Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1689494-Escaping-death
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1689494
escaping an self destructing space station as aliens roam the halls
The monster ripped apart the still living body and flung the shreds all around. Then the door opened and an marine unloaded on the beast. “Eat this sucka!” he screamed in an panicked frenzy. The monster's features were torn to mush. Marine Thomas Young told the girl beside him “Alright lets go!”  and they ran through the scattered bodies. The girl slipped on the blood and hit her head.

“What the hell?” Thomas complained and went back and grabbed her just as an insectoid monster leaped at him from the ceiling. Time slowed down and he threw the woman away and brought up his gun just as an massive weight hit him knocking out his breath. Being crushed and fearing the coming relatively slow death at the jaws of the monster he panicked to turn his gun back in line with the beast.

Just then the beast was thrown from him and at an nearby wall. An robot battled and ripped apart the beast with Its pincer like hands. It then turned to Thomas. “The station will self destruct, head to the nearest escape pod now please” Thomas got up and found the girl smiling. “Were did that robot come from?” he asked “There's always hidden security bots located all around the station in case of riots” she responded “Well that's lovely now lets go!” and they ran down the hall then spotted an giant snake slithering in front of one of the escape pods. It reared its head and striked at Thomas just as he tossed an grenade at it. It swallowed both the grenade and Thomas. Inside the mouth Thomas panickily disarmed the grenade and blew open an hole out with his rifle just as the woman was also swallowed.

They both left out the hole and thomas blew apart the snake's brain. “Now what am I going to do with this grenade?” he asked himself just as an rhino looking lizard came barreling at him and the girl from another hallway. He armed and tossed it an little in front of him and then ran in the other direction. The rhino lizard ran right over it and exploded splaying guts and blood all around. Then from behind the carcass an mass of mosquito looking aliens the size of cats crawled over the floor the walls the ceilings at them.

He opened fire and yelled to the girl “Open the escape pod!” she fiddled with the controls as the shear mass grew closer and closer. Then the door opened and they rushed inside closing it right behind them. The mass covered the door's window scratching at it. They got into the pilot seats and strapped themselves in. “Lets get the hell out of here” said the woman and they blasted off towards an distant cruiser. “The station will self destruct in any second and we're still in the blast range” she said  “Shit” said Thomas “Wait” she called up the cruiser. “Pull us in on tractor beam fast!” she called “You might be out of range..” came an voice from the speakers. “Just do it!” shouted Thomas.  Behind tiny explosions ripped across the station. “Ah fuck!” they both yelled and then an bright light covered the ship and quickly they were pulled away just as behind them the station burst completely apart sending an powerful shock wave full of debris. They were flung into the cruisers hanger. “We made it” Thomas said
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