Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1697686-The-Tale-of-Humans
Rated: · Other · Fantasy · #1697686
An alternate look at how human beings came to be.
Long ago, before history was recorded by books or pictures, the Earth was a land of the bountiful plants and animals, and they spent their days being merry and living their lives on the green Earth. Among them was a single person, a man named Human.

Human was a good guy, and he was friends with all the animals around him. He woulds spend every day playing games with the wily foxes, swimming the streams and rivers with the fish, exploring soaring cliffs and fantastic vistas with the birds, and many other activities. The problem was, he was the only person in existence, and he began to long for something new.

One day, Human found that he had the power to change his appearance and personality, and was delighted. He could be man or woman, young or old, cranky or merry at a single thought, and he entertained the animals and himself to no end with his shifting. For a time, Human was happy.

However, as time passed, that same lonliness and sense of emptiness returned to Human, worse than before, having only been held back by his transforming power. He sank into a deep depression, huddled in the deepest region of the woods where few of his animal friends treaded to comfort him. Human was at a loss as to why he felt this way, with the Earth's natural bounty and his animal friends.

Then, one day, his feelings reached a tipping point and Human found himself awash with new power and meaning. Overjoyed, he fled the dark forest and reached a wide sunny meadow, where his animal friends rushed forth in droves to welcome back their friend. Smiling, Human demonstrated his new power, and there was a second person standing next to him, another Human. This process repeated itself, and by the time the sun was setting there were thousands of Humans, of all different kinds imaginable.

It was then that the original Human realized his purpose. "I had been acting only for myself, using my powers and time only for me. My real purpose is to bring life and happiness to others, my children." The other Humans spread out across the world and had their own children by man and woman, and the Human population grew.

Finding peace within himself, Human gave up his immotal powers and eventually grew old and passed on, leaving his world to the others. Time passed until we reach the present day, where all of us still bear the name of that first person. When we state "We're all Human," or "I am a Human," we pay homage to that first being who allowed us to be. And that is how it is with Humans.
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