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Item #169004
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Item #169004
Writing.Com Authors

There are many wonderful Authors here on Writing.Com! The quickest way to find one is to visit our Authors Listing page. You can reach this page by clicking on the "Authors" button, which is available from the main navigation button bar located at the top of every page.

Here you will find a listing of the thousands of Authors writing here at Writing.Com. Don't feel overwhelmed! We realize how many Authors there are here, so we've given you a bunch of sorting options so that you can search the way you want to.

Sorting the Authors

When you first come to this page, the Authors are listed by "Most Recent Change First." This means that the first person listed there has changed his or her portfolio most recently. Please be sure to check out the other sorting options available to you. There is everything from "Most Items First" to "Completely Random."

Find Someone Specific

If you're looking for someone specific, you can put their handle or username into the search box located above the Author listing. This will bring you all possible choices that contain the username or handle you put in. You may then select from the list of search results.

Click here to return to Getting Started: Table of Contents .

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Created: 06-06-01 @ 7:50pm | Modified: 09-25-05 @ 6:36pm      

Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/169004-Finding-Authors