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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1699904
Growing the Imagination
Imagine humanity is finally ready to send out its first interstellar exploration team. When the teams moves beyond the solar system, they discover what happens after leaving a 'reality' bubble.

Imagine a Michael J Fox from an alternate reality where he is a genius scientist & comes to our reality for a visit. He has a treatment for Parkinson's disease that works and he loves the 'Back to the Future' movies.

Imagine agreeing to an experimental treatment for chronic pain and fatigue that involves being sedated for several days at a time during the treatment. This also requires being covered in bio-stimulus electrodes. The main side effect seems to be shifting through alternative realities.

Imagine Earth is one organism that has been sleeping through a 'gestational' period. One day she wakes up and humanity learns something new about 'labor pains' and 'giving birth.'

Imagine producing the latest 'reality' show. All of the participants are involved in various medical experiments. The show is called 'The Guinea Pigs.'

Imagine a reality where serial killers are pre-detected as children, based on a profile match. These children then receive a neural implant that stimulates the emotional mirroring areas of the frontal lobe to develop empathy. At least one of the kids has bipolar disorder instead.

Imagine cell phones in the future go far beyond talk, text, web and GPS capabilities. Punch in the right numbers for teleport and telemetry and the phone will transfer the user anywhere and any-when by simply 'entangling' enough subatomic particles, in the location specified, with the user's subatomic particles.

Imagine walking through a forested park and meeting Tinkerbell. She seems to have lost her way and needs help getting back to NeverNeverLand. She's extremely worried because without her pixie dust, Peter Pan and the Lost Boys are unable to fly, making it easier for Captain Hook to catch them.

Imagine you've received a book of stories that got mixed up in type setting. What happens when Goldie Locks and the Three Bears, Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs get intermixed with guest appearances from Sneezy and Dopey from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

Imagine what happens when a Particle Physicist gets a little too entangled with his/her particle entanglement experiment.

Imagine the fountain of youth really exists-in the back of a shop. Instead of drinking from it, a person must drown in it and be resuscitated in order to 'wash away' the effects of time and must go through it again at least every 20 years.

Imagine a character is born with the ability to rewrite DNA in others simply by touching them.
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