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by Bootna
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1702183
Maeve's introduction into her new life...and responsibilities.
Natalie breathed in deeply. She tried to remember every single detail of that amazing place. How tall the trees were. The sprites that floated with no purpose. The rocks. How at meal times the smell of the food filled the air until every single druid had gone to the mess hall to eat and be merry. She knew this wasn't going to be easy. But, it was the right thing. And it was exciting! She was leaving the forest for the first time! But,

she was leaving her home.

I shook my head. This was my temporary home. Home will be out there. Where I was meant to be.

And that was it. I picked up my bags, went and hugged Talia and thanked her for all of the prepeations she helped me make this week, and said goodbye to Gulia (Gu sounds like "who" in my language). Gulia was pretty much my mother growing up. She was Drake's real mom. My mother died giving birth and my father died of a heart attack. So Gulia stepped in as my mother. Leaving her was heart wrenching. Can you imagine leaving your mom at twelve?

I was avoiding Drake. Ever since my (meeting I suppose you would call it) meeting I've been separating myself from Drake. I know it's the best thing. It's the only way I won't go mad. If I saw him I would break down into sobs...

If only I could. I ran into him while leaving. He wasn't supposed to know I was gone until I was too far for him to do anything. Oh, Drake! Why did you have to be this way? The way he looked at me. That look. I thought I was going to die. I promised myself I wouldn't feel anything for him anymore. I just couldn't do it! I lov--- I don't love him. That's the thing. She was right. Yes, I care about him. More than anything in the world. But I don't love him. What I feel for him is a love that of a brother. One I really get along with. I just, don't love him like I thought I did, like I was sure I did.

But that's over now. I told him I was leaving, that I was a wizard, and that the forest was not my home anymore. He looked at me like I was insignificant, stupid even. He told me that he chose not to be a wizard. That he was staying in the forest and that the fountain was just trying to play a stupid joke. I said no. He was acting like a child and he should grow up and face the music. He grabbed me and tried to force a spell onto me. I was much more skilled than he was and I easily deverted it. I gave him a black eye, grabbed my luggage, hopped onto my broom, and left. He didn't dare follow me.

Talia had arranged for me to join a certain group of berings. They were all younger, the oldest having become a druid a mere seven years before. I would go to this old barn (whatever that was) and I would take it from there. Easy peasy. I hoped.

The flight had been relatively smooth. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was outside the forest! I thought the forest was beautiful, but the rolling hills, praries, oceans, lakes, rivers, mountains, everything was simply spectacular! I stopped once at an old friend's home (a druid that had settled outside the forest) and rested for the night and continued on in the morn. I asked my friend what a barn looked like. She described it as a large red building. That's it. Helpful, isn't it? Luckily I know the directions but what if there are two buildings, both big and red sitting next to each other! Now I'm just being silly, aren't I? I'm nervous, that's all. What if I'm not really as good as I think I am? Well, here comes the moment of truth because I see a big red building where I'm supposed to stop. (Thank goodness, there is only ONE red building.)

"Here goes everything," I mumbled to myself.
I spotted a smaller door in the back where someone went in. I decided that was my best choice. I landed on the grass about 30 yards away. I would wak into this. At least I'm on a georgeous hill overlooking a valley. I had time to dawdle a while. I meandered to the door, and decided I would sneek in. I could have five minutes to see what I was getting myself into. In no time, I was hiding on a beam on the top of the barn.

"What'd ya tink she'll look alike?" A boy with red hair came out into the center of the barn.
"I dunno. She'll be pertty." A brown haired boy answered.
"Hmph. She betta. I don't want any nasty lookin' gurls. We gotta pretty fine lot wouldn't ya say, mate?"
"Oh would you two KNOCK IT OFF! She'll be here any minute. We DON'T want to scare her on her first day now would we, Brian?" She seemed like a sensible person. I couldn't make out her face, though.
"Oh, come off it Heidi. We were only joking!" Hm. Turns out they have a nice english accent, like Sciss's.
"I bet your red hair that she will think you are a miscreant the first time she walks in through those doors." I like this girl.
"Heidi! Be nice the Brian. You know he hates his R-E-D H-A-I-R." Brian hit the boy on the back of his head.
"Josh! You're just jelous."
"Well, be nice to the poor girl, alright? Or I'll 'accidently' hit you and give you a black eye."
"Fiesty. Just like I like 'em."
"Back off Josh."
The two boys started rolling on the floor laughing. Hm. Maybe I could scare 'em....

Heidi just shook her head and left the room. The two boys resumed their important conversation about me (they already like me?). Unfortunently, they were both facing the opposite dierection so when I jumped down they had no idea I had snuck up behind them.... 
"Eh, Brian she'll have no brains!"
"And I bet she's slow too!"
"And I bet she has brown hair, blue eyes, and rather good hearing," I stated in my best english accent.
They both just froze. They knew that voice....but it couldn't be. They turned around.
Simataneously they screamed bloody murder,"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! SHE'S COME BACK TO HAUNT US," and they tackled me full force,"What are you doing here?"
I flipped both of them over onto their backs and politely answered,"I'm here to be a berer of course."
Did I forget to mention I knew half of the troop? I was friends with some of them before they left.
"Oh what now you two----," she stopped halfway, "Oh good godess it can't be true!"
"Hullo Hiedi!" I released my two prisoners and gave her a big bear hug.
"You are our new recruit! How wonderful! I was scared it was going to be someone scary, like Trisha."
"I'm just excited to see you girl."
'I've been trying all afternoon to get everyone in here but obviously all I got were these two bimbots."
"Hey," josh retorted, "we prefer the term 'perfected slackers' thank you very much."
"It's so great to see you two, too." And to their dislike I went over and gave them a big hug.
"And so where's the rest of the troop?"
"Come on, and i'll introduce you to everyone."
"Lead the way."
I smiled. This was home.

We came into a rather large common room. It had big squishy couches with appolstered red velvet and a place to put your broom and a large fireplace. The rest of the troop was resting here.
"Welcome," a large voice said. It came from a tall man with a little weight (just enough to know he has a few extra pounds but not really big).
"Thank you sir," I replied.
"None of this 'sir' stuff. I'm Alfred. I'm the adult that keeps you kids from burning the place to the ground."
"Well, it's a good thing I don't get burned. I'm Natalie, it's nice to meet you Alfred."
"I'm Suzy. I'm a stunt specialist."
"I'm Tom. Head stunt cordinator."
"I'm Queezle, I'm a talented dancer and singer." She seemed a bit odd, but likeable.
"I'm Trisha, dancer and singer."
"I'm Denzel, broom flyer."
"Chris, broom flyer."
"Teeka, backstage broom coordinator."
"Harley, broom flyer and dancer."
"Christen, singer and broom flyer.'
"Alavia, singer and broom flyer."
"Holt, flyer and singer."
"Lyzzy, dancer and flyer."
"Sophie, singer, dancer, and flyer."
"Knox, assistant backstage."
"Radcliff, Rad, stunter."
"Tanner, stunt, flyer, dancer."
"Jill, flyer."

Once we were done with introductions they didn't hesitate telling me how things worked. During the winter they usually do two big gigs but the rest of the time is coming up and rehersing for the summer. There are eight shows during the summer, spread over three days each. The other four are for rehersal, downtime, and touring. Some go to school during the winter, hence why there are only two major performances, but they are allowed and expected to practice during school as well. I learned some of them are actually wizards that discovered they are partially druid, although they aren't true druids.
Performances consist of three main components: the flying segment, the concert segment, and the theatrical segment. That's why they spread it over three days, two hours a day per segment. Since this is a rather special troop, they mix all three, having theatrical the least incorporated of the mix.
Luckily, I had all winter to catch up. And I needed all winter. Practices were intense. This is of my daily schedule:
8:30    Breakfast
9:00    Broom warm-up
10:30  Stunt practice
12:30  Lunch
1:00    Singing practice
2:00    Choreography practice
4:00    Group down time
5:00    Dinner
5:30    Group practice
10:00  Down time
11:00  Bed
During down times we played cards, quidditch, talked, went into town, taught each other different things, and laughed. In those first six months, I became closer to these people than I had ever come to Drake. I rarely think about the forest now. I mean, I don't forget druid practice in there or druid study. I do it during down time or when I'm supposed to be sleeping. But, she was right. This is where I belong. With these people. Traveling and working and laughing. It may seem strange to you that laughing is so interesting to me. We did laugh in the forest, but it would only be a speriodic chuckle. Laughing wasn't a part really. So when I laugh so hard my belly hurts it feels special to me.
Now I mentioned earlier that some of the people go away during the winter months. So I never got to know Alavia, Holt, Radcliff, Tanner, and Queezle as well as the others. Don't get me wrong, we were good friends, but I didn't finish their sentances like I did the others. So for that reason, those five were always a little more separated than the others into their own little division.
And don't think I slacked on my education either. Rightfully, Alfred became my gaurdian and he homeschooled me in magic. Before breakfast every other day he educated me about wizardry. He taught me so much. I can't ever thank him enough for what he did for me. (Alfred is actually a full wizard that studied and became a wizard and a druid! He's really amazing!) So, while I became a performer, I became a wizard, while still being a druid.
This was not easy. Finding time for everything was near impossible. And having energy to do all of these things was near impossible as well. So, Alfred gave me a potion. It would replenish my energy and heal any wounds. I could only use it in dire need but it made all of the difference in the world. I really could be everything that I wanted. I caught on quickly being a performer. Soon, I was caught up and performing just as well as anyone else there.  My ambition as a performer was to have my own solo someday. Perhaps in a couple of years. Perhaps.
Being a performer isn't easy though. I tell you! I have a newfound respect for these people. (And I'm becoming one of them!) We took a day off to showcase one segment to see how people would react. The performance is not easy. I had a hard time keeping up, but I made it through. I swear, if it weren't for Teeka and Knox, I would've collided into someone. But it was envigorating. All the hard work really does pay off. And we're thinking of adding some magic. This is nuts! Nuts I tell you. But this, this is home.
© Copyright 2010 Bootna (bootna at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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