Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1688834-Katya-Part-two
by Amanda
Rated: 18+ · Other · Mystery · #1688834
Katya wants to find her real family but what's ahead she may not have ever wanted to know.
...Continued from chapter eleven of Katya Part One

Chapter Twelve

“Jeremy, Jeremy wake up,” Katya sat on a chair next to Jeremy’s hospital bed. Monitors and wires and cords surrounded him. On the monitor closest to Katya a line moved across the beeping screen, rising and falling with his heartbeat.

Eric walked into the room and handed Katya a cup of cocoa, “has he woken yet?”

Her hand reached for Jeremy’s, “no, not yet.” She held his limp hand in hers and squeezed, “but he will. He will Eric, I know he will.”

Eric rested his hand on her shoulder as she turned to look up at him, the desperation in his eyes made her well up with tears. Katya stood and walked to the door, “I’ll- I’ll be right back.”

Police officers stood in the hall guarding both entrances to the floor. They were checking I.D.’s of everyone who entered the floor, even the staff. Katya had given the police all of the other notes and told them everything she could remember, but one thing still bothered her.

“Detective, may I see the last note?”

“I’m sorry, it’s evidence now ma’am.” The detectives’ voice was stern and foreboding. He crossed his arms as if it would end the conversation.

“Please, sir, this is about me you know? It might help the case if you let me see what the last note said.” Katya crossed her arms, mimicking the detective’s seriousness. “Please.”

With a deep sigh the officer turned and opened the file he’d been guarding, “here, you may look at the note, but do not touch it, forensics are on their way to pick up the damned thing and I don’t want you touching it anymore than you already have. If there are any fingerprints on it I’ll be damned if you mess it up!”

“I won’t sir, thank you.” Katya looked at the note in front of her. It was more cryptic than the last ones, this one seemed more like a fortune cookie than a note from this secret messenger.

A new ally has entered the fight, beware his mischievousness, for it may lead to foul play.

Tingles ran up her spine as she read the last line. Could this man, this secret messenger, think he is my ally and then hurt Jeremy? Or is he meaning someone else? Katya sat at a bench by the Nurse’s station as she thought about what this message could mean.

Eric came out into the hallway, “Katya, he’s waking up.” He turned and went back into the room where Jeremy had been placed. She stood and followed him, pausing at the door to look in on her friend.

Jeremy was sitting up now. He looked so very weak and pale and the bandages around his head didn’t help either. Police officers were pushing past Katya to ask Jeremy questions about his attacker. Katya tried hard to pay attention but her mind kept slipping back to the note.
About an hour later the police officers finished interrogating Jeremy and left his room, two still stood guard at both entrances to the floor in case the man who had attacked Jeremy tried to come back.

“Jeremy?” Katya stood at the end of his bed, Eric had gone to the nurses to find something for Jeremy to eat and drink.

“Katya, are you alright?” Jeremy’s voice was weak and strained. He reached out for her to come sit by him.

“The police officers said you didn’t see the man that attacked you, that he hit you from behind, Eric thought you had died,” tears were streaming down her face, “I was so scared Jeremy, I was so scared.” Her voice was barely audible as she began to sob.

Jeremy leaned forward and grabbed her arms, “come here, lay with me.” Katya climbed into the small hospital bed with him and laid in his arms, “everything will be alright, I promise.”

Chapter Thirteen

Two weeks had passed since the attack and there hadn’t been any new notes or chance encounters with the messenger. Katya and Jeremy had returned to life as usual and classes seemed to go on forever. It was nearing spring break and Katya had been in her room studying for the past three hours. She stood and walked to her window to look out at the beautiful scenery outside, the grass growing, the flowers blooming, the snow almost completely gone. She sighed as she turned and grabbed her coat, she had decided to get some fresh air, and some coffee.

Katya walked down the hall to Jeremy’s door and tapped the knocker. He’s probably studying, I’ll just bring him some coffee on my way back, she thought when he didn’t come to the door.

The streets were fairly quiet for the afternoon. All around her trees were blossoming and new plants were growing, she smiled as she thought of all the new life that surrounded her.

The coffee shop was only a few blocks from her apartment, yet it seemed so much farther in the cold. Winter winds had not left yet and Katya wished they would. She tightened the belt around her warm coat and picked up her pace slightly. Once inside the coffee shop she would feel better.

Katya’s ears perked as she heard footsteps behind her. It’s probably someone with a dog or some little kid. Nothing to be worried about, knock it off.

A jogger past her a few moments later and Katya sighed in relief. See? Nothing.
The coffee shop was warm and inviting as she walked to the front of the room and looked at the menu board.


She flipped around at the sound of her name, she couldn’t quite recognize the voice. She scanned the room for whoever had said her name and stopped on a familiar face in the crowd.

“Katya? Hey! I looked for you in the library, but I couldn’t find you. I figured we could study for the finals like we did for the midterms,” He smiled at her.

“Hey,” She smiled back trying to remember his name, “How have you been? I’ve been cooped up in my room studying, I probably should go to the library, I might actually start studying rather than daydreaming.” She laughed and looked him over. He was taller, maybe six foot, maybe a little taller, short blonde hair, intensely bright green eyes. Josh.

“So did you want to study together again?” Josh tilted his head slightly as he waited for her answer.

“Sure, I was just going to get some coffee, but I just realized I’m famished, I don’t think I’ve eaten today. You want to grab a bite down the street and we can head to the library to study?” Katya smiled and bit her lower lip, she really was hungry, but she also wanted to get to know this handsome man a little more.

....To be continued...
© Copyright 2010 Amanda (amandau at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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