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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1688980
Does Rayne find the new born or does it continue to kill the people of Georgetown, CA?
“Speech is silver;
      Silence is golden”
(German proverb)

Chapter II

“We need to find it and help it,” I said after I had explained to Grey what happened this afternoon.
I had showed him the newspaper and said that I had picked it up during lunch.
“It is in fact a newborn and we do need to find it, but I’m sorry we can’t let it stay here with us,” He looked at me softly then Nevar.
“But Daddy, we have the room. It’s scared and alone do we really need to destroy it,” I said exasperated.
“It can’t stay here, our numbers our too large the neighbors are starting to notice. I have to do what is right for this coven. I have to think,” he said and with that, he went up the stairs.
I looked at Nevar in desperation, "Can’t you do something, pursued him?”
“I’m sorry my child, once your father’s mind is made up it can’t be changed easily. You know that as well as anyone,” she said, caressed my cheek in her palm softly, and then followed swiftly up after him.
It took no longer than a fraction of that second to change my mood. The desperation turned to fury and frustration.
I dashed the up two sets of stairs to my bedroom.
“Rayne,” I heard someone yell after I slammed the door.
I locked it quickly, I just wanted to be alone.
I picked up a lamp and smashed it against the wall. I have always hated that lamp anyway; it didn’t matter.
“Rayne, let me in,” I heard Damen plead from behind the door.
“Leave me alone,” I screamed and punched a hole, about the size of his head, through the door.
I turned around and saw Damen leaned up against the wall, “How
did you get in here?”
“Window,” he said smirking.
“Ugh not fair,” I yelled. “Get out!”
He wrapped his arms around my chest and my arms, comforting me. “Will you please calm down. For me at least.”
I sighed, “Ok.”
“Thank you,” he said softly and unlocked the door. Jack came in and tried to pick me up. I dodged him but I was trapped between him and the corner of the room.
“You tricked me!” I screeched at Damen.
“Rayne I had to… you are being outrageous.” Damen said quietly.
I climbed up onto the window seat behind me. “Well this time I win.” I gave him a smile. “Bye boys,” I turned and jumped out of the window. Unfortunately I fell lightly into… guess what… Stefan’s arms.
“Crap,” I huffed and blew the bangs out of my eyes. Jack landed beside us with a thud, Damen right after him. He then chained my hands together.
“Planning a run weren’t you, you know you can’t run from everything,” Stefan said smiling.
“When did you get here,” I asked him, as he carried me around to the front yard. Stefan was like an older brother to me.
“That’s off subject, Grey has made a decision the coven is having a meeting.”
I looked down at the chains, "And you had to chain me up to tell me that.”
“It was highly necessary,” I heard Jack say.
“Oh I’ll show you necessary,” I said and broke the chains, with one flick of my wrist. I picked a boulder off of the ground, and threw it at his head. He ducked it and sailed past him. Mourning had finally arrived and was welcomed inadvertently to a flying boulder.
“Look out,” I yelled.
He ducked it and gave me a dirty look.
Damen and I looked at each other and grinned. “How was your nature walk,” I asked. “Peaceful I bet, and refreshing.”
“Not funny,” he added icily, as he pulled the leaves and sticks from his hair.
“Then you have no sense of humor,” I said laughing, “Because I bet it was hysterical.”
His eyes flashed red and he hissed low, holding his ground. Damen was right there in front of me in a second, crouched low in an protective manner. He growled loud and threateningly, daring Mourning to step closer. If he did then he would initiate the fight. Instead, he stood knowing he wouldn’t win and ran into the house with a huff.
This was how most arguments were settled. Some of them however do end in a fight, one of the most violent fights was between Stefan and Vladimir over a poker game. Stefan won, he had ripped Vladimir’s right leg off and only up to the elbow of Vladimir’s left arm. Dusk was a wreck by the time Grey had intervened. Grey apparently thought it was healthy for us to fight over our problems and he wanted them to finish. Stefan and Vladimir still hate each other.
We followed after Mourning into the dining room. The long table that could hold 16 people now held 15. Grey was sitting at the head of the table in his old 16th century chair. At the opposite end of the table sat Nevar. I sat directly to Grey’s right. After me, going down the table towards Nevar, was Damen next to me, Echo, Jack, Selene, Stefan, and Dusk. On the other side of the table was Kaiden across from me, Adrian, Mourning, an empty chair, Vladimir, Solomon, and at the end Autumn.
Grey sat with his hands clasped in front of him, staring down at the wooden table, “I have brought you all here because it was brought to my attention that we have a dangerous newborn vampire roaming the streets around us,” He says clearing his throat. “It has already killed and it will probably kill again, soon. We will find it and help it, let it stay with us for awhile. We will train it in the ways of our kind and then when the time comes ask it to leave the area. If it doesn’t proceed to do so in 24 hours, then it will be destroyed.
“Rayne, you will do this as a special little project.
“That means you will find it capture it; explain to it what exactly it is. Answer its questions, train it, and ask it to leave.
“Do you understand,” He finishes.
“Yes Father,” I say keeping my emotionless face but inside I was screaming YES!
I turn to Damen and the others, “Will you help me find her.”
“I think I can speak for all of us when I say we would be glad to help.” Damen said and the others quickly nodded in agreement.
“Well it looks like you have a lot of helping hands,” Grey says standing up from the table.
“Mourning I need to talk to you,” Vladimir says quickly leaving the table.
Mourning gets up and follows.
“All of you that are helping me, to the roof,” I say starting to climb out the window, “Oh, um….Nevar can I be excused from school tomorrow?”
She nods and I dash out of the window up to the roof.
I sit on the trampoline and everyone gathers around me.
“Jack do you think you can you track her,” I ask.
“I need to get a scent,” he says. “But yeah it should be easy.”
“Ok, we could go to the Shayde River tomorrow.”
“You mean skip school,” he says.
“Definitely,” he says giving me a high-five.
“Ok, um after we find her, I will get the rest of you.”
“Wait,” Autumn says, “What if she escapes, it is a newborn remember; Jack can’t hold it by himself.”
“You’re right,” I say biting my lip.
“I’ll go with you. I don’t want you out there by yourself,” Damen says.
“Uh, I’ll be with her,” Jack says.
“Yeah, exactly why I’m going.”
“Ok, so we get the scent, we find her, what next,” I say.
“Damen and Jack can hold her. You go to the schools office and call for us to come to the front. You can lead us to her, and we get her to the house, then she’s all yours,” Autumn says simply.
“Yes, you are a genius” I say hugging her, “Ok that’s simple enough, until tomorrow my friends,” I say jumping off the roof with a smile.
By 8:00am the next morning, I was bubbling with joy.
Jack, Damen, and I pile into Jack’s hummer and head out to Shayde River. The cops were no longer there, but they had the yellow crime scene tape running around the perimeter.
“Jeez, what is this C.S.I.?” Jack says jumping over the tape.
“Don’t touch anything,” Damen says grabbing Jack’s hand before he touched a leaf.
“Can you pick up the scent,” I ask.
“Which one is it, there are a billion?” He says inhaling the air.
“Um, the dead one,” I comment.
“Oh, I’ve got it, it’s a girl about 13 to 15, and she’s scared and
alone. Apparently who ever changed her, just left her here,” he says, “She went north then turned around and came back into California.
“Follow me,” he says.
Damen and I jump into the Hummer and follow close behind Jack, running on the sidewalk.
We turn down 12 different streets and down a dirt road, Dunmore drive. Log cabins were scarcely spread throughout the trees on both sides of the road. The long bumpy road seemed less used then our driveway. The place looked like a camping site more than a neighborhood.
4 miles deep from the main road, we come up to a tiny one-room cabin.
I cut the gas and quickly hopped out. I put a finger to my lips warning Damen and Jack. I went to the smut filled windows wiping away the grime. I peer in….empty.
“She’s not in there,” I say walking to the door.
“But the scent is strongest here,” Jack says.
“So, she’s hiding out staying here,” Damen, says.
“She left the door open,” I say, “This is too easy.”
I walk inside the cabin. It looked like it had not been lived in for months. A stove and a fridge stood in the corner pushed up against the wall. In the far corner, there was an old blanket.
“Well she’s not here,” Jack says certainly.
“Duh, yeah think,” I say.
I look around the room, a black book bag sat in a corner. I open it; inside I find a math book, paper, a couple pencils, a dead cell phone, and a wallet.
I open up the wallet, two bucks, a couple pennies, a bus pass, and I student I.D. card.
“Found an I.D. it seems like we’re looking for a red head, little
miss Haven Amaranth from Greenburg, Nevada,” I say.
“She must have been on vacation,” Damen adds.
The I.D. displays a sun tanned red head. Her long hair goes past her shoulders.
“She’s kind of hot,” Jack, says looking at the I.D. photo.
“Shut up, do you always have to be such a guy?” I say shaking my head.
“So what are we going to do,” I ask.
“Come back later until she’s here or we could try to track her scent again.” Damen suggests.
“Sounds good to me you guys keep trying to track her, I will stake out the cabin,” I say sitting down on an abandoned chair in the corner.
“Absolutely not I’m staying with you, Jack can go by himself,” Damen argues.
“What if he finds her,” I say.
“Go and get Stefan he will help you,” He says to Jack.
Jack runs out of the cabin and hops into the hummer.
“Well if you’re staying you might as well sit down,” I say looking up at him staring down the driveway. He pulls up a chair and plops down beside me.
“You didn’t have to stay I would have been fine here by myself,” I say staring out the window.
“Keep telling yourself that but it’s not true, you have no idea what type of powers she has,” He says turning and looking at me, but I ignore
“I’m not a little girl, I’m 256 I can take care of myself,” I say exasperated.
“Well I’m 269, which is older than you.”
“That doesn’t even matter… the conversation is over,” I say, still not looking at him.
I feel him still staring at me, “It’s funny, I can almost feel the hole your
eyes are carving into the side of my face.”
“I was just noticing how beautiful you are, and to think, I get to keep you forever.”
I turn; my face was inches from his, “Says who? Maybe I don’t want to be yours forever.”
His face turned to horror.
“I was kidding; you know that I will love you forever and always.”
As I lean in for a kiss, his phone rings.
He answers, “Yeah,” He pauses while they talk.
“Sure, ok, that will be fine,” He says shutting the phone.
“That was Grey, he said that Jack can’t find anything and Stefan is bringing us supplies. We’re staying here, just in case she comes back,” he tells me.
“What exactly is he bringing,” I ask.
“The basics blood, sleeping bags, I’m hoping the blood lures her in.”
“Are you crazy, how long are we going to stay,” I ask.
“5 days at the most.”
“Who decided this? I thought it was my project.”
“I don’t know, don’t get mad at me. I didn’t decide this. Now, where were we,” he says pulling my chin up, looking deep into my eyes. My silver eyes lock on his and I cannot look away. Something in my head was telling me to kiss him, but it wasn’t me.
“Will you stop doing that,” I say, pulling away breaking the trance.
“Stop doing what?”
“Stop trying to compel me.”
“Oh, you like that, don’t you?”
“No, it’s obnoxious,” I say glaring.
“Relax, I won’t do it anymore ok. Why are you so upset about it.”
“You can already deprive people of their senses, leaving them completely hopeless. You don’t need mind control also.”
“Oh and an electric shield is nothing big at all,” He says sarcastically.
“Oh yay, I can zap people, that’s fun.”
“No you don’t zap them. It is more like a taser, you know. They do fall to the ground like that.”
“Whatever, I get that from Mom anyway.”
“They’re here,” he says getting up.
I run to the door Stefan, Dusk, and Kaiden step out of Stefan’s black car.
“What’d you bring us?” I ask, looking at the two backpacks that Stefan was carrying.
“Not much just some blood,” he says putting them in the tiny fridge.
“We also brought pillows and a blanket,” Dusk says retrieving a bag from Stefan.
Kaiden peaked her head out from behind Stefan like a 4 year old, “I brought cards,” she says exited to have brought something.
“That is so useful, you’re a genius,” I say sarcastically.
“I know, I know,” she says laughing.
“How many has she killed?” I say turning to Stefan.
“It’s been about 6 so far; we will call you if we hear of any others,” Dusk says stepping forward, “We must leave now.”
Stefan hugs Damen first, then me, before exiting the cabin.
“Bye Rayne,” Kaiden says hugging me. She walks over to Damen and tousles his hair, “See ya, dude.”
“See ya, freak,” he replies.
I laugh at their love/hate relationship.
She runs out of the cabin laughing.
“Good bye, my little sister,” Dusk says kissing me lightly on the forehead.
Their car drives down the driveway, leaving us alone in the tiny cabin.

~That was my second chapter hope you enjoyed it as much as the first~
^^Song inspiration- For a Pessimist I am Pretty Optamistic^^
© Copyright 2010 Raynefall615 (raynefall at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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