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If you have just come to our site for the first time, you are considered our guest. Guests are able to read the posted items that authors have available to the general public. While there are numerous items to read, many of our authors require that the reader be a registered member of the community. To participate fully within the community, you'll need to sign up for a free account and become a member. Every person who is age 13 or older can sign up for one free account by clicking the Signup button located at the top right of every page. It only takes a minute, but the advantages to being a Writing.Com member are lasting. After filling out our registration form, a member receives his or her own portfolio, personal email, storage space to hold up to ten items and access to a plethora of tools for uploading content into that portfolio. Again, the only criteria for registration is a minimum age of 13. Writing.Com welcomes persons of all different writing levels and styles from hobbyists to professionals, as well as those who just wish to read. Once you have signed up for an account and are logged in, you may now rate/review any rateable/reviewable items you read, post in message forums, vote in user polls, and create and manage your personal online portfolio. Basically, registering for a free account allows you to actually interact within the premier online writing community. No longer will you be an outsider looking in! Recommended Reading |