Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1688205-WISH-OF-A-FOOL
Rated: E · Poetry · Dark · #1688205
a man contemplates his life and death asking questions to which no answers are present
Can you hear the sounds ? The screams of the ones trapped in this place of hell. Can anyone or anything help to bring hope to a hopeless place ? Or was it the winds of evil drifting across this world that corrupted man? Does the sun rise in the east to light the path of righteousness ? Or when the sun sets in the western sky does it lead the way to the promised land ? I can only wonder if the screams I hear are from fools like me who are lost with no place to call home, are those the same who prayed to a god ? weakened by there religion open to corrupt perversion, maybe they are the many who were told of the way just to find it was a lie ? When the sky is gray and storm clouds move along the horizon does the rain wash away any of the sin from your heart, what would it be like to be born again with a new start in life. ? do the screaming spirits wish this same wish only to find it was too another lie ? Where is the wisdom I seek ? Where is the answers to immortality? Why is it only me hearing these screams ? Why are they filling my mind
I must get them out of my head or I fear I too may soon be dead. I cry aloud to a sky of blue, please take me home I am traveling down this road of hate and I am tired and weary this life has taken a toll. Repentance along the road of life came and went like a ghost in the night, the demons stole me back for more suffering. Should I fear death ? Maybe it will be welcomed and the screams will cease and my pain will end. Will the ones I love remember me long into the future ? Or will they forget me and the love they once knew ? Will they remember my face how I looked and how I laughed and smiled ? Or will they move on with there life never taking time to think of me or how much I loved them when I was alive. I hope to watch over them from the clouds after I’m gone I wish to be with them in spirit, there can be no paradise  if my family is not there with me, if there is a heaven I do not wish to go without my family, can I wait here for them I need them so much, I cant stand life or death without there love. If my time on earth is short I have much I wish to do before I go, will the stars whisper to my ears the secrets of the immortal ones. How does one gain the knowledge needed to conquer death ? To live among the others who do not want to go to heaven or hell. Why do people need the belief of a after life a higher calling just to get thru this life to the end of there time ? Maybe it is faith, maybe it is the need for a prize at the end that makes there life worth living. I have asked many questions and still have few answers I can only continue to live everyday as if it may the last, if I have learned anything, I know now not another day are we promised, everyday is a gift not to be taken for granite. I will walk with my destiny in the book of life, I can not be afraid to die, I have lived the best I could with what I was taught. I overcame the lies and the betrayal at every stop. I have watched as the sun rose in the sky of my dreams never to see them come true. I will forever have a fire inside to sustain life. Nothing can take away my memories and thoughts or the love I felt during this small fraction time in a universe so big it can not be fathomed by the mind. I have come full circle with myself and am satisfied with the man I am and the life I have lived but am not ready to go on to the unknown world of the dead, so I will look to the night sky for strength and wisdom to carry on till the end is here then all my questions will be answered when my heart stops beating and no more breath is in my lungs, my time will be over a tear will fall over the ones I love telling them goodbye one last time and a last I love you but I now must move on.
I will miss you forever I will shed a tear every minute im gone and my dying wish will be, I only want to see again one day the three faces of the ones I love with my heart and my soul.
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