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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Sci-fi · #1686953
Sci Fi novel draft involving nano technology.
Lessons learned

         In the year 2135 Doctor Robert Anson created what had to be the greatest medical breakthrough of the past two centuries. He was working for Century Technologies as a medical research and development scientist when he came up with viable but expensive nanite design that could change how we did surgery forever. Century Tech however wasn't willing to bet on his design stating that it was too theoretical and expensive of an undertaking. The military didn't think so and when he brought his idea to them they immediately bought out his contract from Century Tech and start  funding his research.

         Within three years he had designed the necessary equipment to performed a surgery using Nanites to repair damage to a human body at the cellular level. Hundreds of successful tests were tried on rats then he moved onto cloned organs from humans damaged in various ways all tests had a 100% success rate now he needed to try it on a living being the first test subject was Staff Sergeant Johnathan G. Miller, an security forces Aeronaut who had been severely wounded in an explosion on the space cruiser Freedom years before he had lost both his legs and had major scaring across ninety percent of his body from second and third degree burns.

         Within minutes of commencing with the test changes started happening, nanites started flooding out the pores of his skin and when they passed damaged tissue they would consume it and use the broken down matter to create new scar free skin. When it reached the end of what was left of his legs the nanites started to consume the bed he was laying and they flooded down forming into the shape of legs the room watched in amazement as slowly but surely new flesh came into view where it hadn't been in over 8 years. The entire process was painful for the Staff Sergeant as this version of the nanites did not have the ability to block out pain, but in his words “Damn worth it!” That day Dr. Anson walked into the History books and his patient walked out of the hospital the first Nandroid!

         As he finished reading the passage from The history of nandroids Technical Sergeant Williams noticed his most intelligent and most aggravating student leaning back in his chair instruction manual closed in front of him asleep at his desk. Every instructor that had Brooks in their class said about the same thing he “Never participates in class discussions and never turns his assignments in on time.” yet every single section final test out of the five he had taken so far he scored one hundred percent and was the first one done on test day they couldn’t ever find any sign of cheating just laziness. He proceeded to step forward and pick up Brooks’ manual and drop it with a loud thud back onto the desk waking the young aeronaut with a start.

         “S’cuse me Aeronaut third class Brooks I know you probably think you already know it all already but unless you feel like reporting to the flight commander I suggest that you pay attention.”

         “Yes Sir” said Brooks seeing what page his classmate was on he opened his book and found his place.

         “Now that you have decided to join us will you please pick up where we left off?”

          After just a few more tests subjects were operated on Dr. Anson put his Nanites to the ultimate test he went to a military hospital in the middle east, the region had been unstable for the better part of the last two centuries though the URA had recently gained control in the area, there where still some small rebel factions trying to cause as much damage as they could before they were destroyed and battlefield casualties were the norm and it was just a matter of time till he got what he needed.

         While tagging along behind the doctors in the E.R. he came upon a poor young soldier who had just been declared dead a minute before. Stepping in the room he shoved a piece of paper in the supervising Doctor's face it was a direct order from the president of the United Republics of America stating that he could take any one patient after death was declared as a test subject. Not wasting any time he injected the solution of Nanites and matter fluid. The matter fluid which was top secret gave the Nanites all they needed to rebuild anything they were programmed to replicate. Within minutes the soldier’s heart was beating and his wounds were healing  nicely the monitors however weren’t showing any real brain activity just the subconscious controlling the cardiopulmonary system after an hour had passed Dr. Anson was about ready to give up and suddenly like a computer booting up the soldiers brain fired to life and he came awake, confused, but completely recovered from death!

         Just as Brooks finished the section  came an interruption over the classroom intercom the students heard a voice “Classrooms. AH TENCH HUT!” as the students and instructors in every room snapped to attention the voice continued “Instructors Give any homework assignments and dismiss your students for final formation in front of the school house.”

         Tech Sgt Williams spoke to his class “There will be no home work for this weekend and Aeronaut Brooks You are to report to my office immediately after final formation for a pop quiz DISMISSED!”

         Forty minutes later Brooks was standing in front of Tech Sgt Williams desk at parade rest waiting for his instructor to say something as he continued to shuffle papers on his desk, checking his virtual mail, and ignore the aeronaut. “Sir permission to speak?” the Sgt looked up at him with a mildly annoyed expression. “Denied.”  he stated as calmly as ever and continued to work on the letter he was typing. After a few more minute of this he looked at Brooks and spoke in a very controlled voice as if he was trying not to yell.

          “Brooks you’re going to listen to me and listen close I was reviewing your personal information file yesterday at twenty three years old you have graduated from one of Americas top medical schools as an Paramedic in less than a year that’s a two year class load, then you completed in no time the training as a wilderness rescue medic to include mountaineering, scuba diving, helicopter rappelling, and Skydiving qualifications. Also while doing all of that you managed to study Tae Kwon Do to black belt level. After that you enlisted as a combat medic refusing to a scholarship to the Aero Academy on the grounds that “You wanted to do it the hard way.” When you completed Basic training your Drill Instructor stated on your first EPR that “You never failed any inspection and seemed to have an attention to detail bordering on OCD.”. So I get it you’re smart, you learn fast, you’re cocky and you already know the subject material and then some for this career field. Some people well above your or my pay grade have their eyes on you and want to see what you got so against the recommendation of every instructor here you are going to get your chance to prove exactly what your worth to the Aero Force, Take this test it’s the final out test if you pass with ninety five percent or higher you will be moved on to your next assignment. If you manage to pass with one hundred percent an automatic promotion to Aeronaut second class will be included. One more thing the higher ups think you can prove your worth on paper but if you get this you will be in the real Aero force and an enemy combatant doesn't care what you scored on a test the only think that will keep you alive is self discipline which you seem to have in short supply lately I suggest you find some real quick or you will end up in the wrong place at the right time to get your ass kicked”

         “Sir just one question, do you already know what my assignment will be?”

         “Yes top secret. You ready to test?”

         “Yes Sir!”


         A week later Aeronaut second class Brooks received his orders. They were hand delivered to his dorm room by his Squadron NCOIC.

                                                                                                                                                              DATE 23 MAY 2157

From 345th Combat Medical Group Commander                       

To Aeronaut Second Class Skyler Aaron Brooks

You are to report to the Texas national space port with included tickets for flight 171 a high altitude jump ship to an undisclosed location. You are required to wear your DBUs (Digital Battle Uniform). Master Sergeant John Smith will be on location to retrieve you and give you your Mission briefing.

Authorized travel Items :

One ruck sack with uniforms, combat gear, and medical equipment.

One carry on with personal effects and toiletries

                                                           Col. Christopher Bronson

                                                          345th  CMG Commander

                                                          Christopher Bronson

Brooks arrived at his space port twenty minutes early boarding onto the flight was an hour twenty minutes late due to “Engine troubles”. When the announcement to board the jump ship was he noticed only a few people stood up to board the craft all of them except for one older man had that “Military look” to them it occurred to him that a commercial flight would rarely ever lift with this few occupants but he chose to ignore it figuring that as he was headed to an “Undisclosed location” he was going to be one of only a few other passengers.

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