Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1693381-The-Wedding-Night
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #1693381
The night of the wedding, a young couple puts the honeymoon suite to good use.
He remained by the bedroom door while I got out of my dress.  He had removed his tuxedo jacket and tie, and had just kicked off his shoes.  Now he seemed to be searching for an appropriate place to lay them.

“Anywhere,” I told him.

He nodded and draped his jacket over the back of the desk chair along with his tie, and then tucked his shoes under it beside the wall.

I was down to my underwear, garters, and hose.  He had just stripped off his cumber bun and was fiddling with the buttons of his shirt.

Turning towards the heart-shaped bed, I smoothed the satin coverlet with my hand and pretended to fluff the pillows to give him a chance to catch up to me. 

“I want you to know,” he began in his sweetest, softest voice, while eyeing the mirror on the ceiling.  “This is more than I was expecting tonight.  It’s kind of caught me off guard.”

I peered over at him curiously, not wholly certain he was telling me the truth.  After all, this particular hotel had been his idea.  However, he looked earnest enough.  It made me wonder why on earth he felt the need to tell me that.  Maybe he was just a little nervous.  This was going to be our first time together and I’m sure he wanted it to be good.

I smiled to encourage him.  “Well, I’ve been thinking about this all day.  I couldn’t wait to get you alone tonight, away from all the guests, and the photographers.  I’ve wanted to do this with you for a long time now, but I’m glad we waited.  It will make tonight special.  I know the room’s a little kinky-looking, but I say we make the most of it.”

For a moment, he looked a little overwhelmed, but then he took a deep, steadying breath, and finished unbuttoning his shirt.  He quickly slipped out of it, and flung it over the back of the chair as if to let me know he could be reckless too if he put his mind to it.

It was those kind of innocent inhibitions that first attracted me to him.  He didn’t seem to know how very handsome he was and hadn’t had much experience with women.  I know he was a little on the shy side, quiet, and full of reserve—so different from the men I usually dated.  For once, I was going to be the wild and experienced one, and I liked that.  After all, I’ve never been impressed by a guy with a hundred notches on his headboard.

Stepping forward, I reached behind my back and worked to unclasp my bra.  I kept my eyes on his, knowing most guys got off on the direct contact, but he quickly lowered his gaze to the floor.  I noticed he was fumbling with his belt buckle.  Maybe he was actually just looking down to see what he was doing.

“Did you bring protection, darling?” I asked him, letting the straps of my bra slip from my shoulders. 

His head snapped up as my bra fell to the floor, but as soon as he got a good eyeful of my bare breasts, he looked away again.  I’d swear he was blushing.

“No, not really,” he stammered with uncertainty.  “I don’t have enough room in my wallet….”

“That’s okay.  I’ve got some.  It’s just that I thought you might have a personal preference.”  I grinned mischievously and stalked towards him.  “Like Trojans, extra-large?”

He looked up at me then, the slightest hint of a smile turning up the corners of his mouth.  He had a nice mouth, well shaped with a fullness you could almost call feminine.

I watched the smile fade from his face as his eyes slowly drifted from mine.  Lower and lower they sank, down the length of my body.

“Oh my god,” he murmured.  His eyes grew wider and wider, then began to glaze over in obvious lust.  “You’re beautiful.”

“And you’re sweet,” I cooed back.

As I let him look me over, I looked him over, but he wasn’t nearly as undressed as I was.  His belt was open and his pants were unzipped, but that was as far as he’d gotten.  Since he wasn’t making any effort to continue undressing, it occurred to me then, that maybe he’d rather not undress completely at first.  I really didn’t mind.  We could still do it.  All he had to do was pull it out.

“Honey, if you’d rather keep your pants on, that’s fine with me,” I told him, glancing up at his face.

At first, he seemed startled by my suggestion, but then appeared to be considering it.  Finally, he looked embarrassed, but he breathed out gently and nodded.

“Maybe, at first,” he admitted, shyly.  It was so cute.

From my purse, I fished out the small box of condoms that I’d picked up at the drugstore this morning—just in case he’d forgotten—and got one out.  Discarding my purse on the desk, I handed him the silver plastic packet and smiled at him again, trying to get him to relax.

He stared at the prophylactic a moment as if he wasn’t sure what I wanted him to do with it, but then he stashed it in his pants pocket and peered over at me with uncertainty.  He licked his lips as if his mouth had gone uncomfortably dry.

“I’m…um…not exactly ready yet,” he confessed with a sheepish expression.

I looked down at him, knowing what he meant.  Moving closer to him, I reached out my hand and ran the back of it along the side of his face.  His eyes fluttered shut and his pretty lips parted slightly.  His whole body felt like it shuddered beneath my hand.

He leaned back, bumping his head against the wall with a muffled thump.  Whether it was because he was a little weak-in-the-knees or whether he was trying to get away from me, it was hard to tell.

“Relax darling,” I whispered.  “We’re going to take this nice and easy.  Okay?”

He nodded.

I sunk to my knees in front of him and rubbed the heel of my hand over the ever increasing bulge in his pants.
He moaned softly and reached down to tangle his fingers in my hair.

I worked his fly open and pulled out his cock.  It felt hot and heavy in my hand despite the fact it wasn’t even fully erect.  I kissed the very tip, then swirled my tongue around the velvety head.  To me, there was nothing more luxuriously softer than the head of a penis.

“Does that feel good?” I questioned him.  It felt good to me.
He exhaled so forcefully above me that I felt his breath on my forehead.  I took that as a yes.

Slowly I slathered his shaft with my saliva, getting it all slippery and wet.  While I fondled his balls with my fingers, I took him fully into my mouth.  He twitched and grunted, encouraging me.  When I stroked him with my lips and tongue, he moaned deeply and rocked his hips forward to push himself farther down my throat.

“Oh god!” he whispered.  “Don’t stop!”

Actually, I was just getting started.  I wedged my hands in between him and the wall, and then grabbed his ass and squeezed it.  I moved my head down the length of him and as I drew back, I could feel his fingers and the muscles in his butt clench.  I kept sucking him off until I was sure he was primed and ready to go.

When I stopped and stood up, he groaned in protest.  It made me laugh.

“We’re taking this slow, remember?” I said.  “One thing at a time.  For now, just kiss me.”  I loosely wrapped my arms around his neck and turned my head opposite his to make it easier for him.

His eyes slowly opened and locked on mine with a surprising intensity.  He had really nice eyes.  Pale blue with long, thick lashes. 

Holding his gaze, I gave him my sultriest look, hoping to draw him closer to me.  I leaned forward and moistened my lips with the tip of my tongue.

He stared back at me, mesmerized.  Tentatively, he touched his mouth to mine.  I raised myself up on my toes and tightened my arms around his neck.  At first, he tensed, but then I could feel him bend towards me.  His eyes closed again, and he pressed his lips a little harder against mine this time.

I couldn’t help but moan—the sensation was so sweet.  It seemed to encourage him, spawning an even deeper kiss as his passion suddenly surged to the surface.

Now he was molding his body around mine, opening his mouth and moving his jaw, sliding his thick, wet lips back and forth over mine in ardent abandon.

He was a damned good kisser, and the way his curves fit around mine was making my body acutely aware of his body’s proximity.  My mind, like my body, was steadily succumbing to my desire for him, and even the slightest touch was igniting me now.  I didn’t know how much longer I could keep this going.  When he ran his hands over my shoulders and down my sides, it nearly made my head spin with arousal.

Not that I wasn’t having the same effect on him.  As he continued to kiss me, he was squeezing my tits and pinching my nipples, turning them into hard, hot little pebbles.  I could tell he liked the feel of them against his chest because more than once he would rub against their tips, tickling them with the soft hair covering the patch of skin between his pecs.  I smiled to myself, enjoying the novelty of this sensation.  There was so much we had yet to discover about each other. 

In the meantime, his mouth had strayed from mine, and now he was laving the side of my neck with his tongue, leaving a trail of moist warmth in its wake.  I could tell he was really getting into it now.  His inhibitions were starting to fold.

“Oh yes,” I sighed, hoping to spur him on.

“Yes?” he responded as if he didn’t hear me correctly or if he wasn’t sure that was an appropriate response.

“Yes,” I urged.  “That feels good.”

He raised his head from my throat and looked at me with wide incredulous eyes, seemingly amazed that he had done something right.

“More,” I went on.  “More.”

“Oh yes!” he readily agreed and gathered me into his arms.

He kissed my deeply, nearly picking me up off my feet.  Our positions got flipped somehow and now I was the one up against the wall.  That was a good thing because his kiss left me a little weak-in-the-knees myself.

Wrenching my mouth from his, I gasped for breath, clutching his shoulders to steady myself.  I felt him hesitate and pull away from me.

“No!  Don’t stop!” I ordered him and guided his head to my overly-sensitive tits. 

He got the hint and buried his face in the swell of my breasts, covering first one nipple, then the other.  He said something unintelligible, smothered by my flesh, but then he moaned happily and continued sucking and gnawing on me until I didn’t think I could stand anymore.

It was then I felt his hands trail over my stomach and hips to the waistband of my panties.  I thought he was going to pull them down, but his fingers kept retreating from the elastic like it burned them.

I teased the curve of his ear while he suckled me and murmured sounds of contentment, but I wasn’t exactly content at this point.  I was hoping he’d feel bold enough by now to just take my underwear off by himself, but when he didn’t, I knew I’d have to resort to a little more direction.
Gliding my hands over his shoulders and down his arms, I grasped his hands and moved them back to my panties.  Slipping his fingers beneath the waistband, I made small pulling motions with them against the elastic.

Thankfully, that was all it took.  In moments, his attention was re-directed from my wet, throbbing nipples to the small scrap of white lace that was the only barrier left between me, him, and our ultimate bliss.

Somewhat awkwardly, he dropped to his knees in front of me and rolled my panties down my thighs, momentarily tangling them in the high heels of my shoes.  I decided to help him out.  Bracing myself on his shoulder, I stepped out of them and nudged them aside.

He was staring rather unabashedly at me now while his fingers drew hesitant circles over the triangle of hair between my thighs.  He was acting as if he wasn’t quite sure what to do next, but knew he wanted to do something and soon. 

“Kiss me there,” I breathed, closing my eyes in anticipation and leaning my head back.  When nothing happened, I opened my eyes and peered down at him.

Again, that incredulous look; then he turned his eyes back on my beckoning thighs to concentrate on the task at hand.
I felt his fingers brush over my hair tentatively and then his hands shifted and parted my lips with a tender eagerness.  His mouth embraced my folds with a sensation of sweet, velvet warmth.  With his full lips pressed so tenderly against me, ripples of pleasure pulsed through my lower body.  I couldn’t help but moan, low and deep.

That seemed to urge him on.  He moaned too, and settled his mouth more securely over my throbbing lips.  He kissed my both deeply and delicately, flicking his tongue back and forth along my creases, pausing only to suck on my clit from time.  I felt the hardness of his teeth graze me and I cried out with encouragement.

His fingers probed between my legs, exploring and searching.  He slipped one inside me, nearly sending me over the edge.  I gripped his shoulders and writhed against the wall, biting my lower lip to keep from shrieking.

“More,” I managed to gasp.  “I want more!  Please!”

He slid another finger inside me and slathered my clit with his tongue.  My mind was spiraling now, climbing up and up and up.

When I was certain I was about to come, he suddenly shot to his feet and yanked down his pants, freeing his rather impressive erection at last.  He tore open the condom packet with his teeth and worked to roll it onto his cock.

“I can’t wait,” he announced rather apologetically.  “You’re just too damned hot.”

Appreciating the compliment, I grinned.  “Fuck me then.”
He flashed a rather sexy smile back at me and kissed me good and hard.  Then he reached down and grabbed the back of my thigh with one hand.  He raised my leg, spreading me wide open, and pushed himself into me with one smooth, impaling thrust of his hips.

I squeaked with delight.  The pressure and the fullness of him inside me felt incredible.  I knew he’d feel good, but good was hardly an adequate description for that searing, sweet penetration.  Then when he began to move, I was suddenly beyond thinking.  I could only feel.  And whimper and wail.

He pumped me slowly at first, but soon picked up the pace.  In no time, he was huffing and puffing like a locomotive and banging me so hard against the wall, the pictures were falling off.  The groan that escaped his throat sounded animal and primal.  It was like a growl and damned sexy too.

At this point, I was doing all I could just to stay upright.  More than once he had lifted me off the floor.  So I wrapped my arms around his neck, plastering myself against his molten-hot body, and went along for the ride.  Incredibly, he went even faster and pumped me even harder, grinding and slapping his flesh into mine like he’d just gotten a shot of adrenaline. 

I’d swear the temperature in the room had shot up to one hundred degrees in a matter of minutes and our skin was slippery with sweat as a result.  Our whole bodies were grinding together: up and down and in and out, down and up and out and in.  It was as if we were fusing ourselves to one another.  My heart was pounding so hard and fast now, I thought it would burst out of my chest.  Belatedly, I realized it was keeping perfect sync with his rhythm.  One thing was for sure, what he lacked in finesse, he made up for in ability.

In mere minutes he had effectively turned me into a writhing, twitching, clawing mass of wanton desire.  I could feel my mind slipping from the casing of my brain, experiencing those little snaps of ecstasy that precluded the earth-shattering orgasm that was sure to come.

“Yes!  Yes!” I shrieked.  “Oh yes!  Please!”

“Oh baby!” he shrieked back, then rumbled something I couldn’t decipher.  He gasped sharply and stabbed himself into me three hard times, and then he suddenly stopped.  His body seemed to freeze and then he shuddered almost violently with spasms of release, letting go a long, low moan in my ear as he came clenched to my body.

His coming sent me plummeting over the edge too.  My mind exploded in a shower of electric sparks, then everything went white, then black, then dim.  I felt like I was spinning; parts of me spiraling off in all different directions.  I couldn’t breathe.  I couldn’t see.  I couldn’t hear.  I was just gone.

Then, through my haze-filled brain, I sensed a warm softness brush my lips.  His kiss brought me floating back to earth like a prince in a fairy-tale.  I forced myself to breathe and opened my eyes. 

He was staring at me, smiling that incredibly sexy smile of his and stroking my arms with his hands.

“That was amazing,” he breathed.

I nodded in agreement.  I had to admit, I’d never been so well and thoroughly fucked before.

“You were amazing,” I managed to say.  I paused to lick my lips and kiss him again.  “The idea of doing a virgin really made me hot.  Do you think the waiting made it better?”

He grinned and brushed a lock of stray hair from my face.  “But I couldn’t wait,” he pointed out.  “I couldn’t keep up the virgin act.  I told you, I’m not very good at role-playing.”

I smiled.  “You were infuriatingly convincing at first.  You only lost it after you started going down on me.  Let’s face it.  No virgin would know how to orally do a woman like you do.”

He offered me an endearing shrug and kissed me again, then eased himself out of me and rolled the soiled condom off his softening cock.  “What am I going to do with this?  If I throw it in the trash, they’re going to know someone was here.”

“They’ll know someone was in here anyway once we get the room decorated,” I told him.  “We’ll just bury it in crepe paper or something.”  I turned to look at the grocery bag of party supplies we had yet to unpack. 

He sighed.  “I suppose we better get started if we’re going to have this done before they get here.”

I dismissed the notion with a wave of my hand.  “It’s early still.  The reception is just getting underway.  Don’t make me climb back into all that poufy pink taffeta yet.  Besides, we’ve still got two rubbers lefts.”

He had bent over to pick up his pants, but stopped and was eyeing me curiously now.  “Do we even have to decorate the room?  I mean, let’s face it, my brother’s not going to be looking around at balloons and crepe paper.  He’s going to be too busy ogling his new bride.”

I considered this.  The bride just happened to be my best friend, but would she care if her honeymoon suite wasn’t decorated?  It was her mother’s idea actually.  That told me no.

“Hmm, let’s see,” I said, pretending to think long and hard.  “Decorate or fornicate?  That’s a tough decision.”

He smiled wickedly and wrapped his arms around me.  “How about if I help you decide?”  With that he kissed me.  God, he was a good kisser. 

I reached for the box of condoms.


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