Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1700601-A-New-Phase
by maddy
Rated: · Other · Young Adult · #1700601
Events turn for the worst, and it all leads up to a werewolf named Angela.
                                  A New Phase

{Chapter 1}


          The strong wind of the gloomy afternoon in Epping, New hampshire, blew gently against my skin. I sat on the forest floor thinking about the only man who could have my whole heart, The man who took it away from me. Brandt. The last time I saw him was four months ago. It's hard to even put the thought through my head. He's gone. He left me and he wont ever come back.. Im forced to realize it again. Pain ripples throughout my body and into the tears that are streaming down my face. I can't believe I've lived this long without him.  Four months ago, I was in an accident. I got into a small battle against two rogue vampires that were attacking a little girl in one of the vast fields near the edge of the woods. By the time Brandt found me I was half dead. My blood was everywhere. The warm liquid pooling all around my naked body. My human body carrying the scratches and gashes that the vampires made on my wolf form. The scent of my blood filled my nostrils until it burned. The blood was too much for Brandt. His thirst for blood lengthened his fangs while he sank them into my neck drinking some of the blood that I had left. I remember the burning of the blood slowling being drained from me. He finally stopped drinking my life line when he realized what he was doing. That was the day he ran away. He had always hated himself for being a vampie. Hated the need for blood. The memory of his black shaggy hair, his ivory skin that stretched across his nose and high cheek bones, the fullness of his perfect lips, and his piercing crimson eyes that had once showed the essence of love. The memory is like a mirror shattering, showing his perfect reflection. The pieces stabbing whats left of my heart. Soft whimpering escaped from my lips and my cheeks were soaked with tears. I lay here by this weeping willow that me and Brandt had always climbed and lay next to looking at the stars. Everywhere I go memories haunt me. Everytime I close my eyes I see his face, and whenever dead silence doesn't swallow me whole I hear his voice inside of my head. Driving away all of my sanity. I can't get away from it. I can't escape from the pain, but in a way...im glad. The pain let's me know that he existed. That he had once loved me. That what I felt...that what we had, was real. It was love. But what if love isn't supposed to last. Maybe my love is being punished by Luna herself. It's going to take the death of me, or the death of hope to ever let him go. I can't believe it's been four months. Four months of living like this. Of casting a shadow that is not myself. Of not being able to sleep or eat. Or even wanting to. My friends in the pack try to help as much as they can and I appreciate it, because I desperately need it. My life long, and child hood friend matthew has tried to spend every waking minute with me trying to help with the pain. Being my loyal friend as he always has. He's helped so much. More than the others in some ways. When I talk to him I feel so much better. Not whole, or healed but better. As if im slowly, slowly being healed...Until im alone again. Then the pain rises to the surface again. Coming in waves of agony that try to pull me under the dark water. Left as bait to the sickly sweet memories of him bringing me down to my knees again without mercy.

"Angela?" I hear Matthew's voice from behind me. My body jolts. Surprised that I didn't hear his approach with my wolf sensitive hearing. I quickly run my hands across my face trying to hide the trace of tears. Matthew kneeled down by my side. His strong warm hands grabbed mine and pulled them away from my face, just to replace them with his. "I hate seeing you like this." he said softly into my ear and started wiping my tears away himself. I open my eyes not realizing I closed them, and saw the familiar face of my best friend. His face looked strained as if seeing me actually caused him pain. He started pushing my hair back behind my ears. He pulled me closer to him, making so that I leaned against him for physical support too. I remember the last time he hugged me like this. It was four years ago, when I was fourteen. When my parents were killed by a rogue vampire. If Matthew helped me live through the loss of my human parents, couldn't he help me live through this? He pulled his head back to look at me. I looked down trying to avoid his eyes, until his hand gently pulled my chin up. "It's Brandt isn't it?" He asked. I nodded silently, not trusting my voice to not crack and break like my heart. Finally I gave up and looked into his bright blue eyes that glowed. I could see his tan skin that stretched over his high cheekbones. His shaggy dark brown hair blew lightly from the cool breeze.


          I hated seeing Angela like this. Her beautiful milky skin was soaked with tears that she shed over that stupid, reeking, bloodsucker. Brandt. I hated to see her in pain. Over the years I've watched over her, and saw hate, pain. There was only love when Brandt was around. I want to see her happy, but without Brandt. She is my life, she is the only one that makes me whole. I love her. I know she only thinks of me as her best friend, but that's only because thats the only way she has thought of me as. I can show her how to love again. I'll be her guardian, her protector. I want her to be happy. What would she think? Is whatever left of her heart for Brandt? No she can't. She wont. He hurt her beyond repair. If anyone is to put her back together again, it would be me. I know her better than anyone else. What if...just what if I could be the one to end her suffering, her sorrow, and give her the true happiness that she deserves. Her deep green emerald eyes stared up at me, and her dark brown hair was pulled back behind her ears. The sun shining on it perfectly, creating a reddish tint. This is the woman I love. This person right here in my arms. The one I will always love. The one that I'd die for.

{Chapter 2}


          I walked into the dark room, and smelled blood. I was in the familiar house of my family, but it felt wrong. I didn't smell the musky scent of my human parents or of the other werewolf scent of my twin Alicia.  Just blood. I kept walking, following my young, werewolf senses. It was only four years ago when I was fully changed into a werewolf along with my sister. The dreary night still haunts me even though im fourteen now. All the sudden another stench shifted to me in a breeze from the open window. Vampire. "Angela, you have grown so much. Has it really been four years?" I heard a somewhat familiar voice say in a low, a sick amused way. It came from behind me. I turned, and saw nothing. I focoused my eyesight  and saw the faintest outline of someone, but my nose made all of my other senses scream at me inside. "Who are you?" I say, trying to keep my voice strong, and powerful. Make him think im not frightened. "An old friend."He chuckles. His voice hits a pang of memory. "Jared." The guy who changed me and my sister into what we are. If my sister is even alive. She disappeared when Jared had attcked us that one night four years ago. A growl rumbles in my throat. A chuckle escapes from his lips. "Alicia wants to see you." Then he jumped out from within the dark shadow an out the open window and into the cold night. I found my parents laying still on the floor. I listen carefully but hear only silence. No heartbeats. I back away from the corpses...not wanting to have to look at them. I run out of the house, across the lawn and to Matthew's house. I hear his parents screaming and yelling at each other as they usually do, and decide not to knock of the door but climb up the side of the house to Matthew's room. The window left wide open to let the chill of the night in his room. I found him laying on his bed with his face burried underneathe his pillow. "Disapear. Disapear. Disapear." He repeated under his breath. "Matthew." I whisper softly. He jolted upright and and looked at me. "Jared...He killed..my parents.." I say trying to build the strength within me. Matthew looked at his bedroom door, and then back at me. His blankets flew up as he jumped out of the bed and gathered a few things out of his dresser. When he was done doing whatever it was, he looked at me and held my face in his hands. "It's not safe here. He'll come back for you...We'll disappear." That night we did just that. Through the months of searching for others of our kind we stumbled across the pack. One that actually didn't treat humans as food, and waste of space. One that actually protected humans along with an ally vampire clan that always stayed close. Memories of those times flooded through me. Reminding me of who I am...who I came to be and why.

© Copyright 2010 maddy (maddylizzfire at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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