Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1695866-An-Illusion-Of-Control
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #1695866
A clash of cultures is peacefully resolved.
An Illusion of Control-7108

         Being a 34 year old bachelor is somewhat a rarity here in Mayport. I manage to have better than average luck getting dates whenever I was feeling a bit ‘antsy,’ and hold a quite respectable position as a project manager for an IT consulting firm. The name is Mark and physically, I am a little over 6 ft tall, but a little underweight at 190 lbs. I keep in pretty good shape by running about 3 miles each day during lunch, and just generally watching what I eat.

         All in all, my life as a single professional is quite satisfying, if not a little monotonous. Did I say monotonous? Well, just hear me out, and you’ll see what I mean by that comment.

         Hobbies? Oh yeah, I cook; sometimes to the acclaim of both workmates and local chefs! Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Without a wife or mother to cook for me, and my reluctance to play out the bar/restaurant scene, I had to learn how to cook or be doomed forever to bland, crappy sustenance. And, my other not so secret vice; I absolutely love to dine! Hear that? DINE! Not just eat! Christ! Pigs can eat, but people… we can dine!

         Well, the end result of my rather unique lifestyle is regular invitations to various homes of associates to cook up something special for them and a few select guests. Sometimes I bring a date, most often I don’t, preferring the luxury of freedom to do and behave as I wished! However, whenever I do bring a date, a few drinks would loosen lips among the guests to the point of drawing comparisons between my current companion, and the ones before. Definitely awkward, to say the least.

         Since I’d been invited to most of the homes of the associates I worked with, I was fairly familiar with their families and lifestyles. Additionally, even though I didn’t particularly care for the bar scene, while on assignment I’d spend long evenings bonding with my project crew at local hotspots. Knowing what to expect out of my team members both on and off the job was very important for me as a responsible manager.

         Granted, when my associates got a little too lubricated on the local sauce, I‘d get more personal information than I cared for, but even that situation allowed me to assist the team members in reaching their full potential on the job. Maintaining a tight level of discretion regarding that information allowed me to retain their confidence, and ensured a pretty reliable level of communication amongst the group.

         Now, the reason I share all this with you, is the curious situation that I found myself in one evening a few months ago. My cooking exploits had become the stuff of legend, (Ok, how about just gossip and rumor?) and I was usually booked up for a weekend at a time when I wasn’t already on a client site working. Great for the ego, but sucks for a decent social life.

         A few times while on assignment, I shared a pitcher or two with one of the younger programmers, who was still taking graduate courses online. William (yeah, that’s right; not Bill) Stanton is a prototypical ‘geek,’ but a damn nice guy. Shy in person, he is a killer online. He is also a self-styled gourmet, and has the physical attributes to prove it. Probably 5’9”, and weighting around 220 lbs, he seldom misses any of my cooking sessions, no matter where they are held, and became one of my biggest fans.

         ‘Pride goes before the fall,’ the old saying goes. Well, pride apparently goes before adventure as well, as I was soon to find out… William has the poor judgment to do what I’d never have done; he brags about my cooking online to his friends. Me? I‘m satisfied to attend an occasional party and cook with friends, not expecting a whole lot other than companionship. The praise for a good cooking effort is just ‘frosting on the cake.’

         William had been corresponding online with a certain schoolmate of his; for quite some time, it seems. He’d mentioned her to me from time to time whenever he was in his cups. She is Japanese, a graduate student in Data Security Systems, apparently interested in mild bondage, and a self-styled chef in Asian cuisine. He had never met her personally, but she had shown quite an interest in my cooking skills throughout their many messages. But apparently, with a “Yeah, right…” attitude.

         Other than having what I’d call a ‘natural’ attraction to Asian women, and a sorta-kinda curiosity about ‘mild bondage,’ I was pretty content with the life I was leading. I was in ‘the groove’ so to speak. No real complaints, but just a little monotonous. You see…? Jus’ gettin’ along…

         All of this was about to change of course, but I didn’t know that then. My weekly routine was completely predictable, interrupted only by the demands of my work. Life was good!

         Then, one Sunday when I was checking my online schedule for the following weekend, I noticed that William had reserved the following Saturday for a cookout. That itself was nothing extraordinary of course. I’d set up this scheduling system for just this reason. The unusual part of the request was; it was not to be held at one of our usual associate homes, and it had to conform to an Asian theme.

         Always up for a challenge, I immediately checked out my personal cookbook notes for Asian style dishes, and found about 6 or 7 that might fill the bill. Also, suspecting that William had somehow gotten his online school mate involved in our routine, I called him and verified that he had indeed, taken this opportunity to meet her at last. Since the guest list also included a few of our close associates and their spouses, I accepted the invitation at once.

         I can’t really say that I wasn’t a bit intrigued with the prospect of meeting this little oriental gal, but I am a pretty conservative guy after all, so I didn’t set too much importance to it. I was interested in meeting her, but simply as a means of satisfying my curiosity. Or so I thought.

         So, armed with a tentative guest list and a menu, I began to collect donations for supplies from our staff, and left it up to William to pay for his friend’s share. He hinted at a surprise whenever I got to her apartment, but assured me that I’d be up for it. Hmmm… This made me a bit more than intrigued, and I was really beginning to look forward to this soirée. Besides, never having met her, her being Asian, and the theme for the cookout being Asian, I was determined to do my best to make sure that this party was a culinary success!

         Just before I was able to accumulate the donations needed to get my supplies, William told me that the attendance was going to be about half of what he’d originally predicted, and to shop for that reduced number, assuring me that there would be plenty of snacks and drinks available at the apartment to make sure that no one went away hungry. No problem I thought. I might even end up with enough free time at the gathering to relax and enjoy myself completely for a change. I was passionate about cooking, but I also enjoyed just kicking around at parties as well.

         The rest of my week leading up to Friday evening was uneventful, but I found myself getting distracted at work thinking about the cook-in to come. That hadn’t happened to me in a long, long time, as the associates with whom I worked held few surprises for me anymore. I had to make sure that I set up the pot for creating the soup stock for the Ramen noodle recipe that I’d chosen well ahead of time; two days of cooking the pork bones were the least amount of time required to get it just right. This wouldn’t be your local grocery store ramen noodle pack!

         As was our custom, I put together the menu on small “mini-menu’s” to be passed around to the participants. We had learned the hard way to anticipate allergies and personal dislikes among our food adventurers, and it helped me stay focused. Most of the time, I kept the foods that I prepared ‘tuned’ to the American palate, and tried to avoid the more exotic, controversial recipes. I don’t like a lot of leftovers! My mini-menu for Friday night was as follows:

         • Japanese Pork Fried Rice

         • Tempura Shrimp/Fish/Veggies (tempura batter made from scratch) w/ground ginger and daikon radish

         • Tempura Dipping Sauce (made from scratch)

         • Ramen Noodle Soup (made from scratch) Chukamen noodles, shiitake mushrooms, leeks in a pork stock made from slow cooked pork bones, topped with a slab of slow-cooked pork loin.

         At last Friday rolled in, and despite spending more time than I should have trying to coax that ‘little surprise’ out of William, he refused to give me even a hint. Asshole! At least he was available to give me some help getting my supplies to the lady’s apartment. Actually, I had no idea where her apartment was. He, at least had the foresight to get directions.

         Stepping up to her door, with William and I staggering under the load of our gear and supplies, he was just about to knock when the door swung open. There, standing in the light from the living room beyond, stood the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen! Even William was smitten, not being able to utter a word, beyond “Uh, uh, Hi?”

         Barely 5’2” tall, dressed in a red cocktail dress that caressed her body down to her knees, a figure that spoke directly to my groin, and a voice that came directly from heaven looked directly into my eyes and said, “So YOU are the famous IT chef William has raved about so much!” Ignoring William completely, she seemed to know instinctively which of us was which. Her beautiful face, framed by shining black hair, tied at the back of her neck into a ponytail that flowed nearly to her waist and her almond-shaped eyes held me captivated; literally nailing me to the spot. My head was spinning, and everything south of my belt was tingling!

         Fortunately, William recovered before me and hesitantly went into the introductions. It suddenly occurred to me that I didn’t even know the name of the hostess whose apartment I was using for our latest party! I had focused so intently on the process, I’d forgotten all about the participants! Jeesh! Nikki! That was her name. That’s all I could remember for the moment! And the fact that she was smiling brightly at me did nothing to help my memory faculties a bit!

         There were already a couple of guests at the apartment, friends of hers no doubt since I didn’t know them, and they were kind enough to assist William and me carry my stuff into Nikki’s kitchen. During all this time I had great difficulty keeping my eyes off her, unconsciously memorizing each curve, her sultry smile, even her perfume! Instead of satisfying my curiosity regarding Asian women, she was taking it to a new level with me!

         Nikki kindly introduced us to her friends, a couple of young Asian ladies, who offered a lovely contrast to herself, one being somewhat on the slim side, even a bit skinny (Hiromi); and the other showing a bit more flesh than one would consider perfection in a figure (Keiko.) But to be perfectly fair, they were both beauties in their own right, and carried their particular shapes most attractively. In fact, William soon began staring at Keiko, and eventually started following her around like a little love-sick puppy.

         I set up my operation quickly, once Nikki gave me a brief tour of her kitchen, and soon I had some pots and pans busy sending wonderful food aromas into the air. I had carefully pre-packaged the sauces and batter mixes that I’d assembled back at my apartment so that I could get the meal into the party without a lot of mess and bother. After all, I wanted to enjoy the camaraderie of the party as well as everyone else.

         Nikki, apparently anxious to be the perfect hostess, stopped in to the kitchen from time to time to offer me hot sake, which she’d prepared on a small burner. I didn’t want to admit to her that I was a lightweight in consuming alcohol, so I sipped very slowly. I couldn’t help but notice that she’d press her tits into my back and side whenever she looked over my shoulder to observe my activities. That, with the scent from her soft jasmine perfume, was having an awkward effect on my cock, and I had to make a point of keeping my crotch aimed away from her line of sight so that she couldn’t see my plight.

         The last three couples from our regular group arrived, and William and Nikki shared the duties as host and hostess. By the time that I was able to let the kitchen take care of the food for a bit, I was able to join the group for a bit of chit-chat and all around gossip. Soon however, it was time to begin the feeding of the group, and everyone helped me set up for the Asian-style feast.

         A deep-fat fryer was provided by the hostess, and I began preparing the prawns, fish chunks and veggies for the frying. Folks were already lining up on the fryer, and dipping into the cauldrons for healthy portions of the pork-fried rice and ramen soup. Generous quantities of warm sake, imported beers and wine were flowing as well, and I’ll have to admit that this was turning into one of our more successful gatherings.

         I’m not saying that just because of the buzz I was experiencing from the copious little cups of sake that I’d been plied with by Nikki, or because she felt so good rubbing up against me, or because of the wonderful way she kept looking at me under those lovely long lashes. No, I was really in heaven! That is, until William and Nikki dropped the bomb!

         Only then did I understand what the surprise was that William was alluding to. Stepping to the center of the now satiated group, Nikki re-introduced her two friends, but not as friends. The two ladies were actually members of an exclusive Japanese-American club, and their specific function in the group was the judging of Japanese cuisine throughout the state. It appears that Nikki was rather renowned as a Class-A amateur Asian chef, especially in Japanese cuisine, and had just won a state-wide contest the previous week not far from here.

         They were here at Nikki’s request to judge my culinary offerings, and render a verdict comparison to Nikki’s presentation at her last contest! Despite the fact that everyone in the room except Nikki and me had been given scorecards to grade on, only the Japanese judges’ verdicts counted. It was also mentioned that the winner between our two efforts would win a prize (unspecified.) I found myself beginning to sober up, and I felt a bit intimidated and ambushed by my buddy William. A set-up I thought. I wondered though, if I’d have done anything different had I known what was going to happen tonight. William, with great fan-fare, escorted Nikki and me back into the kitchen, where he told us to await the verdict.

         Alone together in the kitchen, I looked cautiously over at her, discovering that she was staring at me with a bit of a smirk on her beautiful face. She finally said, “Your friend William had praised your culinary talents so much, so often, that I had to see for myself! Now that I’ve met you, I feel bad that I’ll have to embarrass you in front of your friends with this little contest. Just so you know; I never lose!” With that final comment, she slowly walked up to me, and simply stood there a moment, looking directly into my eyes.

         A small frown began to form between her beautiful eyes, and she reached her right hand up to the back of my neck, and began pulling my face down to her level. By then, my cock had totally taken over my body, and had produced a quite impressive tent in my jeans. As her lips met mine, I was totally transported into Heaven, Valhalla, Nirvana, whatever you want to call it. I was wishing that this night would never end; I didn’t give a shit what the contest results were. I didn’t do this for competition. But here, now, with Nikki’s lips stuck to mine, and her tongue… Damn!

         We had held that pose for just a few moments, when a noise at the kitchen door broke us apart with a jolt! William was standing there, politely clearing his throat, and asked us if we were ready to follow him to the dining room for the verdict. Nikki smiled, took hold of my hand and led me into the dining room behind William. We entered to see the whole party surrounding the scene of the crime, so to speak. There were two small stacks of notepapers sitting in the middle of the service table, and everyone appeared to be a little nervous, apparently about the outcome of the test.

         Our friends had been asked to judge my presentation against previous meals prepared by me; so I was really being judged against myself, which didn’t bother me so much. But the two lone slips of paper, lying by themselves on the table, looked as friendly as scorpions, and both Nikki and I couldn’t help staring at them apprehensively.

         Nikki had a ‘death-grip’ on my hand, which indicated to me that she might not be as sure of the outcome of the competition as she’d let on in the kitchen. Perhaps she’d had second thoughts after sampling my menu, or more likely she was just a consummate competitor, and felt this way before any contest. Whatever the reason, I was relishing whatever contact I could have with her, no matter the cause! The warmth from her body was having a most electrifying effect on me; I felt my whole crotch tingling most disturbingly.

         One of the wives from my group was appointed to read the results from the two slips that actually counted, and as she stepped up to the table, I heard a giggle burst out from the cluster of ladies, including our judges, at the side of the room. Looking down to where their eyes seemed focused, I noted that I had been sporting a most appreciative erection, pushing at the front of my jeans. Embarrassed, I quickly stepped behind Nikki, but I did NOT release my hold on her hand!

         The results of the first note were announced quickly, to bring the group’s attention back to the matter at hand, and surprisingly, Nikki and I had tied! There was the smattering of applause, with cheers on both sides, but I noticed an increased tenseness in Nikki’s attitude. She disengaged her grip on my hand, looked about the room and seemed to brace herself for the final verdict. As for myself, I found that I had gotten caught up in the excitement of the game, and while the outcome was of little matter, I was having a blast! Suddenly, the whole room seemed to be holding its breath, and the reason was quite simple.

         Another of the wives was given the task of reading the judgment of the last note, and as she stepped up to the table to retrieve the note, I noticed that the eyes of the entire room, with the exception of Nikki and me, were focused on my groin. Fortunately, I had still managed to use Nikki as my shield for the most part, and the distraction of the contest had finally allowed my rudeness to diminish somewhat.

         Once the announcement was made, you could have heard a pin drop in the room; shortly changing into yelling and cheering on my behalf! I had beaten Nikki’s scores on her last triumph by just less than a point! Still in shock, Nikki accepted the deep bows from the two Japanese judges, and turning to look at me, didn’t even notice when they in turn bowed to the assembled guests and took their leave from the party. William and a couple of the others rushed up and began slapping me on the shoulder and congratulating me for the win! Some had gathered their jackets, handbags and such, and began to make their way towards the door to depart.

         Nikki was soon caught up in acknowledging the praise and thanks from the guests, bowing to each couple as they left for their homes. Soon there was just William, me and Nikki remaining in the doorway. William shot a quick look my way and waving a note that he had in his hand, winked at me and nodded towards the departing guests. I saw that it contained a name and phone number on it; and as he gave Nikki a quick peck on the cheek, he made his departure as well. But not so fast that I couldn’t notice that the name on the note read Keiko!

         Shutting the door, Nikki turned to face me, a bit of puzzlement showing over her face. On impulse, I embraced her briefly, telling her that this wasn’t a true contest, and that someday I’d really like a rematch with her, maybe Iron Chef style, to get an opportunity to sample some of her legendary cuisine. What I didn’t tell her was that I simply wanted to get together with her once more, however I could make it happen.

         Shrugging me off, she turned to walk back into the apartment, disappearing into the back rooms. As for me, the least I could do was to clean up the mess I was mostly responsible for creating, and assembling my empty containers for transport to my vehicle. As I made her kitchen as clean and as presentable as possible, and was getting my containers together, I heard the sound of the front door being locked. Poking my head around the corner, I saw Nikki making her way back into the kitchen with a large bottle of sake in one hand and a couple of the mini-cups in the other.

         She had changed her clothing while she was in the back, and I noticed with appreciation that she now wore cut-off denim shorts, giving me a panoramic view of her beautiful legs all the way to her crotch; and an equally cut-off tank top, that came down to barely cover her now obviously bra-less tits. Nipples jutted out from her chest, nearly a half-inch, and I found myself gulping in awkwardness. It’s been a long time since any woman had this effect on me, I thought. I could feel my heartbeat pounding in my temples, my mind recalling a favorite movie phrase of mine, “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto!”

         “Congratulations Mark! That was an awesome win!” she said. “I knew when I tasted your dishes that I was in trouble. I don’t know where you picked up that skill, but I’ll tell you this; you won’t get off so easy next time!” As she was talking to me she poured two more cups of sake, and offered me one. Still buzzed from the previous shots, I still didn’t want admit to her my weakness to alcohol, and again carefully sipped the beverage.

         “Before I get you your prize, though, I’d like to chat with you a bit,” she said. No problem, I thought, and followed her back into the living room. We sat down, and surprisingly, a normal conversation took place. We discussed likes; dislikes; jobs and family. We compared notes on sports, politics, religion and of course, cooking. I discovered that she came from a very wealthy, old-fashioned Japanese family, and that in addition to her passion for cooking, she had a passion for mathematics and IT. Except for her coming from an old-fashioned Japanese family, we seemed to fit together exceptionally well.

         While we were talking, I had a lot of difficulty keeping my eyes from roaming all over her body; a problem I was sure she was well aware of. I’m sure she also had no problem noticing the bulge in my trousers that had been interrupting my calm façade all night. While I was trying to think of reasons to get her willing to hook up with me again, she stood up and announced, “I had a great evening, Mark. Really! Let me get your prize now for winning this little contest, and I’ll be right back.”

         Stacking my containers next to the door, I turned around to find myself suddenly transported into the “Twilight Zone!” In a most unexpected and wonderful way! There, standing in the doorway leading to the bedroom, stood Nikki; at least I thought it was her! Naked except for a pillow tucked between her arms, covering her breasts; wrists bound together by a thick sash, hands covering her pussy, she stood; head down, looking at the floor. I could also see another sash, tied noose-like around her slender neck, the loose end swaying near her hands, slowly back and forth!

         Seeing that I had finally noticed her presence, she shuffled towards me, head still facing the floor, until she reached me, and then placed the pillow on the floor before her. Kneeling down, her knees straddled the pillow, forcing her legs apart. Then, without looking up at me, she stretched her bound wrists out before her on the floor, and placed her face between them.

         In shocked surprise, all I could do was stand there with my jaw on my chest, looking at her smooth, bare back, all the way to the crack of her beautiful ass, wondering where the instruction manual to this situation was. As I stood there like the idiot I apparently was, I heard her whisper, “Perhaps you don’t approve of your prize?” All I could do is stutter, “No! I mean yes! I mean no, dammit! I don’t know what I mean, but if you’re my prize, you’re perfect! But Nikki, I’ve never… you know..?”

         I couldn’t see her face in her position, but I just knew she must have been smiling. “Mark,” she whispered again, “Have you never as a young boy wondered what it‘d be like to control something that you desired more than anything else, no guilt, no punishment?” I found myself swallowing again, nodding my head in the affirmative, even though I knew that she couldn’t see me do it.

         “So did I,” she said, as if she knew what I was thinking. “In Japan, it’s so difficult to find time for dating because of duty to family, job, community and country; that courtship is nearly impossible. There’s no time for it!” she continued. Her voice had gotten so quiet that I had to strain to hear what she was saying. “You don’t need whips, chains or pain to possess, Mark. Only desire…! The most valuable prize I could give you is myself; totally. If I had won, I’d have taken the same from you.”

         I waited for her to say something else, but she remained silent; just her figure there on the floor, naked before me. Taking a long shot; and I mean a long shot, I decided to play along, cautiously. Kneeling down next to her, I bent down until I could smell the wonderful aroma coming from her body. Reaching up over her shoulders, I slowly felt my way down her entire body, finally reaching her dimpled ass. In response to my touch she let out a long, erotic sigh…

         My body had already slipped into testicular overload; the circuits to my rational brain were being infiltrated by the ravenous spikes of sexual desire! Where had this woman been all my life I wondered? Smooth, silky, her skin radiated energy into my body like no one else had ever done! Every caress sent a jolt straight to my groin! Gathering up a little more courage from my meager supply, I continued to move my hand down over her ass, receiving a satisfying groan of pleasure from her. This was a new thing to me, but moving slowly seemed to be the best route for now, even though my ‘emotional director’ wanted me to fuck the living shit out of her NOW! Right Now!

         All I could see in her current position was her back, but the position itself, suggesting helplessness and submission, was beginning to tell me things about myself that I’d never suspected. This whole scene was blowing my mind. So, throwing all delicacy aside I decided to live tonight like it was my last!

         Since I was already kneeling alongside her, I slid my hand gently down into the crack of her ass, which was already an open offering because of the way Nikki had placed the pillow between her legs when she knelt on the floor. I wanted to make sure that she was as ready for this as I was. Sliding my fingertips down the valley of her cheeks, I reached the pucker of her asshole, the fact of which was announced by Nikki with a sharp intake of breath, and a little jerk of her back.

         I was close, but my goal was just a bit further south, so I slid my fingertips down until I reached her pussy! She was absolutely drenched in her own juices! As I dipped my fingers into her she answered my efforts by moaning deeply, and squirming back on my hand to further impale herself. Bringing my fingers back to my face, I inhaled deeply of her sexual aroma, and couldn’t resist the urge to taste her, licking my fingers completely clean. Absolutely delicious!

         Again I gave in to my curiosity, and slid my hands back up her hips to her shoulders, pulling her upright. I nuzzled my face into her neck, moving her hair out of the way so I could nibble on her ear and inhale once again her wonderful aroma. Whenever I touched her skin, she would groan quietly, and squirm in place, obviously taking pleasure in my explorations. Slipping my hands to her chest, I discovered breasts that, while not terribly large, were still more than a handful, nipples rigid and stiff against my fingers. Rolling each one between my thumb and forefingers, I was rewarded by her gasps of pleasure, and the arching of her upper body back into mine. Finally, as a test, I tweaked her nipples rather harshly, and let go. As I expected, Nikki let out a little yelp, and I noticed goose bumps rising on her arms, and she shuddered, dropping her body once more to face the floor.

         Moving back on my heels for the moment, I ran my left hand up her thigh until I reached her pussy once more. Once again, as expected, her juices betrayed her passion by running down her legs. This was one passionate woman; I had to give her that! All of this exploration however, was having its predictable effect on me as well. That little woody that I’d been sporting on and off all day had turned into a permanent fixture on me, and it was beginning to hurt; bad! If I didn’t get some relief really soon, I’d have to be carried out of here on a stretcher.

         Other than groans, grunts or yelps, I didn’t really have much to gauge how close Nikki was to ‘being in the groove,’ but I was hoping that the pussy juice running down her thighs was a positive sign for me to move into the main act! I knew that I wouldn’t last long, but I also knew if I could take some of the steam off my lust early, I’d be able to put my natural creative talents to better use in the long run! Putting my plan together, I stood up, moved behind her, and removed my jeans, boxers, socks and T-shirt, putting our apparel ratio at an equal level.

         Dropping to my knees between her thighs, I delicately directed the head of my cock into the entrance of her well lubricated pussy, and slowly pressed it into her until I bottomed out at her cervix. Damn, she was tight! Once I had penetrated her completely, I was rewarded by hearing her grunt appreciatively, and move back on my cock to welcome my presence! I began a slow, steady stroke into her body that told me immediately that I was not going to be on this pony very long! My frantic attempts to get her to slow down to my own movements were proving to be unsuccessful, and all too soon I felt the ‘twist’ in my balls that told me that cum was on the way, ready or not!

         I wasn’t sure whether she had any protection or not, and mindful of my next plan with her body, I quickly pulled out and shot my load all over her back, watching it pool into the recess of her spine. In response to my pull out, Nikki emitted a small whine, and began to wiggle her ass a bit into the air in front of me. I knew that she hadn’t had a climax yet, but I had further plans for her.

         Cleaning my cum from her back with my T-shirt, I turned her over onto her back. After briefly taking in the sight of her nakedness before me, legs thrown open, pussy on full display, and her beautiful breasts, nipples fully erect, I moved her pillow under her ass, raising her hips in preparation for my next assault! A singular rule in food preparation came to mind, “a good cook always tastes his dishes!” And I had every intention of doing just that!

         Placing my hands against the back of her knees, I pushed her thighs open and up, offering me full access to her vaginal treasures. Before me lay a beautiful flower, petals pink and opened; moistened by our combined sexual exercises of just moments before. As I brought my face closer to her pussy, I could smell the most exotic aroma I could possibly conceive; a combination of her natural essence and her subtle perfume. Unable to resist, I began kissing and licking the insides of her upper thighs, savoring the clean, erotic tastes of her body, moving upward towards the ultimate prize!

         As I did so, Nikki responded with satisfying groans of pleasure and the thrashing of her hips, trying to bring her most sensitive parts into contact with my tongue. Not having had a climax yet was proving to be a more merciless punishment than whips or chains than bondage suggested! And I had more to come! I had begun this exercise with the idea that my own pleasure would be satisfied first, but I knew that the more profound pleasures would be realized if the process to produce that pleasure were prolonged!

         After teasing her for a while, she finally lost a bit of control and brought her bound hands down to try to bring my head directly in contact with her pussy! Snapping my head back up, I reminded her firmly that she was under MY control, not hers, and that she would remain helpless in my hands unless I informed her differently! Moving her hands out of my way, I could sense that she was reaching the point of ‘meltdown,’ but I was not done with her yet!

         I noted that her clitoris was peeking out of the protection of her vaginal hood, bright red and turgid with desire! Not wanting to finish this evening too quickly, I softly brought my tongue up to the bottom of her pussy, savoring the taste of her juices, which had accumulated during my attention to her body. Moving down a bit to flick my tongue across her tiny asshole, I anticipated her jerky response by moving my tongue quickly to her pussy opening, allowing her to lift her hips into my face, impaling herself onto my tongue.

         Once she fell back down onto the pillow, I continued to fuck her pussy with my tongue, dipping into her as deeply as I could; pulling out only when her grip on my head with her thighs threatened to cut off my air supply completely! Pushing her thighs apart once more, I began a gentler, softer manipulation of her pussy lips and clitoris with my tongue, creating a more regular motion, moving with her responses, and finally allowing her to reach an intense, satisfying orgasm!

         When her orgasm occurred, I believe that it surprised even her! She suddenly began bucking quite violently, thrashing about while forming a ‘death-grip’ around my head! Only the fact that I’d anticipated her response saved me from having the ‘Jaws-of-Life’ applied to my situation to maintain an airway! This is what I had hoped would happen, betting that this would buy me a return date with this angel!

We both lay there for a bit, trying to catch our breaths. I was already planning for my finale, hoping that she would find it at least as satisfying as my previous efforts to please her. I had moved up onto her body, and spent a bit of time moving my lips over her chest, taking each hard nipple between my lips; sucking each in turn, and teasing each one with a little nip or two. Just perfect, I thought…

         Moving up a bit further, I placed my lips over hers, and crowned my latest performance by kissing her with as much passion as I could; feeling her respond in kind, pushing her tongue between my lips, and reaching areas within my mouth that I thought were accessible only by my dentist! I didn’t want this to end!

         Best of all, I could feel that my cock had again reached its full capacity for mischief! Now, I thought, we would be on a level playing field for a good, solid, satisfying fuck! Finally, breaking our passionate lip lock, I moved back and again spread her legs in preparation for penetration. The first time had been for me, simply because she had already brought me to ‘ground zero’ by the time that I’d gotten prepared to put a plan into place. This last time was for her, but the session allowed me to find out some important things about her body that could assist me in preparing a ‘recipe’ for success in what I planned next, for our mutual pleasure!

         Entering her body once more, the feel of her vaginal walls grasping my cock sent electricity straight to my brain, encouraging me to make this finale the best offering I could provide for the both of us! She had provided me with the very best ingredients in the world I could have ever have had to work with; beauty, brains and personality. It was up to me to give her the respect and pleasure that I thought she deserved!

         As I began to stroke deeply into her, slowly, lovingly, I pressed my body into hers, melding me into her. She had now gotten rid of her bonds, and was wrapping her hands around my head to bring my face closer to hers. Meeting my lips with hers, she began to chew on my lips hungrily, moving her hips in rhythm with mine. At this point I wasn’t sure who was in charge, but I can honestly say that I didn’t care at this point. All I wanted to ensure was that she was going to experience the very best I had to offer.

         We tried everything on each other; angle of attack, fast stroke – slow stroke, kissing lips, nipples, neck, ears, noses, licking… Whatever came to mind; happened! It occurred to me that she was trying to provide for me the same intense experience that I was trying to provide for her. Even in this, we were competing! Finally, I gave myself up to the experience, letting my emotions run free, hoping Nikki and I would end on a parallel note!

         It seemed to go on forever, but I knew that it was much quicker than that. Our strokes became quicker and quicker, and I discovered that I was making almost as much noise during our lovemaking as she was; until, finally we managed to launch together! I’m not sure if her neighbors were accustomed to explosions from her apartment or not, but they certainly were treated to a show that night!

         Absolutely breathless, we lay next to each other… My thoughts were on how I could make this go on forever; I had no idea what she was thinking… Finally, she turned towards me and said, “You won’t get off this easy next time…!” A little slow in thinking at the moment, it suddenly occurred to me that my main goal had already been attained! She had actually said the magic phrase, “NEXT TIME!” I recognized this as my greatest opportunity of the evening to… SHUT UP!

         Getting up from the floor slowly, she looked down at me and said, “Since it’s late, you can sleep on the sofa if you like, and leave in the morning.” I was already wrung out, so to speak, so I thanked her and began picking up my clothes to get my stuff organized for the morning. In a few minutes she returned with blankets and a couple of pillows for me. At least, I thought it was just for me.

         After she had pulled out the sofa bed into its full extension, I discovered that it was large enough to accommodate the both of us, and she made the bed, and herself, at home in it with me. As she slid under the covers with me she said, “After what we’ve just been through, I don’t see this as a problem; do you?”

         I didn’t, of course. Just as we nodded off to sleep, I turned to her and asked, “What would have happened if you’d won the contest?”

         Snuggling up to me she murmured, “Mmm… You’d have been the one wearing the ropes…”

H - *Anchor*

© Copyright 2010 Hatsuda (jewellr at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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