Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1700903-At-First-Sight-Chapter-1
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1700903
The first chapter in my story. We meet the heroine and hero..
Chapter One

         Standing in front of the mirror in her bedroom, Casi contemplated what she was going to do with the mane of thick ink colored hair she had been gifted with. Today she decided on a simple braid that when finished went all the way to the middle of her back. Karsh, the private royal tutor, had told her yesterday that today’s lesson was of the utmost importance. Hearing a soft knock on the door she glanced in the mirror one last time and went to see who had knocked.
         “Hello Mother.” Casi greeted Queen Alvara with a slight curtsy and let her mother in her bedroom.
         “Good morning to you  my dear. Oh my, Casimira, what are you wearing?” The Queen’s joking laugh filled the room, though her eyes were disapproving. Casi looked down at her outfit. She had chosen a simple pair of black pants and her traditional short sleeved white button up shirt. It was what she wore almost every school day.
         “I don’t understand…” she started. The Queen had already disappeared into her wardrobe room. Casi followed cautiously.
         “Today is one of the most important days of your life Casi. I’m sure Karsh told you what today was, did he not?” She questioned as she held up two different floor length gowns.
         “Yes ma’am. He told me that today’s lesson was of utmost importance.” Casi went to the defense of her tutor whom she respected very much.
         “Oh it is, my dear. But today is more than just important, it marks the beginning of your senior trials and today, well today you will receive your prophecy from the Witches Council. There will be an amazing parade and ball to follow. It’s going to be an marvelous day. I am so excited to hear what it is.” Alvara smiled at her daughter and held up the two dresses. “Which one do you prefer?” The one on the right was very girly pink, with a full length flowing skirt and strapless. Casi knew it would look good on her, but the dress on the left, black and simple with no flair was much more her style. She pointed to it and her mother handed it to her and left the room. She heard a bustle in the main room and groaning she slithered into the black dress. It was short sleeved, with a boat neck that clung to her body to the waist and flared slightly to her knees. She walked into the main room and saw that her mother had brought in a makeup and a hair stylist.
         “Mother, can I ask why I wasn’t aware of what was going on today?” Casi asked as she was whisked into a chair in front of her mirror and watched as the hairdresser began to unravel the braid she had created earlier.
         “Have you not noticed every person in this castle has been running around for a week now getting ready? Honestly, Casimira, I thought you knew.” The Queen shook her head in exasperation and then began discussing with the hairdresser exactly what was to be done with her hair. Casi mumbled to herself as a brush was pushed through her hair. She had noticed the castle bustling with activity, but there was always something going on that she hadn’t thought twice about what everyone was doing. But she hadn’t realized what today was. She had been so focused on her own non-existent love life to even think about what day of the week it was, let alone that it was an important occasion. Whenever she started obsessing about something it took over every part of her brain… it was one of the things she hated about herself. But to forget what today- that was unforgivable… it was the most important day ever… To get your prophecy from the Witches Council was one of the most important things that a young royal witch could experience in their lifetime. It not only marked your first experience with the Witches Council and the high priestess, but it was the beginning of your senior trials. Every young witch had to go through their senior trials before they were given their witches license, a license that allowed them to practice good magic without the supervision of a trained witch. Senior trials lasted for 6 weeks and they were tests of endurance, skill and knowledge, but in order to start your senior trials, you had to first visit the Witches Council, because it was their decision whether or not you were allowed to start. Royal witches, however, were given their prophecy- the road path for the rest of her life. Casi could feel the bitterness welling up inside her- she hated that her whole life was planned out for her and she little choice in what path she took in life.

         Over an hour later Casi was finally able to leave the room and decided to head to the classroom for a few minutes before she was whisked away again and the ceremony of the day started. She heard the soft sound of steps behind her, but knew that it was just Marc, following her as he always did. Any other day, she would have waited for him and talked while she walked to wherever she was going, but today she felt like walking alone-or as alone as she could be.
         The hall of the castle stretched before her, luminous ruby paint reflecting the morning sunshine as it streamed through the soaring stained glass windows that lined the main corridor. Each window held the likeness of the kings and queens of old, often feeling like they were watching anyone who walked the gold encrusted corridor that stretched from one end of the castle to the other. Casi found the round stairs that led from the hall up three flights to the school room. She almost always took them slowly, enjoying the sound of her footsteps echoing in the stairwell as she ascended the steps. But today she decided to run, taking them two at a time in spite of her dress and heals. She knew it was dangerous but at that moment she just didn’t care. She needed to talk to Karsh and knew he would be in the school room, where she was almost certain he slept in spite of the fact that he had a suite in the guest wing of the castle.
         “Princess” a gentle, warning voice came from behind her and she stopped to turn and look at Marc, who was smiling, though a slight disapproval in his eyes. She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed.
“Yes Marc?” she asked a slight laugh in her voice. He just shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest to mirror her. She laughed outright. She knew he was only looking out for what was best for her and she shouldn’t have been running up the stairs. She threw her hands in the air in a gesture of defeat and continued up the last few stairs at a normal pace. She heard a soft chuckle behind her as Marc followed her up the stairs and opened the big wooden door at the top of the stairs.
Every muscle in her body tensed when she saw the boy standing there talking to Karsh. He was exquisite, the very definition of a beautiful boy. He had locks of golden hair, chin length that was disheveled and kept falling in his eyes. She could see the perfectly chiseled chin and high cheek bones from the side. His body was lean, but powerful looking. She knew he had grown up fighting just by the way he held himself, very assured, but the minute she had walked in the room, his senses had peaked. She couldn’t move when he finally turned around and gave her the full blast of his piercing jade green eyes. They were slanted, taking her in while she watched him. She inhaled when he began to cross the room toward her. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Karsh was saying something, but she couldn’t make out any of his words as the thrill of the angel walking toward her settled into her veins. She felt her cheeks turning red in a blush and tore her eyes away to figure out what Karsh was saying to her.
         “Princess…?” he was asking, a concerned look on his face.
         “Yes? Sorry, I was…” she tried to find the right word. “…distracted.”
         “Oh, yes. Please let me introduce you to Flynn Lightfoot, he’s the son of an old friend of mine.” Karsh motioned toward Flynn, who still had not taken his eyes off of Casi.
         “Hi.” She said feebly, looking back into his eyes. They took her breath away again, this time he was smiling slightly, which made her a bit weak in the knees. Somewhere in the background Marc coughed slightly, a gesture of assertion so no one missed he too was in the room with them all. Casi didn’t even notice her whole focus on Flynn. 
         “Hello Your Highness.” He answered. “Like Karsh said, I’m Flynn.” He bowed first and then held his hand out to her. She took it without hesitation, completely forgetting to curtsy in response. His hand was calloused and warm, with long fingers that entwined with hers.
“Casimira Malorie Auda Sonia Pallaton.”She smiled, her full name coming out before she could stop it. She saw hum smirk, obviously amused she had given her full name to this stranger.
         “Princess, did you need something?” Karsh asked when both Flynn and Casi let go of the other’s hand. She looked at her instructor.
         “I think I had a bone to pick with you, but it seems pointless now.” She laughed slightly.
         “I think I know why you’re here Princess.” He laughed and walked back over to the table where they normally sat for lessons. “You’re wondering why I didn’t remind you what today was.”
         “Yes I am.  Confused would be my word of choice…” she laughed and followed Karsh over to the table.
         “Oh, Princess, truth is I don’t know how you didn’t know about today.” His grin was obvious, but Casi didn’t find herself getting angry with him but rather smiling along.
         “Me either! I guess I was concentrating so hard on other things, like last semester, that I wasn’t even paying attention to what month it was, let alone what day it was!” Casi laughed along with Karsh, but one look at Flynn and her breath caught again. He was smiling, and it was like the sun had fallen out of the sky and landed in the room.
         “I’m sure you did wonderfully, Your Highness.” Flynn said, sitting across from Casi.
         “Yes, thank you. Karsh is such an amazing teacher one can’t help but pass with flying colors!” Casi laughed. “You don’t need to say ‘Your Highness’ every time. Please call me Casi.” She smiled back at him. Flynn seemed a little taken back and looked to Karsh for help.
         “I couldn’t possibly, Your…” Flynn started to say.
         “Flynn, I believe it would be appropriate to call her ‘Princess’ in non- formal settings. That is very acceptable indeed.” Karsh instructed. Flynn looked relieved, nodding vehemently in response. Casi just shook her head in exasperation. The formality of royal life never ceased to annoy her.
         “So, Flynn, what brings you to here on this seemingly important day?” Casi asked wanting nothing more than to talk to him.
         “My being here today was a complete coincidence, actually. Karsh has made arrangements with the King and Queen so that I can go through my senior trials with you and Prince Caiden.”
         “Oh!” Casi couldn’t hide her excitement. 6 whole weeks of intense training with Flynn made her blood boil in her veins and she knew a blush was being to spread across her whole body.
         “I hope you don’t mind, Princess.” Flynn said sheepishly.
         “Not at all! I think it will be wonderful to have you here with us. Caiden and I are so often looking for others to practice with. Karsh is a great teacher, but to be honest he’s terrible at hand to hand and withstanding curses. And poor Marc and Yuri are often our guinea pigs, I’m sure they will enjoy the break too!” She glanced at Marc as she said that and saw the sparkle in his eyes knowing she was right. Too often he had walked around with various parts of his body missing, or larger than should be and so on, as Casi had practiced on him.
         “I’m looking forward to it too. My training up to now hasn’t been consistent; I’m really looking forward to expanding what I know. And the chance to work with you and the Prince, it’s an honor I have to say Princess. You and Prince Caiden are often whispered about as having amazing control and power that’s unparalleled.” He seemed to revere her, she noticed and didn’t know if she was pleased by it or not. She and Caiden’s powers were very strong, but they didn’t have the control that everyone seemed to think they did in her opinion. They had much to learn before they were considered full adult witches.
         “Princess, we have to be going.” Marc reminded her softly, from the other side of the room.
“Yes, thank you Marc.” She shifted slightly in her chair, almost regretting this encounter with him was coming to an end. “I look forward to seeing you again Flynn.” She smiled at him and got up from the chair. He did also, bowing slightly.
         “As do I, Princess.” His eyes held a note of wonder in them as he took her in. Casi turned to Karsh.
         “Will you be there with us today?”
         “Of course, Princess, though my role will be very insignificant. A mere mOrial supporter, I doubt in the fuss of it all you’ll even notice I’m there.” He smiled. She nodded and followed Marc out the big wooden door, glancing back quickly stealing one last look at Flynn. He was staring at her, his eyes hooded and unreadable. She couldn’t understand the effect he seemed to have over her, but she did know that she wanted more of it. Sighing slightly, she walked down the stairs with Marc to find her parents.
Her entire family was waiting in the throne room when she and Marc walked in. She smiled to them all as she surveyed the room and its occupants.
        Her father, King Aldon was standing there discussing something with his top advisor and both of his own personal protectors, Hans and Gorg, were standing off to the sides watching patiently. Her father had always been the proper King; very traditional, very strict for as long as Casi could remember. He had raven black hair and piercing green eyes that somehow saw everything, his build was that of a out of practice warrior, still large and intimidating, but the years of hardship could be seen in the grey in his hair and strain on his face.
        Her mother, Queen Alvara was standing on the other side of the golden room, talking to her younger sister Adryana. Her mother had always been a true beauty and still after so many years of raising children and hardship in the witch world, she seemed to not have aged a day. Casi always wondered if it was something more than just good genes, but she would never say as much. Her mother had chocolate pearl eyes and long coffee colored hair that, when down reached her knees, was styled up in an elegant coiffure and a simple ruby crown. Her face was round, doll like in its features, everything right where it should be with ideal proportions. Her little sister standing there next to her might as well have been her mother when she was younger they looked so alike most people were amazed by the resemblance. Right down to the small black freckle on their right eyelids. Their protectors stood behind them, silent in the background as they always were. Her twin brother Caiden and their little brother Barett stood off to the other side of the room, whispering in excited hushed tones.          
        All three of them had taken their looks from their father; inky black hair, striking green eyes and long features. Casi sometimes wished she had been blessed with her mother’s beauty but she was proud to look like her father, a man she not only respected but admired. She and Caiden were identical, minus the fact that she was a girl and he, a boy. In looks they were identical; but their personalities couldn’t have been more opposite. If he liked something, she generally hated it. If he hated something, she loved it. It wasn’t something they strived for, in fact it was one of the things they agreed on was their dislike for it, but it was unavoidable. Perhaps the magic in the world made it that way, or they were born with a gene that made it impossible for them to agree on anything. They argued often, but never in a heated hurtful way and their fights never lasted longer than a few minutes. Casi went straight over to where they were standing, wanting to know what they were so excited about. She should have guessed, considering what day it was.
        “I’ve heard such horrible things about Vahne.” Barett was saying, horror, but excitement in his eyes.
        “I bet every story is true.” Caiden’s eyes matched the sound of Barett’s excitement. They had all heard the tales told of Vahne, the most powerful of all the witch gods. “I heard once that he incinerated someone at the base of the temple because they refused to follow the decree that lower witches need a wand to use magic. Did you know it wasn’t always like that? Karsh was telling me the story and that Vahne and the Council changed it so that only the royal family receives prophecies and can use magic without the aid of a wand. It’s said he’s twice the size of a full grown warrior, even bigger than father.” Caiden told his younger brother who was nodding vehemently, nodding slightly to Casi as she stopped in front of him.
        “Wow.” Barett wondered, staring over at their father. Caiden motioned for Casi to follow him as they left their brother excitedly running to their father.
        “Did you hear?” he asked. Casi wondered what he was talking about, shaking her head as they rounded the corner out into the main hallway. “Father himself is going to introduce us to Vahne.”
        “That can’t be right. He doesn’t speak to anyone other than Heredith…”
        “Hans made it a point to tell both Yuri and Marc this morning, so I’m surprised you didn’t spring this info on me right off. Where were you, by the way?” his eyebrow cocked a bit as he took in her slight blush, curious what could distract her from the news he’d just shared.
          “I was talking with Karsh. You’re not going to believe this, but it’s not just going to be you and me for senior trials! Father and Mother agreed to let the son of one of Karsh’s friends train with us!” her eyes sparkled a bit and Caiden knew there was more to this kid then just training with them.
          He wiggled his eyes at her. “Someone likes this kid…” he teased. She blushed harder and just shook her head, choosing to walk away then get into something with him there. Not today, of all days.
          Casi heard the simple snap of her father’s fingers and every person in the hall instantly stood to attention before him, almost without a single movement. “It is now time to take the ride to Arà where Caiden and Casimira will be introduced to Vahne and will be receiving their prophecies. I do not need to emphasis how important it is for this day to go off flawlessly. As instructed by Vahne himself, I will be introducing my children to the Witches Council, in the place of Heredith.” He motioned to his wife to join him and then turned to the grand gilded doors facing the east and with a gesture of his hand, they were opened.

            The deafening noise that came from the crowd gathered outside the palace took Casi’s breath away, literally. There seemed to be no air in the whole kingdom the moment that the royal family stepped out from the doors onto the courtyard. She grabbed Caiden’s hand and glanced over, meeting his identical bewildered eyes. This wasn’t something either of them was prepared for. The King waved to the crowds, smiling broadly at every eye he met. Their mother stood off the side, waving also, in her unassuming way. The stairs that led from the courtyard to the main thoroughfare were covered in thousands of flowers and at the end of the seemingly endless flower carpet was a massive blue and gold carriage with no top that seemed large enough for the entire family to sit in, pulled by two immense horses with bright blue hair braided intricately. Her father stood in front of the carriage waving as the family, one at a time, climbed in waiting for the procession to begin. All their time growing up, it had been drilled into their heads how important this day was and Casi knew it wouldn’t be something she would ever forget, but she was more nervous then she would ever admit out loud. It was terrifying that right now, this very moment would set the course for the rest of her life. Whatever prophecy she was given, it would be how she had to live out the rest of her days. Her father had and his father before him, in fact every other royal that had ever lived had lived according to their prophecy. Life it seemed was about to hand her a map for her whole life, but she wasn’t sure that was what she wanted. Why did her whole life have to be planned ahead for her? Why wasn’t she in charge of her own fate? Questions and bitterness flew through her mind as the horses began to move. Her brother nudged her side and she looked up, realizing she should have been waving to the crowds the moment she entered the carriage. She lifted her hand absentmindedly, waving how she had been taught to from the minute she could raise her hand on her own.

      The theatrical ride lasted over an hour and by the time they finally made it to Arà, with no major catastrophes; Casi’s arm was tingling from the constant waving. Several people along the way had thrown roses at her- she held them now in her hand, wanting the small reminder of the day, though she knew she didn’t really need it. Arà was often considered grander then Vengalis and looking at it now in the glowing morning sun, Casi had to agree that it was certainly a glorious city. It was a simple layout; driving into the city the living apartments sat to the right- made of large marble stones and covered in ivy vines they housed the 50 Zeektnu that served Heredith and the Witch’s Council. To the left were the courtyards and meditation rings where anyone could come and sit and meditate in the peaceful gardens. The temple sat centered, rising over 5 stories high- gold plated stones lined the steps that led to the main chamber where everything really happened. The scenery around the temple was really what took your breath away. Exotic plants, blooming flowers upon flowers, mouth-watering fruit filled trees, and a moat filled the most strikingly rare coy fish found in their entire world. One could get lost in the splendor of the small garden that lined the temple before even taking one step on the first stair. But today, instead of the customary calm gentleness that was the city of Arà, every Zeektnu stood, lining the steps up to the main chamber where a bright, blindly light flowed out of the chamber. She heard her father take a very shaky deep breath before he stood back up. She hadn’t realized until this moment what this moment meant to him. He was meeting the makers, the gods that created their entire race- it was disconcerting to say the least.

          One by one they climbed out of the carriage and King Aldon took both Casi and Caiden by the shoulder as they walked side by side up the golden steps. It was customary and considered good luck if every Zeektnu touched the royal that walked the stairs to the top and Casi could tell as hand after hand touched her back that it was something that was taken very seriously. Having never seen the ceremony herself, only taught what was going to happen, Casi felt lost and grappled for what she was supposed to do in return but she came up blank so she did nothing. She noticed that Caiden didn’t do anything either and he was a better listener, so maybe she was doing something right. Her heart began to pound as they reached the gleaming chamber where her entire past and future sat waiting- for her. Her father stopped before the last step inside and waited, placing a slight amount of pressure on each of their shoulders, in support or command, Casi wasn’t sure but she was comforted by it nonetheless.
        “Enter.” A booming male voice sounded, echoing across the whole city. Walking into the chamber, she had to squint because the light was so bright, but her eyes quickly adjusted to the majestic sight before her. Two large white marble thrones sat at the center of the room, with three slightly smaller thrones on each side of the two polished chairs. In each chair sat the most stunning people Casi had ever seen. The woman in the center of the room caught her eye first because she had the face and body that any woman would give everything she owed to have; a perfectly set face, large blue eyes, perfect hour glass figure (even sitting down), and yards of glistening golden hair spilling out of a crown that sat atop her head. Her skin emitted a soft glow that couldn’t be anything other than the glow of a deity- Oria. Sitting beside her was a giant of a man, as handsome as it was possible to be, perfectly sculpted without a single sign of age. He was twice the size of any other person in the room and Casi knew instantly that this was Vahne. She noted the six other deities that sat in each of the smaller thrones, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of Vahne and Oria- they were that glorious to behold.
        “My Lords and Ladies.” Her father kneeled, pressing Casi and Caiden down with him as he bowed before the Council.
      “Aldon, my son.” Vahne said, gesturing for the three of them to rise.
      “My Lord. May I introduce you to my children? This is Caiden Gachare Kato Gareth” he pushed Caiden forward a step. Caiden bowed at the waist as he was taught.        “And this is Casimira Malorie Auda Sonia.” He did the same with Casi and she did a proper curtsy as she had been taught.
      “Well met Caiden and Casimira. I know you have been taught who we are, but please, it would be my pleasure to introduce you to the Council.” Vahne motioned to the group around him who were smiling brightly on Casi and Caiden. “This is my wife, Oria.” He gestured to his left. “Beside her are Lilanya, Orrellia, and Tama. And these” he gestured to the right “are Eldoeer, Cian, and Mahali.” Casi noticed that the female deities sat beside Oria and the male deities beside Vahne- another tradition that was followed to the letter- the mixing of the sexes was more than frowned upon.
        “I am so happy to meet you at last, Caiden and Casimira. We have heard nothing but good from your father and from what we have seen I know your futures are bright.” Oria smiled down at them and Casi was filled with a sense of happiness, content with where she was standing and knew that Oria was using her powers to help put her and her brother at ease. Casi was amazed- there was no other word for it. Normally when magic was used without the aid of a wand, you could see the light in the air around the person performing that magic, almost like an aura- but around Oria there was no trace of the magic being used. Casi had never seen anything like it before in her life. 
        “Let us continue with the ceremony.” Vahne stood, and came straight to Caiden.              “Man to man we will talk.” He placed his hand on Caiden’s should and Casi could see the pride that shone from her brother. They walked off and Casi noticed that their father had very quietly slipped away, standing at the entrance of the chamber, waiting for his queue to leave. Oria stood and walked over to Casi.
        “And female to female, we have much to discuss my daughter.” She nodded and took Casi hand, leading her to the rooftop garden that adorned the temple. They walked along a path of rose bushes, Oria’s flowing gown billowing out behind them. “We can talk freely up her Casimira. I know you must have many questions.” Her gentle smile made Casi feel like she could trust her, so Casi spilled what was burdening her the most.
        “Why are we the only ones given a prophecy?” Casi asked.
        “You mean ‘we’, as in the royal family?”
        “Yes, Your Highness.”
        “Every witch born into the Realm of Witches, this world that we live in, is born and given a prophecy. For a very long time we allowed every young witch to come to the temple and learn our traditions and given their prophecy.” She paused at a single red rose, plucking it off the bush. “And for years people abused what was prophesied, manipulating the powers they were given to force the will of the words to be what they wanted them to mean, not always what the prophecy had intended. When things began to spiral out of control, the Council decided to stop revealing prophecies to anyone but the royal family. The royal family is our representation where we cannot be and in being that they need a clear path on which their lives must travel.”
        “But doesn’t that take away our free will? It doesn’t seem fair that I have to follow a path that I have no control over.” Casi knew she sounded whiney, but she really didn’t see the point of it all.
        “I will be honest with you Casimira, it does a little. I realize to you it doesn’t seem fair, but as a member of the royal family it is your responsibility to led and be an example to every other witch out there. If you do not walk a straight and good path, what will that say to those whom you lead? As immortal creatures we cannot leave this temple which is why the royal family was created, to be our voice outside the walls of this place. We depend on you to take what we teach you and what we decide to the witches of this realm. But there is always a journey Casimira. What you are told today is a guide, but you will have to be the one who puts one foot in front of the other and walk that path, that is your choice. You may choose to turn your back on it. But I must warn you that if you choose that, you will be banished, striped of your powers and title. But don’t let that discourage you- enjoy the journey while it happens. I do not think you will be disappointed with what is told to you today.” she smiled gently, stopping in the path and turning to face Casi. “You and your brother have the two most important prophecies that have ever been handed out before. The whole of the Council is anxious for the journey that will begin when you leave this temple today.” Her bright smile was contagious. Casi knew she still doubted, but she was more reassured then she had been before, walking quietly with Oria she found herself actually excited to see what was in store.
      “Is there anything else you would like to know?” Oria asked, standing by the door that led back to the main chamber.
      “Will I find love?” Casi blurted out.
        She laughed lightly. “Yes, my daughter, you will.” Her eyes twinkled and Casi wondered why that was.

        Inside the main chamber, Caiden and Vahne stood together by the largest throne and they watched as Casi and Oria entered the room.
        “Ladies.” Vahne motioned, as they both sat down, the other six deities following suit. Caiden came to stand next to her, where they both kneeled to the ground. “What is about to be given to you is yours and yours alone. You may choose to share your prophecy with whomever you choose, but consider all the ramifications that choice will have before you do. They are not meant to be a checklist that you must get through; they are meant as guides to your lives path. Remember what you have been told today.” He motioned to Heredith who had been standing in the shadows of the door. The high priestess, the only person allowed to converse with the deities regularly, had a mane of frothy jet black hair and a hefty body that flowed in ways that it shouldn’t have been able to. Her soft brown eyes were her only lovely feature but they were masked behind a unibrow- in truth she looked scarier than Casi had thought it possible for a woman to look. She handed a scroll to both Casi and Caiden and backed out of the room again, quickly. Casi stared in awe at the fragile paper in her hand. Here it was- her life in a neat little package. She tried not to be bitter about it, but even the comforting words of Oria still hadn’t erased every fear and negative thought she had about being handed this- her prophecy. They backed quietly out of the room, the eyes of every Council Member on them as they turned swiftly and back down the stairs where the entire family sat, waiting for them. A deafening roar sounded as she and Caiden climbed into the carriage, which swiftly turned around and headed home, back to the palace. Tonight there was to be a ball that only the most prominent of the city were to attend, where Caiden and Casi would be given permission to begin their senior trials now that they had their prophecies.

      The ride back was quick and Casi quickly retreated to her room before anyone had the chance to talk to her, even her brother- who she was sure had done the same thing. They each wanted to read what had been given to them in privacy. She dismissed all of her maids and sat in the center of her bed.
      She untied the red ribbon that held the scroll closed and began to unroll the delicate paper, holding her breath the entire time. Her name stood in heavy black letters at the top of the scroll. Underneath were the words she both dreaded and desired.

Casimira Malorie Auda Sonia Pallaton

In the midst of a coming fight

As day turns to darkest night
Someone close to you, you’ll lose
A fateful choice will you choose
And only one will know your pain
What you thought was lost will be your gain
Love that lives inside your deepest heart
Has been revealed and will mark the start

© Copyright 2010 Jelex Lynn (jlam1227 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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