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Metaphor of the destruction false religion taken from Revelation 17, 18 chapter. |
The Death of the Harlot Dressed in prostitute clothing, she considers herself a Queen To her paramours she has such power, in her garments of purple sheen For centuries she's wielded great power, a maker of kings she has been None have dared to be critical, for fear to be banned from her den Like a Beast that has come from the wild, many a war has been fought Each kingdom and nation ferocious, each one from infancy taught The puppeteers are Merchants and Bankers, the nations like marionettes Separate from light and the darkness, the stage is superbly set Each one has his place on the stage, the script has been well rehearsed Now the time on earth for action, and all mankind to be cursed The music they play is familiar, all marionettes keep in step Propaganda now engulfs them, as the drums of war beat adept The Queen now enters before them, they all look to her for the lead They all have their reasons to conspire, for her it is power and greed She blesses the troops there before her and then their enemies too “For Almighty God is with you, so do not fear or rue” The Queen as “God's own spokesman”, has deceived her subjects again How long will you oh Harlot, betray your lovers and friends God Jehovah is watching, He has seen it for centuries long He has already judged you, for all of your malicious wrongs Soon her lovers will waken, from the stupor her wine has produced And realize the danger created, that they have been thoroughly seduced Jehovah the God of Armies, will put in the heart of the Beast The desire to completely attack her, till she is completely deceased After the assault on the Harlot, and religion is completely dissolved Some Kings will mourn her destruction, but they will not get involved The smoke of her burning is constant, their adulteress companion is gone They weep but stay at a distance, for fear they will pay for heir wrongs The Merchants and Bankers are weeping, who will buy their full stock? Their ships are there in the harbor, sitting there full on the dock No one to buy their ivory, Indian spice or silk Precious stones and purple and scarlet, good things like honey and milk The churches are barren and empty, no voice of a groom or a bride No beautiful sounds of singers, or musicians you once took such pride Your halls of adornment are empty, flocks of people have fled By your spiritistic practice, all the nations misled God's people are now rejoicing, they see that the end is near They study the scriptures intensely, the angels desire to peer Soon the nations will see them, without a bar or door They all seem helpless as kittens, as they all prepare for war The nations themselves are bold, they continue to believe the lie When they try to harm God's people, it's like touching Jehovah's eye The answer is swift and sudden, the destruction will be great The Beast that has come from the wild, will finally meet her fate The angel now calls the ravens, the birds of heaven to flock To the “Great evening meal of Jehovah,” the bodies of those who mock Some were men of importance, some were nobles and kings Others were military horses, and commanders with decorate wings There were many that were just common, others servants or slaves None of them put their trust in, the One who truly saves After the death and destruction, and after the smoke had cleared The angel of the Abyss comes, to chain the one who had jeered I see a great crowd coming, of those who are righteous and true In compare to those destroyed there, it was really only a few Brothers we have a new start now, without the one who incites He will give to each one His promise, that of exquisite delights |