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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1697719
Jullie is the new girl in town.But will it change her life for good? Find out in this!
~A Teenage Love Story~

“Julliette! Get up school starts in twenty minutes!” “Mom, for the last time-I ‘m taking my time!” “Boys! You get up too!” “whatever” Yea. That’s our regular day at the Paulson resident. Actually, there’s two! Mom & Dad got a divorce two years ago. Lovely. West Haven, Connecticut was my hometown. Now I live in small town, Pocahontas, Iowa. Ahh the memories!


Lori: Hey! you’re the new kid, right?
Me: Yea, why?
Kellie: We’ve heard SOOO much about you!
Lori: where are you from?
Me: Hartford.
Kellie: OMG! Isn’t that like, all the way in Connecticut?
Me: Yep! 5 states away from home…Do you think I’ll fit in?
Kellie: if you try! So anyways, we wanted to know-
Lori: Hey! Hey! You’ve got to meet Taylor& Nick!
Kellie: Julliette, meet Nick and Taylor!

Nick: Hi Julliette!

Taylor: Hi Julliette…is it alright if I just call you Jullie?

Me: *thinking* Taylor is really cute!

Me: Sure!


Kellie: Oh my god! The bell already!? Oh well! Lets all meet at the park right after school! Everyone be there-its important! Is it a plan?

Lori: Yea it is!

Me: Sweet sure!

Taylor: yea!

Nick: Sure

*flashback ends.*

We’re in the senior class and we’re all going to the same collage! Weird, huh? We’ve been planning on doing that since the seventh grade. The collage is Farman University. I’m working on being a professional cupcake& cake designer. Kellies working on being a scientist, Nick & Taylor are working together for being collage professors, and Lori is working on being a nurse. Next year ,Life will be good!


Me: Hey Lori! What’s up?
Lori: Nothing much, you?
Me: Nothing really. Umm, tonights my B-day & I’m having a slumber party…wanna come?
Me: Sure! Who’s all comin’?
Lori: Well its an girls only party so here’s who’ll be there!
The only one you know that will be there is Kellie. The others are Laney, Jamie, Rose , Jessie, Hannah & Anna (Twins!)
Me: Oh I know Rose! But, She’s the popular one, huh? But she’s still my friend!
Lori: Great! I’ll see you @ 8:00!
*@ Class*

Mrs. Landon: Hello class! I will be your homeroom teacher for this school year. Come get a book at my desk for this class. Its not usual but I’m also your math teacher.
Me: Hey Kellie?
Kellie: Yea?
Me: Well, tonight for the slumber party I was gonna bring some stuff…
Kellie: Well, what kind of stuff??
Me: Uh, its just a bottle.. and some boys!!
Kellie: NO!! What are you thinking!? Lori will be soo ma- well, actually, lets ask!
*After School*
Kellie: LORI! We have a question!
Lori: What is it?
Me: Well, we were wondering, if we could bring boys to the slumber party!
Lori: Are you CRAZ-
Kellie: She’s bringing a bottle!
Lori: Still no guys. I would but my mom doesn’t let boys sleep over. It’s a rule.
Me: Okay! Text my later I gtg home!
Lori: Kay byeez!
Kelllie: Cya!

So at my house my twin little brothers are ruining the living room! that’s what they do on a daily basis though. They’re names are James & Michal. They’re both ten. Ten year olds in fourth grade are pains in the butt.
I watch ten year olds enough at my cousins house, I don’t need to deal with two more!
Me: Guys I’ll be in my room getting ready! So whatever you do tonight, don’t reck the house, and most importantly remember to take the dog out!
James & Michal: We’ll try!
Me: *grons*

Me: Hey Lori. Codey Just broke up w/ me….

Lori: I’m so sorry…


Lori: OMG! Who!?

Me: Taylor!

Lori: WHAT!? You cant just date a best friend! that’s like stealing a boyfriend from someone!

Me: oh. I guess we can tell him lol!

Lori: hahaha lol! Well are you comin or not? Its 7:45!

Me: Yea I’ll b there soon! Ttyl!

Lori: Ttylz!

Me: Omg! What’s moving under my blanket?
Chewy: *barks twice*
Me: Oh its just youChewy! You scared me little guy! Now run off to the boys! Go boy.

Me: Okay clothes, Makeup, Sleeping bag, Purse, Cell phone!! Ready to spend the night at Lori’s!

Me: Bye boys! Bye Chewy!

Michal & James: Bye!

Chewy: *Barks!*
*Loris house, 7:55 PM*

*rings doorbell*
Lori: Hey Jullie! Come in!

Me: Wow. Nice house! Are you rich? haha
Lori: Oh not the slightest bit! This home was cheap!lol
Me: Wow.
Lori: Everyone, this is Jullie!
Laney: Hi!! Nice to meet you Jullie!
Jamie: Hey. How goes it?
Rose: Hey Jullie! Does everyone call you that now? Hannah: Omg hi! I love your curly blond hair!
Anna: Hi! Me too!
Me: Good, yes, thanks!
Lori: Oh nobodys met my mom. Her name is Penelope, But just call her penny!

Rose: Cool! Now lets go have fun & play truth or dare!
Everyone else: Sure! Yea! Lets go!

We went upstairs to a beautiful room of-my fave colors-blue & pink! And she says she’s not rich?

Me: Nice room, Lor!
Lori: Thanks! My mom designed it!
Laney: Alright I ‘ll go first. Jamie, Truth Or Dare?
Jamie: Uhh, truth!
Laney: Is it true you love Nick Johnson?
Jamie: EWWW! Lmao no!
Lori: Okay, Jullie, Truth or dare?
Me: Dare!
Lori: I dare you to kiss Jamie on the lips!
All girls: * Laugh*
Jamie: Why is everything on ME!?
Lori: omg haha just do it!
*me & Lori kiss*
Anna: Omg! They actually did it! Sick!
Lori: Okay girls! Make over time!
Hannah: Oh yay!
Rose: Cool!
Lori: Jullie, what’s wrong?
Me: Nothin’ I’m just tierd is all. Maybe tomorrow!
Lori: Alright, Suit yourself!

*in bed*
Me: * Thinking* Uggh! I have this feeling.. Like I… liked the kiss.. No no no! Maybe I’m just tierd! That’s probably it! No it can’t be! I can’t get rid of this feeling! I have a boyfriend for gods sake! *gets out of bed*

Me: Hey guys I’m back!
Jessie: Oh you just missed makeovers!
Laney: Yea sorry!
Me: It’s okay. Oh geez its 1:00 in the morning!
Hannah & Anna: Weren’t we supposed to be in bed?
Lori: Yep.
Penny: *opens door* I’m serious I don’t need to treat you like kids now but go to sleep and not a peep out of any one of you.
Everyone: Okay!
*All girls in bed*
Laney: Goodnight!
Jamie: Gnight!
Jessie: Goodnight!
Rose: Night!
Hannah & Anna: Night Night!
Me: Night!

*In the morning*

Lori: Everybody wake up!!
Jessie: Hi..
Hannah: *Yawn* Hi everyone.
Anna: Hey guys!
Rose: Hello everyone!
Jamie: Hello!
Me: Hey Guys!
Lori: Kay! Are we gonna just sit here like lazy peeps or are we gonna get dressed?
Jamie: I think we should be lazy!
Rose: ERRT! Wrong awnswer! *throws pillow at her* cmon everyone get up!
*Everyones up*

Anna: Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Hannah: Of course I am I’m your twin!
Anna & Hannah: Cute outfit day!
Me: I have to go!
Everyone: Bye!
Me: Bye!

*Taylor’s House*

Me: Hi babe!
Taylor: Hi hon!


Me: Lori doesn’t want us to date!
Taylor: Don’t listen to her! I love you!
Me: I love you too. But I’m worried about her.
Taylor: Why?
Me: Because she hasn’t had a bf in forever.
Taylor: I know. Wanna spend the night?
Me: Yea lemme get my stuff.
Taylor: you should really tell your mom.
Me: No I was supposed to stay at Lori’s tonight but I can skip.
Taylor: I see! I love you.
Me: I love you too!


Me: Hey we should watch some movies!
Taylor: Yea!
Me: I was kinda thinking we could watch the house bunny &-
Tammy: Julliette Faith! Get home NOW!
Me: Babe! Text me!
Taylor: Jullie! *gron*

*Upstairs Bathroom*

Me: AHHH! MOM!!!
Tammy: Baby what is it!?
Me: I’m pregnant!
Tammy: Your WHAT!?
Me: yea. You heard me.
Tammy: Your darn right I heard you! Missy your in deep trouble! I didn’t have my first kid till I was 21! That’s 3 more years!
Me: Mom I’m-
Tammy-Don’t say your sorry! Cause’ that don’t cut it this time! You should’ve been more careful! There’s no undoing it! No abortions! Now go tell Taylor! Now!

*Taylor’s house again*

Me:*rings doorbell* hope he’s home!
Taylor: Hey babe!
Me: Um I have something to tell you.
Taylor: What is it?
Me: Well, its just that, we have to get married.
Taylor: Why? Not yet we’ve been dating for 2 weeks!
Me: But, I’m sorry to say but-you got my pregnant.
Taylor: WHAT!? Well, then its perfect! I love you!
Me: I love you too!

*6 months later, @ the church*

Priest: Do you, Taylor, take Julliette to be your wife?
Taylor: I do!
Priest: do you, Julliette, take Taylor to be you husband?
Me: I do!
Priest: You may kiss the bride!


Tammy: Congrats darlin’!
Me: Thanks mom!
*everyone else says congrats*
*@ The reception!*

Me: Lets cut the cake babe! I’m starving!
Taylor: Kay!
Me: I’m so glad this cakes choc-
Taylor: Wh-what is it babe?
Tammy: Call an ambulance!
*lots of people tell her to calm down till the ambulance gets here*
*@ the hospital*
Tammy & Taylor: Push honey! Push Babe! Come on you can do it!
Me: *In very much pain* ERRRHH!!!!!
Doctor: it’s a Girl!
Me: I’ll name her Annabelle Rose.
Codey: Hi Jullie.
Me: Didn’t expect to see you here, huh?
Codey: Wait-is that thing mine!?
Taylor: You better leave her alone or else I-
Me: No, codey. Annabelle is mine & Taylor’s. cmon lets go home.

*@ home*

Me: oh geez! Its scary here without Taylor…

Me: What was that!?
Codey: cya Jullie!
Me: Huh? Why are YOU here??
*codey lights match and puts on floor. Runs.*
Annabelle: WAAAHH! WAHHHH!
Me: ANNABELLE!! *goes into flames to get to babys room

Me: ANNA!!
Annabelle: WAAHHH WAAHH!!!
Me:*coff coff I….can’t find a way out! Wait a second! Anna! The escape door is in your room sweetie! *cofff coff. Lets go!
Annabelle: Lets GO!

*both go out escape door, quick!

~The next day. 8:47 AM~

Me: *Wakes up.* Your so beautiful Annabelle Rose.
Taylor: Hi babe-why exactly are you outside?
Me: Shhh she’s sleeping! And lets look inside the building, shall we?
*all go inside building*
Taylor: Oh my god! No way this is a dream!
Me: Nope. And our little girl almost died! She’s only 2 days old!
Taylor: What happened?
Me: Codey found our house and broke in. He lit a match, threw it on the floor, and ran. Trying to separate me, you, & Annabelle will never work, will it Ann?

Annabelle: Lets GO!
Taylor: Jullie-
Me: I know- her first words.

*Five Months Later*

Me: Come here Anna! We’re going to Nana Kellie’s house!
Annabelle: Lets Go Mommy!
Me: Aww! So cute!

We considered Kellie & Lori were her nanas since they were there for her birth. Annabelle loves to see them! Now I know what child birth feels like. Its very, VERY painful!

*@ Kellie’s house*

Me: *Rings doorbell
Kellie: Hi Jullie! How’s Anna doin!
Me: She’s perfect! I love her beautiful blue eyes & brunette hair. My eyes, and sadly, Codey’s eyes.
Kellie: Oh. Well how is Taylor.
Me: Why? Wouldn’t you know?
Annabelle: Mommy!
Kellie: Aww! Cute!
Me: That’s what I said!
Kellie: Anyways Lori broke our group up & she’s not going to collage.
Anna: *Chews on nail
Me: No Annabelle Rose that’s naughty! *takes nail* ANYWAYS what? You have to be kidding right!?
Kellie: Nope.
Me: *Pauses* BRB! Hold on to Anna and watch her for ten minutes!

Me: *Rings Lori's doorbell
Lori: Oh, hello to you!
Me: Huh? What's up?
Lori: You're up! I TOLD you not to marry or even date Taylor!
Me: Well obiously its not your choice! I had to marry him because he-
Lori: Wanted you to-
Me: NO! I had my baby. You know it.
Lori: Oh. You could've told me...
Me: Sorry Lori. But we can't talk anymore.
Lori: But Jullie I-
Me: No. No more. Maybe I'll text. Goodbye Lori... *hugs Lori
Lori: *Crying* Bye Julliette.
*Julliette runs to Kellies house, crying.

Lori: What did she say?
Me: Nothing. Come here Annabelle we're going to see daddy. Bye Lori!
Lori: Bye!

*At home, One year later*

Me: Hi Taylor!
Taylor: Hi babe!
Me: Guess what day it is??
Taylor: Your 19th Birthday!
Me: Yea!
Taylor: And now that Annas one, she's got all her beautiful brown hair!
Me: Yea I know!
Taylor: What else will she need to know?
Me: When she's older, lets tell her our Teenage Love Story.

The End
© Copyright 2010 Emily Rose Palmieri (bubbly_emmi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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