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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1690344
Chapter Five
Chapter Five

The following week found Julia in the main parlor at Hunter House surrounded by the crème de la crème of South Carolina's society. She could not glance around without seeing an important politician or a self-made man of some sort. The piano was tinkling softly in the corner, a hired musician playing for the guests. Julia had taken a seat on a settee on the perimeter of the room, a glass of punch in her hand.
"Miss Cameron!" An older gentleman approached her; two glasses filled his gloved hands. "I brought you a glass of punch."
"Thank you Mr. Nordham, but I already have a glass." She held up the cup in front of her, and then continued to look around the crowd, pointedly ignoring him.
“But you have been holding yours for some time. It is surely warm by now.” He sat beside her, placing the extra punch on the floor next to him. "You look ravishing tonight."
"Thank you, sir." She said automatically. Why couldn't he take a hint? She pulled away, leaning toward the arm of the settee. He moved closer, only a few inches but it made her instantly uncomfortable. He tossed back his amber-colored drink and placed his glass next to hers on the floor.
“I do not suppose there will be dancing this evening.” Nordham said to her.
“No, I suppose not.” The conversation was stilted and uncomfortable, its only reason being for the detestable Mr. Nordham to covet her in a room full of eligible bachelors. Not that those men interested her. She was far too busy with Wallace to take on the task of being courted. Unless, of course, there was a man who shared her opinion of abolition. She laughed inwardly as she pushed the thought from her mind. She wouldn’t find a young eligible abolitionist bachelor in this room. The Hunters were slaveholders, and prosperous ones at that.
Stephan interrupted her thoughts. “Perhaps you would care to join me on the terrace? It is a bit warm in here.”
Julia could not disagree but being alone with him was the last place she wanted to be.
“No thank you, Mr. Nordham. I am quite content here.” She rose and excused herself, leaving Stephan Nordham leaning over her empty place on the settee.
“I saw that dreadful Mr. Nordham cornering you like a fox in the henhouse.” Lillian said, resting her hand on Julia’s shoulder when she joined her.
“How wooden-headed is he that he can’t take no for an answer?” Julia replied.
“The Honorable Arthur Roseland, Mrs. Hortense Roseland, Miss Elizabeth Roseland and Lieutenant Forbes Calder.” The butler announced at the entrance to the parlor.
As the throng of people rushed forward to meet the senator, Julia’s eyes strayed to the confident man holding the arm of the lovely young Miss Roseland. He was handsome in a beautiful way. His hair was blonde and curly and he bright blue eyes that was the same color of the sky. His suit was tailor made for his skin tone, a regal red color with a starched white shirt. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen, but there was something dark in his eyes.
Forbes let Elizabeth go with a brotherly smile. She grinned back at him and went to join the gaggle of young girls across the room. They giggled and pointed at him as Miss Roseland blushed and tapped them with her fan.
“He’s very handsome, isn’t he?” Lillian said leaning into Julia.
“Yes, quite.” She replied.
“I could introduce you.” Lillian gently grasped Julia’s elbow.
“Perhaps later.” Julia said, looking around the room.
“But I think Lt. Calder would make a good match for you, dear.”
“I know. But right now I would just like to enjoy myself without having to attempt pointless banter.” Julia’s eyes roamed the room. Jared had joined the girls and had taken an animated interest in Miss Roseland. He smiled and she hid her smile behind her fan. As Elizabeth slightly pulled away from Jared, she saw a dark figure sitting in a chair in in the corner, swirling a dark liquid in a glass.
He seemed tense, like a large cat about to pounce. Another hand at her elbow made her turn around to see Nordham at her side once again. She looked back at the corner and the panther was gone.
“It’s almost time for dinner. Would you like to step out onto the verandah for some fresh air?”
“No thank you Mr. Nordham.” Julia answered with more force than she intended.
“Just for a moment love.” He said pulling her closer to him.
“I believe the lady said no thanks sir.” A voice from behind said.
Julia swung back to see Lt. Calder at her back pulling Nordham from her.
“Now see here…” Nordham stuttered.
“Do not make me tell you again.” He stated.
With a harrumph Nordham left, turning back to Julia, perhaps looking for a reprieve from her although none came.
“Lt. Forbes Calder, Miss…”
“Julia Cameron. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She held her gloved hand out. He deftly kissed it.
“Dinner is served.” Came the butler’s voice.
“Shall we?” He crooked his elbow and she looped her arm through his as they walked to the dining hall.

Julia was tired of holding her plastered smile as idle chatter swarmed around her. There had been no talk of politics and the main course was nearly finished. She’d feigned interest when the talk turned to the latest Paris fashions, the newest scandals and whom had made good marriage matches. She snapped to attention when she heard her name. "Of course I'm worried about Julia and the situation. We are getting to a precarious time." Daniel said, taking a sip of his wine.
Julia choked on the piece of meat she had just forked into her mouth. "Father?" She said after clearing the food from her throat.
Daniel turned to look at her across the table. "I was just telling him of my concern for your well being my dear."
A slight scowl from Julia's green eyes met Daniel's blue eyes.
"Louis agrees that it is unsafe for young women to be unescorted or be escorted by a slave.”
“Very dangerous, indeed.” Louis replied.
Julia let out a sigh of relief. She would've been horrified if the Hunters knew she was still on the marriage market. She didn't think she could stand the pitying looks she knew would be forthcoming.
"Julia dear, you didn't think I'd speak of your...shall we say 'marriage predicament?'"
She felt her face turn red and she inwardly groaned.
Louis cleared his throat. "Have you thought about leaving the city? Go back to Wildwood. Just until this nonsense is over."
"I had to sell Wildwood after the fire."
"I had forgotten. Sorry. Perhaps you could stay at 'Serenity.' It wouldn't be an inconvenience to us, considering we haven’t stayed there a single night in years."
"We couldn't impose on you, Louis." Daniel said, wiping his mouth with a linen napkin.
“Nonsense! It wouldn’t be an imposition at all! Perhaps if the time comes, both of our families could stay there.”
“Excellent idea, Louis.” Eleanor said.
“That would be lovely.” Lillian said, smiling at Eleanor. "How is Damien doing? I haven't seen him since I don't remember! I think it has been ten years now."
Julia’s ears pricked up at the conversation. She’d remembered Damien from when she was a girl of fifteen. He had been her first crush and her first kiss.
"Damien was in the army. He fought against the Mexicans in the war. He came home and has been as restless as a tumbleweed. He disappears for months at a time then comes home again as if he hadn’t been gone at all.“ Her eyes darkened, then her head snapped up and she smiled as if nothing she hadn‘t drifted off. "He hasn’t been active in years, but I suspect they will call him up in the next few weeks. He was a Major. I believe he will be one of Forrest's top men, if the rumors are correct."
"How thrilling!" Lillian said, a smile crossing her face. Julia let out a small laugh. Daniel's eyes caught hers and sent her a silent warning.
"I'm sorry I'm late Mother." Came a voice from archway. All eyes swung to the man standing just inside the threshold. Julia's breath caught. It was the man from the parlor. Tall and muscular, his stylish clothes were molded to his body. His hair was the color of a moonless night and his eyes were the color of cat's eyes. He was more than handsome. He was breathtaking, awe-inspiring...oddly familiar.
"Why Damien, we were just speaking of you." Eleanor said. He came around and kissed her cheek.
Damien! That was impossible! He had been a gangly looking young man with the most amazing eyes she had ever seen. And he had grown into the most handsome man she had ever had the privilege to lay eyes on.
She gazed over his face, her eyes resting for a moment too long on his lips. Those lips that had touched hers so many years ago, giving her first taste of womanhood then heartbreak. She tried to fight the blush that rose in her cheeks, but to no avail.
"I'm glad you could join us. I'm sure you remember the Roselands, Damien. And the young man next to you is Forbes Calder, Senator Roseland's assistant."
"It is a pleasure to see you all again." Damien said as he took his seat across from Julia and Forbes.
"Damien you remember the Camerons don't you? They were the owners of Wildwood." Eleanor said indicating Daniel and Lillian. "These are their children, Julia and Jared. I do believe that Julia was a mere child the last time you saw her. And Jared was a slip of a thing as well."
Damien tilted his head slightly then his eyes widened in recognition. His eyes slid over her, drinking in just how much she grown in the last ten years. She straightened her spine and smiled just as she had been instructed to but with a touch of sensuality in her eyes that she didn‘t want to hide. Damien smiled back at her.
"I was just telling Lillian that you might be riding with Forrest. If you're called back." Eleanor said.
"I, too, am attached to Forrest. I'm a first lieutenant in the Army." Forbes explained and turned to Damien. He hadn’t spoken more than a handful of words since the dinner had begun except to introduce himself to Julia’s family.
"Forbes is an up and coming young politician." Arthur Roseland said from across the table. "He really is my right-hand man!"
"Thank you sir." Forbes said, wiping his mouth. "Everything I have learned I have you to thank."
"Nonsense my boy! You are a quick study and have a quicker mind. You have a real passion for politics!"
Forbes politely nodded. He turned to Julia and smiled. "And what about you Miss Cameron? What is your passion?"
Julia looked at him took a deep breath and said "The abolition of slavery."
The guests around the table fell silent at once.
"Julia!” Came her father's warning.
"Sir," Calder said, meeting Daniel's eyes. "I did ask her about her passion. It's nice to have some honesty and some intelligence from such a beauty."
Julia’s face flushed.
Seeing an opening to start with the talk of war Roseland said, "I cannot believe the nerve of Lincoln to say it would be our fault if there were to be a civil war!" Roseland slapped the table for emphasis. His meaty hand reminded Julia of sausages she once ate at the county fair. His face was round and his nose was flat against his face, his nostrils open for all to see. He reminded her of a pig. She muffled a laugh with her hand.
"And Sam Houston!" Interjected Louis. "Refusing to take an oath of allegiance to the South!"
"Such cowardice!" Daniel admitted.
Right on cue, Julia thought.
Daniel continued. "It's a good thing he resigned or Texas would've never ratified the new constitution!"
The men chatted on about the impending war when Simon Harland said, "Did anyone hear about the attempt on Alexander Wallace's life last week?"
Julia blanched and looked at Jared. His eyes widened. I’m sorry, she mouthed to him.
"I heard it was a terrible gunfight right in town! With Wallace running like a coward, of course!" Roseland said, laughing.
"Well I think that whoever was foolish enough to shoot at Mr. Wallace was the coward! Shooting at him from behind like that!" Julia said, glaring at the man.
"How do you know he was shot from behind?" Forbes asked.
"Well...I...I didn't. I just assumed that it was from behind because..." Julia stammered and clenched her teeth.
"Are you an admirer of Wallace?" Forbes asked her.
Julia smiled and answered "Yes. I am a loyal follower of Mr. Wallace."
"We do not allow her to follow his preaching." Daniel offered to the men. God forbid anyone think that he too was a follower of such a man. "She just has this crazy fool notion about abolition."
"It is not crazy Father! It will happen! President Lincoln has promised it!"
"Perhaps we should discuss something not as sensitive." Eleanor said, her eyes throwing daggers at her husband.
Louis nodded but Damien said "Mother, no matter what, talk will turn to the possibility of war. There isn't any reason that we can't talk like civilized adults." He smiled at Julia.
Eleanor conceded.
"There is a Federal boat headed for Sumter with supplies for the troops. The Feds say it's just food but I'm not so sure." Forbes said.
"I think that should be the call to war." Roseland said. From what Julia knew of the man any small act from the North was a call to war.
"Don't be so quick, sir." Julia said. "We don't want to be seen as the aggressor here."
"She's right." Forbes replied. "If we want England and France on our side, we have to appear to be threatened by the North. We should try to keep this as peaceful as possible."
"After all, we are dependent on the North. Much more than we should like to admit." Julia cut in. Damien caught her eye, causing a flush to fire her cheeks. A smile greeted her flush. She did not know if it was the wine or the conversation (that miraculously she had been allowed to take part in!), or the lazy languor of Damien, but Julia was feeling in fine form. She smiled back at him, put her wineglass down and challenged Roseland with a tilt of her head and an arched eyebrow.
© Copyright 2010 Jennifer Korp (jenkorp at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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