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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Dark · #1701473
This story I wrote when I was very sad. This is a story I wrote when I was 17.
As she walked down the dark damp ally way, she thought what happened in the last year.

Her destination was back home to her 3 month old daughter. The only thing that mattered in her sorrow filled life

was her baby girl. She suddenly had a flash back when she didn't have her daughter and the pain she dealt with

everyday. She was sitting in class when the bell rang for break. She gathered her belongings and put them away

in her backpack. She headed down the wooden stair case and bumped into her boyfriend. He came up to her and gave

her a quick kiss. She returned it with a hug and smiled brightly. She was feeling sick, as she was feeling for the

last two months. Two days later, she went to the clinic for a pregnancy test. The doctor came back in with the

results of the test. "You are pregnant, What are you going to do?" He said calmly and concerningly. "I don't

know!" she said with tears streaming down her pale doll like face. She thought to herself, "What AM I going

to do? I know if he finds out he'll leave me, then I'll never see him again!". The next day when school

started, she saw him. He walked up her her and grin as if nothing was wrong. She knew this was going to hurt her.

She knew it wasn't going to go well and he'd leave her. She kept thinking and gained a sorrowfully tearful face. She

looked down at her shoes which were runners and spoke quietly. "I'm.....I'm...I'm PREGNANT!" she said as she

bursted into outrageous tears and fell to the ground hard. He replied "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Did you

cheat on me or something, you stupid slut! Stay AWAY from me! I'll kill you and that stupid child." "It's your

baby too, not just mine! It's as much as my fault as it is yours! You can't just blame me and I didn't cheat on

you!" she cried even harder as she yelled these words to him. She tried to hold him and he pulled back and walked

away. She had a lump in her throat and her tummy hurt worse than ever. She just curled up in a ball on the stairs

and cried. Her best-friend saw her there and knelled down beside her. He rapped his arms around her to hold her

close. She lay all her weight on his shoulders and he tried to help her up. He managed to grab enough of her so

she could walked inside. He held her close and smiled at her to cheer her up. She looked at him, showing him that

her heart was utterly broken. He could tell without her saying a word that she had lost her first love. Tears kept

streaming from her eyes and her nose was running like mad. He took a napkin from his pocket and wipe off the snot

and tears. He held her close again and rubbed her back in hopes it'd help her feel better. For the next three

weeks, she cried and her ex-boyfriend saw it. He constantly confused her by saying he'd come back and that he

was sorry. She found out from her best-friend that he only said that to make it harder on her and to intentionally

hurt her. After two months and a half him saying he'd come back and that he was, though he wasn't, she gave up on

him and let him go. Letting go of him got rid of some of her pain. She went back to school and he asked her why

she stopped saying hi. Her answer was just a look and she walked away. Of course he harassed, threatened and

insulted her constantly. He got his friends to join in and The cops were called. She decided she had enough and

didn't deserve her ex-boyfriend trying to bring her down. His last attempt to bring her down, he was sent to jail.

His sentence was attempted murder and assault. She never knew how long he was suppose to stay in jail, nor did

she care. She was happy he was gone. After that the community started calling her a bad mother. She became very

lonely and depressed, knowing she sent her love to jail and he didn't love her back. She couldn't handle all

the pain bottled inside her and she became suicidal. She thought of nothing but loneliness and pain. She

started believing the lies people told her, like she was worthless, a bad mother and she meant nothing to the

world. As she came back to reality and the present, she kept walking down the dark damp ally way. Still feeling

territorially worthless, she cried and felt so depressed. A dark shadow appear behind her, it walked quicker and

quicker. She looked back to see it disappeared. Suddenly someone grabbed her from behind, forcing her hands to come

together. A hand appeared on her mouth before she had the chance to scream for help. She tried to fight back but

lacked the strength and health. She gave up trying and knew her fate. He pinned her down and tore off her clothes.

He felt her up first, feeling her soft skin and beautiful face in his hands. She just lay there and cried. He

forced himself inside her and dealt a great deal of damage to her insides. Then after raping her and making her

bleed, he stabbed her repetitively. He got up and just stocked off, leaving her bleeding to death in the ally.

She lay there, knowing her life was coming to an end. She closed her eyes and just let go knowing, she would have

no knight in shining armor to save her. She died in the dark damp ally way that night. The next day at school they

made the announcement that she died. Here was the announcement, "Corvina Daria Davies was raped and murdered last night

in an ally on her way home. The police found her dead body with several stab marks and in a garbage can. Let us

believe this girl was kind and beautiful and didn't deserve this fate. Let us give a moment of silence.......That

is the end of the announcement, Thank You." When her best-friend heard this he cried and left the school for the day.

When the message got to her ex-boyfriend in jail, he cried and knew what he did wrong.
© Copyright 2010 Symfani (symfani at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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