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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1692977
The Devil Runs Loose in heaven
The underworld is full of thousands of frightening demons. some of which you couldnt even find in your wildest dreams. and when these demons, comanded by lucifer, are sent to destroy god and his army of angels, thats when hell truly breaks loose.

"Sir important information has surfaced" says Commander Seraphiel one of the highest ranking generals in the Angelic Army. "what news have you?" god says in his booming voice that compares only to the roll of thunder. "lucifer plans a rebellion, thousands of demonic spirits at his command." God thinks to himself that the forces at his desposal are more than a match for the forces of satan."Hold regular defnses and they shall not pass." Says god with much confidence. "sir therin lies the problem." replies general Seraphiel. "What?" "the demons are already here."

Lucifer steers his mount through the gates of heaven surrounded by his minons. Demons of every kind at his side. Wyverns, Minotaurs, Centaur Archers and Swordsman, The thousands of Dammned souls from hell and many others.
His steed being one of the larger demons from hell, Cerberus, The mighty 3 Headed beast, allowed him to move throught the front gates of heaven with little resistance. His Commanding officer, Semiazas, was station directly at his masters side awaiting orders patiently. " Send in the minotaurs, allows them to wreak havoc until the last of them falls and report to me when it is done." said satan in his sly voice, almost a whisper, such as that of a snake. Semiazas took flight on his dark wings and went to the minotaurs. "your orders are clear," he said with his voice amplifed so that the entire collection of minotaurs could hear him clearly. "You are to enter in and eliminate all who oppose you and wreak as much havoc as you can. leave none alive but for a messenger to deliver this message 'Your armies shall fall soon enough Father and your kingdom shall be overrun by Lucifer, lord of the underworld' " and with his final words the Minotaurs sped off into the front gates.

God sat on his throne and pondered his options, he could use his power to eliminate the entire army in a single blow but that would also risk many angel casualties. his only other option was to send in his armies to defeat the invading forces. "Commander, you will take you forces and meet our guests at the front gate. make sure they dont get far." so Seraphiel traveled on the wind to gether his forces to stop Lucifer from overcoming God.

When he arrived at the barracks the troops stood quickly and snapped to attention. "We have a situation, Lucifer has gathered an army of demons and has entered throught the gates. Our job is to stop them before they reach gods sanctuary." "YES SIR" all the angels replied in unison and they fell out to the armory where the most powerful weapons imaginable were kept. They donned their armor and flew away to engage in the battle.

The minotaurs had began their fight with the lower angels and were killing them off one by one. few minotaurs had been killed at this point but there were already hundreds of angelic casualties. the soldiers arrived and formed for attack. The Leader of the minotaurs spoke loudly, "Your efforts are useless, we shall over run you and this glorious kingdom shall belong to Lucifer!" and with that the minotaurs charged their new targets, but the angels were prepared for their blind assault.

"Archers at the ready!' yelled Seraphiel. The soldiers did not have to carry their bows on teir backs for they were taught to use gods power of light and create bows out of the light. They pulled back the bow and glittering arrows of light appeared and were fired repeatedly on the minotaur threat, crushing it quickly. they left one minotaur alive and gave him the chance to repent for his sins and fight for god. "Minotaur, you have sinned greatly but we are merciful. if you wish to repent for your sins now all will be forgiven and you shall be made into an angel and you may fight with us. the choice is yours." Said Seraphiel to the young minotaur. "If the chance to repent for my wrongdoingd is open then i shall happily take it." replied the minotuar and he prayed and became a beautiful angel donned in armor of light ready to battle Lucifer.

"Sir the angels have crushed the minotaurs and have shown one repentence, as we speek more and more angels are gathering to fight against you." Said Semiazas. "Send in... the Golems." replied Lucifer. The golems were giant creatures of stone the hight of 12 Skyscrapers and they were given the power of the elements. Lucifer had 12 at his command whilst god had only 4. The golems were released from captation in the lowest depths of hell and they were brought immediately to Lucifer, bound by chains of black fire. "You are now being presented with the chance to gain your freedom! Golems if you figtht by my side and help me to conquer the kingdom of heaven you will be greatly rewarded." The golems spoke in a language of their own and said "we shall help you." and they were released and as they charged through the gates of heaven the angels waiting were paralyzed with fear at the new evil they had benn presented with.

"Angels we must perservere, we can not let heaven fall to darkness. we shall ather our few golems to aid in this fight but we as angels must use our powers to crush this enemy as well, let us fight for the glory of God." with this the angles rose into the air and began charging at the golems, bolts of powerful lightning being released from their hands. the golems were too strong, and they couldnt seem to do any damage. the golems were throwing fire and manipulating the wind to keep the angels from getting to close. When the golems of Heaven arrived the battle was evened out a little bit but the angles were still held at a stand still. When all hope seemed lost Am mighty white dragon appeared from the sky. Breathing blue flames he swooped down and made short work of the golems all except for one who they gave the option for repentence and he too accepted.

Satan sat on the back of cerberus and was starting to doubt his forces all that remained of his army were the Centaurs, the damned souls,his own dark angels, and the Wyverns. It was then that he had a brilliant idea. " Semiazas, tell the wyverns to depart next and allow the souls to be carried on their backs and the sould who remain shall enter on the centaurs." if this should fail also prapare the dark angels for battle for they will fly in ahead of me and i too will enter the fray."

Semiazas did as he was told and shortly after the departure of the remaining soldiers he turned to Lucifer and asked "do you really think that well will be able to defeat the lords armies?" Satan with a smile stretched wide across his face replied "no Semiazas, but i can and after i destroy his angels and golems the only thing standing between God and myself is his dragon. and i have a surprise for him. after which god himself will be forced to enter this battle and it is then i shall conquer him. on my own. and there are still beasts at my disposal that i may use as i deem appropriate"

God sat in his sanctuary wishing he hadnt had to use his dragon. it was to be a last resort and it seemd as though that was the only thing he could do to stop his angels from being conquered. He was watching this battle closely, looking for Lucifer but saw him no where. He wondered why Lucifer concealed himself and why not just enter the fray and finish the angels with his power. he could draw no logical answer so he just waited knowing he dare not enter the fight himself lest his power be too much.

"CHARGE!!!!!" screamed the Centaurs as the entered the gate. the angels thought this would be a easy defeat and as they swooped in and began to attack the tide of battle was then turned when the wyverns carrying the souls of the damned swooped in and began their attack.

The angels were overwhelmed almost instantly, surrounded in the air and on the ground and they were slaughtered like pigs within the hour. Now god having no other choice sent in his mighty dragon to vanquish his remanding enemies. Lucifer however had seen this coming and sent in his angels. But he did not forsee the dragons amazing power and whit a blast of blue flames that eurupted from its mouth all of the angels were not destroyed... But purified them and laid them gently to rest. Satan, now angered beyond belief, sent for the hydra. the most powerful beast at his disposal and the hydra began to tear at the dragons side. the dragon roared in pain as he fell to the ground. but it recovered quickly and tore off the hydras head, only to be replaced by two more of equal strength. the heads twisted and snapped at the dragon and contiued to wound the dragon while it continued to rip off head after head. The dragon was weakening and couldnt take much more of the pain that the thousands of head were inflicting upon it but with one final swoop the dragon reached the underbelly of the great beast and ripped out its heart before it fell to the ground dead.

Lucifer and God now out of options now faced for the final battle. "Well well well we have finnaly exposed ourself have we?" spat satan in his snake-like voice. "Yes i have and i have come to banish you once again from my kingdom." Boomed The Lord. "You will trouble the world with your sins no longer!!!!!" and he generated a giant bolt of lightning at Cerberus which killed the beast instantly. Lucifer jumped of at the moment of impact and sent a string of black fire at god. God brought a field of light to deflect the flames and then sent another bolt of light at satan. Satan turned into a snake and retreated back and slithered away from god only to be attacked again at his moment of transformation back. Lucifer spread his wings and took off into flight sending ball after ball of black fire at god who was hit repeadedly. until he fell. but as satan relented his assault god sent a giant bolt of lightning at Satan knocking him from the sky and destroying his wings. God walked over to Lucifer and kneeled beside him. "your reign of terror is finished. your chances for repentence have been abolished and i shall again banish you from this kingdom back to hell not as the ruler... but as a damned soul forever sentenced to the tourture of 1000 fires. there you will stay for the rest of eternity." And with that god placed his hand upon satans head. withdrawing satans powers and sending him back to hell now moniterd but god. the all knowing and merciful.
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