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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1696683
Finally she meets Mr. Right
“Oh! come on Alex. Please; pretty please, for me…” Jessica Alberts was persuading her best friend and housemate Alexander Donahue.

“NO Jesse! Not this time. I do not want to go on another blind date with you. Look what happened the last time I agreed.” replied Alex remembering the one time they went on a blind date with some executive working at the Wall Street. “Anyway, you already know I have Brian. Why would you want to set me up with some body else? I really don’t get you Jess.” She continued.

“Because Brian and you are not a normal pair. I mean, he’s a pilot for the Air Force for god sake. And the executives was so long ago Alex. I’ve grown since.” Jesse defending herself.  “Anyway,  you owe me.”

“What do you mean I owe you? I owe you nothing.”

“Yeah. How about covering for you last week when you broke your date with Brian? Or the week before that when you broke the date with Brian…again.” reminded Jesse.

“That was different. You practically offered to explain to him about my cancelling. Besides we have an understanding.” Alex replied.

“Okay, okay. You win. I’ll go with you but I’m not promising more than that. And this is the last time. Next time find somebody else.” finally Alex agreed after a lot of persuasion from Jesse.

“Thank you…thank you…You are not going to regret it this time.”

“I already did, Jess. I already did” she said with a sigh.

“See you at eight, Alex.” she said before dashing out the door.

“Wait the minute. Where do you think you’re going?” asked Alex responding to her friend action.

“Getting ready for the date.” came the reply and she was gone.

“What have I gotten myself into?” Alex was talking to herself and continued with a mad tone “Oh god Jesse, I hate you for getting me into this mess.”

    

The clock on the wall is almost eight and Jesse is no where to be found. Alex is getting worried about her friend since she was never late for anything in her life. Finally when the clock strikes 8, the door flung open and Jesse was in the doorway, showing off her new outfit.

“Where the hell have you been?” asked Alex angrily at her roommate. “Do you know what time is it?” she continued without letting Jesse answer her first question.

“Don’t worry, everything is under control. I just went to the mall to get this new outfit.” Jesse was assuring Alex. “What do you think of it?” she was showing her friend the new dress she bought.


At 8.30, the bell rang twice, and when Alex opens the door, she came face to face with two good-looking gentlemen which one of them reminds her of her late uncle, Uncle Ned.

“Hi, I’m Alex McKay and this is my brother Kyle. Is Jesse in?” the older looking of the two was asking.

“Jess, there are two gentlemen here to see you.” Alex was calling Jesse from the door.

“Be out in a minute. Ask them to come in.” came the reply.

“You heard her. Come on in.” Alex was complying with her friend’s suggestion. When they were seated, she offered them some drinks.

“Hi.” said Jesse when she emerges from her room.

“You look stunning, Jesse.”

“Thanks Alex. You look dashing yourself.” came the reply from Jesse.

“Let me introduce you to my brother. Jesse, this is Kyle.” says Alex. “Kyle this is my date, Jesse Alberts.” he continued.

Jesse and Kyle exchanges hellos.

“Now let me introduce you to your date Kyle. This is Alex Donahue.” said Jesse introducing her friend.

“Hi.” said Kyle extending his hands. “You and my brother have the same first name.” He continued.

“It’s short for Alexander.” Alex was explaining.

“Okay. Since everybody has gotten acquainted, shall we?” Jesse said taking hers and Alex’s coat.

    

Last night was interesting to say the least. Alex and his brother Kyle was pleasant to be around. In fact Kyle is quite a joker. Always playing jokes on his brother. Alex, on the other hand, being the older of the siblings, is quite a serious person. The both of them are like heaven and earth.

Kyle did ask Alex for her contact number. At first Alex was reluctant to give the information to Kyle, but after a lot of persuasion from Jesse, finally numbers were exchanged.

Alex was busy in the kitchen when her cell rang. She took her time in answering. “Hello”.

“Hi Alex. Kyle here. Can you meet me for coffee?” came the reply from the other end.

“I’m sorry. I just made breakfast.” She was declining the offer.

“Oh, I see. Than can I meet you sometime today? I need your help on something.”

“I’m free in the afternoon. Can you meet me at Jamie Oliver’s at 2.00?” Alex was suggesting.

“Great. I see you than. Thanks Alex.” came the reply.

“No problem.”

Ending the call, Alex had her breakfast. Her planned activities for today are to do her laundry and remove some of the clutter in her bedroom. But since she has to meet Kyle in the afternoon, she decided to just do her laundry. The cleaning will have to wait.

At 1.50 p.m., Alex arrived at Jamie Oliver’s cafe. Kyle was already waiting for her.

“Thank for meeting me Alex” he said once she is seated.

“Anything I can help you with?”

“It’s about Alex and Jesse.” Kyle started. “I do not want him to get hurt again”.

“What do you mean?” Alex was curious.

“You see, Alex was never good with girls. That’s why he brought me along. So that I can sort off evaluate his date. And from what I see, and I’m sorry to say this, Jesse is sort of a flirt. But before I come to any conclusion, I need to know for sure. That’s why I need your help.”

Alex was angry with Kyle for taking about Jesse like that. But she kept her temper in check because she does not want to make a scene. Instead she asked Kyle what he wants her to do.

“I just want you to tell me about Jesse. Not the nonessential things but her character when she’s around friends and guys.”

Alex started telling Kyle about Jesse’s history with guys. “I’ve known Jesse my whole life and I can vouch for her. She not the type of girl who sleeps around. She used to have a steady boyfriend. In fact they are about to get married. Than Jason got involved in a robbery. He was killed in a hostage negotiation between the FBI and the robbers. Ever since that incident, Jesse sort of built a wall around her heart. She goes on dates but so far there has not been second date with the same guy. And she usually drags me along as chaperone.”

“I see. Well, I guess Alex and Jesse fits together. Alex has been doing the same thing. Except that his girl did not die. She split with the best man. Alex was so devastated that he isolated himself from everybody for a very long time. When he came back, he changed to that person you met last night.”

“I’m sorry. I thought he was like that because he is the older one, so he needs to be proper and uptight.” Alex was telling Kyle about what he thinks of his brother.

“If you met him 3 years ago, he was a totally different person. He was the life of parties.

“Things happen that change people. It could be for the better or for the worse.” said Alex.

“I agree. But sometimes I miss the old Alex.” Kyle said back. “Thank Alex. Now I know my brother is in good hands.”

“I wouldn’t say that. But if there is a second date between your brother and Jesse, I wouldn’t be surprise. All she talks after the date is Alex.”

“I hope so. My brother is really hooked.”

They talked for quite a while about things around them. Alex found out that she feels comfortable being around Kyle. The feeling is new to Alex since she has never felt like that before. Except maybe with Brian. But the thing is, she has known Brian since childhood.

Kyle and Alex part ways at around 4.00. Alex decided to go for a movie since she has nothing to do at home. Kyle on the other hand had to go fetch his friend from the airport.

To be continued...

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