Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1700605-The-Big-Top
Rated: E · Other · Contest · #1700605
A story about joining the circus - Cramp entry
Alberto woke with an ache in his side from the rock lodged under him on the bare ground. He saw the sun beginning to creep above the horizon. He was never allowed to sleep this late.

He sat upright. Looking around, he saw no one. No mama; no dangerous man who had taken them this far.

Alberto panicked. He stood up and looked into the distance. Dry sand, parched brush, barren brownness, rising waves of heat.

His eyes itched with tears but no tears came. It was too dry.

So Alberto did what he'd been told to do -- he walked.

He knew to keep the sun on his right until it was high overhead and then to find shade, if there was any. When the sun began to go down, he walked more, this time keeping the sun on his left.

He did this for three days. When he wasn't preoccupied with the heat, the loneliness welled up inside of him.

Finally, he began to see some ranches spread out on the land. He steered clear of them, except for occasionally stopping to get a drink at a spigot not too close to any houses.

As the dwellings grew more numerous, Alberto knew he was getting close to a town. He was simultaneously excited and fearful.

When he reached the town, he walked around the outskirts. There were lots of other brown-skinned kids there, and he fit in well enough.

At the far edge of town, Alberto saw a large gathering place like a football field. He couldn't figure out what it was, but there was an excitement in the air. Drawing closer, he saw the biggest tent he'd ever seen. It was made of red and blue striped canvas and seemed large enough to have another whole city underneath.

While Alberto knew that he should avoid places where crowds might gather, he was drawn to the tent. As he inched closer, he began to hear a captivating, twinkly music.

"Well, who are you?"

The booming woman's voice surrounded and startled him. As he jumped and turned to run, she grabbed his collar.

"It's ok, little man. I'm a friend....amiga."

Alberto knew enough English to understand her, but he still wasn't sure.

She wore a long, colorful, well-worn skirt and had gold hoop earrings that tangled in her thick dark hair. Still holding his collar, she rooted around in her bag and pulled out a bottle of orange soda. He drained it without pausing for a breath.

"I'm Mathilda. Su nombre?"

"Albert," he replied softly.

"Al. I like that," she roared back. "You new in town?"

He wasn't sure what she meant, but she didn't seem as scary as at first.

"Come on, then." And with that, she grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the tent.

He was afraid, but she seemed friendly, and anyway, he wasn't sure he could get away if he wanted to.

As they approached, the music grew louder, and Alberto began to hear the neighing and braying of an assortment of animals.

"Welcome to the circus," Mathilda said gleefully as she pulled open a gap in the canvas.

The lights inside were bright , and Alberto's eyes grew wide as he took in the panorama of unfamiliar and captivating sights. To his left was a tall thin man who was juggling fire. Further down was a group of lithe girls hanging from trapezes doing all kinds of tricks. On the right were cages with elephants and even a lion. It was almost too much to behold.

"Let's get you some comida."

Alberto nodded eagerly. It had been a long time since he'd eaten.

He wolfed down the three hot dogs that Mathilda brought while she went off to talk to a man who seemed to be in charge. She came back with another orange soda for Alberto.

"So, what are we going to do with you, little Alberto?"

"Trabajo," he said suddenly, "I do good trabjao."

"Work?" she laughed robustly. "We'll see about that."

After he finished off his soda, Alberto moved around the tent surveying the preparations and practice sessions, while trying to find ways to make himself useful. He endeared himself to the crew by doing all sorts of helpful tasks, and everyone took a liking to him. When it came time for the big show, they gave him a seat off to the side so he could watch. Alberto was beside himself in amazement.

This went on for two days and then the crew started to pack up. Alberto was confused.

"Mathilda, what is happening? Is you going?" he asked her.

"Yes, chico. We're on to the next stop. The big top never rests for long."

"I go. I keep working for you. Por favor."

Mathilda's booming laugh had grown to be something Alberto liked, but not this time.

"You can't come with us, chico. Life on the road with a circus is no life for a kid like you."


"No, buts. Come have a soda with me."

She led him out of the tent as they were just beginning to dismantle it. Seeing the big red and blue stripes collapse and then be rolled away was a sad sight.

After it was done, Alberto turned and walked away into the hot open range where he'd come from.

"I really liked that little one," Mathilda said to the ringmaster, watching him go. "I hope he's ok."

She'd been in so many cities and met so many kids without homes that she had developed a way of putting it out of her mind though. Life in the big top.

As they pulled out of town to continue on east, Mathilda looked out her window and saw the red of the sun setting behind them.

Unbeknownst to her Alberto was watching the same sunset.

From a tiny space at the back of the trailer that held the rolled up big top.

He knew this was home now.
994 words
© Copyright 2010 kendall (kendallwest at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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