Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1692042-A-War-Before-a-War-3-Hells-Higway
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1692042
A war before a war 3: Hell's Highway part 2
The cave simply was raised in that point, Storm had monitored the Rash'eed communications, and was convinced that the repairs from Bombardment were just now starting. Assuming which they were able to break through enemy forces to get through the cave, to have reinforcements follow in after them, to break through towards the lower levels, eliminate a ungodly large number of hostiles. Everything a stroll by the park. The voice of one of the C-130 pilots came Storm's radio. "We are 10 minutes away from your position … I repeat, we are 10 minutes away.

Sergeant Emmanuel stood up watching his troops. A voice came by radio from Storm "Very Well, load up and make a LZ, so this C-130 doesn't get blown out of the sky."

Sergeant Emmanuel spoke to the troops both Marines and Army "The Rash'eed is throwing an open house and you've just been invited. Storm enters the cave first, so wait till he gives the okay. Not for you, but to me I like to have someone who will cover our pussy behinds in the battle, so just in case you decide to run off you don't die doing so."

There was a general outburst of laughter.

Emmanuel ran a smirk by Storm, being supported by someone other than a Defense Desk Jockey was both a relief and gratitude towards Storm for arriving to quell the fighting. Storm mentally reviewed the plan, which required him and a Designated Marksman to advance in front of the 94th Mechanized, 37th Marine Regiment and the a couple guys from the 94th special war-borne. He and the marksman would clean the way, once Rash'eed defenses were cleared, the Marines would advance. Followed closely by 94th Mechanized and war-borne. Storm and his selected marksman would lay down cover fire allowing the troops to move and position themselves in safe areas to fire against the Rash'eed.

Storm radioed to the Sergeant "Make sure everyone is totally loaded with extra ammunition, grenades, night vision and plenty of water."

"I'm coming in!" The pilot announced. The plane skidded across the makeshift landing strip, doors swinging open while doing so. Storm grabbed both a M24 bolt action rifle and AS50 anti-materiel rifle. He tapped Bailey on the shoulder.
"How much do you know about firing a rifle for distance?" Looking confused as to why he would ask her, she noticed both the AS50 and M24. "Uh...If you don't mind me asking what is that for?" Ignoring her question he asked again. "Do you know how to fire long distance?" She replied both shocked and amused "No" He stared at her for a moment eyes hidden by his visor.Then broke the moment silence. "Follow me." handing her the M24.

Minutes later, the C-130 was in the air again. The pilot made a turn and disappeared into the night.

Storm listened to the roar of the engines overhead.

The Special War-borne men dispersed to each side of the cave opening, then Sergeant Emmanuel's Platoon and the rest of the 94th Mechanized moved to the right side while the 37th Marine moved left. Storm and Bailey advanced through the cave opening to where they were about 14 feet above a series of cliff edges the highest being the one they were currently situated. They continued towards the edge of the cliff.

Dots began appearing on Storms GPS visor. "I count 20 even, one gun placement. We need to take that down first or we'll be stuck here." Storm handed Bailey the M24 already loaded, he then loaded the AS50 for himself. Judging by the lighting and steel along the wall's the Rash'eed had been here for quite some time the inside even had Air conditioning once you made it past the secondary doors. Storm wondered "What the hell? Why would they take so much effort to complete a electrical system? Yet their having trouble finding the weapon beneath the surface."

In the end, he would make sure that no Rash'eed would ever live to find it. Storm found a place of cover next to a boulder that was twice his size, Bailey raised her rifle, and placed the cross-hairs abruptly on the gunner so far below her.

There were many foot soldiers, but it was imperative to eliminate the gunner, before anyone advanced towards the opening. Storm's armor could probably handle a large of sustained fire. But her and the others, would not survive if the the fire was constantly on them. Storm activated the AS50 scope. He then strung a belt through, waiting, finger on the the trigger. He radio to Bailey "Whenever your ready."

The rifle kicked on the Marines shoulder. The first shot was taken by the gunner in the chest. While the man fell, Storm aimed towards the right, and fired three times. 4 out of twenty were down. The sound of Storm's rifle alerted the Rash'eed who returned fire to their unknown assailants. Bailey fire twice more, falling another enemy. Bailey reloaded while Storm gave out 3 more rounds taking down 2. , Storm bolted from behind the rock, jumped down switching to his M16A4. He commanded Bailey to continue to fire. "Move!" he barked through the radio. In seconds, the Marine's entered towards Bailey, rifles firing. While the Marines entered, an enemy sharpshooter returned fire, shooting one in the face, and another in the abdomen. The body of the marine shot first not yet had touched the cave floor when the Storm returned the favor for the dead marine by unloading the entire 5.56 cartridge into the enemy combatant. The firing made echoes through the cave. The rest of the fighting force joined him at the bottom of the cave entrance. Storm pushed the open button on the automatic door, filling the hall with bright white light. Time to move forward.
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