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by shiki
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Drama · #1691835
The burning flame of forbidden love
Undying love

Chapter 1- unknown feelings
I was born in Tokyo, in the district of Akiba (Akihabara), on august 17, 18 years ago. For 12 years I led a happy and carefree life together with my loving mother and my strong and kind father. But little did I know this carefree and happy life was about to come to an end the way it did.
2003, on the day of my 12th birthday my father had an accident on his way home from work, he had been working late that day and was in a hurry to come home for my birthday… so he went over the speed limit and ended up crashing onto a truck. The front of his car was completely crushed by the truck and my father suffered instant death, the truck driver also suffered some serious wounds but he survived, he was later held responsible for my father’s death because apparently he was nearly sleeping on the wheel.
After this event my mother was torn with grief but even so she still found the strength to raise me all by herself. For 6 long years I lived alone with my mother helping her anyway I could, but in the end it always seemed impossible to bring back her beautiful smile… or so I though. Recently mom has found herself a boyfriend. He is a teacher at my school called Oogami Kazuma, he’s still very young and I can’t go against it when my friends say he’s beautiful. But that aside, I haven’t seen mom so happy in a long time so everything should be fine BUT… recently I have been strangely aware of Kazuma-san, everything about him seems to attract me! This is really bad, plus his stupid flirty personality is not helping solve my problem, this is unbearable! What should I do!? I know! For now I’ll write down the events of my problematic youth in a diary maybe it’ll help somehow… 
A normal Monday morning with my young stepfather, I wake up to the sound of Kazuma-san knocking on my room’s door. As usual I refuse to get up and turn around in my bed to face away from the door.
- come on Hikari, it’s time to go to school! – His male voice shouted while slowly opening the door.
- Ughm… - I mumbled grabbing my pillow and pushing it against my chest. He approached the bed.
- come on! If you don’t get up in five seconds I’ll tickle you in funny places… - he whispered these words in my ear and as usually I still refused to get up (for some stupid reason!), so he proceeded to fulfill his threat and began to softly tickle my waist.
- Hahahhah!! S-stop! Haha… - I cried out as usual as I felt his strong hands touch my body.
- Come on Hikari, if you don’t get up soon I’ll do something worse – he threatened and I gave up, finally deciding to get up.
- Alright, alright! I’ll get up, so please GET OUT!! – I ordered him bluntly since my pajamas are somewhat see through. In a few minutes I put on my school uniform, fixed my hair and headed to the kitchen downstairs.
- Morning mom! – I greeted happily as I entered the kitchen and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek, receiving one from her too – Morning Kazuma-san – I painfully greeted also giving him a kiss and receiving a discrete lick on the ear that sends a chill up my spine (STUPID PERVERTED IDIOT!!!). Done with the greetings I sat down at the table, drank the hot cup of milk my mother prepared and ate a toast with butter.
- Bye honey – Kazuma said to my mother giving her a small kiss on the lips – see you later Hikari, don’t be late – he said to me while giving me a kiss on the forehead. After all that he left for work and a few minutes later I finished my breakfast and prepared to leave too, I gave my mom a kiss, said goodbye and headed out for school. Not long after I exited my house I found my friend Madoka.
- Ohayo Madoka! – I happily greeted her with a tap on the back.
- Ha! Ohayo Hikari-Chan! – She replied cheerfully – so how are things in the house?
- (no matter how close we are I can’t tell her about my feelings for Kazuma. Wait. WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?! WHAT FEELINGS?!) – I though.
- Hikari-Chan? What’s wrong? – My cheerful friend asked worried (of course!)
- Oh! Sorry, it’s nothing. Everything’s fine at home. Mom’s really happy and sensei is really nice (TOO NICE!!), so yeah everything’s going well.
- Tchee… I still can’t believe my cute sensei married your mom…
- Ah! Hehehe… yyyeah… me neither…
- What?
- Eh?! Oh nothing, nothing. Let’s get going, or we’ll be late.
With that I grabbed my friends hand and we ran to school together. The path was beautiful as always since we’re in the middle of spring right now and the sakura trees are in full bloom. The streets are covered with the cute little flowers that fall from their branches and I really love the way it makes everything look like a fairytale.               
- Ha! Shouma-kun! – Madoka shouted when we arrived at the school’s gate and spotted Shouma waiting with his back against the wall                                                                  - Oh, morning Madoka… - he replied indifferently (damn tundra prince) 
- Morning Shouma-kun! – She replied happily. He then turned to me, facing me with those piercing green eyes of his.
- Umm… morning Shouma-kun… - I greeted with an uncertain voice, the reason for this is the fact that every time he greets me he gives me a kiss on the forehead and since we’re both popular at school it sends anyone watching into an uproar.
- Good morning Hikari. – He greeted with the usual kiss…
- Tchee… why does Hikari-Chan get special treatment? – Madoka asked, crossing her arms – it’s because you like her right? Right? - As always she loves to tease Shouma about everything.
- oh come on, it is, isn’t it’ admit it, hehe – she was having a blast with this, as usual (man Madoka’s evil sometimes)
- come on. Break it up you tow we have to get to class. And with that I once again dragged my feisty friends to class and the first period passed uneventfully.
At lunch time the three of us went to the roof together, I managed to get the keys from Kazuma-san after a little bribe with a… forget it. So we went up to the roof together to eat lunch. I really like our schools rooftop since it offers a really beautiful view of the town and because I’m the only one with the keys it’s also a very quiet and comforting space, perfect for a bit of relaxation after going through the noise of the school halls all day. Well there’s also another reason as to why we come here, in truth Shouma and I are very popular with the other students so we tend to stand out a bit wherever we go, so this is really the only place where we can relax.
- Ne Hikari, how’s life at your house now that your mom married Kazuma-sensei, everything okay? – Shouma asked me with a concerned voice.
- Moo-o, what’s with you two asking me the same thing everyday?! I already told you everything’s fine! – I replied annoyed.
- We’re just worried – Madoka said, trying to sound like an angel
- Yeah right, you’re just annoyed that sensei is not free anymore. Hehe
- Wha?! Hey! No I’m not! – Madoka retaliated, patting me on the back.
- Hahahhah, yes you are, Haha!!- I replied laughing my butt off because of her face. Madoka always acts like a little kid whose toy was stolen when it comes to Kazuma.
- okay! Maybe… a little bit…
- Hehe, I knew it but… don’t be, there are plenty other men out there. So… you don’t have to anguish over an older guy like him.
- Yeah, I know… I’m fine! – Madoka tells me with her usual smile but I’m not convinced, even tough I don’t really know how it feels I can still imagine how hard it must be for her, to see the person she loved for so long be taken away from her, right in front of her eyes, it must be incredibly painful. I guess, because the one who stole him away was my mother I feel kind of responsible for her broken heart so I want to comfort her, little did I know at the time what troubles and complications lied in wait for us in the near future. Anyway the rest of the day went by normally and soon it was time to go home.
- See you tomorrow Madoka-Chan, Shouma-kun. – I said to my friends as we parted at the school gate.
- Yeah, good bye Hikari-chan! – Madoka replied followed by Shouma:
- Bye Hikari
But just as the tow of them were about to head home Kazuma-san appeared behind me and disrupted the whole scene.
- Hikari. – He called out to me. Madoka was static and Shouma had an irritated look on his face for some reason.
- Y-yes! – I replied feeling somewhat uncomfortable with the situation.
- Kumiko asked if you could go shopping with me for tonight’s dinner. Apparently she’s not very confident in my shopping skills…
- Oh, um… Sure it’s no problem, we should hurry then – I replied, trying to get Kazuma away from Madoka as quickly as possible, but as we headed out I still overheard my friends having the following disturbing conversation:
- Hey Shouma-kun, why do you look so angry? – Madoka asked him with curiosity.
- It’s that guy… the way he looks at Hikari… I don’t like it.
- Eh? What do you mean?
- I mean… it’s like… AAAAHH!! IT’S TOO EMBARASSING TO SAY!!!
- WHAT?! No way! Come on tell me, tell me!!
- NO!!
- Why?!
- Because!
- come oooonnn!!
- AAARGH!!! Alright! It’s like he wants to fuck her! There. Happy!?
- Ha… umm… yeah…we should go.
- Why?
- Because… the whole school just heard that…
- WHAT!?
- forget it let’s go!
And Madoka dragged him out of the scene. At the time I sincerely hoped Kazuma-san didn’t hear them. I wondered how Shouma managed to reach that embarrassing conclusion simply by analyzing the way Kazuma-san looks at me.
Anyway I and Kazuma-san went shopping together. Shopping with Kazuma-san was actually pretty funny, he didn’t know anything and I had to take care of him like he was a child, plus the ladies at the supermarket must have tough we were a young married couple because they looked really jealous and that made me kind of happy. Anyway  after we were done shopping Kazuma-san asked me if we could go to the park near my house for a little while, I wondered why he would want to go there but ended up saying yes, so we went there and putting the bags on the floor, sat down on a wooden bench under a sakura tree. We had to brush off some petals before we sat down since everything is covered with the stuff these days.
- Umm… if I may ask, why did we come here? – I asked politely, he looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes and I sensed a chill in my spine.
- Actually I wanted to talk to you. – I can’t begin to describe how those words made me feel. I don’t think I’d ever felt my heart race so much as it did on that moment.
- Oh! I see… could this be some kind of attempt to get to know me better? – I told him while gazing firmly at the ground. I was getting embarrassed beyond words; it was the first time I was ever in that kind of a situation.
- Perhaps… but I’m afraid I want to be more than just your stepfather… - while saying this his voice changed into a softer one, at the time my innocence kept me from knowing the reason. Although deep inside my racing heart I still felt that the atmosphere had changed into a more romantic one.
- Then… a friend? – I asked timidly with trembling voice, at this he approached me, our faces nearly touching, I felt the piercing gaze of his blue eyes looking only at me. He placed a hand on my cheek and came even closer, our foreheads were touching.
- More… - he was breathing hard, his lips approached mine so close I could feel his breath enter my partly open mouth. My face must have been as red as a tomato because, for a moment, my body tingled all over and I felt so hot I though I was gonna faint.
- haa… - I moaned softly, my mind was going blank with pleasure, his touch was like the sweetest candy in the world, I was ready to let him do whatever he wanted to me on that moment, I truly believe that even if I’d tried to escape my body wouldn’t have listened to me, since every fiber of my being was eagerly awaiting his touch, but just before his lips touched mine he sighted and lowered his head down to my neck witch he proceeded to kiss passionately causing me to moan again. I could feel the wetness of his tongue touch the soft skin of my snow white neck and his tender lips rub it as he moved.
- sigh… I need to control myself… - he mumbled softly as he stopped the kiss and put some distance between us.
- k-kazuma-san… - I mumbled, unable to think of anything with the confusion this scene was causing in my head.
- forget this scene… I’m sorry… - and with those words he left, leaving me behind confused and somewhat sad. Afterwards I sat there alone for a while, staring into the nothingness until I finally decided to go home, I still can’t believe what happened that day, it just seems so wrong. I tried my hardest to forget that scene as he told me and as my heart told me but for some reason I just couldn’t erase it from my mind, no matter how hard I tried. It just kept coming back every time I saw his face.
That’s why on the next day, in the morning I simply wouldn’t look Kazuma-san in the eye and kept avoiding him all the time, I just hoped mom didn’t notice the awkward mood between us and my strange behavior patterns. When I arrived at school I found my tow friends waiting for me at the gate as usual.
-          Good morning Madoka- chan, Shouma-kun – I greeted as usual.
-          Morning – Shouma replied, gently kissing my forehead which for some reason managed to calm me a bit that day.
-          Good morning! – Madoka greeted cheerfully.
Suddenly I realized that Shouma was looking at me strangely.
-          Shouma-kun is something wrong?
-          Yeah… umm… what’s that mark on your neck? – He asked pointing his index finger at the place in question.
-          Mark? – I replied confused, placing my hand over the place he pointed.
-          Here. – Madoka stated taking a mirror from the pocket of her skirt and passing it to me; I took the mirror from her hand and tried to find the right place by moving the mirror around my neck area. When I found it I was faced with the difficult revelation that the said mark was actually what appeared to be a kiss mark probably originating from the events of the previous day. I panicked, how could Kazuma-san have left a piece of such obvious evidence of our misconduct like that.
-          You know… that kind of looks like a kiss mark. – Shouma stated making my heart beat a hundred times faster.
-          Guy!? What guy!? I didn’t do anything! This is probably just some insect bite!!- I answered in a panic, probably not sounding very convincing.
-          Uummmm… I’m not convinced but alright! Come on we have to go to class. We’ll talk better later. - I can’t describe how much those words from Madoka calmed my heart.
And then, aside from this event in the morning, the rest of the day went by normally, I managed to thwart the interrogation placed upon me by Madoka and Shouma at lunch and withough any special development, the day ended. For the remainder of the week I continued to avoid kazuma-san hoping mom wouldn’t notice and for a moment I though it was all over and that scene nearly erased itself from my mind…

Kazuma’s point of view:
My name is Oogami kazuma and I was born in Okinawa. When I was still in middle school I befriended a group of gangsters and as time passed I became one of the worst among them causing my family to break their ties with me. At first I didn’t care, but eventually I came to realize that I couldn’t continue living that way so I decided to become a teacher and try leading a normal life.
Recently I married a beautiful women I met during a parents meeting at school, she’s the mother of one of my best students and after talking to her for a while I realized I was feeling attracted to her, so I told her about it and we got married but…. This woman’s daughter Hikari…. For some reason I can’t stop thinking about her recently. She’s not anything like her mother, her hair is blond, she’s got blue eyes, and a seriously sexy body that could drive any man crazy. To put it bluntly her tits are huge, among other things. Kumiko (her mother) say’s she took after her father and even though I never saw the man I believe her because they really don’t look alike. Basically the problem with all this is that I can’t stop lusting after an 18 year old girl who’s the daughter of my wife’s first marriage and a student in my homeroom class!! I need to control myself or this could be bad… 
A normal morning, as always I went to Hikari’s room to wake her up. I knocked at the door and called her name but as always she refuses to get up, so I entered the room and approached her bed.
- Come on Hikari – I called – it’s time to go to school!
- Ughm… - she mumbled turning around on the bed as usual and pressing the pillow against her chest.
- come on! If you don’t wake up I’ll tickle you in funny places… - I threatened and as ALWAYS she still refused to get up, forcing me to do something that heavily tests my self control.
I gently tickled her soft skinned body around the waist area and she started to laugh and gesticulate to try to get me to stop.                                                                              - Hahahhah!! S-stop! Haha… - she cried out.
- Come on Hikari, if you don’t get up soon I’ll do something worse… - I threatened again sincerely hoping she would get up this time or else…
Hopefully she usually decides to get up around this time.
- Alright, alright! I’ll get up, so please GET OUT!! -  She ordered me bluntly and I got pushed out of the room so she could get changed.
I decided to go back down to the kitchen to finish having breakfast and not long after Hikari showed up as well.
- Morning mom! – She greeted enthusiastically giving her mom a kiss on the cheek and then moving towards me to give me one too. As always I couldn’t control myself and discreetly pulled her closer to me giving her a slight lick on the ear in return. She moved away annoyed and embarrassed as always afterwards. I think that innocent side of hers is incredibly cute and with a body like that, enough to drive any man crazy.
After a few minutes I finished my breakfast and after kissing my wife I left for work. After only a few minutes of driving I arrived at Hikari’s school where I work and went to the teachers lounge to prepare for class.
- Good morning kazuma-sensei. – Maki-sensei greeted as usual when I arrived.
- Good morning Maki-sensei. – I replied
- So, how are things with your beautiful new wife lover boy? – Kazuki-sensei teased as usual.
- Fine so far, joker-sensei. – I replied calmly – and good morning to you too…
- Ha yes, sorry. Good morning lover boy. – He replied laughing.
I sat down my stuff on my desk and begun to get things ready for that mornings homeroom with Hikari’s class when suddenly Matsudo-sensei approached me.
- Kazuma-sensei I want you to understand that I don’t have anything against this relationship of yours but I hear that your wife’s daughter is one of your homeroom students. – He said with a serious voice, man this guy pisses me off always getting on my case just because I supposedly stole his catch. I sincerely hope he’s not thinking about going after Hikari next after losing kumiko or else we’re gonna have trouble.
- Yes, that’s right. Is there a problem? – I asked abruptly
- Well no, but I don’t want to see any favoritism out there alright?
- yes sir. I wouldn’t think of it. – I replied. He pisses me off but he is still my superior so I have no choice but to be polite and not punch him in the face for eyeballing my wife. And possibly my daughter.
- Good. That is all then. – And he ran off with his tail between his legs, damn boot kisser.
Well anyway after that little event I finally went to the classroom to give the class, thanks to that idiot I was almost late. I entered the room and looked around to see if everyone was there, as usual Hikari was sitting on her desk talking to Shouma and Madoka, for some reason that Shouma boy keeps looking at me funny, I wonder if I ever did something to piss him off.
I started the class; my problem seems to be getting worse, I couldn’t take my eyes off Hikari for the whole class, just hope no one noticed. Anyway once the class was over I only saw Hikari a few times in the halls and that was it so I though my ordeal was done for the day, that until kumiko(my wife) decided to call asking me to go shopping with Hikari; my ordeal wasn’t done after all.
Well, by the time kumiko called my last class for the day was over but Hikari was still in class so I decided to go to the teachers lounge and rest a bit while patiently awaiting the demise of my self control.
A few hours later the bell finally rang for the end of Hikari’s classes so I went to the gate as fast as I could to try and catch her before she left and thankfully found her still saying goodbye to her friends. For some reason everyone seemed incredibly surprised to see me, especially that weird boy; he was looking at me funny again and when I was finally about to leave with Hikari I though I heard him say that I wanted to do something to her, not sure what.
In any case, Hikari agreed to go shopping with me and we actually had a good time, except from the part where I was a total klutz that looked like a kid at a candy shop when we were in the supermarket, I was completely clueless as to what we should or shouldn’t get and Hikari had to do all the work; maybe that’s why the other ladies there were staring at us funny. Regardless, when we were done shopping I asked Hikari if we could go to the park close to our house for a while and she agreed.
When we got there, Hikari dragged me over to a bench she liked and we sat down together after brushing a few sakura flowers off said bench.
After a few minutes of silence, Hikari finally asked me why we were there with a beet red face; I felt my self control fail me for the first time since I first saw her, I ended up telling her I wanted to be more than just her stepfather (I must be the biggest idiot this world has ever seen) AND I TRIED TO KISS HER! My face was like less than an inch away from hers! But luckily I was able to stop right before the big mistake and instead planted a huge KISS MARK on her beautiful neck. God I must be nuts, just hope no one notices.
Anyway, after doing that horrible mistake I made an even bigger one; I left her there all alone and went off on my own saying I was sorry, I must be the biggest jerk on the face of the earth. Unsurprisingly, Hikari didn’t talk to me all week after that, she didn’t even look at me. Kumiko asked me if we got into a fight or something and I didn’t know what to say, that was the worse week of my life, I can just imagine how Hikari must have felt… I wonder if things will ever be the same again…
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