Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1698428-Freedom--the-Stabbing-Heart
Rated: ASR · Chapter · Drama · #1698428
"People never change." Is this true? That is my question. Prologue to novel in progress.

    They arrived in the midst of the fourth war. I’m not sure if they put an end to the war by direct means, or if everyone simply stopped fighting due to the unfathomableness of emotion that their arrival inspired within us. It seemed though that by intention on their part or else the awe that their energy naturally instilled within us, that everyone fell into some kind of mass hypnotic trance and both gradually and efficiently we all sort of fell into line.

  It was strange and surreal though more real in a sense than life had been up until then.

The whole process was not a malevolent invasion like many zealous religious or paranoid fearful conspiracy theorists had envisioned, like some biblical heralding of an apocalypse; though to be sure, a lot of the more mentally narrowly rigid of people went insane, with ‘error error – does not compute’ flashing with frantic overload in their eyes.

  Nor was it the magically peaceful saviour situation that those cyber hippies, new agers and spirituality enthusiasts held dear to their hearts with hopeful anticipation that announced the beginning of the ascension into the trouble free heavenly realms and the end of all evil and struggle in life.

  Or maybe it was. Maybe both were right, and I am living in some residual world according to my point of reference, preference, or ability at experiential understanding.

  But from this admittedly limited and unique personal perspective which I may alone encompass, it was more, dare I say- human in many ways. They came down , showed us some very interesting stuff, (of which more will be said later)- helped us clean up our acts, sometimes though not forcefully, with very thinly veiled suggesting of implications should we choose not to comply if you get my meaning.

  It was not so much a take-over, as we both seemed to assimilate together fairly well, though they set the tone in many ways so to speak. We were not enslaved, though we were exploited.

  Our government leaders did not fair well in the beginning with their leaders.

  Our own mayor was asked to enact certain enviornmental laws within the city immediately, and he quite diligently had the legal documents drawn up, with the media present there with their cameras and recorders to witness the grand occasion.

  But the Karras, (That is what they are called aparently, or what they wish us to call them at least), representative, when it came time for him to sign the agreement, only stared our poor dishevelled mayor in the face for some time looking as if all he saw was that he had peeled an orange.

  The whole ceremony made no impression on them.

  They repeated their request for the immediate enviornmental measures to be taken.

  Our mayor and his official smile looked in such a panic as if ready to burst. He offered in slightly maniacal, excited and exasperated tones to sign the contract in his own blood, turning to the T.V. with a smile we could all tell was compelling us to please help him; for his job had never stretched his nerve nearly to this degree before, and we all watched with horror, nervousness and exquisite mirth of bubbling giggles as he squirmed desperately searching with all his might for a nice formal official agreement to come about as planned.

  The Karras leader was not moved.

  I came to understand on some gut level that an agreement to the Karras meant that one had to commit to it most fully and completely within their own heart and mind before it was acceptable. A cultural misunderstanding I suppose, though I like the idea of having honest people for leaders in the government.     

  They learned to play the game with us too abit eventually, they must be given credit for that.

  Some think of them as saviours still, and they do us a lot of good. Others think them the enemy who are lulling us to docile behaviour to lessen the blow and hide from us the truth of their real sinister intentions. I must admit, I have been more scared and felt more threatened on levels I did not know existed than I ever have before from them, and part of me agrees with this second assessment.

  As it stands now, I have come to the present stance, which is, like us, some are good and some are bad, more or less, they have their positive and negative traits, and a lot of this fear of them is maybe a case of extra-terrestial racism, much like the regular kind, though perhaps even more based upon the fear of the unknown than usual.

  They are far more emotionally detached than we are, in general I find, and treat the white race with more disdain, again generally speaking, than other folks.

  Ironically, in appearance they resemble native americans more that anything, though of course they are much larger, averaging 7 and a half feet with huge hypnotic almond shaped, purple coloured eyes, though in shape their eyes are very similar to ours, and there is a deep enchanting kind of familiarity in them. Their jaws are more firm and square, mouths somewhat smaller.

  Usually however, they wear the suits. There are rumors that they shapeshift their appearcance to suit their needs. I cannot speculate on all the theories though, there is as much of it now about ‘aliens’ as there was before they came, and it is just as unverifiable thus unworthy of my time to worry about.

  I am a trader. It is a growing line of work, as the monetary system is more and more losing it’s power as the currency of exchange. Government and law itself at least from our human side of things is also much nullified in power, more so than anyone might have imagined only a few years ago. It is now more or less just another faction or gang within society, a lot of the rules vary depending on what group you are dealing with.

  Those who cling on with desperation to the old system are being left behind in terms of opportunity, and more people recognize that the remnants of our governmental power structure is composed of a lot of manipulative people, and these veritable gang leaders grow more ruthless now that they realize the jig is up.

  There were those who attempted the use of deadly force against the Karras, but that delusion was short lived, and no one likes to think of what has happened to those poor fools, though human on human violence continues. 

  The Karas have also taken many of our felony offending prisoners from the jails and penitentiaries, one can only imagine what has become of them, though we are reassured that they are no longer to be worried about. I imagine they are slaves or biological and scientific lab rats used for Karas research and experimentation. One cannot help imagining sometimes, it is probably a far from accurate hypothesis.

  In the new system, things are far from stable, however.

  Crime is rampant still, life is unpredicatble. Order exists tentatively and there is now no illusion of the reality of it’s intimate co-existant relationship with chaos. It is an exciting time in a way as well. No one, if they are honest with themselves can say where all of this is heading. Perhaps the Karas know. If so, they aren’t saying, not to anyone I know at least.

  Meanwhile, life goes on as usual, which is to say in it’s typically unusual and adventurous way. I get up and ready myself for the day ahead of work, and though no day is ever the same, and rarely are they even similar, there is still I feel some thread of subtle meaning seeming to sew the fabric of my life together with that of all the other beings and life that move onward with me to create this mysterious mosaic we now call existence. It has been a mere 11 years since the Karas decided to situate themselves alongside us on our humble little planet and in my honest and also humble opinion, the trade industry is where it’s at.

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