Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1692495-Thoughts-At-Play
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1692495
random thoughts
Why do we put so much thought into things, yet so little feeling. Where's the compassion gone to? We don't care, as long as we are warm, fed, and have everything our little hearts desire, who cares about Bob the homeless wino down the street who we walk by everyday but ignore . We make excuses as to why we can't give him our lose change. He should get a job! Did we ever think that he has probably tried to get employment a million times? Did we ever think that it wasn't his choice to sleep in the cold alleyway and collect his meals from various dumpsters? No I don't think we did. I don't think we even care. In the back of our minds we see him as something that is less then human, animal even.

Another excuse we tell ourselves is that he will just use the money we give him to buy cigarettes, alcohol and drugs, we don't comprehend that if we are living on the street those three things are staples of life. If Bob can forget for a few days about where he is, and why he is there, then I am proud that I could be a part of that. I want him to forget, I want him to have the ability to sleep in a bed. I want Bob to remember his mother, and father and remind him there is some hope. We tell ourselves there is no point in giving out change, because one person can't make a difference. Well that's loser talk, there is no such thing as can't, only won't! We can make a difference each and everyone of us. Even if we do it in the smallest ways possible. Donating food at the food bank, volunteering at a shelter. I know your bored sitting around the house on Sunday, so make a difference in someone else's life, remember it doesn't always have to be about you. It has to be about us. The human race, every colour, every shape, every financial state. We are all alike, we have to re learn compassion, we had it once. YOU had it once. Now look back, and ask yourself what happened? Why can't you still be the same loving human being people once saw you as. Maybe you think people still see you as that. Maybe you figure that you have done enough in your life. Well sorry, but being a considerate, compassionate human being is actually a life long thing, and you signed up the moment you came out of the womb. So lets be the best we can, for our own sakes.
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