Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1700823-Small-Cabin
Rated: · Fiction · Other · #1700823
About a young girl and her family and the problems she encounters with her life.
She opened her eyes and looked around the small room, she shared the double bed with her two younger sisters. It was cold this morning she could see the air from her breathing, she snuggled deeper under the quilts where it was nice and warm. She must have dozed off she opened her eyes and it was time to get up and start the day, she was a small thin girl ten years of age but she had alot of chores to finish before getting ready for school. She jumped up out of the bed and dressed quickly, yanking on a pair of socks before leaving the room, first she must set a fire in the coal burning stove in the living room, running into the kitchen she grabbed the water bucket and putting on her coat and boots she must go to the spring and bring in water; as the cabin did not have running water.

It was so cold outside on this clear October morning, as she was walking to the spring, she revealed in the beauty of the morning, how quiet not even the animals were stirring. She starting humming a song it was great to be out and alone. She returned back to the small cabin and the rest of the family was up mom had started cooking breakfast I could smell the bacon, hot buttered biscuits and gravy, her stomach started rumbling it had been along time since she had had supper the night before, but her breakfast must wait. She had to help dress her younger sister and help her younger brothers with hair brushing and cleaning their faces. As every morning, she always ate last, she had to make sure their was enough food for the younger children. After her meager breakfast was consumed, it was time to let the cows out into the pasture, feed the chickensand bring in the eggs. She had to run all the way to the bus stop just barely making the bus, whew! a very close call almost missed the bus this morning.

She hated going to school all the kids made fun of her clothes! The dresses she wore were made from flour sacks she wished she could have store bought clothes and be like all the other kids. She always hid in the back of the classroom hoping no one would notice her, and hopefully the teacher would not call on her, she was very shy and did not enjoy being in front of the classroom. At lunch, she tried to find a table so she could sit alone, but she saw Emily waving to her from across the room, she could not ignore her best friend, making her way across the room through groups of kids she finally had made it to the table. She like sitting with Emily who was so friendly and open and was always talking constantly, taking out a small paper bag she knew what her lunch would be, a homemade biscuit with a piece of bacon she would have to drink water not enough money for milk, not today!

Johnnie hated returning home after school walking down the long dirt road her thoughts were on what chores needed to be done before she could even think about school work. When she walked into the front yard Spot her loving dog greeted her she played with the little dog for a short while and then off to change to work clothes and starting on the evening chores. She only had four set of clothes for school, one really
nice dress for church and shoes were the plain brown and white saddle oxfords. Gosh, how she hated those shoes she had tried and tried to tear the shoes apart but nothing damaged the sturdy pair of shoes, guess she would be wearing this pair for a very long time. One day Johnnie was hoping to get a new pair something pretty maybe a black patent leather pair she had seen in the store.

Johnnie set about her chores collecting the coal for the living room stove was first on the list, then a couple of armloads of firewood for the kitchen stove, another pail of water from the spring. Johnnie really loved the taste of the ice cold spring water the water shed was kind of scary, damp amd cold she was always on the lookout for any types of animals, especially snakes. No need to worry about those slimy little things normally they would not be out and about on a cold day. Johnnie hurried to the barn was time to start sorting and tying the
tobacco, her father was a tabacco farmer, and the tobacco had to be tied and cured to be ready to sell in December maybe they would get enough money to get them through the next year and Johnnie was really hoping for some type of christmas presents for her and her brothers and sisters. She was putting a pair of shoes on her list for Santa this year.

Johnnie helped her mom cook dinner, it was a weekday, not much for dinner a pot of beans, warm, buttery
biscuits and cold milk. She loved sunday dinners the best after church there would always be a big plate of crispy fried chicken, fresh green beans, tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden , a large jug of iced tea and of course
momma's homemade bananna pudding. Just thinking about the sunday feast would make your mouth water.
After all the dishes were washed and put away the huge tub would be brought in from the porch and water
would be heated on the stove so everyone could take a bath, the kitchen was nice and warm. Johnnie wished
their home could have running water and indoor plumbing her family did not have the money for that type of luxury. What money they did have had to go for the necessities. After dinner, Johnnie sat down at the huge dining room table with a kerosene lamp for light so she could complete her homework for tomorrow.
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