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Rated: · Assignment · Inspirational · #1697977
I wrote this for school when I was a junior. It was supposed to be a persuasive speech.
Discrimination, a prejudiced act. An act that has been taken too far, too many times. Such an act as to where today's society won't give a perfectly capable person a job opportunity because of appearance. Today's labor laws state that there is no discriminating in the work industry. What about all us individuals with a simple tattoo or piercing who cannot get a simple minimum wage job because of it. Is that not discrimination?

Let's take this to a more personal level, a level of self evaluation. If you aren't willing to accept someone for who they are, then why should someone accept you for who you are? What does that say about your own character? Would you be willing to bring slavery back? Discrimination against someone for whatever problem you may have with them is all the same no matter the case. Do you truly think you are doing the right thing by thinking its ok to bring someone down or make them feel lower than you because of what they are or choose to be? I thought this was America, land of the free, not America, land of the prejudice. All i see is discrimination and violence. Think about it, they are linked. Discrimination will lead to violence as violence will lead to discrimination. In most cases, this is why violence has occurred in the first place, because something or someone was being discriminated to lead to such wrath. So discrimination is becoming a major problem in our society today.

If we could all just accept each other for which we are, this world could make huge progress. We are all living here together, and nothing can change that. No one will ever be the same. There will never be strictly one race on earth, there will never be one height, one hair color or style, one religion, one language, or more importantly one frame of mind. As much as some of us would like to think we are alike, truth is no one is the same, we are all different. Which makes us individuals. So you would be against the whole world by discriminating, so why is it even a factor? I don't understand how people can be so selfish, so narrow minded as to think its right to bring someone down. Does someone with a piercing seriously have any effect on the way a job gets done? In all seriousness, no. It's just a matter of a standard not meeting your eye. How much more selfish can the human race be? Although i am not a firm believer of the religious community, I do think there is some good reasoning behind it. For example in the verse by John 2:15 it states, "This is their way, not the way of the one who is supposed to be." What does that mean to you? Would you not agree it could refer to the issue I speak of now? Let's rephrase it for better understanding. It is their way to choose who they want to be, it is not the way of what someone thinks they should be. This proves a perfectly good point. I could almost speak for everyone when i say; no one likes to be brought down. When someone does something to themselves they feel proud of it. No matter how we choose to look, there is always going to be someone who doesn't approve. Why not save your breath and realize they are being who they want to be. If something makes someone happy, why take that away from them for your own selfish pride? When someone decides to modify their body, they aren't trying to trying to offend anyone, so why offend them? If you can't receive your food, get a coffee, get a massage, a tour of a house, drop off a payment, or even have someone walk your dogs from a potentially sweet person that has tattoos or piercings, then that brings us back to beginning statement of re thinking what kind of person you even are. I think there are more things to worry about in the work industry then a measly tattoo or piercing.

It just truly bothers me that this world still isn't ready for what's already happened. We are living in the twenty-first century, its time people realize we all aren't going to look the same. If you can't deal with someone at the job with a piercing or tattoo, then you are just going to go out into the rest of the world and see it everywhere else. There isn't a way of preventing your eyes from seeing something out of the ordinary. Weren't you all taught to not judge a book by its cover? Does that rule still now apply now? I'm not asking you to like piercings or tattoos, I'm simply asking you to look at it in not such a selfish way. They could have been the sweetest person you've ever met but you didn't even give them chance. No piercing or tattoo can change someone's heart, so don't let it change your mind. Thanks.{/b}
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