Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1699068-The-Flood-Chapter-One
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1699068
A young girl and her best friend go on a school trip, when something amazing happens.
•Chapter One•

If there's one thing I could change in my life, it would be to have not gone a year ago. To that fateful trip. It was the one, most tragic event in all my 15 years. You're probably wondering what I'm rambling about by now. So I'll just get on with the story.

* * *

It was freshman Homeroom, in about March. I was expecting it to be another boring Wednesday, so I was talking to my best friend, Sam. Let me tell you a little about Sam. He's the coolest, nicest, most non-sexist, non-racist, non-vain teenage guy to ever walk the Earth, (with the exception of Kurt Cobain, of course.) We've been friends since second grade and ever since we've been inseparable. Yeah, we're at the bottom of the Aspen Tree High School food chain but it's ok since we have each other. And besides all great writers and singers were losers in high school. (Which is what Sam and I aspire to be.) Well, anyways on with the story. So we're just talking in Homeroom along with the other 21 kids in the class, while my favorite teacher of all time, Mr. Tarantuala, is listening to his iPod. Then the announcements came on. There was the usual dumb stuff, Cheerleading Tryouts, the lunch menu, blah blah blah. But then there was something that caught both Sam's and my eye. A trip to the other coast, California. Sam and I just looked at each other, knowing we both REALLY wanted to go. (Which was the aforementioned "fateful trip") Only one problem; my amazingly strict parents. They won't even let me go to Sam's house alone on my bike; let alone the other side of the country! (Sam's parents are divorced and he lives with his dad who only talks to him every 3 days to ask if he could go to Wal-Mart to get more microwavable dinners.) Sam also knew this, which is why when the bell rang 2 minutes later, that was the first thing he mentioned.

"Layla, I want to go on this trip, and I can tell you do too. But what about your parents..." His voice trailed off.

"I know. We could tell them it's purely educational. After all, THEY'RE the ones who are so rigid on me getting into an Ivy League College."

"I don't think just saying 'Don't worry! It's educational!' is going to work." He replied and was absolutely right, they'll be so paranoid some rapist/murderer is planning to abduct me. "We've got to figure out a way to kidnap you to California," Sam laughed

So that's what we did. While I was in Language Arts and he was in Adv. Algebra II we conducted a plan. (Probably the most cliched plan in history, no doubt. I really was a stupid 14-year-old, but whatever.) The plan was: 1) Get my mom in a really good mood (she's WAY nicer than my dad) 2) Totally lie to her and say I was spending a week in Orlando (which is only 20 minutes from here) with a girl from school. (Which is a laugh) 3) My mom will obviously want to call 'her' parents so pay a woman to pretend to be the girl's mom. 4) Escape to Cali!!! So, that night, after school I walked into my kitchen where my mom was eating sushi. And I was prepared to lie to her, when she goes: "Layla, I got a call from your school today," and I'm like "Ok" because I never do anything bad, and they only call for Book Fairs and the PTA or whatever, and my mom then, goes. "The call was about this trip to California," Then, I broke out in a cold sweat. My mom will never believe I'm going to Orlando the same week as the school trip! So, I just nodded and my mother continued. "They explained to me, that because your grades are so excellent and you have perfect attendance they really want you to attend. For free. Also that it'll show up when you apply for college and someone will constantly be watching you. So I said yes." Wait, WHAT?!?!?

"I CAN GO!!!!!!!" I exclaimed and hugged her.

"I suppose,"

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" I was so happy! I didn't have to lie, and I could spend a week of parent-free, bliss in the warm sun (even though it's sunny enough in Florida...) At that moment Sam texted me: "Did you do the plan? Did they fall for it? Can you go?" I picked up my phone, dialed him and ran to my room and told him the news.

"That's so cool!" Sam said.

"I know! I am SO excited!"

"Well, you better go get packing, California girl. We leave Friday,"

* * *

The next day, at Lunch, my own personal tormentor, Melena Hayes came up to Sam and me. "Hey, Layla. How are you and your BOYFRIEND doing?" I swear, she is so annoying. Why can't anyone realize that a boy and girl can be friends without falling in love? I looked at her stuck-up face, which consists of ginormous bright blue eyes and platinum blonde hair. (Which is so cliched. Why do blonde girls always have to be evil? They're just fitting the mold) Her two minions snickered. I have no idea what their names are, but one's a red head and the other a yellower blonde.

"Oh, just talking about you 24-7, Melena. Because we all know the solar system revolves around you and your 'gorgeous' looks. OMG." I said completely sarcastic. Sam leaned over to me and whispered; "I can't wait to be free of her for a week, tomorrow," Only, he said it so she could hear.

"What? The California thingy? Because I'm SO going to that." Then she whipped around and walked away to her 'Popular People' table.

"That sucks," Sam said to me "She's so annoying, I just wanted to get away from her for awhile."

"Yeah, but whatever. SHE'S not going to ruin our trip," I shrugged. Little did I know something else would.
© Copyright 2010 Millie Smith (smileymillie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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