Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1690862-The-Curse-Of-Fear
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1690862
Admit your sins, or your worst fears become your curse
Fear. Everyone has it and everyone overcomes it. After all, it's just in your head. But when it's a curse it's different. Very different. Deadly different in fact. And you would think it would curse someone who deserves it. And I mean truly deserves it. Like murders, rapists, ect. I guess that's what I got wrong; any sin can land you with the curse. That's where my story starts:

My feet hurt from the constant padding on the ground but I had to keep running. If I stopped they would catch me. Clutching the pack of cigarettes in my hand I jumped behind a bush and watched the police run right past me. I waited until they were out of sight. It was very dark outside so they were out of sight soon. I breathed deeply and crawled on my hands and knees through the front yard I had ended up in. There was a tree just a little ways away I could climb and smoke the cigarettes I just stole. My chest hurt from breathing in so much of the cold air way too fast. Pulling out a lighter I lit the end of a cigarette and breathed in.

It was so good. It was so wrong as well. At fourteen I shouldn't be addicted. I just never had enough though, never enough to satisfy me. My parents said it was a sin. That the Lord would curse my soul if I kept up such rancid behavior. I thought that was B.S. back then. Now I know how right they were.

Three years later I walked into the house. The lights were off and every room was completely dark. I shuddered. The dark scared me very much. Three things on this earth scared me out of my socks: The dark, moving shadows, and clowns. Trying to calm my heart I flicked on the lights, very relieved to be able to see everything. The house was empty. A note was taped on the TV. It read:

"Samuel, let me tell you a story, of a boy way in over his head. He didn't heed anyone's warning, wouldn't listen to what anyone said. But life caught up to him fast and beat him until he bled, tortured him because of his sins until he was finally dead. But there was a way to avoid this, to avoid being carried away in a hearse. If he admitted his sin before hand he would be rid of the curse. Yes this story is horrid and yes this story is true. But this story is a warning, that boy is going to be you.”

I could almost feel my heart stop. I looked around the room. Indeed I’ve committed many sins, that was no secret but they weren’t that bad. It’s a prank. I thought. That was the only sensible answer. Picking up the home phone I dialed up my mother. No answer. No problem right. But outside was growing dark and the wind was picking up. No doubt there was going to be a storm.

Shaking my head I walked into the kitchen. My stomach growled and ached with hunger. Rummaging through the cupboards and the fridge I pulled out milk, a bowl, and some cereal. It should suffice until mother got home to cook supper. God knows I couldn’t cook to save my life. The whole time I was shoveling the cereal in my mouth, I couldn’t shake the feeling of cold.

Rain started to pour outside and thunder began to crack. I jumped up out of my seat, scared half to death. But it was only the lightning. Suddenly there was a huge pop and all the light in side the house shut off and the room became quickly cold. My lashes quivered slightly, and my breath became quick. My palms began to sweat and I curled up on the couch.

There was a dead tree in our backyard casting dancing shadows across the floor as the wind blew it. Sometimes when the shadows would fall across my face

I could feel them try to grab me and pull me into the darkness. It literally felt as if they were trying to get a grip on my legs and arms. I hid my face in between my arms and knees, and tried my best not to go into hysteric fits.

That’s when they grabbed me. The shadows latched onto my ankles and pulled me from the couch tying me down on the ground. It was an invisible force that rendered me incapable of movement. My stomach did a flip as I realized struggling just made it worse. For a second, I let them drag me, but the grip soon started to burn. I scratched hard around my ankles, trying to make the shadow let go. But shadows never let go.

Thump, thump, thump. Something was upstairs and moving. I dreaded what it was. I knew what this was. Dark, grabbing shadows, and the note. It was a curse like the note said. The Curse of Fear. My family had told me about it, had warned me about it but I didn’t believe. Now I know, my fears were out to kill me.

Descending the stairs were a pair of giant shoes and loose fitted pants with frill at the opening of the leg. My stomach jumped into my throat as a clown with red hair wrapping around his head and a bald spot on the top of his head stepped in front of me. Razor sharp teeth jutted wildly from its mouth. It leaned down to my face, the smell of blood on its breath, and whispered.

“Did you get my note? Do you admit your sins?” It hissed at me.

“I did get your note…” I squeaked, “And I admit my sins, please, leave me be awful curse.” I cried. It laughed, it laughed hard and cruelly.

“It doesn’t matter anymore! If you admitted your sins before I came you would survive. It’s too late, I’m here, and you will pay for your greedy sins!” It cried raising a hatchet above his head.

I braced myself for death but death didn’t come. No. Just as the note read: Life caught up to him fast and beat him until he bled, tortured him because of his sins until he was finally dead.

My face was beaten and my body ripped apart with the hatchet as the shadows of the dead tree held me down. More pain then the world could hold filled my body, mind, and heart as I was tortured for my sins and left to die.

Lying in my own blood. It was gone and the shadows disappeared and light came through the window. Pain pumped through my veins, so much my body had gone numb. I prayed to the Lord for death, I apologized for my sins, it was the least I could do now. Tears rolled down my face liquefying the blood under my eyes and down my cheek.

I wasn’t forgiven. As my eyes closed for the last time they reopened to fire and agony. Hell being my new home where my punishment continued in eternal anguish.

Let me tell you a story of Samuel who was way in over his head, refused to heed warnings and wouldn’t listen to what anyone said, but life finally caught up to him and beat him until he bled, tortured him because of his sins until he was at last dead. He couldn’t avoid this, couldn’t avoid his new hearse, admitted his sins but still had the curse, Punished in hell with no chance of a new, please heed this warning this could be you.

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