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Rated: E · Short Story · Mystery · #1702181
"I see that you are a psychic too; you feel and know things so...why do you come to me?"
FEATURED in the WDC Newsletter - Spiritual: Pick a Card, Any Card - by Shannon Author Icon, October 30, 2013

FEATURED in the WDC Newsletter - Mystery: Leave Enough Clues - by Annette Author Icon, November 13, 2013

It was Victoria's turn for her Spiritual Consultation. The room was dark but pleasant and full of shadows of things around it. There was a small table with a transparent, yellow cloth with her working tools on it, a thin, black curtain on the window, a red carpet on the floor and a bigger table with a white, Egyptian looking cloth where there was a shinny, dazzling, beautiful and a mesmerizing crystal ball in the center. She couldn't keep her eyes off from it!

Sitting in an enormous green armchair was this big, fat, weird woman that was smoking a thin Cuban cigarillo and looking directly into her eyes as she came into the room. It was a bit disturbing. Her lips were bright red and her eyebrows were thin and black. The fortune teller raised an eyebrow and slowly looked at her in keen curiosity.

- Hum mm... You have two Orixás...

- ?

- You are the daughter of two Umbanda Divinities: Oxóssi and  Iemanjá!  Come in, please. Sit there.

- Thank you.

- Hum mm... (Handling her tarot cards)

- ?

- I see that you are a psychic too...you feel, hear, sense and know things...so...why do you come to ME? You feel and know presentiments of the future... people's destinies but you don't evoke deities or spirits. You are not a Gypsy but...

- They say that you are the best fortune teller of Brasilia... (She was going to say the least possible - She had heard that Gypsies read your actions and words and, use them to catch you in their spells...of lies... Black Magic, the occult  and Voodoo).

- Past, Present or Future?

- All of them.

- Hum mm. Cut the cards in three piles in front of me.

- OK. (She was feeling goose bumps and kind of nervous...)

- Hum mm...Your life has been full. Interesting. Intense. Passionate. You are authentic.

- ...

- Hum mm... You are one of the ‘protected' ones...

- What do you mean?

- I saw your spiritual guide connected to you when you came in, always behind you, protecting you. Beautifully dressed. Shinning so much it blinds. A powerful aura. He is tall, tanned, has long black hair, light brown eyes, handsome, a Sioux Chief with a stunning blue feather head. Lovely blue feathers, really. He was your father in one of your past lives, a native Dakota Sioux. He's what you call here on Earth your Guardian Angel. That's his mission now. He protects you, always, from pain.

- I already knew this. I see him too but he only appears when I really need him or when I'm in danger. (She had said nothing that the Gypsy didn't know already...)

- (Picking up the cards from different piles during the conversation...) Hum mm you traveled all your life, like a boat, no home, no land. You need security, stability and love to feel complete. You thought your marriage was it. It wasn't. You are divorced now and your children are grown up and away, following their own paths. Your path is broken right now. So many crossroads. You need love. And, to give love. This man that you are thinking about is too young for you and he's not the one for you but you already know this... don't you?

- (She was in awe...How could she know about all this? My secrets, my life! What she had said was all... true... Incredible!) How do you know all this? (Was she casting a spell on her right  now?)

- I just know. I read it in the cards that you touched and cut in 3 piles...That's my mission, read the information in the cards...Listen, he loves you but he is far too young for you. You are a mother for him sometimes because of your advices, of your decisions and of your strength. You teach him, he learns, he listens. He needs you to grow but you will not grow with him. You will "die", stop, end, and stagnate if you stay with him any longer...

- What is it that keeps me glued to him even when I want to leave him, be free? (She was not afraid of her lies or spells anymore because she knew, felt and sensed that the fortune teller was not lying at all...)

- Hum mm you have feelings for him. And you have an intense sexual relationship. Good sex life but he is not the man you want. You are with him but he's not for you. He sucks your energy and life through possession and jealousy... He's like an energy zapper. Leave him.

- When will I meet HIM? That's why I came to you. I know that there is the real HIM out there... I just want to know when...

- Good! Wise woman. I will look into my crystal ball now. Cards say no more.

- OK. (she put both hands on the beautiful crystal ball.)

- I can see... things... (Victoria was sure that...for an instant, she saw things moving inside that crystal ball that looked blue now...and she saw faces, places, words, she really did...it was like magic...). What do you see?

- Hum mm He is very far from here but you will meet him through a "machine"!

- A what?

- A machine. A computer? He will speak to you; you will speak to him - through it. He is a good man but with a complicated past. He is very intelligent but temperamental. He talks too much, is moody, and loves attention: this is typical of arrogant persons. But listen... he is kind, passionate and an adventurer, like you are but you, you are not arrogant because of your zodiac sign, Gemini. He lives in another land, speaks another language and has another culture and background. He is looking for you. He has blue eyes. I can see him. He needs you in his life so very much. He is very lonely. He has an old dog...very lonely too; kind of abandoned...both are...

- (How on earth did she know all this???) Wow! Will we be happy together? Are we soul mates?

- Hum mm Oh yes... Both of you will change each other's life and go forward, plan, create, modify, unite and build, produce, complete and be one if not in this existence but in a lifetime. An intense sexual relationship. You will boost each other in completion... but there are so many crossroads to follow...

- Ooh! Where does he live? Is he married? Divorced? Does he have children? (She was now completely in the Gypsy's hands and spell...and, she didn't care anymore about being quiet or careful with what she said to the Gypsy woman... It was her life and her future that they were talking about!)

- Hum mm He is oceans away. Far. He was married 3 times. He has two children, grown up. He is alone now. Divorced. Thinking. He lives in a big house. He travels on a boat, sometimes.

- What? Really? Oh! Wow. Where? What will I do until then? I want to meet him now...but, I don't like big houses and boats...I like freedom, nature, sun, water, ocean, air, the woods, energy and simplicity... Hum This is fascinating! Tell me more...

- Time. You need time to learn, to change, do your Karma work and get ready for him. You need patience, be patient because he has much will power and is a bit negative. If you aren't prepared, he will confuse you with his words and you will want to go away. You are in a curing, healing process now. Weak but strong. You are a determined woman. You can't meet him now. The powers around us are wise. The powerful forces around us can work for or against us. Remember: patience, please. You will be together one day. Patience. You need not to hurry. Please don't...

- OK...Tell me: is he older than me? Please... tell me that he is older than I am, wiser, maturer, calmer... I need to know.

- Hum mm Ah yes, he is older, about 10 years older... You need this. And your younger age will be good for him! You will make him alive and live happier! You can feel this can't you? I see you "seeing" this somehow... Do your visions come from the spirits or it's just there, inside of you?

- Ooh please, tell me... how will I leave him - the younger one? It's so difficult...

- Hum mm...You will need to go away. He will not leave you. You are his air and his life. It's like a magnet... but an evil one.

- Got it...but...how?

- You will figure it out, I know. Now... one last question! (She picked up some pretty, small, white shells for the Divining with the Conch Shells and shook her hands above her head. Her 20 bracelets or so shook on her wrists and made the moment intense. Then, she spread them over the table, next to the crystal ball that was now transparent. Victoria was completely taken by her and by her openness and honesty. She looked up at her...) Ask me...

- Will I live long?

- Interesting question...Why do you ask this? You know, don't you? You can change your own destiny, your future... You have much power. We just need to listen to all the things that are all around us.

- Well...not quite... when it comes to Destiny, ones Fate or about Life and Death, I don't know much. I guess this is everybody's last question to you, isn't it? Life and Death?

- Oh no! Not at all. The last question - I grant in the end - is always about money and possessions... or revenge or getting back at someone - generally a family member... So, you surprised me...You are really different, Oxóssi and Iemanjá lady...Good for you! Let me see your left palm again... 

- ?

- Let me see...You won't live long and you will end in an immediate and tragic way... maybe soon! Look here. See this sharp cut, right here, in your Life line? Generally if the line swoops down to about an inch above the base of the palm, it shows a life expectancy of about 70-80 years for women and 65-75 for men...

- But this cut was due to an accident, when I was very young. A knife cut my left palm, right there, besides, you didn't say hum mm... before your vision...I know you already... I felt it!

- Observing the signs, right?... So, my dear, you will live a long life, then.

- You are lying. I know...you...you Gypsy Lady! 

- (A big, loud, long, happy, satisfied laugh) Maybe! Who knows...? We never know our tomorrow. Or, do we? It's all a secret!

- Thank you very much. It was a nice reading. My first and only reading. You don't know this, do you? Nevertheless, you overcame all my expectations. I like you.

- Thank you. I like you too. I normally don't like people. You see, they scare the shit out of me with some of their "demands"...I know I'm good. It's a blessing. You've got a blessing too but, you are in the other line of powers: you are a psychic, a medium. Use it for the good. Use your powers to help people, tell them what to do or just tell them the truth...People are attracted to you and children, Ah yes...the babies and children are attracted to you like a powerful magnet...because of the truth and the goodness in your heart. You must tell people about things, about life, about deepest desires, about love; tell them about affection, about truths and guidance, about helping one another - about the simplicity of things in life that we generally... forget.

- OK.

- I hope I have helped you. I hope you listen to me, too.

- You did. I will never forget you Dona Esmeralda. Never.

- I will remember you too, Sioux-Blooded impatient woman!

- Bye!

- Be well. Hey... do you have that machine... the computer?

- No, I don't. 

- Buy one. Remember what I said! You will meet him through it... Don't forget to do this... if you want changes in your life... You have to want the changes, you have to want the changes in your lifestyle but not now, hear me? Soon. You are still in a healing process. Not now, hear me?

- (She heard but didn't listen...) I understand... besides... you said that I still have a couple of years before I meet him.

- Yes. You have time. You have... all the time in the world.

- OK. OK.

- God bless you, minha filha.

- Amen. Fique com Deus.

She left with a lighter soul, full of reassurance and hope. And in peace. She knew that her near future was good, that she had a mission; that there was a good man out there for her, wherever he was in this planet and far away from Brazil. So... WHAT else did she need? Money? No. Possessions? No. Clothes? No. Shoes? No. A nip-tuck? Never. A liposuction? No way. Travel? No. What, what, what? A computer! Did he have a computer? She was full of great expectations!

Victoria decided to stop by the computer store on her way home. She wasn't going to buy one yet and could have waited more but she needed and wanted more information on computers and to check prices. Dona Esmeralda mentioned patience but that was something she didn't quite have sometimes. She would do things out of the blue and all of a sudden.

After leaving the computer store carrying a brand new laptop she had just bought she drove her car to a busy crossroad and came to a stop light.

The school bus hit her car right on the left side crashing it in half in the strangest of ways, and against all odds and forecasts, sound and fury; earth, wind and fire, heaven and hell, life and death. She felt nothing, heard nothing, sensed nothing. She only saw a soft, comforting light coming toward her and beautiful blue feathers; soft blue feathers and peace everywhere.

Words: 2321
© Copyright 2010 ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams (chrisdaltro at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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