Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1686773-Secrects-That-Hide-In-The-Dark
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Drama · #1686773
This story is about a guy who loses all he has in the matter of 24 hours. Enjoy!
Secrets That Hide In The Dark
By Justin "Fuzz" Dennis
    Answer me this. How can someone who had it all, a perfect girlfriend, an amazing job, the coolest friends. He was the most popular guy in school and he lost it all in one day? I can tell you cause I'm the one who lost it all and when I say all I really mean all. There's no excuse for what I did and I'm disgusted by my actions.
    But before I tell you my story, let me tell you a bit about me. My name is Rafe Hernandez. I'm basically the all-american jock at high school. I'm the football captain for my school, Payton College Prep, and I have (or had) the most amazing girlfriend at my side named Jissella Perez who I was with for five years. In addition to that, I had a great job at Baker & McKenzie law firm which is the top law firm in Chicago. I made like $15.00 an hour just by being an assistant for the best lawyer in the firm, Roman Hernandez, my father. It's because of him that I even got that job.
    I grew up having it easy with my dad being a lawyer and my mom working as head chef at Alinea. Everything I wanted, I got. Like the brand new sports car that they bought me for my graduation present. I know, sounds like the life. How could I have all of that and just screw it up in one single day? It's not that hard really.
    It all started at like six in the morning. I was taking Jissella and our two friends, Nichole and E.J out for an early breakfast before we had to get ready for graduation. We were kind of like the preppy kids you would see on Saved By The Bell or Degrassi or something like that. We were all ecstatic that we were about to officially be done with school. We've been awaiting this day ever since we were 14. But like I was saying, I was taking them out for breakfast at ihop and we all sat at our usual table. Like the average high schoolers, we were being loud and obnoxious. We didn't really care what people thought of us that day cause we were gonna graduate in less than seven or eight hours. Nothing could kill our spirits.
    "Can you guys believe that were actually about to graduate today," said Jissella. She had this soft, scratchy voice with a Puerto Rican accent, which was one of the things that attracts me to her. "It seems like just yesterday that it was our first day as freshman and we were all wondering around the school, lost."
    "Correction," interjected Nichole. "You were lost, I knew my way around the school,"
    "Only because you were following your big sister around the first week," said E.J.
    "But I still got around faster and easier than a certain someone who went to the wrong class and didn't realize it until three quarters of the way through class, Rafe," stated Nichole.
    "Oh, since you wanna play that card Nichole, who was the one who on the second day left the bathroom with a long-ass trail of toilet paper hanging from the butt," I said to Nichole as I nodded in her direction.
    "True, she did do that, but we've all come a long way from freshman year," started Jissella. "I mean look at us. Me and Rafe are going to Harvard Law in the fall. E.J, you're gonna be interning at McDonald, Sweedleson and Associates in San Diego and Nichole, you're about to be going to medical school in San Diego as well. I'm just so proud of all of us,"
    "I'm not in Harvard yet. I'm only on the wait list," I interjected.
    "Let's not forget that in eight short months, me and Nichole will have our first child and will be getting married around the same time," said E.J, placing his hand on Nichole's belly.
    "Yeah, I'm still not used to the idea of you two having a baby so soon," I said to them.
    "Well it's not exactly the sort of thing you plan, Rafe," said Nichole. To give you a little history on E.J and Nichole, they've been together longer than me and Jissella have. I'm talking from the moment they started junior high, to now. Not breaking up not even once. Everyone basically say that they're husband and wife.
    "But still, you guys just turned 18 a few months ago. Don't you think that it's a bit too early to be thinking about having kids?" asked Jissella.
    "Again I say, we didn't exactly plan for this to happen. It's not like I woke up one morning and said to myself 'hey, I wanna get knocked up today'," said Nichole.
    "We're just saying that you should've been more careful. You know what I mean?" I said-slash-asked.
    "Yeah we know what you meant. But like Nichole said, we didn't exactly plan for this to happen. But the plus side is that with the money that I'll be making as an intern, we'll be able to afford the cost of having a baby. Plus, our parents are being real supportive of us and are helping us out in everyway that they can," said E.J.
    "Speaking of the baby, I gotta use the bathroom," interjected Nichole as she got up from the table. Although nobody saw this, Nichole slipped a note into my hand as she walked passed. The not told me to meet her in front of the bathrooms for a quick chat. So I got up out of my seat five minutes later and walked over to her.
    "What is it? What did you want?" I asked as I approached her. She instantly swung her arms around my neck and gave me a huge kiss. I kissed back.
    "I wanna know when you are going to tell Jissella about us," said Nichole.
    "I'm gonna tell her tonight, right after our graduation dinner," I replied to her.
    "You better cause you've been promising me for weeks that you're gonna dump her for me but you haven't done it yet and I'm starting to get annoyed," she said as she took back her arms.
    "Wait a minute. While you're so worried about me telling Jissella, when are you gonna tell E.J about us?" I asked.
    "As soon as you tell Jissella. That was the plan remember?"
    "Yeah, yeah. I remember. But how's about after we eat breakfast, I pick you up at your house and we park the car in our good old spot?"
    "Mmm sounds tempting but my mom has me set up for a doctors appointment at nine and then E.J wants me to come over and look at apartments with him,"
    "So ditch him. It's not like you're gonna be lving with him anyways,"
    "I know but that's when I plan to dump him. I'm not gonna tell him about us until after graduation,"
    "Fine. I guess I gotta survive without you for one more day,"
    "The problem is, I don't know how I'm gonna tell my parents that I'm not going to med school in San Diego but the one in Boston. They're gonna be pissed,"
    'But at least it will be worth it in the end," I said giving her a kiss on the neck.
    "Yeah but still, I fell bad cause it cost more to go to medical school at Harvard seeing as I already got accepted like 3 months ago,"
    "It's gonna be fine. They'll still love you,"
    "I hope so. You better get back to the table before they suspect us," said Nichole, pointing in the direction of E.J and Jissella.
    "Yeah you're right. So if all goes according to plan, we should have left them by the time we get to graduation, correct?"
    "Yes and you better follow through with this plan. Remember, you're not just leaving her for me, but for our baby as well," said Nichole rubbing her belly. This came as a shock to me seeing as I didn't know that I was the father.
    "You mean, that baby is..."
    "Yes Rafe, it's yours. Me and E.J always used protection but you and I never did except that first time,"
    "Wow. I guess I have no choice but to do this than huh?"
    "No you don't. Now go," said Nichole as she gave me a soft push.
    I walked back over to Jissella and E.J. I told them that I had to get back to my house to fill out some paper work so we had to leave as soon as Nichole came back to the table. It wasn't until around ten that Jissella wanted to meet with me for something important. I didn't really put too much into why she wanted to see me but I had some spare time and decided that I would go see her. Plus it would be a good a time as any to tell her that me and Nichole have been seeing each other behind hers and E.J's backs.
    I met up with Jissella in front of our old elementary school, Bouchet. She looked so beautiful that day. More beautiful than I have ever seen her in my life. Her long dark hair flowing in the summer wind. Her hazel eyes shined brightly and her skin looked so smooth. How could I ever leave a woman like that. Only a complete idiot would do such a stupid thing.
    "Hey Rafe," she started as she walked over to me and leaned in for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight and kissed her soft gentle lips.
    "So what did you want to talk about," I asked her, letting her loose.
    "I wanted to give you something," she reached in her purse and pulled out a wrinkled piece of paper with some writing on it. I looked over it and read what it said. The message read 'Knock em out'. My heart skipped a beat at that very moment.
    "I can't believe you kept this," I said to her.
    "I remember that very day like it was yesterday. We were standing right here and I was about to leave for my first soccer game with the girls and just after I gave you a hug, you slipped that note into my coat pocket. It wasn't until I got to the game that I found it and won the whole thing for my team. you knew that I was feeling like I was gonna mess up and lose the game and it was this very note that gave me confidence that I needed to win. I kept it all these years as a good luck charm. Now I'm giving it back to you for luck,"
    "I don't need any luck. I have you. As a matter of fact, I've got something to tell you too. Well more like ask you," I knelt down on one knee. I didn't really think at the time what I was doing. All I knew was that it felt right.
    "What are you doing?" she asked with the most gorgeous smile on her face.
    "You have been the only thing in my life that truly mattered. I've never been more happy than I am when I'm with you. You are the one that I love and will always love," I paused to grab her left hand. "Do you love me?"
    "Of course. You know I do,"
    "Then prove it by making me the happiest man in the world. Marry me," I froze as I awaited the answer. She kind of stood there with a blank expression on her face. I felt as if she was about to tell me no in the worst way possible. So as I was on the ground basically shacking with anxiety, she gave me a glowing smile, looked me right in my eyes and said...
    "Yes. I will merry you Rafe Hernandez," Once she said that, my jaw dropped. I was in disbelief for about 30 seconds before I jumped to my feet and hugged her tightly in my arms. We then kissed each other for what seemed to be two hours but was more like two minutes.
    "Listen, I gotta go get ready for graduation. But I'll see you later at the ceremony and that's when we can go around and tell everybody the good news," She said to me as she forced herself from my arms.
    "Okay. See you then," I gave her one more long kiss and headed back to my car. I too had to go home and get ready for graduation which was about to take place in like three hours.
    For my entire ride home I was just glowing on the inside. I couldn't believe that Jissella actually agreed to marry me. I was still in disbelief. I couldn't help but to then think about our life together as man and wife. Two successful lawyers who live in a enormous house in L.A. We would have three kids. A boy and two girls. My son would look just like me but with Jissella's eyes and the girls would look like their mother but with my personality. It would be great. We would even have a dog named Rosco (mainly because Jissella always wanted to name her dog that).
    I pulled up to my house about 15 minutes after I left Bouchet. Our house was really big. It was one of those houses that you would find in magazines and knew you could never afford unless you hit the lottery. I was three floors high with a balcony in front of the guest room. There was at least two windows for every room we had. Plus we had an enormous front yard that we usually use when we have parties and stuff. Today it was decorated because we planed to have a grad party fro me and my friends after the ceremony. My mom and dad were both home. As I walked in I couldn't wait to tell them about my good news. I hurried up to them, they were both standing in th front yard setting up for the party. My mom was busy making sure that the caterer was making the correct food and she was setting up all the chairs. My dad was going in and out of the house bringing out table cloths, plates, forks, cups, the drinks, everything. Just as he came out the house ran up to him and my mom with a huge smile on my face.
    "Mom, dad, I got extremely good news to tell you all," I started.
    "What is it?" my mom asked in her high smoky voice.
    "I just proposed to Jissella and she said yes. I'm engaged," my smile grew even larger as I told them but to my surprise, they weren't looking as happy as I thought they would be. They actually looked a bit upset at the news.
    "Well, aren't you two gonna congratulate me?" I asked looking puzzled.
    "For what? Wanting to rush into marriage right after high school," Remarked my dad in his usual low, stern voice. I've always compared his voice to the guy that did the voice of Mufasa on the Lion King movie. He sounds just like him to me.
    "Rafe did you even think about what you were doing before you asked her to marry you?" asked my mom.
    "Well, sort of. I kind of thought about it on the spot. But I really do wanna marry her and she wants to marry me. You should be happy for your son," I told them both.
    "It's kind of hard to be happy for you when you do this sort of thing all the time. You rush into something without thinking and it never turn out to be what you expected. Do you realize that marriage takes lots of commitment. I mean, you're not even 20 yet and here you are wanting to get married just before you get into college," said my dad.
    "I'm not saying that I want to get married right away. We're obviously gonna wait until after we're done with university. It's not me and Jissella want to get married next week or next month. We're looking at a long engagement," I stated to my parents.
    "Good cause you're too young to be getting married. Like you said, wait until after university before you two start planning the wedding. Understood?" my dad asked me with the most serious expression on his face.
    "Yeah. Understood. By the way, did I get my letter from Harvard yet. It should be here by now?" I asked them.
    "As a matter of fact," started my mom as she reached in her pocket and pulled out a folded up envelope and she handed it over to me. I hesitated at first to grab it because if Harvard decided to reject me, I didn't want to know. But I grabbed the envelope anyways. "Well aren't you gonna read it?" my mom asked me in a rush.
    "Not yet. Not until after graduation. I want it to be a surprise,"  I told them both.
    "I have a good feeling about this, son, I believe that you're in and if you are, you know what that means. You'll be in law school and grow up to be just as successful as your old man," He placed his right hand on my left shoulder. I could feel that he wanted me to be in Harvard Law more than I did. That was his thing. He always wanted so much for me when all along I didn't really want the same things as he did. He's like those dad's you see on sitcoms who want to live their dreams out through their kids. My mom, on the other hand, always wanted me to be chef like her. But unfortunately for me, I didn't exactly inherit her cooking genes.
    "Oh, look at the time," my dad said, placing his watch in from of my face. "It's almost time for the ceremony. You better get upstairs and get ready before you're late."
    "You're right. I'll be ready to go in like twenty minutes," I said just before I ran off to my room.
    As I made my way upstairs to my room, I knew I had to call up Nichole and tell her that I couldn't be with her and that I'm engaged to Jissella. There's not exactly a nice way to tell a woman that you're cheating with that you can't be with them anymore. I just had to hope that she would take it well and decide that I was right. So I pulled out my cell-phone and dialed her number.
    "Hello?" asked Nichole when she answered the phone.
    "Hey Nichole, it's me, Rafe," I said in a quivering kind of voice.
    "Yeah, I know. I do have caller ID you know. So whats up? Did you break up with Jissella yet?"
    "Umm thats why I called. Her and I were talking earlier and I was all set to leave her but then something happened and I just couldn't do it,"
    "What? What do you mean. What happened?" I could hear her voice getting more angry by the second.
    "Well, Jissella and I were in a moment and I came to the conclusion that I couldn't leave her. I love her. So I proposed to her and she said yes. I hope you're not mad at me,"
    "Mad? No, I'm not mad. I'm ferious. I wish you ill. You promised me that you would leave her for me. You said that she was not the one for you and now all of a sudden you wanna marry her. How could you do this to me. For heavens sake, Rafe, I'm pregnant with your baby! You can't leave us like this!"
    "I know. I'll still help you take care of it but it's just, my heart belongs to Jissella and I can't live without her. Besides, you have E.J. He's a great guy. You two are perfect for each other. Why can't you be with him instead?"
    "Because I don't love him, Rafe. I love you.  I love you so much that I let you knock me up. I let you get me to reject San Diego State University just to go to some crumby medical school in Boston. Do you know how much I hate Boston? I despise it Rafe. But I was willing to put up with it because of you and now you think you're just gonna leave me high and dry like this," I could tell over the phone that she was crying.
    "Look Nichole, I'm sorry. Believe me, I didn't want this to happen. I just love Jissella too much to let her go,"
    "That's funny. I could've sworn that you said the exact same thing to me last month. What was it that you said. 'I love you Nichole. You're the only one I want to be with. I love you too much to let E.J take you.' Sound familiar to you?"
  "I told you I was sorry. What else do you want from me?"
  "I want you. Don't you understand that?"
  "You can't have me. My heart belongs to Jissella,"
  "We'll see about that,"
  "What's that supposed to mean,"
  "You're not just gonna leave me and think that you're gonna get away with it so easily. If I can't have you, no one will. Hmm, I wonder what Jissella will think about your little secret,"
  "No. You can't tell her,"
  "And why not?"
  "Because, if you tell her than I'm gonna tell E.J that your baby isn't his and tell your parents that you're not going to San Diego,"
  "Do you really think you can blackmail me with that information. My parents are gonna find out one way or the other about college and plus, my mom can always pull some strings to get me back into San Diego. As for E.J, what's the worst that he can do to me. Hit me? If he so much as lays a finger on me, I'll have him thrown in Flavor Flav's jail cell quicker than you can say 'baby shower'. It's you who should be scared of E.J. How do you think he's gonna take it when he hears that his best friend knocked up his girlfriend behind his back. He'll kill you. So don't try that blackmail shit with me. It's not gonna work. You just worry about trying to save your own ass,"
  "Nichole, I'm begging you, please don't tell,"
  "Begging won't work either. It's not cute. The question is, when should I tell everyone our little secret. Before or after graduation. You'll just have to wait and see,"
  "Nichole, no! If you really did love me, than you wouldn't do this,"
  "Don't play that card on me Rafe Hernandez cause if you loved me like you claimed you did, you would've broken up with Jissella like we planed. But now, it's gonna be her that breaks up with you,"
  "Please, don't,"
  "Mmm and just so were clear, it's over Rafe. See you at graduation," Nichole then hung up the phone. I could not believe that this just happened. Did I really screw up that badly that my whole world was going to crumble before me in less than three hours. What have I done.
  At around 2:20 I arrived at the University of Chicago football stadium, which is where graduation was gonna take place. I wasted no time to look for Nichole for one last chance to get her not to tell anyone about our affair, if she didn't tell anyone already. I searched high and low for her. I tried to avoid coming into contact with E.J and Jissella because if they did know already of what I did, than I would be in huge trouble. But thankfully I found Nichole coming out of the girls bathroom. I pulled her aside into a broom closet.
  "Why did you bring me in here?" she asked in anger.
  "You can't tell anyone about us. Do you really think that it's gonna make you feel better to make someone else miserable when the only one you're hurting is yourself,"
    "I don't know. I guess we'll find out later on now won't we,"
    "Why are you being such a bitch?"
    "Excuse me, you were the one who cheated on his girlfriend. You were the one whose been lying to her for months about always being true to her. As a matter of fact, it was you who made the first move when we first started this little affair. As I recall, you came to my house in the middle of the night, high, telling me that you've had a thing for me ever since sophomore year, begging me to sleep with you,"
    "But you did. So that makes you just as guilty,"
    "No it doesn't. You knew that me and E.J were on the verge of breaking up and you knew that I had feelings for you ever since we were in grade seven so you knew that I would hook up with you at the drop of a hat. You used my feelings for you to get what you wanted and that was wrong and it hurt,"
    "If you cared about me so much, why did you stay with E.J than. Why not break up with him and date me before I started dating Jissella?"
    "Because by the time I had build up the courage to dump E.J, you and her were already together so it made no sense to leave him and plus, I hate being alone. Which is why I stuck with him for so long. I knew I would never be alone as long as I had E.J,"
    "I get it now. You're not blackmailing me to get back at me for leaving you, you're doing this cause you're jealous of Jissella for having me and you think that if she breaks up with me that I'll come running back to you. Is that it?"
    "Don't be so full of yourself Rafe. I don't want you anymore. After thinking about it on my way here, I realized that you're pathetic and you're a womanizer. You think you can use us all you want just because you're popular and are the captain of the football team. You think that you can have everything your way and that women will do everything you say just because of your looks. Well guess what, I'm not falling for it anymore. I'm done with you. You'll never play games with me like you did before,"
    "And what about our baby?"
    "What about it?"
    "Do you think I'm just gonna let you walk off and not let me be a part of our child's life?"
    "You'll be apart of it's life alright. Once the baby is born, I'm going to court to have you pay child support. All that lawyer money will be going to good use." she said as she rubbed her stomach. "Now let me go. I got a diploma to receive,"
    "What if I said that I demand that you don't tell them about our affair?" I said as I folded my arms and gave Nichole a stern glare in the eyes.
    "I would then say that I find your particular brand of crack to be quiet amusing," she too folded her arms and glared me in the eyes. She was not making this easy for me at all. But then again, I did deserve it so I couldn't be that mad at her but still pretty mad though.
    "I'm not letting you tell Jissella and E.J about us," I stated, blocking the door.
    "News flash Rafe, I already did," as she said that, my heart dropped. She actually told them. I thought she was buffing at first, but no. She really did tell them. It was only a matter of time before I came face to face with Jissella and E.J. I could picture it in my head. Jissella yelling and screaming at me while E.J pound my face into the ground. I was too afraid to come out of the broom closet. I couldn't bare to look them in the eye knowing that at any moment, they could kill me for my horrible actions.
    I slowly opened the door and allowed Nichole to walk out. I took baby steps when coming out. I looked around for any sign of Jissella or E.J cause once I saw them, I was going to hide right back in the closet.
    I crept around each corner quietly, making sure not to draw attention to myself. I wanted to find my seat and sit down before anybody saw me. Of course, the problem was, my seat was right next to E.J. So no matter how hard I tried to avoid him, I was going to see him regardless. So there was no point in trying to hide. So I stopped. I walked directly to my seat and sure enough, E.J was right there.
    I had to toughen up and face the music. I was about to get beat up in front of everybody on my graduation day. So as I walked up to my chair, I saw E.J's head turn right in my direction. He raised his hand and motioned for me to come over. I wanted to run for my life but I knew that I couldn't. I slowly walked over and once me and E.J were face to face, we locked eyes. His chestnut colored eyes did not look angry but more blank and emotionless. So I didn't really know what to expect. He raised his hands into what I thought was a fist but was really a high five position. Was he trying to fool me? Was he trying to get me to let my guard down so he can attack me when I wasn't expecting it? I was confused.
    "Congratulations man. We made it. We're actually going to graduate today," he said with a smile on his face. I kind of froze for a second and then gave him the high five he was expecting.
    "Yeah, I still can't believe it myself," I said with an apprehensive look on my face.
    "Are you okay? You seem a bit tense,"
    "Yeah. I-I'm fine. Have you talked to Nichole sense you've been here,"
    "Yeah. Just five minutes ago. She said you had something to tell me," I can't believe it. She didn't tell him. She was going to have me tell on myself. Well lucky for me I caught it. I wasn't going to get in any trouble, I thought.
    "Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that I'm gonna miss you guys when you leave for San Diego," I told him. Just then, the ceremony began.
    The graduation ceremony went smoothly. Everybody got their diploma as according to plan. I thought that once I got mine that Nichole would come up and say something but with much luck, she didn't. It was getting close to the end of graduation. They were in the 'W's. I was waiting for them to finish so I could bolt out of here and never be seen by them again. But once they called Nichole's name, I couldn't help but to stare. I had a feeling she was giving me the evil eye. I looked up and saw her grab her diploma and walk off the stage. I was relieved. Then when all the diploma's were handed out, the school principal said one final word to everybody and then Nichole came out of no where and snatched the microphone from his hands. She held it to her mouth and I plugged my ears for what she was about to say.
    "Ladies and gentlemen, I have a quick announcement. You all know Rafe Hernandez right? Well did you know that for the past three months, Rafe has been cheating on his girlfriend, Jissella, with me. Oh and that's not all. The best part is, he got me pregnant. How's that for an end of the year treat. Oh, and for the record, Rafe is the size of a tootsie roll. Have a nice night," she dropped the microphone and ran off. The next thing I knew it, I felt myself hit the floor hard. I could heard a ringing in my ears and someone punching me in my face. I knew it was E.J. I didn't try to fight back because I knew I deserved every hit. I though he was going to kill me. Finally someone grabbed him off of me. All I could hear him say is "Watch your back Rafe, I'm coming back for you. You better believe me when I say, this isn't over yet!"
    I collected myself and got up off the floor. I opened my eyes to see everybody give me a look of disappointment. People were shacking their heads as I made my way out of the stadium. One person even whispered in my ear "I looked up to you. Why would you do that?". I felt so ashamed of myself. I was disgusted. Then I saw her, Jissella. Standing at the exit door. She didn't look the least bit upset. She just stood there waiting for me. So I walked over with an apology already in my head. I stepped right up to her and opened my mouth.
    "Jissella, I am so sorry. I never wanted..." I started but Jissella cupped her right hand over my mouth to keep me from talking.
    "Save it Rafe. I don't want to hear it. I don't wanna know why you did it and I don't really even care," She said to me in a soft voice. I didn't really get what was going on. Was she going to forgive me? Was she going to be able to look past my crime and be able to still marry me?
    "I just want to..."
    "Shh! I'm talking. You know what Rafe, you walk around everyday acting like you're a god when in reality, you're a nobody..."
    "Baby I know and I am so sorry I let this world take me away from what is really important..."
    "I'm still talking! You would think that I would be pissed off that you cheated on me but you know what, I'm not. I'm actually glad that you did,"
    "What do you mean?"
    "You're not the only one with secrets. I have one of my own. While you were out every night sleeping with that slut Nichole, I was out doing my own thing,"
    "What are you saying. You've been cheating on me too,"
    "Yes I have. I'm fucking Connie Spallding,"
    "What? You've been sleeping with another woman. But, then, you're a.." I couldn't complete my sentence. Did she really say that she's been having sex with another woman. "That means you're bisexual,"
    "Actually, I'm a full on lesbian,"
    "But how? Why?"
    "Ever since I was born I've been trying to live up to this ideal life my parents wanted for me. The popular girl with the popular boyfriend. The captain of the cheer leading squad. When all along i just wanted to tell my parents 'Hey, I like girls'. But I couldn't do it. I was too afraid that they would dis own me as their daughter. So I dated you, just to make them happy. But little did you know that Connie and I have been sleeping together behind closed doors,"
    "But you told me you loved me. You said you would marry me,"
    "I only said that to maintain my image. I never wanted to marry you. I was actually going to break up with you after the graduation party. Nichole telling everyone about your affair just made it easier for me to dump you. As far as my parents go, I plan to tell them about my sexuality once I go home. But when it comes to us, we're done. It's over, Rafe. See you at Harvard," she finished and walked off. I couldn't believe that she just did that. She literally just dumped me and ran off with another woman. My heart was torn. That's when my parents came up to me.
    "Mom, dad, skip the party. I just wanna go home and wrest. I can't take anymore. I know you want to talk to me about this whole mishap but I really just need a break and some wrest to clear my head. We can talk about it tomorrow," I told them. They looked at each other and then back at me. They each gave me a look of hatred.
    "Rafe, were are very disappointed in you," started my mother.
    "I know. I really screwed up," I mentioned as I started to walk to my car.
    "Yes you did. You just embarrassed me and your mother in front of everybody," snapped my father. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to face them again. "What were you thinking?"
    "I wasn't thinking. I guess I just let my popularity get to my head," I said to him.
    "You're right. You weren't thinking!" cracked my mother.
    "I promise you, I will never embarrass you two again." I told them apologetically, holding my left cheek as I could feel it swell up.
    "You got that right cause as of now, we wash our hands of you," my father said to me while he pointed his finger in my face. He gave me such a look of disgust and hatred. Kind of like how an army captain looks at new recruits when they first start out.
    "What do you mean you wash your hands of me. I'm your son," I said in shock.
    "Correction, our son would never do such a thing like this," said my dad. "Forget about that job and us paying for your tuition. We're not paying your way through life like we have for the last eighteen years. When we get home, go clean out your room and your desk at the office. Oh, and hand over your car keys by the end of this week. As of now, you'll be paying for you transportation just like everybody else,"
    "But dad.." I whimpered
    "Don't 'but dad' me. You wanted to act like a man, well guess what, now it's time for you to be one,"
    "Mom are you really gonna let this happen?" I asked my mom with tears rolling down my face.
    "I'm sorry Rafe, I can't help you. Not anymore," she said and then my parents walked off. I felt like I was going to die and as if I wasn't already down, I decided to open up my letter from Harvard and to add insult to injury, they rejected me. My life was over. Then as I made my way towards my car, I saw Nichole leaning against it. Just standing there waiting for me.
    "What did you want Nichole? Have you not ruined my life enough today?" I asked in rage.
    "I just wanted to see what you looked like after E.J pounded your face in and might I say, he did a fantastic job," she said with such joy.
    "Go to hell Nichole," I said as I clenched my jaw together.
    "Ooo, mad are we. So how does it feel to have everything you worked so hard for to be taken away from you so quickly?"
    "Why did you do this to me?"
    "You did this to your self Rafe. Haha. Look at you. The big man on campus has finally fallen. And think, this could have all been avoided if you just broke up with Jissella like you promised. But nope, you just had to mess it all up for yourself. I'm  actually glad that we're not together anymore. Now I can finally see you for what you really are. A loser. A failure. A reject. Well, it's about time for me to leave. Have fun in Harvard,"
    "I'm not going,"
    "Whats that?"
    "I didn't get in,"
    "Haha. Wow, you really are a reject. I don't know what I ever saw you in. The only good thing that came from this is that I get a beautiful baby in eight months. Speaking of which, good luck being able to afford all that child support. Bye loser" but just before Nichole walked away, Jissella came back with Connie Spallding holding her hand. At that point, I couldn't take anymore.
    "Rafe, I just wanted to give you one last thing before we went our separate ways," said Jissella as she reached in her purse and pulled out the promise ring that I had given her at homecoming three years ago. She placed it in my hands.
    "Why are you giving this to me?" I asked her while Connie just stood there smirking at me with her manish face.
    "Remember when you gave me that ring. You said that you promised that if you were to ever cheat on me or do anything deceitful, to give the ring back to you to show that you broke your promise. Well you broke your promise, so there's the ring," As she turned to walk away she looked to Nichole for one last word. "Nichole, if you want him, he's all yours. I won't stand in your way,"
    "Hmf. Yeah right. Who would ever want to be with a looser like that? I know I don't," Nichole stated as she gave me a look of disgust. With that, all three of them walked off and I just stood there drowning in a pool of my own misery.
    So there it is. That's how I lost everything good in my life in a mere 24 hours. Now here I am, five years later. In a cheap community college in Chicago living in a broke-down apartment with my aunt and uncle. You would think that my parents would have forgiven me by now but they haven't. Each time I call them they pretend like they don't even have a kid. As for E.J, I saw him one time since graduation and as expected, he tried to kill me. Lucky for me, we were right in front of a police station so he couldn't really do much besides knock me out on the pavement. Nichole ended up meeting some rich stock broker in San Diego. She never did put me on child support but I also never got to see my child, which ended up being a boy. My only wish is that he doesn't end up like me. As for Jissella, I never heard from her after graduation. From what I heard, she ended up becoming a top lawyer at Jackmen, Carter & Kline law firm in San Fransisco. I don't know if she ever did tell her parents that she's a lesbian but from what I heard, she ended up marrying some woman named Belle Black. I don't know if that's true or not but if it is, Belle is one lucky woman. I never did find another woman quite like Jissella. No one could ever compare to her.
    I guess you could say that the lesson I learned was you can't have your cake and eat it too. I thought I could have both Jissella and Nichole and still be able to live off my parents. But as you can see, I didn't. I learned the hard way that nothing in life is given to you for free. You have to work for it. You can't just work the 1% of life and expect the other 99% to be handed over to you. You have to go the full 100% cause once you do, you'll find that it pays off, big time. I wish I understood that when I was younger. But maybe one day, in the near future, my life will begin to come together. Until that time, I'll just have to work my hardest to gain back what I once lost. A perfect life.

copyright by Justin Dennis, 2009
© Copyright 2010 Rafe-Enricay-Ramierez (raferamierez at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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