Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1695525-My-Love-Never-Dies-part-2
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Emotional · #1695525
A story of a girl loving a perfect boy
After visiting his mum and dad, I really got thinking, maybe it's time he met mine. I mean he'd been in my house but never seen my mum or dad, they'd always been out or busy with something else. Ok I'll go and ask my mum what she thinks.

"Hey mum, uhh I saw Sam's mum and dad last night and I think that maybe it might be time for you to meet him aswell." I said.
"Oh daisy, you know I hate meeting new people, can we not do it some other time?" She sighed

So that was that, she didn't even want to see him, great. What's he going to think now?, He's going to think I don't want to introduce him or something!

And with that, came a knock at the door. It was Sam and he was standing there with a flower, a single Daisy in his hand and when he saw me , he grabbed my hand in and put it in the centre and closed my fingers around it. He's so romantic, never did I ever think that he would think of someone like me , but I guess thats what happend.

"So, I need to tell you something, I'll tell you on Friday, but tonight do you want to go somwhere with me?" He asked, his eyes sparkling in the sunlight.
"Yes, of course, where to?" I asked light heartedly.
Wait, he was going to tell me something?, On friday?, But it's only Sunday!
"Well, you can leave that up to me!" He gave a devilish laugh and with a wink, he walked of.

He makes me think too much over things!, Like, what does he mean he needs to tell me something on Friday, and I can leave where we are going up to him! I give up thinking about it , I will have myself panicking by the end of the day. Wait! He never told me what time he was coming at! Oh no, I'll have to go and get ready now!

After an hour and a half I'm finally ready! I ended up wearing a pair of black shorts with tights and a white vest-top with a black and white shirt over the top, and a pair of converse- naturally.

I was sitting in my living room on my laptop, when the door was knocked on. 5.35. He never comes this early!

I opened the door to find him standing there , with his hand out.
"Hey" He smiled.
"Hey yourself" I laughed.
"So where are we going?"I wondered.
"It's a surprise!" He grinned to himself.

So we were walking down  an alley way and we turned a corner , it was really dark down here!, What were we doing at this end of town. It was really bad down here and not very many people would come this way. I looked at him in wonder, and he just winked. We had been walking down a dark alleyway for a while, when we came to a big black door. Sam Knocked 3 times and a big strong man came to the door and said.
"NAMES" In a really arrogant mannor.
Sam just grinned and said "Sam Geogre and Daisy Linefield"

The big burly man muttered a quick apology and opend the door wide for us to go through. Still puzzled about what was happening I looked at him in a questionitive mannor.
But all he said was" Just be patient Daisy!" He laughed.
"I can't!" I complained.
But all he did was laugh.

We were sitting in a dark room, it was hard to see anything around me but all I could see was Sam and the outline of him. He looked really good, just sitting there. You could make out where his eyes and mouth were and I longed to reach out and trace the outline of them. While I was busy pre occupied lights went up, and it was my favourite band!

They were playing in a special venue and Sam's Mum and Dad had paid for us to get it in, they were well known in this industry Sam had told me and they had been able to get us VIP tickets. Speaking of tickets and people there seemed to be only around 6 others. The gig was amazing, I completley enjoyed it and afterwards he took me to meet each member , which he seemed to already know! At the end when we were standing at the bottom of my street he handed me a little box wrapped in purple paper.

And all he said was" Promise me, you won't open this untill Friday night at 12 o'clock.
"Sure, But what is it?, and Sam, thank you so much for tonight, I mean it was so much fun and I can't thank you enough!" I said so quick I don't think it was possible.
"Daisy calm down!, It was no problem really!, But listen , how about going out tomorrow at the same time? Infact th e whole week , including friday? But it'll be something a bit different on Friday!"
"Yes of course Sam! But are you sure?" I blabbered.
"Yes Daisy , of course I'm sure!" And with that , he leant over and kissed me, it was rushed but it still meant something to me.

He swiftly left and my heart was pounding. I miss him already.

It was exactly the same every night this week, he'd turn up and I'd never know where we were going. On Monday night he took me to his Aunt's house who was having a massive party and there were all these famous faces and I got so starstruck, I never thought Sam was so much into the industry but apparently he was. Everyone seemed to know him. So I ended up asking him how everyone knew him. Then I realised I never actually asked what his mum and Dad worked as, and he told me they were record producers and they all knew him because he would have went to work with his parents when he was younger. I was completley amazed I never knew that. That night was fantastic, I don't think I'd ever been to such a good party in my life. At the end of the night he handed me another present covered in yellow paper and asked me to do the same with it as he had with my last one.

On Tuesday his mum and Dad drove us to a little town near by , it was so romantic, we were walking on the beach and we were splashing each other in the sea and when it started to get dark we were walking down the streets of this little town together and we saw a resteraunt. It was candel lit and especially closed of for us. Iv'e never been treated better in my life. It was fantastic. When we left the resteraunt we went for one last walk on the beach before we had to leave. As we walked down the beach hand in hand, for the first time ever he whispered "I love you". That night I will always remember. And just before I got out of his car he handed me a present wrapped in green, I knew what to do with it.

On Wednesday he held a party in his house during the day, it was fantastic he invited everyone including Hayley and Mark and everyone from school. It was so much fun!, We had such a laugh but when it got to around 8 he chucked everyone out, they were all complaining , and I understood why!, It had been so good and he made them go so early, I wondered why!. He then grabbed my hand and took me into a room in his house, and out onto a balcony, we sat down as it was dark and such a clear night the stars were out, we sat there talking about the stars and looking at them in Awe they were truly beautiful. And when he walked me back to my house he silently handed me a present wrapped in Pink.

On Thursday he took me to another gig , it was another favourite band again, it was exactly like Monday, it was truly fantastic and i never thanked him so much but after this gig he invited me back to his house. We watched a lot of movies it was so much fun!, Iv'e never had a better week, but I kept thinking about this thing he needed to tell me tommorow. But when he walked me back to my house he handed me a present wrapped in Blue, I completley forgot all about it.

Iv'e just woken up and I have a message on my phone from Sam to be ready for 12. I have never got dressed so quickly in my life. At exactly 12 he knocked on the door. But he looked really tired and had bags under his eyes.
"Hey" He smiled
"Hey" I smiled back.

And with that he took me to that park again, where he had asked me out that night. It brung back the memory of that night, but caused me great worry, something was wrong and I could sense it.
He sat down on a bench and looked at me gravly.
"We need to talk" He whispered
Oh no , no, no , no. No way , No no no!
"Listen Daisy please try and understand, Me and My mum and Dad have to move away, we are moving to Switzerland, and I don't want to go, I don't want to leave you, believe me I don't Daisy. I love you!, please Diasy please try and understand." He whimpered.
"How long have you known?" Was all I replied
"From last Sunday" He said sadly.
"When are you going?" I whispered.
"Tonight at 12"
I began to cry, I can't believe this is happening, it just can't be!
"Don't cry Daisy, Please don't"
He hugged me tight , and kissed me, but nothing could stop it.
We sat like that for I don't know how long, but all of a sudden he stood up.
"Daisy I have to go, I love you Forever and Always" He murmered.
And he opened my hand and placed a present in the middle wrapped in silver paper.
"I love you too, Sam" I replied with a whipser.
And with that he walked of.

I sat there for ages just crying , I was so hurt and lonley and I wanted Sam back. I decided to head back to my house and I went up to my room, it was 11 , wow I didn't think it was that time. And then I remebered the presents. I got them out and set them in a row, each of them, In the order they had been given .

Purple, Yellow, Green, Pink, Blue and Silver. I sat there staring at them untill 12. Now was the moment of truth I opened the Purple one, it was a Silver Owl neacklace to remind me of that night that he took me to see my favourite band, the yellow was a Cd, and on it , was mix tape of songs he'd put together for me. The green was a pair of tickets to go and see another band I liked, but the only person I wanted to go with was about to leave for Switzerland. The Pink was a photo album, small enough that you could hold with one hand, but it was filled with all the photos of me and Sam that had been taken over the few short months. The Blue was a braclet, the most beautiful thing , Iv'e ever seen, it was Silver and it was engraved and on it , it said , Daisy, I will Love you forever, Sam. And the last , in the silver paper was a note. It said to check my phone.

As soon as I read that my phone beeped , and right there on my phone was a message from Sam saying

My Love Never Dies

© Copyright 2010 Jemma Ferguson (jemma101 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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