Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1686775-The-Life-of-a-Los-Angeles-Girl-C1-Part1
by Apo
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1686775
"The Lift of a Los Angeles Girl." Part 1 of Chapter 1
Emily looked behind her, as she watched the sky scrapers of New York disappear. She looked down at her black berry, the black phone didn't glow with any text messages from her friends. She sighed, and looked out her window, watching the city landscape changed into the country side. Emily leaned forward and reached for her Gucci purse. Digging around inside, she pulled out the latest ipod, iTouch (3rd Generation). Turning her ipod on, she unlocked it and skimmed through the songs. Finding the one she wanted, she touched on it and turned the volume up, letting the pop music pour into her ears.

"Emily! Emily! Wake up". Emily blinked her eyes open to see her mom leaning over the passenger seat. "What"? Emily asked, leaning up and feeling the back of her head. The straightened blonde hair was in a mess in the back, "We're at a hotel. Get up", she heard her mom say. Emily groaned and opened the door of the Platinum Escalade. She turned her head and saw the Mariott Inn. "Moom, why are we staying here"? Emily whined. If anything she hated most, was a hotel. She hated hotels, they all related to the fact that she wasn't at home. It's also related to the fact that she was moving to Los Angeles. "Well Emily, where do you want us to stay"? her mother asked, twirling her brunette hair. "Uh...some place not here thats for sure. Maybe back at home in New York", she said. "Now Em, that isn't going to happen", her mom said. Emily groaned, she hated the nickname Em, it meant; "Shut it up now or you'll regret it". Emily went around to the back of the Escalade and took out her suitcase and began rolling it across the parking lot. Damn. I hate this! I hate it! I'm leaving my life, my boyfriend, and my best friends. She thought of Daniel then, the hottest boy that went to Woodward High School. His shaggy blonde hair and hazel eyes made her legs feel like noodles everytime she saw him and his charming looks and smile. People at school said they were the cutest couple. Emily felt her phone vibrate & saw a text from Daniel. It said, "Hey babe". Emily grinned and texted him back, happy that she finally had somebody to talk to and not her boring ass family.

Walking into the hotel room, she wasn't surprised at what it had. It was like every other hotel room; two beds, a lamp table between the two beds, a table in the corner, and a crappy tv in the front of the room. "Wow. Such nice interior", Emily said sarcastically. Feeling her phone vibrate again, she looked down and saw it was Daniel again. "What you doin"? She giggled and texted him back saying, "Lookin at this sorry ass interior in the hotel room. You baby"? She sighed and proped her suitcase against the wall and sat on the edge of the bed. She sighed and locked her phone, and placed it on the lamp table. Going to her suitcase, she laid it on the floor, and sifted through it. Pulling out her night outift and shampoo and conditioner, Emily walked into the bathroom.

"Ewww. It's even worse in here than out there" she said. The bath tub wasn't at all that big. She scowled at the tub and walked over to it and turned it on. It doesn't even have a jaccuzzi built in it. Emily stripped off her strapless top, long blue jeans, and black flip flops decorated with real diamonds on the thongs. It was a gift from her boyfriend and she loved her boyfriend even more for them. She put her blonde hair in a bun behind her head and climbed into the shower. Scrubbing her body with the bar of soap, and rinsing off, Emily stood under the spray of water and cried. Leaving her home, she could never imagine, but here she was doing it. It felt so wrong. Alex, Daniel, Brittany, Mia, Lexi, and Massie. Her little click she had formed with her best friends. She also led the click and she didn't know who would take over or if it would split up.

When Emily finished crying, she turned off the water and climbed out of the shower. Wrapping a white towel around her, she stood in front of the mirror. She was slightly tanned, and had a freckle mark above her lip. She had well plucked black eyebrows with dark green eyes below them. Her bangs were on the side and long. Her nose was straight and nice looking. She sighed and turned away from the mirrow and dressed herself in long silk pants and a tank top. She walked out of the bathroom and into the room. Emily had to go for a walk, she couldn't take it no more. Being enclosed in here made her feel like a caged lioness wanting to be let out. She was going to let her parents know where she was going, but they weren't no where to be found. She sighed and walked over to the lamp table and grabbed her black berry but also noticed a room key beside it. She picked up the key and walked over to the room door. Grabbing the golden handle, she turned it and pulled the door open.

Walking down the hallway, she walked to the elevator and pressed the down button. Messing with her tank strap she sat quietly and looked down at her phone and clicked the square so her screen will show up and she unlocked her phone. Instead of a text, she just had a picture of her and her friends at a party. "You know, if you want to text somebody, all you have to do is ask". A male voice said behind her. Emily turned around and saw a cute boy that was standing behind her. Damn. He's fine. She looked him over with her eyes. He was wearing a flat-billed hat that was tipped to the side. He had long jet black hair and his long bangs flipped out to the side. He was wearing an Ecko Unlimited shirt, black plaid shorts that went past his knees and black Ecko Unlimited tennis shoes. She giggled and looked at him again before looking down at her black painted toe nails.

"So what are you doing here"? he asked her.

"My parents and I are moving to Los Angeles. What are you doing here"? she replied.

The cute boy laughed and said, "Really? We're heading to Los Angeles too".

Emily gaped at him, and the boy laughed even harder. "What"? she said.

"Th-Th-The expression on your face when I told you that", he said.

Emily glared at him and turned away at the sudden ding of the elevator. She turned to see the elevator door open and went to step into it, when she felt her phone being grabbed out of her hand. "HEY"! she yelled and turned around to see the boy running down the hallway laughing, with her phone in his hand. She looked at the elevator and looked at the boy with her phone, and broke into a run after the boy.

"I want my phone back", she called out to him.

"Come and get it then", he yelled back.

If there was one embarrassing thing that she could ever remember would be this. Running down a hallway in her pj's, after some guy that had her phone, and people peeking out the cracks in their doors to see what the yelling was about. Emily just smiled and waved to them. Some frowned back, others laughed, and some even waved back. She continued running down the hall and saw the boy turn a corner. She raced around it and felt arms wrap around her. She inhaled to let out a scream when she heard that same laugh of that boys. She wrestled her way out of his grasp and turned to glare at him. He held her phone out to her and she snatched it away. Emily turned and started marching down the hallway when she heard the boy yell, "I put my number in there. By the way; My name is Max". She turned her head and nodded to him, turning her head back, her clip fell out and tumbled to the floor, letting her blonde hair tumble down her back. She turned a corner and came down the hallway she was roomed in. Coming to the door, she slide the key in and stepped into the room and found her parents waiting for her, sitting on the bed, with not too happy faces.

"Emily! What do you thnk you were doing? Leaving without letting us know"? her mother screamed.

"It isn't my fault! I got bored and I needed to clear my head so I decided to go walking around. You all weren't around and there was a room key by my phone", Emily said.

"Well don't do it again Emily", her mother said sternly. Emily glared at her mom and walked over to the bed she had all to herself. This is the best thing about being an only sibling, you get everything to your self Emily laid down on the bed and held her phone up, looking at it. She sighed and went to her contacts and typed in Max's name. She typed his number into her text message and typed out a message and sent it. Laying her phone on her stomach, Emily closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

© Copyright 2010 Apo (deerhunter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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