Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1690531-Extract---A-kiss-to-steal-your-world
by JRaine
Rated: E · Draft · Other · #1690531
Can you please give me advice on how to change and improve it? thxx :)

Note - Hi everyone im new to this site but I need some guidance, I am 15 years old and have been told by people including my teacher that I have a talent when it comes to writing. Well recently I decided tp put this theory to the rest. I am seeing what I can create but I have noone to help me improve my writing at the moment so was wondering if you could help me :) . This was a very hard bit to write and I know I have not done it very well... Still please leave comments on how I can improve!

Thxxxx everyone


“You Bastard! What the hell was that!” Kevin exclaimed. And with that for the first time in years the cold grip of fear gripped Adam as he regarded the incensed and shaking figure that stood before him.
“I didn’t do anything Kev, now calm down!”
“Oh shut up Adam, I saw here… and you…” Kevin lowered his head seemingly unable to carry on. Idiot! Adam scolded himself mentally for being so careless; it was not as if he regretted it so much he was just angry that Kevin has pried.
“Calm down man, it’s not as if we went any futh…”
“Shut up!” With that Kevin’s head snapped up his expression unfathomable. Uncertainly Adam stepped back at the unexpected fire in Kevin’s eye. Tendons buldged and a vein in his temple throbbed. As they stood there like two unearthly sentinels a cold wind blew up, Kevin didn’t look much like the small, joyful kid that loved attention anymore. His hair whipped to the side as a gust swept the length of the small island. Clothes flapping ominously he looked almost ghastly in the twilight that preceded dawn.
There was no warning. Kevin charged, Adam attempted to counter but a mixture of both fear and alcohol slowed his reflexes. Adam literally flew backwards and was horrified to discover his arm was limp from the blow that landed on him.
[i]He shouldn’t be able to do that… No… there’s something different about the way Kevin ran. [/i]
His eyes widened as the truth hit Adam with the force of an avalanche.
[i]He’s fighting seriously! No stance, no control, not even trying to win, he just wants me hurt.[/i]
Quick as a flash, Adam dived to the left but again failed to prevent Kevin landing yet another glancing blow. Wincing in pain as he recovered Adam regained his balance, but was shocked to find Kevin was already there his fist coming again. Adam retreated until his back was pressed to the back of the wooden cabin; attacking once again Kevin aimed for a finishing blow.
Time seemed to slow for Adam. Kevins bruised fist blasted past his as he ducked. Bang! Blood dripped onto the spot where Adam has just been, a swift roll gained him some distance from the already turning Kevin and counter attacked.
The furious onslaught Adam was met with unnerved him, Kevin held nothing back and didn’t even wince at the few blows his prey managed to land. Adam took multiple hits and felt his strength ebbing as the fight wore on.
[i]I can’t keep this up. Im worn out and he seems as fresh as ever![/i]
For the last time Kevin charged and as Adam attempted to back step his foot hit a rock, he stumbled and with horror saw Kevins fist appear in front of his vision
[i]Cannot react… not… enough… time.[/i]

“No!” Lily’s scream pierced the air.
Kevins shoulders slumped, the rage which had fuelled his ravaging attacks deserted him. Shock rushed in to fill the empty gap. For a moment Kevin stood there, eyes wide as incoherent thoughts and emotions raced through his head with every bit of force as a flash flood. His bloodied hands caught his attention and horror with what he did filled him. With a great effort Kevin tried to regain even a vague semblance of control. In desperation he flung his mind out and tried to cling on something random, the trip, his last birthday, his parents, anything; but all hope of that was swept away as his roaming eyes rested on the defeated figure that knelt in front of him. Blood stained his clothes and his arm hung to his side, seemingly useless.
Disbeleif claimed Kevin as he stared at his bloodied best friend.
[i]They kissed! Lilly… Adam… why… my hands… why… Lily please… don’t look at me like that. Adam… Screw it; I can’t stay here anymore…[/i]
With an anguished cry Kevin turned, his hair gleaming in the sunlight which was beginning to shine over the tree tops. Shining droplets of ruby blood reddened the brilliantly green grass. And then he ran, doing justice to his prodigious speed as he sprinted. In his haste he slipped on a patch of morning dew and as he stumbled the smaller boy brushed against the smaller girl. Frustrated recover and raced into the night as if the darkness would protect him from his sorrows.

© Copyright 2010 JRaine (joeraine11 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1690531-Extract---A-kiss-to-steal-your-world