Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1696017-Doing-Time-In-High-School
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1696017
A rant about my time in high school and how i learned nothing that was on the curriculum
Doing TIme In A Universal Mind

I'm NOT gonna sit here and type and make myself seem like a badass, i won't fabricate anything to enhance my character and come off like the fonz of my school, all true events, all my feelings throughout my 4 year stint in High School.

Freshman Year
Upon arriving at my high school the first year i was a very cocky bastard i planned on ruling the school and being the envy of every party. But as we all know high school can be a very cruel and unforgiving place if you have the wrong clothes, look the wrong way or just rub people the wrong way. Lucky for me i knew that so i played it cool, i was in with the cool kids, we had our cool FRESHMAN parties(very badass i know) i was a preppy kid my freshman year. But that's not who i was i knew that if i acted a certain way and dressed a certain way i would be in and that's exactly what i did, i faked my way to the top. I played sports, dated cheerleaders, and was a general prick to anyone who i thought was below me, and looking back at it i regret it all. That first year no one is who they are, we all wore masks to hide who we are, it was a trial period and we all wanted to make the cut, otherwise we would be losers. That year was one that i honestly look back on and hate myself i was a phony, a hack and no one knew any different, they thought i was a cool kid. No one knew that outside of school around my real friends i was a kid who grew up playing video games, i'd go home and play xbox360 all day with my friends, we'd pull all nighters and i loved EVERY minute of it, it's what i grew up on i had close friends who i could be myself around, we made nerd jokes, watch star wars, and talk about video games. Then when one of my friends from school would call i'd don my mask and let myself get sucked into the life of popularity. We all want to be accepted but i soon learned that it really isn't worth it, that's why i changed during the course of my high school career, i went from fake to real.

Sophomore Year

My sophomore year i wasn't out of the popularity but i started returning to my roots, before high school i was a stoner, i listened to all the classic bands. Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Doors, The Beatles yadda yadda yadda you get the point. I started to grow my hair out and not wear such gay and overpriced shirts from hollister and american eagle. I started hanging out with a different group of people but would still talk to the popular kids and hang out. As i was on the outside looking in though i noticed that the popular kids are very conceited, uptight, douchebags, they wanted nothing to do with anyone they thought wasn't cool. Upon realizing this i quickly said fuck it and cut ties with them, i wanted nothing to do with them and their society, it may have it's rewards but trust me it is not worth it, so anyone reading this who is in high school or about to head in, please for the love of god, DO NOT envy them, DO NOT try to hard to friends with them, be yourself. Your perfect the way you are, only you can be yourself so why be someone else when your already unique, why conform to meet someone else's standards when you are cheating yourself out of the great experience of being yourself and living life to the fullest the only way you can.
I'm glad that i realized this when i did cause soon i made a ton of new friends who were quirky, funny, and better then the popular kids. I started not giving a fuck about my clothes, i switched to band shirts and jeans, said goodbye to waking up an hour earlier then usual to get ready for school to look acceptable. My life took a turn for the best, because i decided to be myself.

Junior Year

My junior year i honestly do not remember much. I fell into a drug induced haze that i can only describe as a self discovery into who i was and where i wanted to head with my life. I'm not advocating doing drugs in any way, it was my choice and i don't expect you to follow but when you walk down the path of hallucinogenic drugs not only does the road twist and turn you will soon realize that life does also and you must walk it no matter how off balance you get. Always walk down the center and you will surely end up where you want to be. I only hope that we all succeed with our lives no matter how crazy our dreams may be. With the discovery of the drugs though there are dangers and i did learn my lesson when i fell through a ceiling at a party and was promptly snapped back to reality out of my stupor as i dangled over a staircase 2 floors down. So please be smart and wise with what you do. Always remember, peer pressure is a joke just say FUCK YOU NO MEANS NO!

Senior Year

Senior year was my fallout year i struggled in school, i fell out with my friends only hanging out with my close friends ignoring the moochers, as you'll learn high school is full of saints and sinners, freaks and geeks, guys and girls. Each is different with their own agendas, i stopped paying attention in my classes instead writing frantically in my notebook and listening to music as my teachers repeated the curriculum from last year and the year before that. I stopped seeing the point in school, but i did realize that dropping out was not a option, one my parents would never allow that, and i wouldn't want to do that to myself. High school blows but i could deal with it, the year did go by very quick though, soon it was 2nd quarter then it was 3rd then it was graduation day. The day everyone looks forward to, when valedictorians cream themselves about giving their graduation speech and the rest of the body sits hoping to get this out of the way. My graduation was less than 3 months ago and i still hate thinking about it, having to sit in the 2nd row so i had to watch letters C thru Z get their diplomas for 2 hours and then finally throwing my hat in the air. Although i decided to tomahawk mine on stage as one last fuck you to the school that imprisoned me for 4 years.

While some kids will look back at High School and think of it as a great time, i will remember it as missed opportunities and great big mistakes. But i'll choose to ignore those and think of the times i got wasted,high,tripped,lost,laid and that will be what i look back on. My high school career was a great waste of time, but we will all soon look back on it and wish we had it back.


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