Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1692906-July-23rd
Rated: 13+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1692906
Mouring of..
Well i didn't get to sleep in this mouring because Gena, Jenny and my "best friend" Emma all decided to keep hitting me up til i had no choice but to get up. Here's a lil about Emma she's my "best friend" but i use quotes cus were not as close as we used to be. Anyway Emma is on her way here, it's like old times, I'm excited to spend some time with her.

So i wake up at like 6amish, and Gena tells me she sent me a letter, so i go and read it and I'm thinking it's one of them nice romantic letters she occasionally sent me. Well it was ok at the beginning but then she got into her relationship with Matt and how he's what she want, the husband, the housee, the kids, and she said she just can't see herself with a girl. Talk about Ouch! I'm not gona lie. That did hurt me. Then she goes on about what will other people think, like she cares so much what others will think if she with another girl.

I've been come to the conclusin that Gena and I will never have a real relationship. She just reassured me of that with the letter. So i ask myself, what's the point of us then? Eventually were gona hafta split apart, and it's gona be hard on us later on. I've gotten myself in a real bad situation. Blah!

On another note Jenny and I are planning her next visit, which I'm really looking forward to, cus we will be celebrating her bday and she is finally legal so we can do things i enjoy together.

Well i guess that's it for now. Til then.. L8erz!
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