Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1694532-Pregnant-by-a-werewolf-with-no-memory
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1694532
Leah a 17 year old virgin wakes up pregnant with no memory. The father is a werewolf.
My name is Leah, Lee for short. I'm 17, and I'm pregnant. My parents don't Know, and I'm not telling them! "Geez are you crazy"? The thing is.... I don't remember who the father is. I mean it's not like I sleep around. I was a virgin till the day I woke up on my front lawn after walking home from School. So ok.... maybe I'm crazy, or maybe I was raped. " OMG, But if I was raped, wouldn't I remember it? ..Ok I've heard of people in a traumatic experience that forget everything, but somehow I don't think that's what happened to me. You see I woke up with this happy feeling like ... "I was in Love", But don't you have to.. " know a guy" to be in love first?

Leah's POV "OMG look at my stomach"! I can't be twelve weeks...I look six months already....Leah said .. Oh my god!!  " Lee" her mother called, Get your butt in here! "Shit " Leah whispered.. "She knows" I'm so dead! Yeah mom...Leah said running down the stairs.. "Where the hell are my cigarettes, they were on the counter a min ago"?  Ok I can breathe now..."don't know mom" ..under her breath "don't care"  "Don't sass me Lee!" Her mom replied... "Hallelujah they were in my purse" Lee just rolled her Eyes..Her mom was an idiot! " Your getting a little chubby there lee", her mom said; better lay off the hot cheetos girl! Yeah mom it's um...that time of the month...pft I wish Lee thought.  "Oh well" her mom said .. "Me and your Dad are headed to Vegas for a couple weeks". "What dad?" Lee thought. "There's fifty bucks in the cookie jar." And her mom was out the door.."She left again" Leah said..Like always. "I wish she would just never come back"! I mean she doesn't even act like a real mom. And "dad" ...yeah right he's just another one of her "part time boyfriends" till he pisses her off. It makes me wonder if she really even loves me *************************************** Twins " She is so beautiful" Long wavy brown hair with rich red and gold lights in it, and big green eyes...not too short but not tall either about 5'5. "Yeah bro she's hot!" Shut up Seth Aydon said! "Aydon" Seth snapped..Why not tell her already...she has to know she's pregnant. "I can't yet Seth", she knows nothing about our world. "And what do you thinks' going to happen when she turns eighteen and suddenly has fur every time she gets pissed" said Seth.. "You need to teach her how to hold her temper Aydon".. Or someone's going to get hurt..or worse find out about us! "I'm gonna tell her in time" muttered Aydon "She doesn't even remember you yet Aydon", or know she was adopted" ...how pissed do you think she'll be then"..Said Seth? "I don't know, but it will be soon Seth just SHUT UP...She's coming"! Leah's POV "Why did this have to happen to me"? I have no job, sucky parents, and I always thought I'd meet a handsome, sexy smart guy..that would take me out of this s*it hole! Why the hell did we have to live in Alabama?.... Not likely I'll meet my perfect man here ....unless you consider"toothless"attractive.. Leah groaned...Only good thing here is all the trees..and maybe the lack of smog.. Leah was walking outside to check the mail when she noticed a couple of really hot teen guys staring at her from across the street..They looked like they could be brothers..twins even except one had thick long dark hair down his back and the other's hair was so short it looked like he had just buzzed it off. They looked about eighteen or nineteen with dark skin probably from being out in the sun all day..and muscles that would make any girl drool. "Why were they staring at her?"..Probably thinking she looked like a fat cow..well it would only get worse from here! Leah grabbed the mail and tried to hurry back in the house..when she tripped over the hose..."S*IT" Leah screamed as her arms flew out to catch herself..and the second before she was supposed to eat crap ...she was caught by some rather large..warm arms.. "Ah thanks" Leah said...her eyes slowly moved up to see her hero was the twin with the long hair...  "Are you alright" he said.. His voice was a deep sexy purr... "Leah stuttered"... "How...did..you catch me.. You were across the street just a second ago?" Twin said..."So you were looking at me huh"? ...NO! Leah stammered embarrassed.. I just..."Who are you"? My names Aydon, Her hero said, and this is my twin brother Seth..Zup said Seth... We moved here about four months ago... "OH" Leah replied...that explains the hotness...too late now though...who'd want a fat prego chick Leah thought? Aydon was watching her with a horrified look on his face..Seth was smirking. "OH God" Leah thought..they must think I'm such a fricken idiot! Aydon snapped his fingers.."Hello" Leah looked up..What? She said. You didn't tell us your name. " OH Leah muttered"...OH Seth said.. Your names OH? Leah's cheeks flamed and Aydon punched Seth in the arm. "OW" Seth cried. Aydon smirked. "Shut up Seth, be nice!" Aydon had the sexiest smile, his eyes were multi colored amber, gold, and green. Aydon smiled again, his teeth were perfectly straight and white...He had full lips, perfect kissable lips...Leah was daydreaming...Seth snickered and Aydon growled at him... "Seth ..why don't you go make some lunch..He turned back to Leah.."So are you hungry.......... Ah he paused"? Leah she said..Leah is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl Aydon smiled... Leah blushed..of course he thinks I'm hungry cause I'm a cow she thought.. Aydon smirked shaking his head a bit. He grabbed her hand...Let's go to my house..he said..it's just up the road..You need to put some meat on your bones your too skinny Leah! What a line a bull she thought...Aydon smiled his sexy grin..it was contagious..OK she said. Aydon's house was two miles away. He would of carried her the whole way, but was sure it would freak her out a bit..so instead he just held her hand and watched her every step in case she fell again. Leah was quiet walking beside him ..she was still blushing. Her hands were so small and she was awfully small for a pregnant pre wolf. She would have no idea that the pregnancy would only be a couple months more instead of your typical human cycle of nine months. Her adoptive mother was an idiot and her entourage of men was extremely dangerous for Leah to be around. He only had a short time to convince Leah to leave her only known mothers house and bring her to her biological parents Michael and Carrie, the people that had raised him and his brother..when his parents were murdered by another pack of wolves. Leah's mother was beautiful. Like Leah, she had a baby at eighteen. A rival pack had stolen Leah as a baby. It was believed she was dead, but there had been no proof. So while Michael had believed the worst..Carrie still had hope that she would find Leah. It wasn't till about four months ago that I had tracked Leah. I didn't know at the time that she was also my mate. I had never been with another woman..and the moment I saw her I knew she was not only Carrie's daughter but the women I would love forever. Leah's memory loss was something he had never heard of happening to a wolf, but she wasn't a wolf until she turned eighteen. It had broke his heart to leave her on her front lawn after they had made love, but she had passed out and wouldn't wake up. The only thing he could think of was to leave her there for her idiot mother to take to a human doctor. Instead the psycho had turned a water hose on her and miraculously she woke up,... With no memory of him or their love making. He was an idiot for not protecting her from pregnancy. She was so young, a virgin like himself. She would be the heir to her biological parents fortune, and the baby would be like the baby Carrie had lost. He or she would be loved more than anything, and would eventually be the leader of their pack.

Leah POV

Aydon's hand was so warm in her hand. Leah couldn't understand why he continued to hold her hand but..she wasn't going to complain. I mean he was so beautiful, not just hot but beautiful. He had a tight white tank with loose jeans that were tight enough to show his awesome a**..but also loose enough to let his golden happy trail peek through.. Hehe..happy trail..can't believe I was looking there..we just met. Leah raised her eyes to his chest..he probably had an eight pack, but his shirt was covering it..damn ...looking to his shoulders you could see a hint of a tat under his shirt.  Aydon was grinning again, he loved that she was checking him out, and also that he could hear what she was thinking.. Although if she kept it up it would be hard for him to hide how she was affecting him. Leah was starting to sweat from their walk..She smelled like cotton candy..and he wished he could follow the drop of sweat going between her full chest with his tongue right at that moment but as that naughty thought came..he decided to cool it before he couldn't walk straight. Aydon stopped to take off his shirt, and use it to cover up his evidence of desire. Leah frowned...Are you alright Aydon said? Leah was dizzy ...she hadn't eaten yet and the sun and walk was making her hot and tired..Aydon's shirt removal had revealed a beautiful eight pack..her head spinned and everything went black. ************************************************************************ Part 2

Leah was dreaming.... Aydon was laying next to her in a large log bed with black satin sheets. He was completely n*ked The man was like a god. Leah had never had sex, but laying next to him she knew he was the one she would be giving her virginity to. It was her dream so she could do what she wanted..He was touching her cheek with love and emotion in his eyes. She couldn't believe someone so beautiful would look at her that way. She decided since it was her dream she might as well take advantage of it. She took her hands to his neck and grabbing a handful of his thick hair she dragged him to her mouth..The dream kiss was perfect..his lips were soft as satin and she took advantage of his full lower lip by sucking it between her teeth. She had never been so forward..but not knowing when this perfect dream would end, she was not taking any chances. Aydon had his sexy smile on his face and she wanted to impress him. He was kissing her softly, letting her feel his full lips, and started to move lower to her neck, collar bone and shoulders..his fingers rubbing her arm softly..he came up to nibble on her earlobe.. "I love you Leah"..he whispered... Her heart felt like it would explode from the emotion in his sweet declaration. He looked up to her face and Leah said.. "I love you too Aydon".. He smiled his sexy smile again, and told her.. " I know sweetheart, I'm your mate..you were made for me!" He was the perfect gentle lover..they were making love like they had known each other forever.. Her head started to spin and Aydon's expression changed from total love.... to a worried expression..Leah..he said..Leah leah

Leah woke up lying in a large log bed..with black satin sheets..Aydon was above her with a worried expression on his beautiful face calling her name.  "What happened?" Leah said. You fainted..Aydon answered his worried look turning to his sexy smirk. "You were having a pretty good dream he said..so I didn't want to wake you too fast..He smiled his sexy smile again and Leah blushed.. "Are you ready to eat now Aydon asked"? Sure she said.. Seth walked in with a tray of food... "Hey there sleeping beauty" he said... "Hey" she said..blushing again.. "You didn't have to do that you know" she said.. "Wouldn't want the baby to starve." He replied. Leah and Aydon both looked at Seth with horrified expressions on their face.. "Baby" she said...you ..she stuttered.. Know ...about..the baby..? Aydon growled..and Seth backed up a step with fear in his eyes.. uh....uh...he said..I didn't actually..I was talking about you being the baby.. "Nice cover dip s*it "Aydon thought... "Sorry bro" Seth thought back. Leah was horrified...These guys must of thought she was another crazy teenage slut for getting pregnant at seventeen...Now they would probably start asking questions about who the father was..which she didn't know..Leah put her head in her hands... "So" Aydon said.. "How far long are you "? Twelve weeks I think..I haven't' been to the doctor yet but I've missed a couple periods..OMG why am I talking about this with guys I don't know? Seth was smirking..Aydon just smiled his sexy smile.. Why are you so nice to me Leah said? You feed me, you've caught me twice and you tell me I'm beautiful..when clearly I'm a fat cow pregnant. You don't even know who the father is..and your still flirting with me...I am clearly not the girl you would normally go for..so what is your deal anyway? " Leave the room" Seth thought to Aydon" Aydon growled and left the room.. "What's his problem Leah said" ... "Why are you so ignorant Leah", Can't you see you are totally his type. You know why your here? Cause we wanted you here. We know more about you then you think and things.... you know nothing about. "What are you talking about" Leah said.. She was starting to shake... "Careful..Aydon thought to Seth. An image of Seth's middle finger was thought back. A**hole quit f*cking around! Aydon thought back.  Leah was scared..afraid of fainting again she put her head in her hands and took slow deep breaths. Ayden was impatient..he walked back in the room. Seth rolled his eyes and left the room. "Leah" look at me Aydon said.. What..just tell me she said.. "look at me"! He whispered.. She looked up..She was on the verge of tears. "Leah, you're in danger"..I can't explain everything now, but you knew me ...know me..you just can't remember, and I don't know why..But you are safe with us. "Do you believe me"? He looked so sincere..so honest..she whimpered.."How do you know me Aydon"? He looked down, he was stalling..I know you Leah..he replied.. His eyes lowered to her hands clutching her small bump. Leah caught her breath...You know who the father is she whispered?..A lone tear rolled down her cheek. Yes he answered, and I know that you love him, and he loves you ..You just can't remember and I can't explain it ..But there's more.  His face was neutral..She couldn't read it. He grabbed her hand..concentrating on rubbing his thumb over it back and forth... Her face flushed. He looked into her eyes. "Leah..I.. He stammered".. "What..she said..holding her breath". "I know who your parents are". She scrunched up her nose and raised an eyebrow...And...she said...I know who they are too..My mother's a b*tch and I've had many fathers..What aren't you telling me? "Leah..The women you know as your mother isn't your biological mother..You were adopted. Leah's head fell back, and Aydon jumped to her side.  Seth walked back in.. "Fainted again"..He said.. "That has to be a record".. "SHUT YOUR HAIRY A*S UP SETH" Aydon said.. She's just overwhelmed and pregnant.. "Your fault..Seth replied with a smirk. Aydon threw a pillow at his head, which hit its mark with deadly accuracy. Seth's shocked face was priceless.. Aydon grinned.. "Wait till Carrie finds out you got her lost daughter pregnant", Seth said.. Aydon's smile turned into a growl..Seth raised his hands in an I give up freeze pose. "She loves me ..She'll forgive me . When she finds out I'm her daughters mate..I'll be her son in law." "Sure hope so dude" Seth replied. ************************************************************************************ Part 3

Leah's POV

It was dark..and she was alone. She had no idea where the twins were but she figured she had fainted again and they probably were tired of rescuing her again. Leah moved off the bed and walked to the door. Her hand was just about to touch the knob when she heard people talking outside the door. "She has to see a pack doctor" Seth said.. She can't shift while she's pregnant and if she does she will lose the baby. "I know" stammered Aydon....The doc should be able to tell us how big the baby is and if it can be taken early before the change on her birthday in three weeks. Leah stepped back from the door. "What are they talking about" she thought? I'm only three months maybe..I can't deliver a baby in three weeks that would kill it.  I have to get out of here..Leah thought...and what did they mean pack doctor..or before I shift? OMG these guys are crazy ..their trying to kill my baby! Leah opened the window as quietly as she could ..she was climbing out when the door knob turned. The look on Seth's face was of pure shock.. Then anger as she dropped out the window. She took off running as fast as she could. The house was farther away then she thought, but she wasn't going home where they could find her. She had just made it to the road when she heard a wolf's howl, and the sound of running paws slapping dirt. She was terrified. The growling started right behind her, turning around slowly she saw that there were four pure black wolves starting towards her. Her breathing sped up and her heart started thumping in her chest so hard she was sure she would die. Her legs were paralyzed and even if she wanted to she couldn't move.  A heartbeat later horns were blaring and tires squealed to a stop beside her. The door of a 2010 black Hummer thrust open. She was shocked to see Aydon and Seth yelling at her to get in the car. She was just about to jump in ..when a pain so fierce ran up her leg..one of the wolves had clamped his snarling jaw onto her ankle..and was pulling her backwards to certain death. Leah screamed a blood curdling scream..kicking and punching her arms out to protect herself and her unborn child.  A golden blur shot in front of her. It was two wolves..Much bigger than the black ones that had landed on her attacking wolf. Within seconds the black wolf was ripped from her ankle and tossed through the air with a heavy thump as it crashed into a tree twenty feet away. Leah was in shock..  The three remaining wolves were retreating and the golden wolves slowly pawed up to her. The gold wolves were almost identical except one had amber gold eyes and the other had chocolate brown. Leah whimpered, They had saved her, but now they were padding towards her. Her head began to spin and before the world went black ..she thought she heard a snicker and then a soft whine.

Aydon POV "I don't know how they found her, but we have to get out of here Seth..before they steal her again". " We can't take any more chances with her" said Seth," She has to know everything..If you don't tell her.. I will"!  There isn't any way to do this simple so I'll have to just show her Seth..just give me a minute..Seth rolled his eyes.."Your the boss" he said! Aydon shifted into his wolf form, it didn't hurt for him anymore..he was able to change in seconds..unlike most shifters he had encountered. He was twice the size of most wolves weighing over two hundred pounds, similar to his actual human weight..except his senses and sight were a hundred times better. He loved being in his wolf form unlike his brother Seth who couldn't even stand having hair on his head and had to shave it after each shift. Aydon walked on soft paws to the room that Leah was sleeping in. She lay on the log bed with her hands still clutching her baby bump. She looked so fragile laying there..and he didn't want to scare her but he knew if she knew the truth she would be safer. Aydon jumped up onto the bed and laid down next to Leah..with a lick of his long wolf tongue he started to try to wake her up. Leah came awake to something licking her face...she turned her head to see a rather large gold wolf licking her..She held a scream to herself and backed slowly away from the wolf..He was so large..but he had saved her earlier..he must of been one of the twins pets.  "Hello baby" she whispered..don't eat me k.. The wolf wagged its tail in a friendly way. Leah smiled..so maybe he wasn't going to eat me..she inched closer to the wolf and he rolled over..Leah laughed..want your belly rubbed I see..Leah said..She had never had a pet as a child..her psycho mother wouldn't allow it. The wolfs hair was so soft..thick and gold..very unusual for a wolf. Leah got off the bed to walk to the bathroom..She felt dirty and needed to get in the shower. The wolf jumped off the bed next to her and whined. Kneeling down to face the wolf she gave him a pat on the head.."It's ok pretty wolf..you can stay if you want." Leah turned on the shower..and started to undress..laying her dirty clothes in a folded pile on the floor..she stepped into the shower.

*************************************** Part 4

The thought of Leah naked in the shower was killing him...it had been three months since they had made love. He should be in there with her..helping her clean her back..helping her rub her whole body down..Aydon whined.. "Your a coward..Seth thought. "You want me to come in there and rub her back for her..?" "If you want to lose your balls.. Aydon thought back. "Leah peeked her head out of the shower..her hair falling in wet ringlets around her face and over her br**sts.. "What is it pretty wolf?" I'll be out in a minute and rub your belly..she smiled and closed the curtain.  Leah was thinking about Aydon..He was so handsome..she wished he was attracted to her as much as she was attracted to him. Leah imagined him in the shower with her..rubbing soap over her br**sts and body..She remembered her dream and she felt flushed..hot even..the idea of that ever happening was insane..but it was an awesome dream..she frowned. "oh well she thought"..if it was meant to happen..he would be here now.

Leah..Aydon whispered from behind the curtain.. Leah gasped holding her hands over her br**sts..What are you doing in here Aydon? She stuttered.. I was just checking to see if you needed any help he said.. Umm Leah paused..What did she say?..She wanted him more than anything.. "Can you help me wash my back?" she whispered..just um..close your eyes she said.. Ok he said..Aydon stepped into the shower..completely nude with his eyes closed.. "What are you doing Aydon..she yelled.." I'm washing your back he said!.Aydon grinned his sexy smile..with his eyes closed.. OMG he was so f*cking hot..Leah was sooo shocked he was in there with her..she didn't know what to do. She couldn't keep her eyes off him..any of him. He was definitely happy to be in the shower with her, even if his eyes were closed.  Tell me when you're ready he said. I'm ready..Leah turned around.. Aydon's hands were big and warm..he did slow circles giving her chills..do you want anything else washed he whispered by her ear..his chest just brushing her back..Uh..no..Leah said.. "I can wash yours if you want" she said shyly. Thank you ..he whispered.. Leah slowly turned around to wash Aydon's back..he was still facing her with his sexy grin on his face..his eyes were open.. "Aydon she yelled..you were supposed to keep your eyes closed"! I know ..he said..I couldn't help it. You are the most beautiful women I have ever seen! Aydon reached up slowly to touch her face..Leah was speechless..his thumb brushed over her lower lip..he let his fingers tangle in her hair behind her neck and pulled her to him.. "What are you doing Aydon..we hardly know each other ..she whispered.. "I'm showing you who loves you Leah" and I can't wait anymore....

Aydon's lips were soft and warm against hers. He took his time and her breath away with the gentleness of his kisses..Leah brought her hands up slowly to his chest and Aydon tensed.. I'm sorry she said..I just wanted to touch you..Aydon grinned..it's ok ..he said..I've wanted you to touch me from the moment we met. Leah smiled and it melted his insides.. "You are the most beautiful women Leah..I've thought that since..he paused... "What..she said.. You have no idea what you're doing to me he whispered... "You make me feel things I've never felt Aydon." Aydon ran his hands down Leah's shoulders and around her back pulling her to his chest..he could feel her puckered ni**les brushing him and his p**is throbbed to be inside her again. Leah laid her head against Aydon's rock hard chest..he wasn't rushing her and it meant so much. She was inching her hands down to rest around his waist..and they just stood that way with the water fogging up the bathroom.. The knock on the door made Leah jump away from him embarrassed.. "What is it..Aydon growled?" "The doc's here" said Seth. Leah had a frightened look on her face. "You can't let him take the baby out Aydon..he will kill it this early". " I would never do anything that would harm the baby Leah" he said. "Do you trust me"? Leah looked up to his face..Yes..I'm trusting you ..she said. Aydon helped Leah dry off with the towel and wrapped her in the robe.. He took another towel and wrapped it around his waist. "It will be ok Leah..he's a doctor and he knows what is best for you and the baby".  Leah walked out of the bathroom. Seth was fighting a grin and the doctor had a warm smile on his face. He looked like he could be related to the twins..with dark skin and longer hair pulled into a leather throng at the nape of his neck. This is our uncle Leah..He is our family doctor. "Oh..Leah replied..looking up at Aydon for confirmation". Aydon nodded his head.  "You guys can leave the room while I check her the doc said." OK they replied and left the room. "Can the wolf come in Leah said". The doctor smiled and said sure..he called out to Aydon..and a minute later the gold wolf entered the room. Leah felt better knowing at least something familiar was with her..The wolf came and sat beside her on the bed, snuggling closer and gave her a quick lick on the cheek.. "Thank you pretty wolf" she said. "Leah..my name is Nathaniel, and I'm not only part of the family but I've also been the family doctor since your mother was a teen. I was the doctor that delivered you he said. You were a very tiny baby Leah. When you were taken from us it was the worst pain your mother ever had to endure. She has been looking for you your whole life..I'm surprised actually that you are alive. "You look like her you know". Leah couldn't help the tears that had fallen down her cheeks..she had wished for a real mother to love her all her life. "Will I get to see her she said?" Of course..as soon as it is safe we will take you to her he said. The doctor completed his exam of Leah in a short time and left the room. The wolf followed him out. After what seemed like forever the doctor came in with Aydon and Seth following.  Leah there's some things we need to talk about Aydon said with a worried look on his face. "What is it, is the baby ok"? The baby is fine, the doc said He is very strong and ready to come out. "It's a boy..she smiled" her eyes drifting to Aydon's face..his expression was of pure joy. "But...what do you mean he's ready to come out?" she said. The doctor looked at Aydon..he

nodded his head. Leah you are farther along than I expect you think. The baby is ...he paused. ."What is it..she said" "Someone's outside"..

*************************************** Part 5

Seth growled..Aydon jumped to the window ...I can't tell how many there are..we have to get her out of here he yelled. "What's going on?" Leah yelled frightened. Remember when I said you were stolen Leah? Aydon said.. Yes..she stuttered.. Well they have found you again.

"Take her Seth said..I will hold them off and meet you with the pack". Aydon grabbed Leah in a bridal hold and ran out to the car..Seth was right behind them. Running outside one minute, and the next... A golden wolf blurred passed and ran out to the trees. Leah was in shock...she couldn't believe what she just saw.. She looked at Aydon while he was buckling her up frantically..his jaw set in a determined look. The hummer roared out of the garage throwing her forward and then sideways as he peeled out in the opposite direction of where she saw Seth disappear. "Why do they want me Aydon..I'm just a girl" nothing special. Aydon frowned..Leah you are everything..without you..I would have nothing to live for..Leah frowned..Aydon drove for about an hour. She had no idea where she was or where they were going but the road had disappeared thirty minutes ago and they were now traveling through trees and more rocky terrain. Leah didn't know what time it was but she was exhausted and could hardly keep her eyes open. Even with her brain working a mile a minute to try to figure out what exactly she had seen she had fallen fast asleep. Aydon had finally reached the safe house well after midnight. Turning the car off he quietly took off his seat belt and climbed out of the car to check his surroundings for danger before he took Leah out of the car. Leah was still sleeping when he carried her into the house and laid her on the four poster bed. He couldn't believe he had almost lost her again. The doctor had told him that she would have to have the baby before her eighteenth birthday, and he only had three weeks..less to tell her everything and keep her out of danger.  ***************************************

Part 6


"Please let me go see her Aydon"!...Does she know about me yet..what does she look like..does she look like me??? "Calm down..Jess" Aydon said.. You'll be able to meet her as soon as she wakes up..but you have to be quiet about who you are right now..she doesn't know she has a little sister yet...or that she's a werewolf.  Ok ok..Jessica said..hey where's Seth? I talked to him a little while ago..he should be here any minute he had to take care of some business, and let mom and dad know we are safe. Seconds later the door clicked and Seth walked in the room..Jessica's smile was contagious as she leapt from the chair with a happy laugh and jumped on Seth's back with a bone crushing hug.. "OW" Seth laughed..as he wrestled Jessica off his back and started tickling her..help me Aydon..Jess screamed with laughter..Aydon grinned and grabbed Seth from behind so she could retaliate.. Leah could hear the scream from her room and ran in to investigate..She was in shock to see Seth, Aydon, and a younger girl of about sixteen wrestling on the ground..and having some kind of tickle torture.  Leah laughed..she couldn't help it. She wished she had siblings to play with like this. The sound of Leah's laugh stopped the trio in mid tickle..and they all looked up at Leah with big grin's on their face. "I'm sorry Leah said..I didn't mean to interrupt..I thought I heard a scream..and it just scared me is all." "Hi Leah"..the young girl said..I'm Jessica..and I've heard so much about you ..she said with a huge grin on her face.. Jessica was a cute little thing with bright green eyes..and her brown hair fashioned in a a-symetrical bob that hit just above her shoulders. "Hello..Leah said with a shy smile..it's nice to meet you..I'm sorry I haven't heard about you she said lamely...giving Aydon a raised eyebrow with a sarcastic cough."  "So....Seth said..how you feeling baby" ...Jessica elbowed him in the gut and Leah tried to give him a fierce scowl..but his grin was contagious..and she couldn't help the half grin she held on her face. "I have some questions for you" Leah said..looking at the twins, and I don't want to hear anymore lies! She tried to sound demanding.. Aydon grinned his sexy smile..and Leah blushed.. Ok he said. You deserve some answers and I won't lie to you anymore. "What do you want to know"? Aydon said. "Well first of all ..tell me about what I saw last night"! she said .. looking at Seth.  "Promise you won't faint..Seth said with an evil smirk on his face".. I'll try..she said flipping him off. OH....hahaha...Jessica laughed.  "Burn" Seth..she so has your number.. Leah grinned. "Well to start off..Aydon started..You remember the black wolves that attacked you right?" "Yes..Leah whispered" ..and "Do you remember the golden wolves"? "Yes ..the ones that saved me ..they were your pets right? Leah said.  "Leah..we come from a long line of what you would call fantasy, but isn't fantasy really" Jessica said.  "I don't understand what do you mean fantasy?" You're not explaining it right, said Seth..Let me explain... No No No..Aydon said...she needs to hear it the right way.. Ok well proceed then..a**licker.. Jessica giggled.. he called you a**licker..hehe

Enough..Aydon shouted growling at Seth and Jessica..Proceed Jessica said giving him a military salute..trying to suppress laughter then winked at Leah.  Leah smiled..ok I'm listening she said.. Aydon started again..  We have hidden our existence for centuries Leah, A long time ago we were merely Indians living in tribes..until one day the Chief of our tribe came across a wolf that was injured. Animals are a very important part of our existence..it was believed that to kill an animal other than for survival was an abomination to our spirit gods. The chief tried to help the wolf, thinking that it would bring good fortune to his family..but the wolf was wild..and was injured..so it bit the chief. Days later the chief returned to camp as a wolf..he was stronger and his vision and sense of smell was a hundred times better. He believed he was blessed by "the gods" with this new power..and one by one he bit every one of his tribe.  The offspring of these people would continue to have this shifting power when they reached their eighteenth birthday. "That is what we are Leah".. "That is what you are." Leah sat dumbfounded..her mouth open in shock..then she burst out in laughter... Everyone except for Aydon..burst into hysterical laughter..What is so funny Aydon said.. Well that is the best story I have ever heard..Leah snorted.. Seth shook his head with a grin. "Let me tell the story"..Seth said with his fingers in quotation. Aydon..smirked.. "knock yourself out." he said rolling his eyes. Seth walked up to Leah.. "Don't faint" he said. Leah grinned.. "OK" she said. Rolling her eyes

sarcastically. Within seconds Seth went from himself..to a golden wolf sitting before her.  *************************************** Part 7

"Does she always faint like that?" Jessica said with a frown..Yup..said Seth while putting his pant's back on. "Nice a**" replied Jessica..raising her eyebrows. Aydon rolled his eyes in disgust. "Quit flirting with your brother Jess"..Aydon said with a smirk.. "He's not blood related!"said Jess.. "Ew"..said Seth sarcastically..Jess stuck out her tongue. "Whatever"..said Aydon. Leah's head was in Aydon's lap on the couch. He drew her hair from her face with his fingers.  Leah opened her eyes and sat up scooting away from Aydon and looked warily at Seth and Jess.

"I fainted again, didn't I?" said Leah. "Uh hmm".. Aydon nodded his head. "So everything you said was true." You are all wolves, and that means that... I will be a wolf too in three weeks. "What about the baby?" I heard you say it would kill the baby if I shifted before it was born, but I'm only three months..how could it live if I have it this early? Leah began to cry. Jessica kneeled down in front of Leah. Her face was solemn. I know your scared Leah..but in our world pregnancy doesn't last for nine months. "We are a different race totally"..like magic she grinned.  "The baby will be fine!"..Aydon would never lie to you about that.. he loves the baby, and you.. more then you will ever know or understand. She grinned winking at Aydon. Leah's eyes widened..looking at Aydon. "I remember"..she said...You were always in my dreams, and I couldn't remember you when I woke up on the lawn. Your my baby's father aren't you Aydon. Aydon nodded slowly. A slow grin appearing on his face. So you've known you were the father this whole time..And the gold wolf..that was you? Yes Aydon replied with a guilty look on his face. So you watched me undress..you made me believe...God I'm such an idiot..Leah said..This whole time I couldn't believe that someone like you could be interested in me, and you played me for a fool. "No..Aydon shouted" Leah jumped back.. "I never meant for you to feel that way"... I just had to take my time telling you what we were..what you are. "I love you Leah!" he whispered..I have always loved you from the moment I was born! "You are my mate!" I will never love anyone more then I love you. Aydon's face was sincere..and his words were beautiful..Even though Leah wanted to be furious with him it was hard seeing the pain in his eyes. Aydon looked to her face..his expression was pure love. He stood up and walked to her and Leah was speechless as he pulled her into his arms and hugged her. His heart felt like it would explode from the feelings he had inside for her. Leah was surprised when after a couple seconds..Seth and then Jess came in for a group hug. Leah laughed with tears running down her face. She finally felt like she belonged, Even if it was with a pack of wolves.


Part 8

The next couple of weeks were a blur as Leah learned more about what she could expect as a wolf. She had watched Aydon and Seth both shift, and learned more about her parents.. which she would meet as soon as the baby was born. She had also become fast friends with Jessica. Jessica talked to her about everything and answered any question she had..but rarely did she talk about herself. She was in the middle of making breakfast when Jessica came in the room with a weird expression on her face, like she had a secret she needed to tell someone.  "Spit it out Jessica"!..I know you want to talk about something. What are you afraid to say? Jessica scuffed her foot on the floor, and was acting really antsy when she looked up at Leah with a "caught me" look on her face. Leah laughed. "Go ahead and tell me!" she smiled. "YOUR MY SISTER!" She blurted out.. Leah grinned.. "I know" Leah said. "What" Jess said?..How did you know? Aydon told me a week ago..she grinned. UHH Jess groaned..I'm gonna kill him..he told me I couldn't tell you. He told me that too. Said Leah smiling. Jess just rolled her eyes..then winced..Are you glad you have a sister? Jess looked worried. Leah tried to have a serious face..but she burst out in tears instead. "I'm sorry Leah"..I didn't mean to make you cry, she said. "No no you don't understand Jess", I couldn't be happier, and she hugged Jess. They were both crying, holding each other, when the twins walked into the room with a confused look on their faces. "What is it?" Aydon said. "What happened?" Seth said simultaneously. The girls both burst out laughing... "The look on your faces is priceless!" said Jessica. "I will never understand women" Seth shook his head.  "Ow!" Leah screamed. "I'm not falling for that!" Seth rolled his eyes. "No I think something's wrong!" Said Aydon. Leah moaned. "Call the doctor!" yelled Aydon.

Nathaniel walked out of Leah's room. "Can I speak to you for a minute Aydon?" "She is very close!" "I've given Leah something for pain and to help her sleep, but she only has a week till she's eighteen!" "I think we need to induce her labor!" said Nathaniel. "Will it hurt the baby?" said Aydon. "If we wait until it comes naturally it could be too late!" "The shifting will definitely kill the baby!"  "Thank you doc, I want to see her and talk to her first!" "I'll be by tomorrow morning to induce her, it can't wait much longer then that!"  Aydon walked into the room where Leah was sleeping. Her face was pale and she had sweat beading on her forehead. Aydon got a wet washcloth and slowly wiped her face and forehead. Leah blinked her eyes. Aydon was looking down at her with his beautiful face full of concern. He was the father of her baby, and she was in love with him! She hadn't told Aydon that declaration yet, but in time she would.  Aydon smiled his sexy smile. "How are you feeling?" "Like a watermelon has taken over my stomach!" she half laughed. "Do they have to take the baby tomorrow?" "Yes!" he said. "OK, I trust you!" She said. Leah yawned. "I'm sorry the medicine the doctor gave me is making me sleepy!" "It's ok love, get some rest I'll just be in the other room if you need me."


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