Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1693204-Moni-ch2
by Timmie
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1693204
Ch.2 of my book. I'll edit it more later.
                                                                    CHAPTER 2

  The next morning, I went through the usual and tedious routine of getting ready for school. I had mixed emotions about the day ahead of me. On the good side, I would be able to see Damion. But on the bad side, I would have to end it with J.T after three long years. I bid my farewells to the entire family and then left for school.
  I usually met up with J.T at the corner, but today was different. He was waiting for me at the stop sign. We stood there and just stared at each other. I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off. “Moni look, I’m sorry. My anger got the best of me and I just lost it. I know I took it too far last night. I didn’t mean what I said, and I’m sorry for calling you that. I love you,” he apologized. I didn’t care, enough was enough. “J.T, I can’t take it anymore. You’ve hurt me long enough. I love you deeply, but all you seem to do lately is make me feel worthless. The first time you put your hands on me like you did last night, you promised that you would never do it again and I believed you. I believed you. But you broke that promise, like so many others. I just can’t make that same mistake again. I’m sorry, but I just can’t do it anymore,” I tried to explain in the best way I could. “So what are you trying to say?” he queried. “I’m saying that it’s over,” I retorted, starting to walk away. He grabbed my arm and snatched me back. “Now you listen, I’m the best thing that ever happened to you. I said I was sorry, didn’t I? That should be good enough. There are plenty of girls that want me, but I chose you. You should be lucky that I even gave you a second thought. I don’t know why though! I mean look at you, you’re not all that special-” he dropped my arm. Damion had just walked up.
  “I don’t know who you’re looking at, but she is one of the most beautiful girls in the world and she is very special. You are the lucky one. I don’t know how you ended up with a girl like her in the first place,” Damion said. He couldn’t have come at a better time. I ran to his side. “Now you listen,” Damion demanded, moving closer to J.T, “if you ever call her that again or put your hands on her ever again, I will make it my mission to make sure you never do or say anything else.”
  “Is that a threat, Damion? I would like to see you try!” J.T laughed. “No, it’s a guarantee.” I could sense the tension in the air. “Damion, come on. Remember what you told me last night, he’s not worth it,” I interjected, tugging at his arm. He hesitated before moving. He grabbed my hand and turned towards the school. “Oh, I see what’s going on. You and him hooked up, didn’t you? How cute! The two oreos together at last! You think he’s better than me? Ha!” J.T shouted. I became enraged. “I know he’s better than you! You are nothing and you never will be! You’re lower than dirt. You think you’re the best I can do? Well, I just did better! You were the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to me! I don’t know what I was thinking! Just stay away from me. You are dead to me now.” I turned around and spat back at him. I was to the point of tears, but I refused to let him see me cry. All he could do was stand there, with the dumbest look on his face. I turned back around and continued walking to school with Damion.
  When we finally arrived at school, people were staring at us as if we were famous. Melissa, my other best friend, took one look at us and said, “It’s about time! I take it you broke it off with J.T and turned to Damion. It makes me proud. I always knew you two would end up together!”
  “Oh you did, did you?” Damion asked her, slightly smiling. She just rolled her eyes in her don’t-be-so-stupid way. We all entered the school to more shocked faces. Some people were smiling; other people were frowning as if to say that this was a bad trade off. They thought J.T was the perfect catch, a real Saint. Bull! I didn’t care what they said; none of them knew the J.T I did.
  Damion walked me to my first period class while Melissa stopped at her locker. “I have practice until 5:30 today, so I won’t be able to walk you home,” he informed me. “I have to stay after anyway. The Drama Club is meeting until 5:00. We’re going over play ideas and decide what we’re going to perform next month,” I responded. “Okay, I guess that’ll work. I’ll see you later then,” he said before bending down to kiss me.
  It was as if the day went into hyper drive after that. We accomplished nothing at the meeting as always, and ended up staying an extra five minutes. I left as soon as I could, hoping that I would get a chance to catch Damion at one of their breaks. The only person I saw was J.T.
  “J.T, what do you want?” I asked.
  “Moni, I just want to talk to you. Don’t do this to me! I 
  love you and I can’t let you go. Please, take me back.”
  “No! I refuse to let you hurt me again. Besides, I thought I told you to stay away from me.” I started to walk away, but he stood in front of me. “No, I can’t do that! I love you too much!” he tried to kiss me, but I pushed him away. “J.T, what are you doing? I said leave me alone! I don’t want anything to do with you!”
  “He could never love you the way I do!”
  “I don’t know what you call love, but cheating on me
  and hitting me isn’t exactly what comes to my mind!”
  “Come on. Don’t be like that! You know I didn’t mean
  “Bullshit! That is such bullshit and you know it! You
always do this! Every time we break up after you do something stupid and I get a little attention from somebody else, you pull this sad, sob story out the crack of your ass and I fall for it! But not this time. Never again,” I saw his nose tense up, this meant that he was getting frustrated. I knew something bad was about to happen.
  I backed up and tried yet again to walk away; however, J.T had other ideas. He grabbed me by my ponytail and pulled me back. “J.T, what are you doing? Let me go!” I screamed. He slapped me so hard that I fell. I was unable to move or cry out for help. It was as if fear and shock had paralyzed me.
  He climbed on top of me, and slapped me repetitively until I started to bleed. I tried to fight back, but my attempts were useless. He easily overpowered me. He pinned me to the ground and pulled out a pocket knife.
  He slashed my shirt open and pulled up my skirt. “NO! J.T STOP! PLEASE, DON’T DO THIS!” I begged him, crying with every word that I said. “Shut up, bitch, or I’ll slice your fucking throat open!” he put the knife against my neck.
  I felt him push into me over and over again. It was the worst feeling that I had ever felt before. I prayed for it to stop, but it seemed like it never would. At that point, all I could do was put my hands on my face and cry.
  After about five minutes, it finally stopped. The knife scrapped against my leg as he pulled my skirt back down. He stood up, pulled up his pants, and looked down at me, smiling, and said, “That’s the only thing you were good for anyway.” He walked away as if nothing had happened.
  Unable to move, I just laid there on the ground. Everything on my body ached. My leg was now throbbing with pain from where the knife had cut my thigh. The pain between my legs was almost unbearable. But I couldn’t cry anymore, the tears wouldn’t come down.
  I could feel the blood trickle down my leg and face. Suddenly, everything became dark.

© Copyright 2010 Timmie (timmie92 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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