another growl he ran low to the ground running in a zig zag he ran through the green maws legs biting its tenden and ripping back as the beast pulled its leg forward only enchancing grom's bite the putrid tast of its blood in his mouth made him gag but the blood fury he was under would not let him let go finally the tenden tore free. the green maw stumbled forward onto the ground, seizing his oppertunity grom jumped onto its back digging his hands into its neck and ripped upwards twisting its head with all his strength the maw thrashed around but lost when grom finally pulled its head off its shoulders tendens still connecting the head to its body its eyes rolling around in its sockets the mouth opening and closing but well dead. giving a roar of victory he droped the head to the ground.

          He looked towards the Elf, looking even more beautiful in her frighted state cowering against a tree not far off, he walked to her and knelt "are you well miss?" he said his voice deep and caring, his face dripping in putrid blood. she yellped and scrambled backwards eyes wide in fright her mind lost from the ordeal. Grom walked over to the human and wiped his face on its clothes.

           Turning to the Elf, who seemed a little less scared now that she noticed grom wasnt going to kill her and infact had saved her "can you understand me miss?" she nodded still scared "i will take you home, but you must never speak of this you understand?" she nodded again he handed her, her slaves gown which was much better then anything grom had ever had. after she had dressed he guided her through the trees back to the settlement passing the orc kennels past the human harem to the gates of the lords manor its gates towering over him easly 20 feet tall.

         He put her down infront of the gates and looked in her eyes" you are on your own now, be safe" and turned his back on her and walked back towards his kennel as the sun was just rising over the trees at the edge of the trees sleep claimed his mind as soon as he hit his dirt patch not caring to try to make it more comfortable.
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