Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1696721-After-Midnight
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1696721
Young adult book about the tragic story of Faith Bennet, and a man she came to know.
Chapter 1- Pain

I twisted in my bed, trying not to lie on my bruised arm. The clock was moving so slowly, why did it always have to move so slowly? Just 30 minutes till I need to be up… just. As the seconds ticked by, the front door opened downstairs. I could hear the sound of glass on the kitchen floor. That’s my cue… I got up, put on my dressing gown and slippers and headed downstairs.
“What took you so long?” My uncle Paul managed to spit out.
“Sorry. I was… sleeping.”
“Sleeping? I would of thought you’d care more about me… get me a coffee Faith, and hurry with it.” My uncle stumbled over to the couch, clearly still drunk from last night. I made his coffee and took no time in hurrying it over to him. I went back into the kitchen to clean up the broken beer bottle and made myself a cup of tea. I sipped slowly, knowing I had all the time in the world before school. Not that I was looking forward to it.
School had never been a hoot for me. It wasn’t the same as most people. It wasn’t getting up early, or having to do work that I hated. In fact, I really didn’t mind either of those things in the slightest. No, the thing that bothered me was my fellow classmates. Most of them are all right. They ignore me but I don’t mind that. It is the ones that don’t ignore me that are the problem. The leader of this cult is called Alicia Fawkes. Her, her two best friends, and all of their boyfriends, seem to only have one reason for being in school, to suffocate me.
I left the house without a fuss, Paul had already passed out on the couch, and so he didn’t start an argument with me. I slowly got into my blue 1994 Renault Twingo and began the journey to school. West Seattle high wasn’t far, but took about 15 minutes, what with early morning traffic. I turned the corner into the Juniors’ car park and parked in one of the spaces farthest away from the school building. The longer it took to get into that establishment, the better. I locked my car and reluctantly headed towards the school.
Alicia, Taylor and Claire were slouching on the steps waiting for James, David and Aston to meet them. I tried to blend in with the crowd as I walked through the entrance, but they knew it was me.
“Hey red girl!” Alicia called, referring to my deep red hair and lips. Natural, but they couldn’t see it.
“How was your weekend?” Alicia had long Black hair and was just about as skinny as most of the twigs that carpeted the school grounds.
“Fine.” I breathed, knowing the politeness would end, soon.
“Fine. Is that all?” here it came… “I would have thought you would have had a better time than that. The rest of the dorks didn’t want to hang out?”
“Ha-ha.” I muttered under my breath and began to walk through those big wooden doors I knew too well.
“What? I’m sorry I didn’t catch that?” Taylor called after me. Taylor was blonde. Her skin was tanned and she looked like she was going to fall over in her stilettos.
“What’s going on?” James called out, putting his arm around Alicia.
“It seems red girl doesn’t like us talking to her.” Alicia toyed.
“That is a pity, I was going to ask her if she wanted to go for a walk in Bournewood at lunch. So red girl… you in?” James was terrifying. I don’t think he had picked on me as much as Alicia had, but when he did things usually got physical. I would normally find myself with a black eye or something by the time he was done, so I knew I had to get out of there.
“No… no thank-you.”
“ Awww… but I was hoping you would tell me all about the nature and… stuff.” Everyone laughed and I attempted to escape.
“I don’t think I’m the person to ask for that.” I replied as I hurried into the now beckoning hallway.
“Come. We’re meeting in the cafeteria at 1… It’ll be fun.” As if I was stupid enough to fall for that. When they were going for a “walk” I would be running to the other side of the school to hide. Childish I know, but what else could I do? Go with them and get beaten up again? No thank you, that was most certainly not something on my agenda today and I don’t intend to make room for it. The thought of James beating me up in the middle of the forest while his girlfriends watched was practically unbearable.
I headed to Trigonometry and stumbled into the classroom just after Mr Watson had closed the door. He eyed me suspiciously.
“Sorry.” Was all I said. He motioned with his head for me to take my seat and I took no time in obeying. I quickly got out my books and began to pay attention to his lesson. I hated trigonometry, but it was better than ending up living with Paul the rest of my life. Not that he’d let me stay very long after high school anyway. I just wanted to pass my exams and then head off to college somewhere far away.
Trigonometry ended, and before the bell finished ringing, my books were in my bag and I was headed for the door.
“Miss Bennett.” Mr Watson called.
“Yes sir?” I gulped
“Try not to be late for my class again.” His voice was sinister, even though his words were not.
“Yes sir. Sorry sir.” I drifted out the door and headed to English.
Finally. I enjoyed English. The only, “Alicians” in my class were James and Aston, and they didn’t bother me much when the girls weren’t there. I took my seat at the window and got out my copy of “Romeo and Juliet”. Mr Coolson entered and James and Aston sneaked in behind him. I heard them laughing and as I turned, they were looking in my direction. By “bothered” I mean not to my face. Mr Coolson seemed to notice and turned to smile at me.
“So? What did you think of Romeo and Juliet?” silence exploded in the room as Mr Coolson got into his swing. “Nobody? Faith?”
Oh thanks, another opportunity to get myself mocked.
“It was… sweet.”
“Favourite character?”
“Interesting…why Rosaline? I would have thought you would have picked Romeo or Juliet?”
“So did I. But I think Rosaline’s story is quite sad. I mean… she loved Romeo, and he left her. Even if he loved someone else, her heart got broken, and I think not everything should circulate around the main characters. Everyone else has lives too, and the world always seems to be spinning for the main characters.” Slight sniggers echoed from the back of the room, but I ignored them, pulling my hair over my face.
“I knew I could trust you Faith. Anyone else?” no one answered him. Why did I have to open my mouth? I was probably the only one who read it, or understood it for that matter.
“Well, I hope everyone read it because next week you are gonna write me a lovely 2000 word essay on it.” Everyone moaned, but I stayed quite, secretly glad that I’d have something to do for a while.
“Today, however, we’re going to slide past Shakespeare and move on to poetry.” everyone groaned again. “Yeah, yeah we all hate poetry. I know, but it’s important if you want to pass mid term. Lets see what you can do. I know I’m going to regret this… write about anything you want. An experience, something important to you… anything. Got it?” everyone nodded slowly while I hurried for my file block and pen. I loved to write. Poetry was one of my specialities, but I tried to be reserved on that subject.
I began scribbling down notes and as Mr Coolson stopped pacing, I could feel his eyes on me. It was as if this assignment was my reward for reading the book, and everyone else’s punishment for not. Mr Coolson took an interest in my writing. Why? I don’t think I’ll ever know. It was nothing special, just personal to me. I finished writing and began to rewrite it neatly. My handwriting was a mess but it never bothered Mr Coolson, it just bothered me. He was the only thing close to a friend to me at this school and, believe me, I know how sad that sounds.
The bell rang and he collected everyone’s work in. I got up slowly and headed for the door reluctantly for my first study period. I was last out and Mr Coolson called after me.
“This is really good.” He’s read it already, typical.
“Um… thank you. But I still think it needs some work.”
“They always do Faith, they always do. Good work today, and thanks for your Shakespeare discussion. It was… intriguing.
“Thanks. Was there anything else you wanted?”
“I think that’s about it. Sorry to keep you.”
“It’s okay, really.” He smiled and headed back into the classroom. I headed down to the common room to study and prepared myself for an hour of hell. As I entered the room, it was just as I had anticipated. All six of the Alicians were sitting on the desks and laughing. Not that there was a rule against laughing, it’s just that I know when it is about me, or some other poor kid who they don’t like.
I headed to the other side of the room in hope of avoiding them. It was pointless.
“Hey red girl.” (My name to them.) James was the first to speak. I pretended not to hear and kept walking.
“Yo Faithless we’re talkin’ to you.” David called. I turned round and waited for the ridicule to begin.
“Are coming later or what?” James said.
“I have some work to catch up on.”
“Sure you do… you’re the smartest girl in the entire junior year, forget about work. Just this once?” was he pleading with me? There’s one I haven’t had before.
“I don’t know…”
“Come. Besides I’ll need some company if the girls aren’t gonna be there.”
“You have Aston and David don’t you?”
“Yeah… but we’d like you to come.”
“You said you didn’t have a great weekend. And after your wonderful performance in English, we’re guessing you could do with getting out more.”
“Thanks for your concern… but I’m sure I’ll be fine.” I tried to escape but a hand was on my arm before I took one complete step.
“You’ll be there, won’t you Faith?” James squeezed my arm, and I felt the bruise growing. He looked at me harshly and threateningly.
“Where?” I choked out.
“How about the corner of the cafeteria, by the forest.”
“1pm.” He let go and I took a deep breath as I headed to my seat. I got out my mp3 and my Spanish books. I plugged the earphones in my ears and began to get lost in ‘The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus’. I tried to concentrate, but all I could get from my mind was worry about later. They were going to hurt me, that much was certain. But would they stick with words or would they take it to the ‘me getting beaten up’ stage. I don’t know, but to be honest, neither of these appealed more than the other.
My hand started to shake and I realised that I had been reading the same sentence for the past five minutes. I kept reading, knowing nothing was entering my brain until the bell went at 12. Just 1 hour to go, Just one lesson. Yikes that’s scary. I packed up my books and slowly floated to the door. I kept my head down as I walked past James, fighting back the tears. He was without doubt, the most manipulative, and the worst of the three guys. It was like there was a vacuum around him, and if you got to close you got sucked in and there was no air to breathe, not in the good way either. When you experience it, you wonder if there’s such thing as a good way.
I entered the Spanish room, taking a breath, and headed to my seat at the back of the classroom. Miss Lorenzo followed me into the classroom and got out her books beginning the lesson. I couldn’t concentrate, not that I expected myself to be able to, but I hoped. The hour went by too quickly and I soon found myself heading to the door. I walked slowly to the corner of the cafeteria that they had said to meet them. I had already considered not showing up, but I knew that I would be beaten up every day for the rest of my existence if I didn’t. Better to experience one day of pain, than an eternity.
There, I found James, David and Aston slouching against the wall twisting something small and shiny in their hands. Aston tapped James, to tell him I was here and the shiny thing disappeared quickly inside his black coat pocket. I felt my heartbeat quicken as I cautiously began the petrifying journey toward them.
“You’re late.” Said Aston.
“Spanish ran on a bit. Sorry.” I replied, trying to contain my fear.
“Oh well, we have plenty of time.” James joined in, his voice ominous. The other two held back a snigger as they leaned off the wall and began to hustle me towards the forest. James was walking in front, never glancing back for one second. The sight of the school disappeared as I stumbled through the trees with James in front of me and the other two at my back. When it was suddenly pitch black in the wood, James turned to say,
“Here will do.” He looked at me in a way that made my legs feel paralyzed to the ground. I felt someone’s arms wrap themselves, painfully around my stomach. Before I knew it I was pinned with my back to a tree while David and Aston stopped me struggling and James began to remove his shirt.
This was certainly not what I had anticipated, and I think I would most definatly prefer to be simply beaten up. My arms were being lined with bruises and my whole body ached as I attempted to scream. It was pointless, not in the least because no one would hear me, but also because I didn’t have any air in my lungs to force out. I could hear laughter as I tried to think of something worse than this… nothing came.
Finally coming to terms with what was happening to me, I tried to struggle free, but I was weaker than them by far. I felt cold, helpless and violated. I knew that the Alicians weren’t the nicest of people, but I never considered them capable of this. Perhaps I should start calling them the “Jameson’s” now that I knew he was the most unkind to me, the most malicious.
I couldn’t feel anything by the time the bell went. It hurt so much I had grown numb.  I couldn’t tell whether my eyes were open or not, it was dark anyway. I felt my clothes land on top of me as I lay naked and abused on the forest floor. I couldn’t move, but I realised that my eyes were closed and attempted to open them. My eyelids wouldn’t budge so I kept trying. They eventually opened and I started to drag myself up. I clothed myself as best I could, leaving my violet jacket off.
I clambered my way out of the forest and didn’t even think about school. I hauled myself to my car and turned the keys in the ignition. I felt the tears running down my face as I raced out of the school grounds. I was clearly driving too fast but I couldn’t care less. If I died in a car crash it would only shorten the length of time I had to wait for freedom from the hell that is my life.
I had it all planned out in my head, my mental preparation of what to do if I didn’t die in a car crash. I drove for hours, changing my mind and then changing it back. It was dark before I decided to go through with it. I headed back towards School and drove past it heading north. I raced past Elliot bay and peered out of my, still streaming, tears to see the waves crashing against the sides of the boats.
I sped up as I saw the cliffs ahead and tried to banish the pain from my arms so that I could hold the steering wheel. I drove up to Cambers Cliff (the farthest from town) and parked my car at the top. I lugged myself out of the car and slowly approached the edge. It was a long way down. I wasn’t comfortable with heights either, but I’d jump off a thousand cliffs if it meant never going through that again.
I slowly began to take off my shoes and untied my hair. Everything that had happened to me over the past three years rushed through my mind. James eyes burning like fire when he laughed at me, and his sandy hair being deliberately toyed with by Alicia in front of me. Alicia had always been good at making me uncomfortable, but the prize went to James. I soon found myself crawling to the edge in floods of tears. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t think, at least not about anything but the pain in my chest. It was like a ten ton mass had been dropped on my chest and everyone watched, but no one helped, or even cared. I composed myself to an extent and felt the bruises on my back as I tried standing up.
The back of my neck ached and burned as I soon realised I had been bleeding. He had held my neck so hard, that his fingernails broke through my skin and I bled. How could anyone be capable of this? I felt the cold air whip around my broken body as I took a step back. I thought of Paul at home, drinking in horror that I didn’t come home to make his dinner for him. I thought of James with his arm around Alicia. I wonder if she knew what he had done? I thought about how empty my life was. As long as hell was not a replica of my life, I should think it would be a 5 star holiday resort. I fought back my fears and began to run into the cold, wet abyss that waited.
My stomach remained with my car as I fell. I fell so far; the cold air hurt my face. I closed my eyes and felt the piercing shock of the freezing water as I broke through the surface of the bay. I didn’t feel that much different. A little colder perhaps, but I still couldn’t breathe. Hopefully this meant my life would be over soon. I opened my eyes after I don’t know how long to find myself still hovering in the black void. Which way was up? I couldn’t tell. I didn’t want to. I felt myself begin to slip into unconsciousness and the stinging in my eyes ceased as they closed.
All I could feel was the cold, the pain as it started to vanish. Just as I thought I was free, something attached itself to me and I could feel air on my skin. It was a tug. I couldn’t open my eyes. It was as if they were permanently closed and I was only half awake. Suddenly, my entire body felt air and I felt warm as something was wrapped around me. I couldn’t tell if I was just back on dry land, or whether I was dead but I hoped for the latter.
I still couldn’t breathe, but I soon felt a pounding on my chest, trying to get rid of the water from my lungs. The pain from my bruises, and I suspected broken ribs, broke through as I guessed I was on the shore, not dead. If I were able to move I would kill whoever saved me. I felt cold water come up the back of my throat and coughed violently to get rid of it. I felt arms support me and try to make me comfortable enough to open my eyes. It was working. I felt my eyelids able to move slightly and soon they opened to gaze upon my cruel rescuer.

Chapter 2- Rescued

Perhaps I was dead after all. I opened my eye’s to see an angel trying to make me feel okay. He was a wet angel to say the least, but he was beautiful. His dark shaggy hair dripped over his face and his eyes penetrated my face. His skin was paler than ice, but that was maybe just because of the coldness of the water. His lips began to move as I tried to hear what was coming out of them.
“Are you alright? Oh my god, you look terrified.” His voice was like a thousand musical instruments playing perfectly to a glorious melody. It was deep and soft like velvet and he stroked my face as he panicked over me. I tried to open my mouth but when I did, nothing came out. The salt in the water had dried it up and the way he looked at me made me want to never look away.
“Ssshhh… its okay. I’ve got you. You’ll be okay.” His voice purred. He tried repositioning me in his arms when I tried to move my legs.
“Oh my goodness. What were you thinking?” I opened my mouth again to discover that my voice existed.
“I…I… why did you do that?” I croaked
“You’re asking me what I was doing, what were you doing? You could have been killed.” He seemed to have genuine concern in his voice, which I wasn’t used to hearing. Not wanting to answer his question I stayed silent, but I guessed that my expression gave me away from the look he gave me.
“You’re not serious. You can’t be… Why would you possibly feel the need to do that?” it was like a cue in a play. Just as he asked me that question his arm moved slightly and the pressure from my “injuries” resulted in pure pain. I tried to conceal it but didn’t do a very good job as I whimper escaped my lips and my eyes closed up.
His face was horrified. He looked down at where his arm meet with my useless body and considered whether that would have been from the fall or something else.
“What… What happened to you?” he pleaded as I tried to support myself enough to stand up. Realising my struggle, he placed his hands gently on my waist and held me up straight. I shoved them off, showing that I wasn’t appreciative for his brave rescue. The moment I did that, my legs collapsed beneath me and he held me up again. I yelped in pain again as his hands clasped my ribs.
“Sorry I…”
“Its okay.” I felt my legs stabilize and removed his hands again, still not entirely secure in having someone touch me. I started to walk away from the shore as I headed for Cambers Cliff to get my car, or if I could get rid of this one, try again. The second time round would surely be quicker.
“Where exactly do you think you’re going?” his gentle voice echoed in the night.
“Car.” Was all I could manage.
“I’m sure.” I could hear the sarcasm in his voice as he hurried after me. “Do you plan on driving it in with you this time? Or are you going to drive it into a lorry?” I didn’t reply as I felt the cool, dry grass hit my bare feet.
“If you won’t let me help you, at least tell me why you did it?”
“I don’t have to explain anything to you. So thanks for the thought but I really don’t want saved.” I think I might have got away if I hadn’t stumbled and almost fell. His faithful arms were wrapped around me, preventing my fall and then re-supporting me as I attempted breathing again.
“Look. Maybe you should go to a hospital, you look like you could do with some rest and you’re certainly in no fit state to be driving.”
“I’m fine.”
“Do you know what fine stands for? Freaked out, insecure…”
“Neurotic and emotional. I’ve heard that one.” As I finished his speech, he looked at me in disbelief.
“I’m alright then.” I emphasised.
“If you’re jumping off a cliff, that’s a clear signal to me that you’re not. You were practically screaming with pain just then. No… somehow I think you’re the farthest thing from fine.” I realised he was still holding me and freed myself from his gaze as I began to walk away.
“Please. If you won’t tell me what happened to you… tell me you name.” Huh. That couldn’t do much harm.
“Faith.” He repeated in his perfect voice.
I stumbled my way back up the cliff and decided to wait before doing this again. Perhaps I had acted a little out of impulse and had better think this through. At least if I tried it again I will have thought about it enough so that no one will be able to save me. Not that anyone else would. I should think Paul would be relieved to finally get rid of the pebble in his shoe. Apparently that’s all I am to him, and the way he acts, it isn’t difficult to believe it. Not very difficult at all.
  When I finally reached the car, I decided not to drive for a while. I sat on the edge of the cliff with my legs suspended over the rim. The breeze was relaxing on my face. My cuts and bruises felt soothed by the gentle air. After a while (I couldn’t tell how long) I got up and got into my car. I tried to remember how to drive as I started it.
Driving back down the cliff, I felt the ten-ton mass reposition itself on my chest. I mustn’t have been sitting there long, because on the beach that I woke up, the man that saved me stood. He was still, like a rock, or perhaps a tree. Such comparisons weren’t worthy of him. Whether I had wanted it or not, this man risked his life to save me. And I threw it back in his face, ungratefully. Sure enough I wasn’t grateful, but I should be. I wished in that moment that I had asked for his name, but there was no way I was going back to do that now.
As I drove slowly through the near empty streets, I wondered what I was going to tell Paul. He’d probably still be at the pub or somewhere now. But when he gets back… I’m dead meat. The only thing I can hope for is that he went out early last night, which isn’t at all likely considering I don’t remember a single time when he has gone out without dinner.
At least it was Thursday. Only one more day of school to go, not including today naturally. The weekend should be all right too, considering Paul will either be drinking, sleeping, eating or watching baseball. I just hope he doesn’t get too drunk. If he hurts me when my body is already… tender… well, I can’t imagine how painful that would be.
I erased the thought from my mind and tried to concentrate on the road. It was getting light as I pulled up into the driveway. Paul’s car was gone so he was clearly still out. It had started raining so I took no time in running inside to warm up. I glanced at the clock. 7:30am. Just an hour until it’s acceptable to leave for school. I decided to write Paul a note first, just in case he didn’t come back until after I was gone. To be entirely honest that was what was hoping for.
After finishing my “sorry” note, I headed upstairs for a shower. After removing my clothes, I noticed why I was in pain. My ribs were covered in deep purple bruises and my arms were the same. My back had deep blue finger marks on it and I examined the cut on my neck. It looked as painful as it was. My legs also had a considerable amount of bruises covering them. The pressure of the hot water was painful, but my face and hair felt refreshed afterwards in being cleansed of the salt water.
After getting changed and drying my hair, a spark of hope entered me. Paul wasn’t home yet. Just 10 minutes to go and I wouldn’t have to deal with him until later. I hurried downstairs to get a cup of tea and shoved a piece of toast down my throat. I threw the remaining tea down the sink and headed for the door. My coat from yesterday was in the car so I didn’t have to hunt for another.
As I reversed out of the driveway, I felt myself lighter, happier. That was until I remembered where I was going. I moved even slower than usual as I drove to school. I parked close to the school today, making sure everyone could see me, making sure he couldn’t hurt me without being seen. The six of them sat in their usual spot on the banister of the steps. I tried not to cry as I pushed myself past them.
“Hey red girl. You weren’t in class yesterday.” James mustn’t have told Alicia what he did, not that I thought he would.
“Yes I wasn’t.”
“I… didn’t feel very well so I went home.”
“My dad said that Paul said you weren’t at home yesterday. You didn’t actually ditch did you Faith?”
“I needed a break.” I hurried up the steps as they laughed behind me. James must have said they beat me up or something, which was, in fairness to him, half true. I hurried to gym, something I have never done before, and wondered how to cover the bruises. I decided I would simply wear my tracksuit bottoms instead of shorts and wore a thermal under my t-shirt. I walked slowly out of the changing rooms and sat on a bench beside some people in my class. I had never spoken to them, but it was better than sitting alone.
I sat in silence, waiting for Miss Redford to enter with her booming voice and strict personality. This, fortunately for me, meant that she didn’t tolerate laughing. However, unfortunately for me she didn’t tolerate slackers either. Alicia entered the hall, laughing with Claire and tying her hair up. She glanced at me and then at my clothes, figuring it out. She got her laughter over and done with now but when Miss Redford entered, everyone went silent.
She made us stretch first, even though I could just about move I managed that much without her noticing how lax I was. We were playing volleyball. Great… a perfect chance to get hit and give myself away. We split into teams. Alicia and Claire were on the other team so I prepared myself for getting hit. As I had anticipated, I got hit in the first game. I let out a whelp and Miss Redford got frustrated with how pathetic I was.
“Look dear it can’t hurt that bad.” She called out in her masculine voice. I had to refrain from crying as my ribs throbbed. She came over and helped me to my feet, making the pain worse. She saw the look on my face and pondered for a moment.
“Keep playing. You’ll be fine.” I nodded, trying not to throw up at the thought. Eventually, I got hit again and she sent me to the changing rooms to get changed. After doing so, I hobbled back into the gym, making sure it was virtually impossible to get hit from where I was sitting.
Finally, the period ended and I headed off for Spanish. It wasn’t my favourite subject in the world; I had never been good at languages. The clocked ticked by slowly, as it usually did, and I started wondering what it was that I was looking forward to. Leaving Spanish? Yeah sure, but having study period? Not likely. The period finished and I looked for any excuse to stay behind.
“Miss Lorenzo?”
“Si Senora Faith?”
“I was… wondering… about that test coming up.”
“What about it?”
“I didn’t quite understand what you were saying about prepositions last week. And I was hoping you could explain them to me?”
“Of course…” Miss Lorenzo went on about prepositions, which was actually one of the few things in Spanish that I understood. The only reason I chose it was because I knew she would ramble on. When she was finished I thanked her and headed off to the final half hour of study period that I had left.
I quietly entered the common room, keeping my head low and heading to my usual seat at the opposite side of the hall from them. They didn’t seem to notice so I sat down and “plugged in” taking out my maths books. The music helped, I wasn’t sure how, but it relaxed me a little. It reminded me that I had music later, the perfect opportunity to get laughed at and disgraced. Mr Clarke was going to assign everyone a “job”. We were going to be performing songs and this was something I was going to be “sick” for. There was no way I was going to be standing up in front of people making an ass of myself, attempting to play an instrument or, God forbid, sing. I planned my excuse as I sat in the corner of the common, keeping my head down. As I came to the conclusion of having a sore throat, something from last night came back to me, that man who had rescued me.
There was something strange about him. Not only did he actually seem to care what happened to me, but also he was… different, from other guys. He seemed really genuine, and there was something off about how pale his skin was. It wasn’t unusual for people in Seattle to have slightly paler skin than people in, lets say, California. But his was somewhat unnatural looking, even considering he had just been in freezing cold water.
What was he doing so far out anyhow? I mean, did he just happen to be swimming in the bay by cambers cliff in the middle of the night? How he got me back so quick I’ll never know. But then again… it might not have been fast at all. I was kind of unconscious anyways so I could have been on a boat or anything. But I was sort of aware of what was happening around me… sort of.
Deciding that I was going to give myself a headache, I dismissed that subject to the back of my mind and tried to concentrate. Not that it would ever happen. Others things found their way into the front of my mind. Tormenting me like a tap dripping, or perhaps someone screaming in my ear while I was trying to focus would be a better description.
The bell rang, so I packed my stuff away and shuffled out of the room. I could feel James’s eyes on my back as I left and sped my walking pace. I had trigonometry next, so I spent most of that lesson staring out the window. Mr Watson’s voice was one of those noises that went right through you. I found myself wondering whether I would actually feel ill by music but knew I would prefer to be faking it.
The lesson came to a close and everyone hurried off to lunch, everyone accept James, David and Aston. Had I missed something? Did James and Alicia break up or something? Since yesterday, they haven’t been hanging out as much. Lunch yesterday, obviously and now again today? Sure they were together this morning but they didn’t look as… intimate as they normally do.
“Something the matter Faith?” Mr Watson eyed me as a hint to get out of his room.
“No… sorry.” I quickly sped out of the room, hoping to go past James without a fuss. Surprisingly, I did, but I could feel them behind me. Perhaps I was getting paranoid. I mean I was headed for the canteen, and the likelihood was that they just happened to be headed that way too. I sped up, just in case. Not that there was even the tiniest possibility that I could outrun them, if they were coming for me.
That confirmed it, I am going mad. I took my seat in the canteen and James carried on as usual. Alicia and her followers weren’t there though. Odd. There must be some sort of music competition or play that they are rehearsing for. The Alicians are like that. I finally realised my own analysis. Alicians. Jamesons. Had they’re group spilt? Or was it just me. Being insane with paranoia, it probably was just me. But there’s always that tiny chance that it might be true.
I got my usual ‘sandwich and apple’ and headed back to my seat. When I was finished I wondered what to do for the next half an hour. I couldn’t go for a walk in the forest like I normally would, not after yesterday. I don’t exactly feel safe in the common room anymore, after yesterday. Just as I tried to think of something else, anything else, that would be at all suitable for me, a seat scraped at my side and before I knew it, I was surrounded by Jamesons.
“So Faith, how you doing?”
“I… you called me by my name?”
“Yeah. So?”
“So… you…” I spluttered out the words from pure shock, “you never call me by my name, that’s all.”
“You haven’t answered my question yet.”
“So I haven’t.” I was surprised by my own rudeness, but you can understand how I felt, to an extent.
“So? How are you?”
“Why do you care?”
“I dunno. Why do you think I care?” as he spoke, his devotee’s held back a snigger. What was I supposed to say to that? I knew the civility would soon evaporate. I tilted my head so that my hair covered my face and folded my arms across my stomach.
“Awww… your not still upset about yesterday are you?” his voice was dark and manipulative. I felt his hand stroke my hair and began to feel myself about to choke.
“I…” I cleared my throat, “I really need to go.” I stumbled out of my seat but a pain in my arm came before I could escape.
“Where you need to be?” excuses… why wouldn’t anything come?
“Don’t even think about saying you need to study.” I was literally speechless. What on earth was I supposed to say to that?
“Okay… What are you doing tomorrow then?”
“Just… stuff.” He sighed and eventually let go of my arm, understanding that he was never going to get me to reveal that I’m free.
“I’ll see you in music then.” He put his arm around my waist as he left me standing there, unable to move at my table.
“Yeah, see you later Faithless.” David added, giggling as he left. Aston however remained silent, eying me like I had three heads or something. I had forgotten that they were there yesterday as well.
I realised that I was starting to get stared at and began to hurry out of the canteen. Where was I going? How was I supposed to know… next class? That’s safe right? Sure I’d look like an even bigger nerd but it was better than wandering alone. I got to music and left my bags and coat in Mr Clarke’s room. No one else was here yet; I did have 10 minutes before class started after all.
I decided that there weren’t enough people here and got up to find somewhere safer. The picnic tables were my best bet. People sat there even when it was cold, and by people I mean everyone except a few individuals of whom my avoidance was crucial. I sat down at an empty table and collected my thoughts to “Kelly Clarkson”. I don’t know what I would do without my mp3. It was the only thing to keep me occupied. My life is very dull, I know. Believe me, I know how anti-social I am.
People from my class started to leave heading for music, so I got up after them. I entered the music room and took my seat. The class was almost full. Mr Clarke was just shuffling papers at the front of the classroom, waiting for late arrivals. As I prepared myself for the calamity about to begin, I started to feel cold. My jacket was now looking very friendly but after putting it on I still felt freezing. This was very unusual. The music room was usual roasting. Maybe the heating was bust.
Everyone was in the room now and Mr Clarke had begun handing out papers. Some people moaned at what part they’d got while others looked particularly upbeat. He came to me and I tried desperately to look ill. It didn’t work, at all. He handed me out a page with “research” on top. Thank goodness. I didn’t have to perform. That would have been a complete failure. I began to read down the page as Mr Clarke had instructed and came to a section entitled, ‘performance’. Oh help.
I put my page away to worry about later and listened to Mr Clarke as he described what he wanted us to do. When he had rambled on about ‘experimenting’ and ‘going for it’, he started to come round people individually, explaining exactly what was required of them. Realising I wasn’t going to get away with this, I reluctantly got my sheet out again and began to read the ‘performance’ section.
‘Once you have done your research on music from another culture, you must choose a piece to perform in front of the class. You may play it on an instrument, sing or do both. If music is required to accompany singing you must acquire it yourself. If there are any concerns about this task or for some reason cannot participate, a note from a parent/ guardian or medical representative will be necessary.’
Great. There wasn’t a chance in hell that I could get Paul to write a letter to get me out of this. I suppose I’ll have to do it then. I had better pick a culture that doesn’t have words in the music very often. I could play piano to an extent and had basic guitar skills, but nothing particularly ethnical. This would be difficult. But when was it ever easy, in my life… never.
“Miss Bennett. What are you thinking, culture wise?”
“I’m not sure. But I was thinking something without lyrics. I’m not exactly comfortable singing and I think that music can be a lot more powerful without lyrics. “
“Interesting. Did you ever consider going for British music? There are a lot of fantastic artists over there that we don’t hear from over here, and that would be a lovely theme for your project.”
“You mean… “ I gulped, “sing?”
“Why not? I’ve heard you before and your voice has a lovely tone to it.”  All I could think to that was Pity I’m tone deaf. “Think about it. Are there any other concerns? The research part, are you alright with that?”
“Yes, fine.”
“Well then. Good luck. Any more problems, come to me some lunch time and we’ll try to sort it, alright?” I merely nodded, secretly screaming,  “Yes I have got a bloody problem!” in my head.
The class ended and I hurried out the door, regretting not having an excuse to get out of doing the assignment. Perhaps I should skip class, to obvious. Why don’t I get desperately ill and have to go to hospital. Maybe that was just a little extravagant on my part. I could always go back to the plan I had in my head last night? It wasn’t full proof and if I did do it, it wouldn’t just be for music. I should have to find a place that would be safer to do it. Last time really was a disaster. I need to start laying groundwork, so that there is no chance of me getting caught. But I think I had better see if I have reason to, considering just how extravagant this would be to get out of a school assignment.
Just one more lesson, just one. Again, I wasn’t sure why I was happy. I still had to go home and face Paul. I had almost forgotten about that tiny detail. Paul would be home, probably watching the baseball. Had he got my note? If he didn’t, he would be extra cranky, if he did, he might have thought it rude of presumptuous of me to suppose he would be okay after I wrote him a sorry note. I would never underestimate Paul. He was likely to be very mad either way.
English went by relatively quickly as usual. I don’t think I can remember an English lesson that went by slower than any other class. I walked out to my car quickly; just in case, and decided it would be worse for me if I were late home. I began to reverse out of the parking space and almost drove into Alicia.
“Watch where you’re going red girl!”
“Sorry” I squeaked, too preoccupied to really care. I then drove out of the car park and headed for the one place I dreaded to be above all others.
© Copyright 2010 Shannon (brighteyes500 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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