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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1699888
A Super-Smart Nerd finds himself at the wrong end of his project.
The Reluctant Lecher

* * * *

         Back in my apartment after another exhaustive late night in the computer lab working on our internet project, I felt the need for a nice cold brew. Being a graduate student at this university brought with it some very stringent research requirements, and I still found myself almost devoid of anything resembling a social life.

         Popping the top of an ice-cold import, I dropped into my overstuffed chair and reflected on the circumstances that had brought me to this particular place and time, and why all these academic sacrifices had finally become worth it. Taking a long pull on the bottle, I sent my mind back to some fairly harmless puttering on the internet and on the accidental eavesdropping on campus web-cams that changed some aspects of my social life during this time.

         Some folks might call me a peeping tom, voyeur, blackmailer, or even worse for what I ended up doing, but I saw myself as a somewhat reluctant opportunist. As things ended up, the line between victim and victimizer became almost indiscernible. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

         During my lab research into online communications, I devised a little utility program I called “The Hook.” Its purpose was simply to detect unsecured multimedia transmissions and display them on my monitor so they could be identified. Although simple enough in concept, it was really tricky to program correctly.

         Theoretically, once identified, the unprotected transmission could be shielded remotely, and security could be assured from prying eyes. Of course, this was intended to keep the IT Departments files and transmissions safe.

         My complications began when I decided to take the program home and install it on my personal computer system, just to see if the program would also be effective on the entire campus network. Of course, it did occur to me that all the student body, as well as the staff, had .edu accounts and would be using them for personal communication, but I convinced myself that my experiment was “all in the name of Science,” and that I could remain an objective observer.

         As it turned out, the program worked, and all too well! I discovered there were more unprotected accounts online throughout the .edu system than I expected, and my program was quickly overwhelmed with hits. I had to spend quite a bit of time applying filters to the program to eliminate the vast majority of sensitive communications, including e-mail correspondence and music transmissions. That left video transmissions, which I thought would not only be more interesting but also less incriminating.

         Since I had turned off the sound portion of the video reception to save bandwidth and I couldn’t read lips, so the images I managed to capture were essentially mute “talking heads.” Every morning, I spent some of my idle time browsing through the collection that I’d captured during the night. Pretty boring crap for the most part.

         Then it happened. One morning I spotted a video clip, apparently captured from one of the coed dorm rooms, that fired up my interest a bit more. “All in the name of Science” of course. I carefully identified the source and the account to which it was connected. It just happened to be another coed dorm room in the same complex, and it looked as though the ladies there were highly intoxicated and trying very hard to gross out some people by removing their clothing and rudely displaying various body features to the others over the web-cam.

         I was only sorry I hadn’t popped some popcorn for the show, because it lasted quite some time, at least until everyone in the respective rooms had an opportunity to participate.

         Seeing all those naked ladies, displaying all their charms over the ‘net provided me with more masturbation material over the next several nights than I’d had since I was at the university.

         Since these were apparently upperclassman dorms or, more correctly upperclasswoman dorms, they had enough sense not to expose their faces, just in case someone in any of the rooms would be able to recognize them. I put an electronic tag on these accounts for future observation. “All in the name of Science,” of course.

         Over the next several weeks, I noticed this little sorority craze had swept the campuses, and more and more unshielded webcam accounts were exchanging video clips of students exposing themselves to each other over the ‘net.

         Soon, I was cataloging files full of nude female torsos and, even as benign as most of the videos were, I found I was being kept in a constant state of sexual arousal while at home reviewing the “catch” of the previous nights. Occasionally a clip would cross the line of “Art” and get a bit pornographic, with both boyfriends and occasionally, girlfriends.

         Now, I’m sure that some of these videos were meant to become archival, that is, stored on the machine where they were made, but the unshielded nature of the transmissions made them available to my Hook program. Some of the more erotic “productions” did display the faces of the participants, but the fact that they were “attached” in some way begged privacy, and I left them alone to their own video fantasies.

         On the other hand, the other nameless, faceless videos begged inquiry. Just the mystery of to whom the beautiful torsos belonged was enough to keep me collecting these delightfully erotic displays.

         I finally got the chance! One morning, while I was reviewing the previous night’s “catch,” I caught the image of the person who would change my life. During one of the common “sorority dare” scenarios, one of the new sisters bent over to adjust the webcam and, in so doing, pointed it directly at her face. Flush in alcoholic gaiety, she then displayed herself into the camera’s lens to the benefit of the audience, another sorority, who would be witness to the completion of the dare. Finally, I felt like an eavesdropper, as if I shouldn’t be here watching this, but I couldn’t get her picture out of my mind. She was gorgeous!

         For the next couple of weeks, I ran and re-ran that video clip over and over, before slinking off to my shower or bed to shake the juice out of my balls. She was becoming an obsession of sorts, and I became determined to find out what I could about her. Ah, a small mystery, I thought, but a diversion worth chasing. I was off to the records office one morning, and things began to become much more interesting.

         As a graduate student, I was responsible for subbing for my professors in teaching classes on an occasional basis, so I had access to student records to facilitate this whenever needed. What I needed now, of course, was a name to associate to the face in the video. I’d seen her on campus before, but when and where I couldn’t recollect so, over the next few days, I took my lab breaks to coincide with the between class periods, when students were making their way back and forth to classes.

         It took two days, but I finally discovered her coming out of the Arts Building with an armload of books and flanked by a couple of her classmates. Just as beautiful as I remembered her in the video, I decided and, as discretely as I could, I found out her name and the dorm area in which she resided. Taking my information back to the Administrative office, I made a couple of interesting discoveries in her file. Her name was Laura Wilson, late of a large farm in northern Montana, an only child and, more surprisingly, a valedictorian of her graduating high school class. Curiously, the space on her college application representing hobbies was empty. I’d have expected cheer-leading, or some such nonsense.

         As I glanced over her current class load, it became apparent that she was a freshman, here for the first time and, amazingly enough, she was enrolled in a basic computer class, probably the only one I hadn’t been called upon to teach yet this year. Not surprisingly, I hadn’t put my name on the sub list for that class; few do, as it is considered one of the more boring IT classes to teach. However, out of curiosity more than anything else, I did put my name on the list. Mine was the only one there.

         In the two weeks that followed, I made careful note to have the web-cam on those accounts scanned each night, and a record saved of any transmissions. On the Saturday night ending the second week, I saw that the gals were up to another little game of “I dare you” on the web-cam, this time displaying themselves to some upperclasswomen in an adjoining dorm room.

         I guessed there were four of the underclasswomen putting themselves on display. Since I couldn’t see any faces, the differences in their body types were all I had to base that guess on although, I had to admit, they pretty much ran the range of beautiful and sexy, from the slim one through the rather plump one.

         After days of masturbating to the vision of Laura’s unintentional exposure on that first video, I recognized her body immediately, and instantly my cock rose to attention, as if seeing an old friend. The reason for the bawdiness of their display was fairly evident. Several empty wine bottles were strewn around the floor in the background of the chair in front of the webcam and, occasionally, the girl on display would appear with a bottle clutched tightly in her hand. This meant some very creative poses for the webcam, bordering on the gynecological or even proctologic!

         Why they’d be displaying themselves this way was a mystery to me, but all sorority or fraternity initiation rites were pretty much mindless stuff. In this case I wasn’t complaining. Note to self: Wine obviously IS a great ice-breaker!

         On Laura’s part, I could recognize her pussy simply by the way she trimmed her bush and the fact that it was the same brunette color as the hair on her head. Two of her roommates shaved theirs altogether, and the other one didn’t shave or trim at all. At least that’s the way it seemed; she had hair growing down the tops of her thighs and around her little brown asshole.

         Each one of them had knelt before the web-cam facing away from the lens, reached behind themselves, grabbed their ass cheeks and spread’em wide! I really felt I knew these girls well that evening, much better than they knew me. After a turn by each sitting before the camera, this time forward, face hidden, reaching up to tweak their nipples until they became rigid for the onlookers, the show went dark for the night.

         Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep that night, nor the next couple. I figured if I kept up my little nocturnal video review sessions, I’d wear the “little guy” out altogether, so I had to figure out what to do with the information that I had, and soon. All kinds of scenarios came to mind, from the profane to the obscene, but all these little adolescent fantasies were more complicated to carry out than I had the expertise or talent for.

         I finally decided to simply show Laura what she was displaying to the unrestricted world out there. Of course, I had a special access to that online account, but she didn’t know that, nor did I want her to. I was hoping that, worst case, she’d just be willing to thank me for it.

         A week later, on Monday, I saw an opportunity to approach Laura with the forbidden knowledge when I noted that I was listed as a substitute teacher for her basic computer class for Friday of that week. Loading the videos onto my laptop, I went to work on Friday, confident in my plan to show the videos to Laura and to caution her somewhat to be more careful about what she participated in as far as the sorority scene was concerned. Pretty noble, eh? Just like a big brother.

         Well, it didn’t quite work out that way, and now I’m wondering what the hell I was thinking when I came up with this plan! When class time arrived, I watched her carefully, and she seemed pretty oblivious to what was being taught, simply taking notes from time to time as the class wore on. Hardly flattering to my teaching style, but I have to confess, I was a bit distracted myself.

         She was wearing a pretty conservative outfit, a white button-down-the-front blouse and a rather snug pair of shorts that extended to mid-thigh. Sandals rounded out the ensemble, hardly wet dream material but cute nonetheless. I guess the strange part was seeing her with clothes on for a change. Every now and then I could almost make out the faint outline of what I thought might be a camel toe imprint between her thighs when she spread her legs a bit, but it might have been just wishful thinking.

         After the class, I invited her to the professors’ office to see something that I felt she’d be interested in. She informed me that she had to attend another class across campus right at that moment, but she’d be willing to meet up later. “Later” turned out to be 4:40 PM, just as the last classes were letting out. I was in the office wrapping up the last of the paperwork from the day’s classes when I heard a knock on the door and watched Laura enter the room.

         Closing the door behind herself, she walked up to the front of my desk and said, “Ok, here I am, Professor. You had something you wanted to show me?”

         My laptop was open on the desktop so I motioned for her to come around to the side so she’d be in a position to see the screen. As she did so, I politely pointed out that I wasn’t a professor, simply a substitute teacher whenever a professor was unable to teach a particular class. To all this, she simply nodded, and waited for me to come to the point of her visit. As the first video began to play, I watched her face carefully for a reaction. It didn’t take long, as she suddenly took in a deep breath and put her hand over her mouth while tears began to well up in her eyes.

         Just then however, a couple of the others who shared the office broke into the room, chatting away about plans for the weekend, and I had to quickly shut the laptop down to prevent an awkward scene. Turning to Laura, I saw that she’d done her best to compose herself, but I could see that she was borderline. Trying to save the moment, I packed up my things in a rush, and scooted both of us out the door and into the sunlight.

         Stopping her on the sidewalk, I apologized for the interruption but told her that I really needed to explain that video stuff to her and, against my better judgment, I invited her to my home so I could discuss it in privacy. Hers, of course. I mean, after all, it wasn’t my ass hanging out on the ‘net.

         She stood there for a moment, nodding her head dumbly, so I jotted down my address and phone number and asked her to drop by around 7:00 PM. I lived only about three blocks from the campus, so I hurried home to clean up the place for company and to get a meal on the stove.

         If I’d have thought a moment objectively, I’d have dropped the whole thing and settled for anonymity. After all, she could’ve had a 250 lb boyfriend who would have been more than happy to crush my little skull to impress his girlfriend.

         Once I got home, I did the typical bachelor cleaning routine, putting things either back into their place or out of sight, making sure the bathroom had enough toilet paper and spraying some flowery scent into the air to make it smell less like a bear’s den and more like a modern dwelling. I slapped together a quick snack and tried to relax until my guest arrived. Oh, yeah, I put a couple of bottles of wine into the fridge. At least I learned one thing from studying the videos.

         The time came and went, and I began running uncomfortable little scenarios in my mind: a swat team surrounding my house, her boyfriend deciding how to squash me like a bug or her on her knees outside my house, lighting a match to set fire to it. Finally, about 7:30, there came a soft knock at my door. Peeking through the peephole, I saw Laura outside, and she appeared to be alone. Now, that was encouraging, as I wasn’t prepared to deal with a crowd, especially a hostile crowd.

         Opening the door, I noticed that Laura seemed extremely nervous, and I had to actually urge her to enter the house. When I tried to take her arm to escort her into the living room she jumped away, rubbing her arm where I’d touched it. Definitely not a good sign, I thought. Escorting her into the living room as graciously as I could under the circumstances, I sat her in front of my laptop, which was there because I thought she’d feel more comfortable than back in my “way too cozy” den.

         She seemed as skittish as the proverbial long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. She had also changed clothing since I saw her earlier, and was dressed in a bulky sweatshirt, baggy jeans and loafers, almost as if she wanted to appear as unattractive as possible.

         I offered her a glass of wine, which she quickly accepted, confirming my theory that wine might indeed, be the consummate icebreaker. Starting up the computer, I explained to her that I surfed the ‘net each night, and suddenly I saw this webcam video pop up on my monitor a couple of times. I didn’t explain to her that I had a program that hi-jacked such transmissions, instead making it sound like it “just happened.”

         While the first video ran, I watched her face carefully. As before, it initially displayed shock; she raised her hand to her face, and her eyes started to fill with tears. As the program moved on to the next video recording, Laura got up from the chair and simply stood next to it, staring at the monitor. I began to open my mouth to tell her that everything was all right.

         Before I could get a word out edgewise she announced, “My mama told me to stay away from wild kids and alcohol, but I wouldn’t listen. Mama said it would end up like this. And now I have to pay for it. It’d kill Mama to see that video, I just know it would.”

         I was about to reassure her that everything was all right, and that I was just showing her the video to make her be more careful in the future, but she cut me off again.

          “Mama told me what men want, and what they’d do to get it. ‘Animals,’ she said, ‘just chasing after one thing.”

         This remark surprised me, and I unconsciously began to examine her in a little more detail, now that I had her standing directly in front of me instead of on a monitor. Despite the frumpy outfit she was wearing, Laura was quite pretty, and I was enjoying the soft, sensual fragrance of her perfume. A light brunette, her hair tumbled over her shoulders just enough to show what appeared to be natural, soft waves.

         Her eyes were a very pretty hazel color, although a little damp with emotion, and her lips were full and a bit pouty, as she was apparently trying to show some resolve in the face of her predicament. Her full breasts and rounded hips, too voluptuous to be completely hidden by the sweat shirt and baggy jeans, brought me back to the video that we’d just watched together.

         Unfortunately, my cock had taken advantage of my inspection of her to once more rise to the occasion, a fact that didn’t go unnoticed by my reluctant guest. Again, as I was about to explain to her that I had no sinister intentions towards her, she interrupted me.

          “I can see that Mama was right, you just can’t wait to get your filthy hands on me.”

         This interruption thing was getting to be annoying, I thought, particularly when she’d been making me out to be the bad guy and, up until now anyway, I felt I was trying to help her. Sure enough, as soon as I opened my mouth, she broke in once more.

          “Well, you’ve trapped me now, but I won’t give you the pleasure of ripping my clothes off, you bastard!” Stamping her foot at me as she finished that declaration, she immediately began pulling the sweatshirt over her head.

         I actually began to put my hands up to get her to stop, but by that time I was pissed! Bastard? What the hell was all that? I was still sitting next to the laptop in shock as Laura removed her sweatshirt and threw it on the floor at my feet. Snorting at me once again, she unbuttoned her jeans, dropped them around her feet, and kicked them at me.

         Now I was looking at the real thing, not an image on my monitor, standing before me in nothing but bra and panties and obviously pissed as hell! My immediate reaction was two-fold; my tongue became tangled in my teeth, making me speechless, and my cock suddenly decided to become absolutely rampant!

         Once again, she stared at my crotch, her face twisted in disgust. “My mama was absolutely right,” she continued. “Men are pigs!”

         As she finished saying that, she reached behind her back to grasp her bra strap but hesitated for a moment or two. Then, apparently making up her mind, she said “Well, you’ve already seen more of me than my family has, Pervert!”

         Unsnapping her bra, she flung it at me too, hitting me across my knees. I barely noticed however, as my attention was riveted to her beautiful tits! In her excitement, her breathing had gotten deeper and faster and was making them quiver right in front of my face! Her nipples resembled little pink bullets, and the surrounding aureoles were tightly wrinkled in emotion, probably anger. No matter, I was still speechless…

         Standing in front of me, hands on her hips, Laura again snorted at me in disgust and, hooking her fingers into the top of her white granny panties, she yanked them down, dropping them around her ankles. She kicked them at me, kicked off her loafers and assumed a martyr’s posture, completely naked, hands at her sides and face looking upward towards–who knows what.

         I was pissed, really pissed by then! On the other hand, I was confronted with an entirely naked, sumptuous, hunk of extremely sexy “girl next door,” who apparently was prepared for “the very worst!” from her point of view.

         I just looked at her for a while, until she finally cracked, dropping her gaze to meet mine, and exclaiming in anger, “Damn! Now you expect me to act like a common harlot, pleasuring you! Mama told me that men would expect that kind of submission! I’ll do it, but don’t even think that I enjoy it! Just make sure that those videos are never viewed by Mama!”

          “Harlot?” I thought. Who the hell still talks like that? Once she finished her rant, she dropped to her knees in front of me and began unbuttoning my pants. Pulling them off and returning to my boxers, she reached into the fly and liberated Mr. Boner, apparently much to her surprise. Springing into the daylight, it bounced in front of her, while she stared at it in confusion.

         Confusion? Based on her behavior on film and over the past few minutes, Laura shouldn’t have been confused by the sight of a cock, but she approached my very stiff member with the caution usually reserved for approaching a cobra. Watching me extra carefully, she reached out hesitantly to grasp my erection, carefully fondling it, squeezing it gently and, eventually, sliding her hand up and down along the shaft.

          “Mama said that a man’s brains were always ruled by his penis,” she griped.

         On that note, Laura slowly lowered her head, and breathed her soft, warm breath across the head of my cock. Watching her face just inches from the head began to stir stronger feelings within my psyche, and I brought my hands to her head, and guided her face to it, waiting for her mouth to open and taste me.

         Slowly, hesitantly, her lips parted and allowed my cock to enter. Feeling her tongue tentatively running up and down the shaft, I got the feeling that she was a complete novice at this, and I began to worry about the introduction of teeth, given her shitty mood as she “submitted” to me. Sure enough, I soon felt her incisors scraping across the top of my cock, and I had to grab her hair and growl “No teeth!”

         My gruffness was not due to anger; it was due to fear! But, of course, our little dramatist thought the worst of my attitude, and announced: “My mama told me men were brutes, never satisfied.”

         Having expressed her disdain, she settled in to giving me a fairly respectable blow job. This was not where I expected to be when I started this whole thing, but watching my cock sliding in and out of this lovely creature’s mouth took all of the Boy Scout out of me for the moment.

         She was totally naked, all soft and curvy and, while I had no idea where her mind was, I began to sense that she was getting into the scene, prodding me to take advantage of her peculiar situation. Or was it her mama?

         While I enjoyed the attention being given my cock, I had to note that this was the longest period that she’d kept her mouth shut since her arrival. However, the sight of her bare back and shoulders, moving to and fro as her mouth massaged my erection, was giving me more adventuresome ideas.

         I thought back to the videos that I’d been watching just moments before and, given the position that Laura was in at that moment, I figured that I could parlay this into something even more pleasurable. From Boy Scout to lecher, just because of attitude; who’da thought?

         Her hands were placed on my thighs, and it looked as though she was getting into the moment, because, as I lifted her off my cock, I saw a little frown appear between her eyes, and her lips came off the head with a little “pop!” She sat back on her heels, and I noticed she’d developed a nice pink blush across the top of her breasts up to her face. Her eyes appeared to be a little glazed as well, which could have been due to the embarrassment of her situation, but I’d had enough experience to doubt that. Getting to my feet, I pulled her up with me, determined to give my inner Boy Scout one final try.

         As soon as she reached her feet however, she found her voice once more. “Just couldn’t wait to get your filthy hands on me, could you?” Continuing without allowing me to get in a word edgewise, “Mama told me if I wasn’t careful some pervert would take advantage of me and ravish my body.”

         Again, I wondered who the blazes still talked like that. Ravish? I suddenly had a vision of a Viking warrior kicking in some bedroom door, axe in hand and… Well, you get the idea. I don’t know what the hell she read in her spare time, but she definitely needed to update her material.

         Sticking her hands out at me, she went on. “Go ahead; tie me up; have your way with me if you must, but you’ll never own me.”

         Standing there naked, with her hands extended towards me, eyes shut, looking like Joan of Arc at the stake, I marveled at her simple beauty. Her breasts were slightly compressed between her arms, but perfectly symmetrical, her nipples turgid with emotion. Beneath her arms, I noted the tight, flat belly of an athlete, although I hadn’t seen any evidence in her student file that would identify any sport activities.

         I just hoped that it wasn’t something like Karate, or Tae Kwon Do. Lowering my gaze a bit farther, I saw the identifying patch of brunette pubic hair that I used to distinguish her torso from those of her roommates.

         As much as I wanted to tie her up, just to shut her up, I had nothing handy with which to do it. Instead I walked around to her back and sized her up from that angle. Dimples! Damn, now that’s sexy! I’d seen asses before, lots of them, but very few with dimples over them. I just had to reach out and touch their cuteness but, when I did, she flinched! I mean really flinched.

         Spinning around to face me she began, “Mama told me…”

         Before she could continue, I clapped my hand over her mouth. Self defense, I thought. If I had to hear her tell me what her mama told her once more, I’d, I’d—bitch slap her on the ass. Hard!

         I had been called a bastard, pervert, animal and a whole lot more, and I was finally super-pissed! Pushing her back towards the couch, as soon as I saw her legs bump against the edge, I put my hand on her chest and suddenly pushed her backwards, causing her to sit abruptly on the cushions.

         Surprised, she landed with legs spread, arms thrown out to brace her fall. Taking advantage of this rare moment of silence, I dropped to my knees between her legs, spread them wider, and thrust my face into her inviting pussy! She was wet! Really wet!

         I was about to show her what the man her mama warned her about was really capable of. As I sensed her mouth opening once again, I pressed my lips against her crotch, dragging my tongue from the entrance of her little asshole, up through her pussy lips, finishing with a quick flick across her clitoris!

         She had begun one of her “Mama said” tirades, but lost her train of thought once my tongue had taken control of her “central processing unit,” and I planned to take it to “lift off,” both mine and hers.

         Now, I don’t know if she’d ever had a mouth on her pussy before, but I was willing to bet that she’d never had one used as intensely or as scientifically precise as I was planning on doing with mine. My cock was in terminal “Rocky” mode, so it just made sense that I sacrifice her to the little lusty guy for all the irritation that she’d caused me that evening. Finishing that thought, I settled in for a feast that I’d written off just hours ago.

         She was delicious! Grasping her thighs with my arms I held her as steadily as I could while my mouth explored her vaginal delights. Thrashing about wildly, she only succeeded in increasing the friction of my lips and tongue against her pussy.

         Her exclamations of “Oh’s,” and “Ah’s” were music to my ears, as I hung on to her legs with all my strength. If I thought this was tough, her orgasm hit me like a mechanical bull ride, her hips coming up off the couch in a deep spasm, and her hands gripping the hair on each side of my head, trying to pull me into her body.

         As it turned out, I didn’t die of asphyxiation, although it had to be a pretty close call. I don’t know how long Laura had been saving that climax, but I hoped the rest of my plans for the evening weren’t quite that intense. Right then, though, I was relieved to see that she appeared to be completely exhausted, sprawled out on the sofa pillows. Her apparent helplessness at the moment gave me my next carnal idea.

         Now, I’ll have to admit that I’m an ass man. No, not necessarily the ‘corn holing’ type, although the thought slips through my mind from time to time, especially when I’m feeling really adventurous. It’s just that the sight of a perfectly formed, heart-shaped ass is a real turn-on for me, especially when it comes with those cute dimples over the cheeks.

         I’ll also have to admit however, looking at her lying on her back on the couch, naked, her beautiful breasts on display, that I had to give some special attention to those little puppies. Sliding up her body, I reached out and took one breast in each hand, squeezing them gently with my fingers. Her nipples were already tight little bullets, so pinching them between thumb and forefingers were sufficient to bring her back to life.

         As she raised her head from the pillows, I latched on to her right nipple with my lips, sucking and licking it as energetically as I could. I continued to massage her left tit with my right hand, tweaking her nipple until she began twitching and growling. Happily, she had an extremely high level of sensitivity there and, aside from her hands being full of my hair and pulling me into her chest, I was enjoying this almost as much as she was. Only one distraction kept this from being a “perfect storm.” My balls were crashing against the gate for relief, My god, I needed release, and I needed it immediately!

         Since I hadn’t really prepared for this particular event, I didn’t have a condom handy, but I felt sure that I could withdraw before impact and moved up further onto her body. Seconds later, we were face to face and, as she opened her mouth to say something about her mama, I planted my lips directly onto hers, pushing my tongue past her teeth to stop the words before they were uttered.

         After a second or two of fighting my oral penetration, she began fencing with her tongue and mine, and moaning into my mouth. My position on her body, of course, had the added advantage of lining up my very anxious cock with her pussy, and I was about to make the plunge.

         As soon as she felt me at her entrance, she blurted out, “My mama knew this would happen one day. That’s why she put me on the pill.”

         Thankfully, I hadn’t had an opportunity to gag her this time, for now I felt the brakes of my libido being released. Covering her mouth once again with mine, I began a slow, firm steady thrust into her body.

          “Ouch!” she cried into my mouth.

         I thrust again, and this time her response was another cry of pain. Damn! she was tight.

         Then I felt an epiphany, and I thought it was about time. After all, I am an analyst, right? I figured if I could change the angle of entry by pulling her over onto her hands and knees and mounting her from behind, I’d have better leverage and a damn fine view of her lovely ass when I finally got to take her. The only thing I’d have difficulty with would be keeping her mouth shut, it appeared.

         As I was moving her into position, she suddenly blurted out, “Mama told me never to let a man put me in this positi…”

          “Smack!” I let her have one right on the ass cheek.

          “Ow!” Laura yelped.

         As she started to say something else, I smacked her on the ass again, this time with a bit more force.

          “Ok, ok! I give up. Just don’t hurt me.”

         Hurting her wasn’t what I had in mind, but I wanted to keep my thoughts focused on our sexual pleasure right then, and not be distracted by what her mama told her. I was really beginning to dislike her old lady.

         Kneeling behind her, I took hold of her hip with one hand and, with the other, began to rub my cock up and down her pussy lips which, I was pleased to note, were still dripping wet from our previous exercise. Finally, I could take no more, and I drove my cock into her with one jerk of my hips.

         She was still really tight, so her yelp as I finally bottomed out in her was not entirely unexpected. Holding still for a few seconds for each of us to get accustomed to the unusual—from my standpoint anyway—snugness of the situation, I took my cue from her when she very carefully began to slowly move her pussy back and forth on my cock.

         Sensing that she was getting more comfortable with the situation, I began matching her, stroke for stroke and, for once, she was keeping her mouth shut. Leaning over her back, on my in-strokes, I brushed my hands a little roughly across her breasts, remembering how sensitive her nipples seemed to be.

         I wanted her to remember this night with some fondness, despite the peculiar circumstances surrounding it. Beads of sweat were beginning to form on her back, and I was way beyond ready to explode into her body. Finally, I gave her an opportunity to ride my wave, as my balls pounded streams of cum into her womb, my hips banging into that magnificent ass on every stroke.

         After slowly coming down off that high, I rested, leaning on her back, for a few moments. Because of the strong friction I experienced in our lovemaking, I was still fairly rigid. Yeah, I know, surprised me as well. My next surprise was a bit more physical, noting that she was still stroking my cock with her cunt, slowly moving back and forth, still trying to bring herself to her own orgasm.

         What the hell, I thought. If I could keep the little guy up, I’d see if I could still go the distance. My position, lying across her back with my dick still embedded in her cunt, certainly helped fuel my revival. As she continued her movements, I felt my cock stepping up to another round of “rock the nerd!”

         I have to tell you, the sight of her luscious ass cheeks was giving me more ammunition to arm the little devil with but, quite frankly, he was getting a little sore. Nonetheless, I rose to the occasion, so to speak, and joined the process in progress, stroking in and out of her once more with this wonderful view displayed before me.

         It wasn’t too long before I began hearing little whimpering sounds coming from beneath her, and I hoped that it meant she was getting close to orgasm. I also noted she’d added a little something to our engagement, as one of her fingers had crept down to her clitoris and, in so doing, was rubbing against my cock as it slipped in and out of her. For some reason, I found that particularly erotic just then, as I soon found myself sliding up the scale towards my own explosion.

         Now, I have never been accused of being terribly clever in human affairs, although I excel in electronic technology, but this lack of cleverness nearly cost me dearly. I should’ve figured out the immense strength of Laura’s capacity for orgasm from my “near death” experience when I went down on her.

         But no, I had to up the ante by trying to get her to pop about the same time as me. What I hadn’t factored in was the fact that I still had a precious part of myself firmly embedded in her body. Joining her finger with mine at her clitoris, I lubricated my forefinger with her juices, brought it back around to her little butthole and inserted the tip. Now, THAT was fuckin’ clever. NOT!

         The resulting explosion was enormous! Ambushing me right at my moment of climax, she suddenly straightened her legs, clamping them together and plopping both of us flat on the couch, my front to her back, and anchoring my cock in her pussy in a virtual death grip. Her deep grunts as she convulsed under me only seemed to match mine, as my balls tried helplessly to find space in which to ejaculate my now frightened cache of sperm.

         Finally, after what seemed like hours, she began to relax her legs and butt and, with a faint “pop,” I was able to extract a very chastened cock from her cunt. Laura’s breathing had settled down to near normal as I got up from the couch and plopped into a chair, naked from the waist down and trying to catch my own breath.

         I watched her roll onto her side, prop herself up, stare at my inflamed, semi-hard cock, and say “My god, don’t you ever get enough? I suppose now you want me get you off again. Well, I’m a little sore right now, so you’ll have to settle for this…”

         As she finished speaking, she got up from the couch and knelt between my legs. Reaching out to my cock, she gently grasped it and brought her lips down to engulf it, much more softly and warmly than her previous effort had been. Her mouth actually felt therapeutic so, instead of shrinking away in pain, I allowed her to continue, even though I disagreed with her assessment of our current relationship.

         Despite my misgivings, my cock began to slowly, very slowly, come back to full strength. Almost reverently, Laura licked all the evidence of our impassioned tryst of moments ago off the shaft and started caressing the very sensitive head with her tongue.

         She still looked at my cock as though she were seeing one for the first time, which puzzled me a bit. Her ministrations to it, however, were becoming first class. No teeth, lot’sa tongue and lips, and she had finally found my balls, my now frightened balls. Ever so gently, she rolled them through her hands, curiosity showing on her face. Finally, the one thing happened that I thought impossible at this time—my cock had come to full attention once again.

         Taking my little soldier into her mouth once more, she began bobbing her head up and down, while fondling my balls with her hands. It was not as painful as I’d thought it would be, but I still remained on guard. As she pressed on, I began to feel the tingling that signaled that I would be reaching yet another wrenching climax.

         Wrenching? Yeah, by that time, I felt I had to be shooting puffs of dust! This woman had nearly pulled me inside out, blaming me as the perennially lusty pervert of all time. Surprisingly, my balls had managed to muster up enough sperm to send a token load past her lips, and my guest took it all, again looking confused as she swirled it around in her mouth. Finally, she swallowed, and sat back on her heels.

         Afraid that she might take me off on yet another sexual romp, I urged her to her feet and told her to go down the hall to take a shower and get cleaned up. Numbly, she did as I ordered, marching off to the bathroom with her clothing clutched in her hands.

         In the meantime, I flopped back into my chair, and tried to figure out how I was to recover from this sexual marathon. I had no idea how long it’d been since Laura last had sex, but it seemed to me to have been too long. My god, the pent up energy!

         I was thinking protein shakes, oysters, anything that would help me get back into operating mode. I was sitting in the overstuffed chair, still nude from the waist down, trying to gather my thoughts and my physical energy, when Laura stepped back into the room, now completely dressed as she was when she arrived.

         True to form, she stamped her foot at me once again, and declared, “Ok you swine, you’ve had your way with me. Don’t even think that I enjoyed it.” Finally, with a haughty swirl, she opened my front door and whooshed out, slamming it behind herself.

         Sitting there in my living room, half-naked and alone, I was left trying to figure out how this evening had turned out the way it did. “Rode hard, and put away wet,” was all I could think of. Finally, self-preservation started to enter my thoughts.

         I began to mentally put together a plan to delete the video files that I’d accumulated, just in case she brought The Law back with her, and to restrict my use of The Hook to laboratory use in the future. After my little foray on the wild side, I thought it best that I retreat back into my Boy Scout persona for a while, just to recover any ethical ground I might have lost.

         Survival - that’s all I could think about then. I was a second year graduate student, with a rather prestigious reputation as a gifted computer engineer. All I could think about was a judge asking me what had happened this night. And my reply? “Well, your honor, this gorgeous young woman came into my house, ripped her clothes off, and made me make love to her, again and again.” Yeah, Right! Electric chair! What the hell was I thinking? I finally reached down and pulled my pants on again, at least I didn’t have to look like the village perv.

         As I was running all the possible scenarios through my mind, I heard a knock at the door and, a look at the clock in the living room told me it was nearly 11:00 PM. Struggling up from my chair and plodding to the front door, I peeked through and saw Laura standing outside. Damn, I thought, now what? Opening the door, I was about to ask her something but, as usual, she interrupted.

          “My mama told me that the first time might be painful, but she never told me how it felt afterwards.” I was too damn tired to shut her up, but I don’t think that it would’ve made much difference.

          “You forgot to tell me when I have to come back, ya’know,” she pouted. Obviously mistaking my shocked silence for an attempt by me to degrade her even further, she piped up with, “Well, Your Majesty, I know you want me to beg, but I’m not going to do it. I have my pride ya’know. How about tomorrow night, same time?”

         All I could do was numbly nod my head and, in a blink, she was gone. I could swear that I heard her whistling as she left, but it could have been my imagination. Closing the door, I tried to assess what I had just done. Or was it, what had been done to me? This gorgeous young woman had taken my home and my life by storm, and the only question that remained for me was this: Could my body recover quickly enough to survive her through the rest of the weekend? I didn’t know whether to thank Laura’s mother for the advice to her beloved daughter or curse her.

         If I‘m still able to show up for work on Monday, I’ll know the answers to both.

* * * *

© Copyright 2010 Hatsuda (jewellr at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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