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We have to struggle against cast system to achieve total independence of India.

India got it’s independence from Brithishers on 15th Aug 1947.Still we are slaves to age old cast system, which is the mother of all evils. It is therefore necessary to go into the root causes to eliminate it. When I will depart from this world, no one will accompany me so I move alone. The path no body takes I struggle to move on that path.
Once I was on the move and continued to move in deep thoughts. I left the human habitat far behind and started moving into deep forest. When I came to my senses, I realized that moment of my departure from this world had arrived. I saw a ten feet long Lion surrounded by forest animals like elephants, bears, panthers and small new creatures. They all were standing silently as if they were made up of earthen moulds. Thinking that everybody has to die one day, I decided to find the reason.
I took lot of courage to look into the eyes of lion and tried to cure the lion using my soothing words. When I read the pulse of thoughts of lion, I realized that lion has turned into philosopher poet This is a disease which is beyond any treatment. I bowed to lion respectfully and told him that I am also a philosopher poet but I am incapable to cure you.
The moment lion listened the word ‘philosopher poet’ it appeared as if a tremor has struck the earth and found the lion on my feet in earnestly requesting mode and spoke “Hello! Mr. Philosopher Poet! Please go away. Go to a far off place so that there is no trace of your smell remains here. I used to be a well-established King of this forest. My roar used to fill hearts of all with fear. Once I was hungry and desperately searching for my hunt. In utter desperation I ate a philosopher poet and since then I have lost my livelihood due to change in my conceptions”.
Lion further elaborated, “ The blood and flesh of philosopher poet have effected me such that now I am living on water and air only. Now I have started measuring depth ( feelings ) of deer’s eyes. I listened to captivating sound of fountains and cookbooks.Whenever I happen to see cow and calf together, it seems to me as if mother and child are together. Now my eyes are glued to the beauty of fishes. If a baby calf falls in my den by accident, I carefully hold it in my mouth and take it to it’s mother’s place. I enjoy the dance of peacock and elephant looks to me as if I behold Lord Ganesha.
Patiently listening to state of lion I recollected the story of death of world fame Sanskrit grammar teacher ‘Parini’ who forgot the reality of emergency of present time. His silly fellow saved his life by climbing a tree after listening to lion’s roar and the learned Parini got deeply engrossed in the process of formation of word lion and it’s literal meaning and became the victim of lion’s attack and got killed just due to lack of common sense.
Now I give a quiz to readers, can you find the lion mentioned above in our society?
For the sake of readers I am elaborating. This lion is the oppressed class of the society who is fast asleep in honey assurances of Rulers. It is daydreaming and captivated in mirage of good times as shown to it by his/her Masters. It had to weep continuously due to cast system of the society. Due to this disease we could not implement our philosophy of universal brotherhood.
I therefore call upon all like-minded people to arise. You used to play with lion’s cub. The time, which is lost, is lost fore ever so you must not repent your past but to build shining future. Bring back Lord Buddha by strictly following truth, non-violence, non-stealing, pardon and pity in all spheres of your life. We have to struggle to achieve total independence of India, which was a brainchild of Gandhi and Dr Ambedkar.

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