Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1695774-Thunder-Inside-A-Creature
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1695774
a captain and his crew goes in space to save the earth
Keith was one of the most respected Leaders whoever led in the space army forces. I never really dealt with him, I only heard stories about him, until last month. I was ordered to serve with him on the space ship Reghada, it was a strong and big ship that I never saw something like it before. Keith was the main Captain and Leader of this ship, he had the opportunity to choose his crew.  he actually chose me!

He opened the microphones of the ship, “everyone report to command” he shouted.

All the crew members ran towards the command deck except for two the defense officer Tom and the doctor of the ship, doctor Bem. Keith neglected them; he welcomed the new members of his crew, and started describing our new mission.

“There is a great danger coming towards our home planet, it is our duty to protect it and this is why we are here now.” He paused gazed at the floor then directed his eyes towards me, “there is an asteroid heading towards our planet, it is our mission to destroy it before it reach to earth.”

“There are many possibilities for the asteroid Keith, plus any automatic rocket could destroy it. Then why are we exactly here.” Kim one of the crew members asked.

“Kim, I know that you are the future teller of the whole space station. And I am surprised to hear your question.” Keith replied.

“It’s not just an asteroid is it?” Harry the engineer of the ship stared at Keith with his eyes full of fear.

“I am not sure Harry, but we will find out.” He paused gazed at the screen, “shall we?”

Amber the pilot of the ship jumped and sat in the pilot seat, touched the sticks to move the ship forward.

Tom and Bem entered the command deck, “wow! That was fast did Keith finished his welcoming speech.” The two laughed sarcastically.

“Tom and Bem, take your positions.” Keith ordered.

Few hours later we reached in front of the Asteroid, it was huge it felt like it was as big as our planet maybe even bigger.

“Is that Mars?” Kim rolled her eyes and gazed at Keith.

Keith’s face changed to blank, his eyes widened and his mouth was wide open.

“No, Kim it’s the asteroid we are suppose to destroy.” I answered preventing myself from laughing at Keith’s expression.

“Aim and fire destructive missiles Tom.” Keith Ordered pointing at the asteroid.

Tom did as he was told, but something else appeared behind the asteroid. It was a huge green creature that was moving towards us.

“What is that?” Amber pointed at the creature.

“That is the most danger creature in the universe.” Kim answered waving her tail.

“Any idea how to defeat it?” Keith gestured at the creature.

“No, Run!” Kim yelled her tail curled over her body.

The creature opened his wings and surrounded the ship; the creature attracted the ship inside like a magnet. We were inside that creature’s stomach, the ship’s system’s shutdown and Harry went to the control system to fix it, when Kim stopped him.

“No, no need to.” Kim grabbed his arm.

“let him do his job lady.” Tom gestured at the screen, “we are dead if we didn’t fix the ship.”

“We are dead if we did!’ Kim gazed at him.

Harry freed his arm from her grip and ran towards the door but she used her tail to trip him,


“What is it Kim? What do you see?” Keith gazed at Kim’s eyes and gesture to Tom and Harry to stay still.

“If we fixed the ship we will die.” Kim gestured, “that creature is not a normal one, it lives on power, giving it enough power from this ship will cause a great disaster including our death.” 

“What brought this creature here?” I asked, gestured at the creature.

“It is wants to feed on earth’s power, and this is why it was hiding behind the asteroid that was directed to earth.” Kim answered and stared at the ground.

Tom and Bem stared at Keith, “you knew about this?”

“Yes, but..”

“But what? Wanted to keep to surprise us with our death.” Bem paused “ I got a wife, kids and family.” Bem yelled.

“we all have families, so can we concentrate so we can reach to them safely.” Amber cried.

“Harry, fix the power, Tom detach the fuel tank.” Keith ordered.

“What are you doing! That will kill us.” Kim stared at him.

“I know what I’m doing Kim.” He paused, “trust me.”

“Fuel is a liquid material, it needs other things to transform into power, once it is detached the creature will have to transform it first before it feeds on it” Keith paused, “It will have to eject the ship to be able to transform that kind of power, then we will have our chance to shoot it with a nova bomb.”

“Sounds like a good plan to me” Tom detached the fuel tank.

The plan worked as it should, the creature took time to transform the fuel into the kind of energy he needed but it didn’t eject us, in fact the stomach of that creature turned to a huge water tank, then the energy turned to electricity causing a huge thunderstorm inside it, it felt like we are in a ship in the ocean that is being wrecked but the truth was we were inside a ship that is inside a creature’s stomach.

The thunderstorm wrecked our radio system connecting us with the station, but lucky us it killed the creature, ruined it and its plans to kill us. Keith ordered to throw enough missiles to open a whole in the creature’s stomach to let us out.

We headed to earth mission accomplished but we had to crash in the space station because of the radio system that was wrecked due to the thunderstorm made in that creature’s stomach.

word count:997
© Copyright 2010 Nada Philippe (a.k.a: R.H.N) (rhmn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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