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Rated: GC · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #1689754
My fifth and sickest short story
Angelica screamed as she walked in the living room and saw the twisted remains of what looked like her mother. Her mother was bruised, bleeding with two fingers missing from each hand and two toes missing from her feet. Every single tooth had been pulled out and her nose and half her face ripped off. She was tied to a chair with cuts all across her body starting from her ankles going right up to her forehead, her scalp had been torn away. Stapled to her stomach was a bloody note from the murderer. Angelica instantly ran out of the house fearing the murderer was still inside and phoned the police. “I’ve just found my mother dead” she sobbed on the phone. Within 5 minutes the police arrived and cordoned off the street and house as they commenced their investigation. Her mothers body was put into a bag after the relevant photos were taken and forensics were taken. The medics quickly wheeled the corpse out onto the street and put her into the ambulance on rapid delivery to the morgue. As police were taking a statement from neighbours Angelica’s received a text off an anonymous number reading Hope you liked the surprise I left you, there’s going to be more soon, keep an eye out on your family maybe they’re next or maybe the new boyfriend or even yourself, who knows I’ll decide that nearer the time. Oh and I SEE YOU. After she read that she felt a cold shudder run right down the centre of her spine. Almost as if someone was rolling a block of ice down her back. She passed the phone to police for them to trace the number but the message was sent from an online service so there was no way of tracing it.

The mortician ran the typical tests on the mutilated corpse of Angelica’s mother as well as some abnormal tests given the nature of the case. During the tests the doctor found that the cuts on her body had been caused by a meat cleaver that he guessed was sharpened to such an extent that it could have cut through her bones with ease and that the murderer took extreme pride and care in what he was doing. Once he opened up the body he noticed 23 razor blades and the skin from her face in her stomach and a nail embedded into her oesophagus that he assumed was placed there once her throat had been cut open.

Over the next coming weeks Angelica was still getting messages of the anonymous number and was keeping a record of what they all said, although each one said the same thing.

Soon, very soon someone else is going to die and I’m going to make this one look tame compared to the last.

After two months and not hearing anything more Angelica had thought she’d heard enough from the mystery assailant until she got a phone call of her brother in law. As soon as she answered the phone she wished she hadn’t.

“Your sisters dead, I’ve just found her in her bathroom and it looks like murder. I’ve phoned the police and think you should come down here for when they arrive.”

Her sister had been tortured for 16 hours before she was allowed to finally die. Once again her face had been ripped off only this time her whole face had been ripped off but not shoved down her throat this time, the skin was found in her vagina. The murderer had forced it up after she had died and then sewn her shut. Again he pulled all teeth out and removed the fingers and toes, although there was another difference to this murder. Her toes were sewn to her hands and her fingers to her feet, her mouth had been cauterized shut and judging by the marks she was still alive while he swapped the fingers for toes and fused her lips together.

As usual the assailant had left no signs of any evidence, clearly he knew what he was doing. Once more a text was sent and this time saying, Another one down, only 3 or maybe 4 more to go. But I’ll tell you now the next one is your father, and again I SEE YOU!!

The mortician did the same tests on this body and found similar things the same brand razor blades and again the nail in the oesophagus.

Another two months passed and Angelica passed into a deep depression, she’d turned to self harm, drink and drugs. She was constantly looking over her shoulder and worried about what was going to happen until one day she received another text saying your dad’s not really next your new boyfriend is.

The following day she broke up with Shaun her boyfriend hoping that it would deter the mystery killer from striking him. Unfortunately she was dead wrong. A week later he was found dead by his mother but this time the murder style was completely different, he wasn’t cut from head to toe, he had two puncture holes in his neck instead of a cut and this time his mouth was sewn shut with his penis hanging out and his testicles and eyeballs had been swapped over and instead of finding the razorblades in the stomach his facial skin and parts of brain matter were found there.

Even though the motives were different the police were still looking for the same person.

Angelica was close to suicide, her drink and drugs had picked up. She was now cutting so deep into her arms and legs that she was catching bone and was taken into hospital three times by her father.

She received another text exactly one year after the death of her mother reading, Hello happy anniversary, you’re next and the last. One weeks time, I’ll find you so don’t bother to hide.

The coming week Angelica tried to take her life but each time she was saved by Andrew her new boyfriend. She began writing a diary of what she called the last days of her life. In it she wrote how sorry she was for all her past misdeeds and for the animosity between her and her ex partner whom she believed was the murderer.

On the Friday of that week she was walking home from the shops believing she was safe for two more days when she was attacked and dragged into a van. She was tied down to a chair in a basement and was just left there for the next 24 hours. Police managed to trace her down just as a masked man had slit her wrists. She could feel her life slowly draining away as police burst into the basement and shot the masked man three times in the chest.

Just as they were both about to die he whispered into her ear, “want to know a secret? I’m not the killer, I’m Andrew and your dad should be slowly tortured to death as we speak. Best part is police will never find his body the real killer is going to burn the body.

© Copyright 2010 James Andrew Mechina (james.mechina at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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